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4 posts
103 points
Formerly Trillian!
Pronouns are they/them!
Jerks(meaning people who act self-assured and rude and etc), homophobes, racists, pro-lifers, etc, do not interact with me. If you are one of those, I do not want to see anything from you on my feed(is that what it’s called?)
AspenGalaxy • started following 3 people 2 years ago
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AspenGalaxy • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
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AspenGalaxy • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
AspenGalaxy • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
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AspenGalaxy • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I don't enjoy hanging out with my friends anymore, except for one person. I can't tell my parents that I'm pagan, or that I use neopronouns and want to change my name. I'm terrified of being a financial burden on my family.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I feel like the Democratic Party has been really crappy lately, but since the Republican Party decided to be fascist and everything, the Democratic Party is by far the one to vote for, and its wrongdoings are nothing in comparison, but still, the worse the Republicans get, the more the Democrats use it as an excuse for their crappiness, and voting Democrat kind of feels like voting in a one-party system since voting Republican was never even remotely an option.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I don't enjoy hanging out with my friends anymore, except for one person. I can't tell my parents that I'm pagan, or that I use neopronouns and want to change my name. I'm terrified of being a financial burden on my family.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I feel like the Democratic Party has been really crappy lately, but since the Republican Party decided to be fascist and everything, the Democratic Party is by far the one to vote for, and its wrongdoings are nothing in comparison, but still, the worse the Republicans get, the more the Democrats use it as an excuse for their crappiness, and voting Democrat kind of feels like voting in a one-party system since voting Republican was never even remotely an option.Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
Littering. I dont care how far from a bin you are, carry it till you reach one. It's not hard!Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
War, racism, bullying, hate, people who are homophobic, hurting animals, men thinking they are better than women...
Show All 12 Upvotes
AspenGalaxy • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
AspenGalaxy • submitted a new post 3 years ago
AspenGalaxy • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
AspenGalaxy • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
AspenGalaxy • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
AspenGalaxy • commented on a post 3 years ago
AspenGalaxy • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I feel like the Democratic Party has been really crappy lately, but since the Republican Party decided to be fascist and everything, the Democratic Party is by far the one to vote for, and its wrongdoings are nothing in comparison, but still, the worse the Republicans get, the more the Democrats use it as an excuse for their crappiness, and voting Democrat kind of feels like voting in a one-party system since voting Republican was never even remotely an option.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
I don't enjoy hanging out with my friends anymore, except for one person. I can't tell my parents that I'm pagan, or that I use neopronouns and want to change my name. I'm terrified of being a financial burden on my family.Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
Littering. I dont care how far from a bin you are, carry it till you reach one. It's not hard!Hey Pandas, What Makes You Really Angry?
War, racism, bullying, hate, people who are homophobic, hurting animals, men thinking they are better than women...
AspenGalaxy • 11 followers