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my art tiktok :)
Hey! I’m Astrid, a teen artist, writer, and contortionist. I’ve almost completely ditched this site, so I dunno how you got here, but hi anyways !)
artbyaerin • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Icy-Revolution1706 reply
Nurse here. If you're having a general anaesthetic for a routine operation, and worried about dying while under, please be aware there are about 7 different "levels" of stuff we can do to bring you back. So if the thing we normally do doesn't work, we've got plan B, then we've got plans C, D, E, F, G& H. ( and we rarely need to even go to Plan C, let alone the rest!) It's ridiculously rare for you to never wake up from a routine op, of course it happens occasionally, but for every case you've heard about it happening, there's THOUSANDS of identical operations where it didn't. I've been qualified 15 years and it's literally never happened anywhere I've worked.Icy-Revolution1706 reply
Nurse here. If you're having a general anaesthetic for a routine operation, and worried about dying while under, please be aware there are about 7 different "levels" of stuff we can do to bring you back. So if the thing we normally do doesn't work, we've got plan B, then we've got plans C, D, E, F, G& H. ( and we rarely need to even go to Plan C, let alone the rest!) It's ridiculously rare for you to never wake up from a routine op, of course it happens occasionally, but for every case you've heard about it happening, there's THOUSANDS of identical operations where it didn't. I've been qualified 15 years and it's literally never happened anywhere I've worked.Show All 3 Upvotes
artbyaerin • upvoted 29 items 3 years ago
My 30 Sad Fridge Quotes That I Started Making Because I Was Fascinated With How Our Brains Turn Misery Into Comedy
Hey Pandas, What Type Of Friend Are You?
The funny one who constantly makes bad puns and snide comments ;DHey Pandas, What Is Your Weirdest Hobby?
I’m a contortionist. Which means I can bend in REALLY weird shapes and freak everyone out ;D A fun party trick and unique hobby, y’know? XD Architecture, Social Issues
People On This Group Are Sharing Examples Of 'Urban Hell' That Look Like A Dystopian Movie But Are Sadly Real (40 Pics)
Show All 29 Upvotes
artbyaerin • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
artbyaerin • submitted a new post 3 years ago
artbyaerin • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
Show All 4 Comments
artbyaerin • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago
artbyaerin • submitted 4 new posts 4 years ago
artbyaerin • submitted 15 list additions 3 years ago
artbyaerin • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
artbyaerin • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
artbyaerin • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
Icy-Revolution1706 reply
Nurse here. If you're having a general anaesthetic for a routine operation, and worried about dying while under, please be aware there are about 7 different "levels" of stuff we can do to bring you back. So if the thing we normally do doesn't work, we've got plan B, then we've got plans C, D, E, F, G& H. ( and we rarely need to even go to Plan C, let alone the rest!) It's ridiculously rare for you to never wake up from a routine op, of course it happens occasionally, but for every case you've heard about it happening, there's THOUSANDS of identical operations where it didn't. I've been qualified 15 years and it's literally never happened anywhere I've worked. artbyaerin • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
My 30 Sad Fridge Quotes That I Started Making Because I Was Fascinated With How Our Brains Turn Misery Into Comedy
Hey Pandas, What Type Of Friend Are You?
The funny one who constantly makes bad puns and snide comments ;D Architecture, Social Issues
People On This Group Are Sharing Examples Of 'Urban Hell' That Look Like A Dystopian Movie But Are Sadly Real (40 Pics)
artbyaerin • 80 followers