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Abigail Henry
Community Member
1 posts
38 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Abigail Henry • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Abigail Henry • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Show All 18 Comments
Abigail Henry • upvoted 14 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The ability to melt antivaxxers and misinformation spreaders with my laser eyes. And Mitch McConnell, too, for good measure.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
invisibility. getting into stores undetected? yes please!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The ability to protect a small group of people from COVID. My play almost got canceled because two of the cast got it. It was my first lead and I was soooo bummed.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
Regenerative Healing Factor of yourself, and/or others.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
Underwater breathing.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The power to choose my weight for the week.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
wish i could surround myself with a protective forcefield so people cant cough on me!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
To transform into an indestructible mosquito that can give people the vaccine with my stinger.Hey Pandas! What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The power to tell truth from BS.Show All 14 Upvotes
Abigail Henry • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Abigail Henry • upvoted 2 items 4 years ago
Abigail Henry • upvoted 4 items 5 years ago
Show All 4 Upvotes
Abigail Henry • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Abigail Henry • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Abigail Henry • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Abigail Henry • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
invisibility. getting into stores undetected? yes please!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
To transform into an indestructible mosquito that can give people the vaccine with my stinger.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
wish i could surround myself with a protective forcefield so people cant cough on me!Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The power to choose my weight for the week.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
Underwater breathing.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
Regenerative Healing Factor of yourself, and/or others.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The ability to protect a small group of people from COVID. My play almost got canceled because two of the cast got it. It was my first lead and I was soooo bummed.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The ability to melt antivaxxers and misinformation spreaders with my laser eyes. And Mitch McConnell, too, for good measure.Hey Pandas! What Do You Think Would Be The Most Useful Superpower During Covid?
The power to tell truth from BS.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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