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Silly Dino
Community Member
I am only writing this so you don't see "this lazy panda forgot to write something about itself"
Hey Pandas, Give Us Some Hints To Guess A Random Fact About You
What book am I reading?
Hint #1: It is part of a four-book series
Hint#2: It is a movies
Hint #3: It is roughly 370 pages long
What song am I listening to right now?
Hint #1: It is roughly 4 minutes long
Hint #2: It involves two people singing
Hint #3: It came out fairly recently
What is my favorite movie?
Hint #1: It is based off of something that actually happened
Hint #2: It is roughly 2 hours long
Hint #3: It came out somewhere between 1990-2000
Hey Pandas, Give Us Some Hints To Guess A Random Fact About You
What book am I reading?
Hint #1: It is part of a four-book series
Hint#2: It is a movies
Hint #3: It is roughly 370 pages long
What song am I listening to right now?
Hint #1: It is roughly 4 minutes long
Hint #2: It involves two people singing
Hint #3: It came out fairly recently
What is my favorite movie?
Hint #1: It is based off of something that actually happened
Hint #2: It is roughly 2 hours long
Hint #3: It came out somewhere between 1990-2000
Hey Pandas, Give Us Some Hints To Guess A Random Fact About You
What book am I reading?
Hint #1: It is part of a four-book series
Hint#2: It is a movies
Hint #3: It is roughly 370 pages long
What song am I listening to right now?
Hint #1: It is roughly 4 minutes long
Hint #2: It involves two people singing
Hint #3: It came out fairly recently
What is my favorite movie?
Hint #1: It is based off of something that actually happened
Hint #2: It is roughly 2 hours long
Hint #3: It came out somewhere between 1990-2000