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With a love for pots of coffee, crumble cookies, books, and music, this Sherlockian looks forward to living her life!That is far too less, isn't it?
So here are some things about me:
I am a 16-year-old Sherlockian and goes by the name of Violet. I love to read books and my greatest dream is to read all the literary classics. I also just love love to listen to music. I make 2-minute music jams that manifests my mood.
I have a lot of habits and stuff in my personality that I have to work on but I would love to listen to anybody who's having a difficult day/time/anything.I am always available if you are having tough times and need somebody to ask for opinions, rant to or just talk to. I have gone through rough patches in my life, so I will listen to you and be a good friend!!!
Have a nice day, amigo! <3