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Michael Afton
Community Member
2 posts
57 points
Honestly, I'm just a bored, gay cosplayer who is looking for stuff to keep me entertained-
Michael Afton • commented on 16 posts 3 years ago
Show All 16 Comments
Michael Afton • upvoted 18 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I have anxiety, depression and ptsd. I’ve been told, by my mother it’s all in my head, or it’s just a phase or to not “get addicted” to my medication. Or better yet, to calm down it will all get better eventually. It’s an invisible disability, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a real one.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I have anxiety, depression and ptsd. I’ve been told, by my mother it’s all in my head, or it’s just a phase or to not “get addicted” to my medication. Or better yet, to calm down it will all get better eventually. It’s an invisible disability, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a real one.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I spent my early teen years dealing with severe scoliosis, so I have a few pre-surgery and post-surgery. Pre: My sister used to get onto me for not standing straight in photos, (my spine was literally the shape of an S, I was as straight as I could get) and said I was ruining them all on purpose. My mom used to constantly joke that I was walking like I was pregnant, when in actuality I was resting my hand directly on my bottom curve. Post: I had a teacher who threatened to fail me for missing field trip assignments that took place during the middle of my three month recovery from spine surgery. I left the house a grand total of once the entire time, towards the end. To go see a movie on my birthday, and it nearly killed me. Not going to lie, I don’t even know how it all resolved. I freaked out so badly I cannot even remember what happened next, other than she was full of it and wasn’t allowed to fail me. I also had a gym teacher the next year who I don’t think believed I ever had surgery, despite my doctor's note, and the massive scar on my back, and every other girl in class who I changed out with vouching for me. She just thought I was lazy. Those were the extremes but I’ve had a few comments on my scar as well.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I deleted their message and muted them, but someone essentially told me that "I was being over-dramatic, I was offending people with depression because I self-diagnosed (I didn't?), I should get real help instead of begging for pity and attention, and I was causing people to kill themselves" all because of the mini depression meter I have on one of my bios.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
So, I'm 90-ish% sure I have ADHD and probably autism but, I'm a girl so who knows (Girls are better at masking, so it's harder to tell if they have autism). So, I have been working from home and haven't been doing very well (As you can tell rn, I'm supposed to be in math) And so my grades aren't great. I haven't had any bad experiences with that because most of the people my age in the area are fine with it... except for maybe my grandma, but shes too nice to say anything. The worst thing anyone has said was: "You can't be anxious" It was teacher that said this to me after I told them I was anxious because of a big test. I also heard from my friend she's homophobicA Few Weeks Ago I Adopted A Puppy (Right) And Today A New Dog Appeared In Front Of The Door And He Looks Like He Is The Same Dog From The Future And He Is Trying To Warn Himself About Something
Hey Pandas, Go On A Rant About Something Stupid
I really hate braces. I have them now and they just suck. They cut and dig into your mouth. And they space your teeth weird so it looks like those fake zombie teeth at party city.Hey Pandas, Go On A Rant About Something Stupid
Theres so much wrong about the human centipede. Like if theyre connected mouth to a**s, how are they supposed to take a dump? Are they like "Hehehe eat it biyatch". Also, wouldnt the 2 in behind day in about 3 days, since they cant eat or drink? The first one would be dragging 2 corpses connected to his a**s. Lastly, how are their movements so coordinated? Attach me mouth to a**s with someone and we will be flopping on the ground like a friggin magikarp.Show All 18 Upvotes
Michael Afton • started following 2 people 3 years ago
Michael Afton • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Michael Afton • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Michael Afton • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
Michael Afton • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Michael Afton • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I deleted their message and muted them, but someone essentially told me that "I was being over-dramatic, I was offending people with depression because I self-diagnosed (I didn't?), I should get real help instead of begging for pity and attention, and I was causing people to kill themselves" all because of the mini depression meter I have on one of my bios.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I spent my early teen years dealing with severe scoliosis, so I have a few pre-surgery and post-surgery. Pre: My sister used to get onto me for not standing straight in photos, (my spine was literally the shape of an S, I was as straight as I could get) and said I was ruining them all on purpose. My mom used to constantly joke that I was walking like I was pregnant, when in actuality I was resting my hand directly on my bottom curve. Post: I had a teacher who threatened to fail me for missing field trip assignments that took place during the middle of my three month recovery from spine surgery. I left the house a grand total of once the entire time, towards the end. To go see a movie on my birthday, and it nearly killed me. Not going to lie, I don’t even know how it all resolved. I freaked out so badly I cannot even remember what happened next, other than she was full of it and wasn’t allowed to fail me. I also had a gym teacher the next year who I don’t think believed I ever had surgery, despite my doctor's note, and the massive scar on my back, and every other girl in class who I changed out with vouching for me. She just thought I was lazy. Those were the extremes but I’ve had a few comments on my scar as well.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
So, I'm 90-ish% sure I have ADHD and probably autism but, I'm a girl so who knows (Girls are better at masking, so it's harder to tell if they have autism). So, I have been working from home and haven't been doing very well (As you can tell rn, I'm supposed to be in math) And so my grades aren't great. I haven't had any bad experiences with that because most of the people my age in the area are fine with it... except for maybe my grandma, but shes too nice to say anything. The worst thing anyone has said was: "You can't be anxious" It was teacher that said this to me after I told them I was anxious because of a big test. I also heard from my friend she's homophobicHey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
I have anxiety, depression and ptsd. I’ve been told, by my mother it’s all in my head, or it’s just a phase or to not “get addicted” to my medication. Or better yet, to calm down it will all get better eventually. It’s an invisible disability, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a real one.A Few Weeks Ago I Adopted A Puppy (Right) And Today A New Dog Appeared In Front Of The Door And He Looks Like He Is The Same Dog From The Future And He Is Trying To Warn Himself About Something
Michael Afton • is following 5 people
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