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Полина Гитлина
Community Member
Gitlina Polina was born in 1999 in Moscow. Since childhood, she has been fond of art, which later became her profession. She studied at the Moscow Institute named after V. I. Surikov in the workshop of N. V. Kolupaev.
Polina has lived and worked in Moscow. Because of her academic education, she works in the style of realism. She prefers oil painting on canvas, but also there are such materials as: tempera, watercolor, ink, graphite pencil.
At the moment, the artist pays more and more attention to the theme of the Caucasus:
"One day I heard the phrase: "Happiness is not far off, it's in the mountains." That's what I'm trying to show in my works."
Polina took part in many youth exhibitions in Moscow organized by unions of artists. Some works are kept in private collections, as well as are owned by some companies.