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A person that is bored a lot and spends most of their screen time on here…
Alanawsome • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Share One Of The Best Memories You’ve Had With A Friend
The best memory ever was when I had this huge crush on my best friend. Had a crush on him forever but always told myself I didn't. But then we were talking, and he said something of "what if you're the one?" as a joke because we were talking about him and his breakup with his now ex. But him saying that kept me awake all night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It made me realize just how much I like him. So then later I accidentally mentioned I had a crush on someone, which caused him to try to guess who my crush was...I gave him tiny hints but he did not get it. At one point he actually guessed himself but then laughed and said he was kidding. So all that made me think about him even more. Later I asked him if he really wanted to know. He said I didn't have to tell him who is was if I didn't want to. I said I kinda need to, so I told him. He was shocked. In 3 seconds, my mind was filled with thoughts. "What if this ends or friendship? What if it makes it super awkward" "Oh no, will he hate me now?" but.....he said the thing that surprised me most. That he likes me back. We talked about it, and now we are officially dating! I'm happy and he is the best guy ever. So much better then my ex. He is everything I thought my ex was and more.Hey Pandas, Share One Of The Best Memories You’ve Had With A Friend
The best memory ever was when I had this huge crush on my best friend. Had a crush on him forever but always told myself I didn't. But then we were talking, and he said something of "what if you're the one?" as a joke because we were talking about him and his breakup with his now ex. But him saying that kept me awake all night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It made me realize just how much I like him. So then later I accidentally mentioned I had a crush on someone, which caused him to try to guess who my crush was...I gave him tiny hints but he did not get it. At one point he actually guessed himself but then laughed and said he was kidding. So all that made me think about him even more. Later I asked him if he really wanted to know. He said I didn't have to tell him who is was if I didn't want to. I said I kinda need to, so I told him. He was shocked. In 3 seconds, my mind was filled with thoughts. "What if this ends or friendship? What if it makes it super awkward" "Oh no, will he hate me now?" but.....he said the thing that surprised me most. That he likes me back. We talked about it, and now we are officially dating! I'm happy and he is the best guy ever. So much better then my ex. He is everything I thought my ex was and more.Show All 12 Upvotes
Alanawsome • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Alanawsome • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Alanawsome • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Alanawsome • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Alanawsome • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Alanawsome • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Alanawsome • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Share One Of The Best Memories You’ve Had With A Friend
The best memory ever was when I had this huge crush on my best friend. Had a crush on him forever but always told myself I didn't. But then we were talking, and he said something of "what if you're the one?" as a joke because we were talking about him and his breakup with his now ex. But him saying that kept me awake all night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It made me realize just how much I like him. So then later I accidentally mentioned I had a crush on someone, which caused him to try to guess who my crush was...I gave him tiny hints but he did not get it. At one point he actually guessed himself but then laughed and said he was kidding. So all that made me think about him even more. Later I asked him if he really wanted to know. He said I didn't have to tell him who is was if I didn't want to. I said I kinda need to, so I told him. He was shocked. In 3 seconds, my mind was filled with thoughts. "What if this ends or friendship? What if it makes it super awkward" "Oh no, will he hate me now?" but.....he said the thing that surprised me most. That he likes me back. We talked about it, and now we are officially dating! I'm happy and he is the best guy ever. So much better then my ex. He is everything I thought my ex was and more.I Couldn't Just Throw Away These Teeth That Belonged To People That Had Passed, So I Made Art! It Includes 3 Of My Grandparents, A Friends Mom & Single Teeth Belonging To My Dad & Ex Husband...
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