The misconceptions about countries around the world are as diverse as their culture.

A few weeks ago, Reddit user u/orionve posted a question to the platform, asking "What is a common myth about your country that is 100% false but many people still believe?"

The comments — of which there are nearly 40K — quickly proved that even though we live in the age of cheap flights and when information is more available than ever, people still have very wild and very wrong ideas about places across the globe.

Here are some of them.


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Romania. Many people believe we have vampires, but in my 700 years of living here, I haven't even seen one.

I asked my mates back in the castle and they also haven't seen any, and they've been around for longer than I.

zyppoboy Report

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers That the Irish are the biggest drunks in the world, completely false and mean as we're only the second biggest drinker in the world but we hope to get first place next year

LegendaryPQ , Elevate Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers People think British people are either stiff Upper lip public schoolboys or cockney brick layers/football hooligans. There's a whole world of people in between! Some of us don't even like football. One of my friends DOESNT EVEN DRINK TEA! Not sure why she's my friend to be honest.

farlos75 , Roberto Catarinicchia Report

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robert-thornburrow avatar
Robert T
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Then you need to "learn 'em to talk proper". There are even people who don't pronounce the 'r' in bath. And I'm one of the one's that doesn't drink tea.

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Australian here. Glad u asked. Everyone thinks it's as dangerous as f**k, that spiders, drop bears, snakes, feral cats and dogs will rip ya f**king heart out every time you step out the door. The truth is that unless you act like a halfwit, poke said snake/spider with ya finger then you'll be fine. Battle echidna, dervish spiders, saltwater crocodiles and drop bears don't live in suburbia; you need to go into the bush to even see a lizard which usually promptly f**ks off the moment a stone footed oompah loompa waddles past.

Cletus_Spooge_pants , Joey Csunyo Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers That Japan is incredibly efficient and futuristic. Major LOL. So futuristic here that I can’t even pay my bills online, and if I want to set up an auto paying bill I have to request a form by mail, fill it out, and then take it to the bank in person. Not to mention I have to send in all my monthly reports by fax.

Ryoukugan , Jezael Melgoza Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers We aren't all overweight people wearing Old Navy American flag t-shirts and khaki shorts. Only, like, 60% of us.

SkippyNordquist , Carles Rabada Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Scotland: We’re all ginger alcoholics who hate the English and run amongst the hills in our ‘skirts’ screaming “FREEDOM”

notyurfuxkingwoman Report

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anna-r-mchugh avatar
Anna McHugh
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OK I'm Scottish and I know that one of those three characteristics is true. Guess which?

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Oh so much, according to popular opinion I should be a weed smoking, clog wearing tulip farmer living in a windmill. Can you guess where I am from yet?

Jealous-Proof5505 , Lawrence Hookham Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Kenyans are all long-distance runners, live in huts, speak no English, and have pet wild animals. Ugh.

So here goes: The long-distance guys are mainly from one community/ tribe called the Kalenjin that's about 15% of the population. Next, Kenya is still a developing nation with a lot of poverty, but there's a lot of modern architecture. Next, the country is rated 18 out of 100 on the English Proficiency Index. And lastly: you can apply for a special (and rarely-granted) permit for your bobcat named Babou, but keeping wildlife is not at all common. And the Kenya Wildlife Service will conduct regular visits to ensure Babou isn't being kept in Meowschwitz-like conditions.

kwnet , wikipedia Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Not exactly myth but decent amount of ppl still think that Czechoslovakia still exists. We split apart in 1993... We are Czech Republic, not Czechoslovakia anymore.

foodwithnoob , Radek Kozák Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Nigeria. that everyone here is into scamming people

crzybrzy Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Woo. Singaporean here.

No, we're not part of China. We're not even in the same region. Yes, the population is 60% ethnically Chinese, but that doesn't make us part of China any more than it makes the USA part of Britain. As a matter of fact, there's a problem of racism against mainlander Chinese, since locals tend not to see them as "true" Singaporeans. This is exacerbated by the fact that lots of mainlander Chinese are pretty pro-China (human rights violations and all), while the local Chinese don't like China and the CCP very much. We're closer culturally to Taiwan.

It is not illegal to be naked inside your own home. You can be starkers while bathing or fucking if you like. You just cannot use "I am in my own home" as a defense against streaking or showing everyone your rude bits. 90% of the population live in government apartments and we don't need pervs flashing their dongs through their windows. Incidentally, this law came about because pervs were flashing their dongs through their windows. Singapore used to have a big flasher problem back in the 80s - times were weird.

It is not illegal to chew gum, only to import/sell it or bring it onto the trains. This is because dickheads used to literally gum up the train doors and make everyone late for work. The government put up with it for a few months and then said fuck it, no more gum for everyone, this is why we can't have nice things.

The government doesn't fine people for every little offence anymore. They used to, but enforcement has become lenient in the last two decades. Sadly, this means there's a ton of litter where the streets used to be pristine. Still, you might not want to litter or spit right in front of a police officer.

notsocoolnow , Joshua Ang Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers When I started dating my now wife (who is from Oklahoma), she informed me that her friends and family were convinced that Canadians didnt have ice or toilet paper. They wanted her to ask me about it apparently because they were confused by that. I had never laughed so hard. I mean.. its Canada.. we are ice 70% of the year basically.

SirensDeadlySong , Erik Mclean Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers People generally assume that when you're from Belgium, you are French-speaking.

While a big part of the country is Francophone, the majority population is Flemish (Dutch-speaking).

I blame this on mostly 3 factors:

People mainly visiting Brussels (which is bilingual, but has a Francophone majority)

Americans mostly having been stationed in the French speaking part in WWII

Hercule Poirot

Alexthegreatbelgian , Despina Galani Report

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laurencaswell4 avatar
Lauren Caswell
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I felt bad when I realised Tintin was Belgian, not French, I'd just assumed! Although upon reading Tintin Au Congo, even though yes it was written a while back, made me feel less fond of Tintin

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers All Germans have some secret knowledge of the Second / World War II they would love to share. I always found that interesting when I lived in London and esp English people 40+ would ask me of some first-hand experience of the War (keep in mind that not even my parents were born at that time) ?!?! Fact we know the same as you do from History classes etc.

slazer2k , Duncan Kidd Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers That we say "shrimp on the barbie", it was an ad campaign to appeal to Americans, it was the most successful tourism campaign still to this day, but literally no one in Australia says that

Fireo2sw , Vincent Keiman Report

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kasaalex avatar
kasa alex
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The first time I heard that was when I was in New York and some people wanted me to say it and I had no idea what they were talking about (I'm Aussie)

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No Italian aren't all short, black haired, fat, mobsters that wear wine-stained tank tops and coppolas. We are loud tho

MacCigo Report

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anna-r-mchugh avatar
Anna McHugh
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know MANY quiet Italians. Unless you get them talking about their one hobbyhorse. Then, my God...

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Germany: We don't have humor and live to work

Wichtel_Lotte , Андрей Добровольский Report


That Africa is a country.

ta_ref Report

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chi-weishen avatar
chi-wei shen
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's not a common myth but rather rare misinformation. People with a basic level of education don't think it's a country.

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers I live in South Africa.

Many people still believe we have wild animals roaming around and people living in huts etc

That does happen in certain parts of Africa but i live in the suburbs of Cape Town, we have better internet than some first world countries.

dat_boi_lit_fam Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers The myth is that everyone here is always drunk on vodka and people all ride bears, play on balalaikas and dance the kazachok and that we're either drunk or mad.

While there IS a problem with alcoholism, a lot of people don't drink, especially not vodka.

Funnily enough, bears do appear, but VERY rarely. And the people that ride bears or have them as pets? They're considered unusual by other Russians.

Balalaika is dead I know one person that plays it and thats it

We dance the kazachok only ironically at this point lol

We're not always mad. We're. Just people. With emotions :|

But, ushankas ARE great and warm, so people do wear them - not ALL of them though Also we're not all superpeople

helpmeimdanganronpa Report

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dariazotova avatar
Daria Z
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Another myth, probably inspired by Hollywood, is that it's always cold. We have normal hot summers same as in Europe.

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See Also on Bored Panda

"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Sweden is a socialist paradise.

It's neither socialist, nor a paradise (though it is a nice country to live in except for the weather).

avoere , lilzidesigns Report

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konstantin_2 avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I guess it can appear like a socialist paradise when comparing it to the US.

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers That Brazil is a huge tropical jungle in which people speak Spanish.

Brazil actually has several major cities and different environments. São Paulo for instance is a huge sprawling metropolis with as many inhabitants as New York and Los Angeles combined. In some southern areas of the country it actually snows.

And we were a Portuguese colony, so we speak Portuguese.

guiporto32 , Agustin Diaz Gargiulo Report

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florence-colomb avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And thanks to Bolsonaro soon there will be no tropical jungle anymore. :(

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers I'm American but I lived in Egypt for a while. It's incredible that more than one American who wasn't a child asked me if I lived in a pyramid..

BP_Oil_Chill , Jeremy Bishop Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers If someone says "isn't Ireland part of the UK tho" one more time...

miseroisin , Diogo Palhais Report

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leodomitrix avatar
Leo Domitrix
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OMG, wha tidiot calls the Republic of Ireland part of the UK? That's a brawl waiting to happen even in parts of the US!

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All of our country is just weed and red districts. Yes we have these things.. but the Netherlands has lots of culture!

Gingyfiz Report

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keith-johnson avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to go there almost every summer as a kid, we would stay with my mothers best friend in Amsterdam. Awesome place, very friendly, lots of cheese on the tourist tours. Also Efteling, loved that place.

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I feel like Russia is commonly hated especially lately (not that there are no reasons for that huh).

I have a strong feeling that people simultaneously think that Russia is a dangerous shithole and that we all here love and support Putin and his government. Both of those things are not true.

Well, some parts of Russia are poor and I myself have friends from different places who have only 10-15k roubles monthly to spend ($150-200).

At the same time, even though I am pretty privileged being born and raised in Moscow in an upper middle class family, have a flat that I don’t need to pay rent/loan for (my husband’s family got it for free during the USSR period); my very first job ever pays me enough money to spend on anything I want except for big purchases like a new iPhone or a car; I have a degree (not for free but for reasonable money ($2500 a year)); and last year our free healthcare literally saved my life (yeah I know, taxes, I pay them, nbd).

Small quality of life things we have: I haven’t used any cash in years, everything can be paid via Apple/Google/Samsung Pay, even in the smallest shops. Our delivery services are on point, I can order any groceries I want via an app and they will deliver them in 7-15 minutes. Moscow is covered in carsharing cars and, even though we don’t have our own car, we don’t need it because parking prices are high and carsharing cars are literally on every corner here.

palemoth Report

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jmchoto avatar
Jo Choto
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think what struck me most about Russia is that it was like watching a video from the '80s. It seemed like the fashions and hair and styles and images were all really dated. Also, I felt really sorry for people in the high rise blocks of flats that are now experiencing 90+ degree temperatures every single summer, but there are no air conditioners.

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"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers Iceland was not named as part of some conspiracy to keep folks away from a good thing. The name comes from the fact that early settlers arrived during summer and then suffered horrible losses of livestock and people once winter hit and icebergs were seen filling the fjords. It was more of a warning than anything, that this place sucked. Greenland on the other hand was probably named as such to make it sound more hospitable

MorrisonsLament , Nicolas J Leclercq Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers I’ve never seen a mime in Paris

simon_0404 , Fatih Kılıç Report


"What Is A Common Myth About Your Country That Is 100% False But Many People Still Believe?": 30 People Share Their Answers That we are all are tech scammers and like eating cow dung

guess which country

Dissapointment45 , SomeOrdinaryGamers Report

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nika_dzvonikova avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whatever I write now will sound prejudicial, but my guess is India?

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Note: this post originally had 65 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.