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2 posts
527 points
I love to read book series like Harry Potter, the Unwanteds and the Hunger Games. I also enjoy writing stories and drawing. Cats are my very favorite animal, of course!
AbbiTabbi • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
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AbbiTabbi • upvoted 19 items 3 years ago
I knew a couple that had to break up because she was badly allergic to his elderly dog. They were both understanding of the situation and there’s was no animosity. They ended up getting back together after the dog had passed away and are now very happy.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Disgusting Food You Have Ever Eaten?
i lived the in arctic for a year. It is important, very important to remember in the arctic they don't have trees, so no wood to burn for fire. all the foods listed below are raw. RAW. I ate alot of things that were odd. beluga muktuk (meat) not good. raw scallops, very sweet. raw caribou sandwich, really good. dried seal intestine jerky: really really good! etc. the worst thing i ate was seal. it is red meat that is the greasiest thing ever and tastes like rotten fish. that is a big nope. and I had to leave a community feast when they rolled out the centre piece to the meal: a complete seal that had been buried in the permafrost for 6 months or so. it was green. and slimey. like legit slime strings on the knife as they were carving it up. I had to leave.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Disgusting Food You Have Ever Eaten?
once my family planted 4 zucchini and 4 squash plants without asking neighbor's advice......yup. It's a running joke around here that if you leave your car unlocked in a church parking lot, then it will be full of zucchini when you get back. we thought it was only a joke. Apologies to the Johnsons.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Broken Something Important?
My dad died earlier this year. Because of restrictions we couldn't immediately hold any kind of funeral. So we are making due with a memorial with his ashes in a wooden urn and his Angels - a set of three beautiful porcelain angels, each playing an instrument. These angels were bought in Paraguay when dad was on a mission in Brazil, and they were VERY VERY dear to him. He wouldn't let us move them from their shelf, not even to dust them. So for twenty years, they were in their places, playing their angelic music for him. Until he died, and then we decided to take them down from their perches and let them serenade him to the afterlife. Fast forward until last week, and my cat was playing around. He was on the table where the ashes were and he got a little too playful ... and I heard one of the angels clink violently. And I just about cried. One of the Angel's pair of wings had broken off. After all of those years, with my dad admiring and loving them and telling us not to mess with them, one of them had broken. Well. Nothing a little gorilla glue could fix, right? I waited until I was alone and glued the wings back on. Thankfully, no one will notice that for a few minutes, an Angel had lost her wings, but Dad must have gained his own.Show All 19 Upvotes
AbbiTabbi • submitted a new post 3 years ago
AbbiTabbi • submitted a new post 4 years ago
AbbiTabbi • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
AbbiTabbi • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
AbbiTabbi • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
I knew a couple that had to break up because she was badly allergic to his elderly dog. They were both understanding of the situation and there’s was no animosity. They ended up getting back together after the dog had passed away and are now very happy.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Disgusting Food You Have Ever Eaten?
once my family planted 4 zucchini and 4 squash plants without asking neighbor's advice......yup. It's a running joke around here that if you leave your car unlocked in a church parking lot, then it will be full of zucchini when you get back. we thought it was only a joke. Apologies to the Johnsons.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Disgusting Food You Have Ever Eaten?
i lived the in arctic for a year. It is important, very important to remember in the arctic they don't have trees, so no wood to burn for fire. all the foods listed below are raw. RAW. I ate alot of things that were odd. beluga muktuk (meat) not good. raw scallops, very sweet. raw caribou sandwich, really good. dried seal intestine jerky: really really good! etc. the worst thing i ate was seal. it is red meat that is the greasiest thing ever and tastes like rotten fish. that is a big nope. and I had to leave a community feast when they rolled out the centre piece to the meal: a complete seal that had been buried in the permafrost for 6 months or so. it was green. and slimey. like legit slime strings on the knife as they were carving it up. I had to leave. AbbiTabbi • is following a person
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