Dogs Love Bacon is a weekly webcomic that follows the lives of two rescue dogs: a Pomeranian and a Cojack (Corgi-Jack Russell mix), and their human servant.
It was started in 2020, and my main goal was to make people smile while reading it. (Two belong to the artist, and two belong to her brother; all four are considered to be a pack!)
That being said, see more of our comics on Bored Panda!
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I've been asked whether or not I have any upcoming series besides "Dogs Love Bacon." Unfortunately, not at the moment. My full-time job keeps me busy enough to where I have to focus most of my free time on Dogs Love Bacon (as well as the care/love of the dogs that inspire the comic!). I am just working on growing DLB and doing the best that I can with it!
When reading my comics, I just want people to smile, or feel some familiarity if they also have or had dogs. Dogs are fantastic, amazing creatures that bring joy into the world and make our lives more meaningful and bright, and I wanted to share that in comic form. It would also be nice if I could create a discussion of some dog-related topics that will help all of us do better with our own pets. When I realized that Tribble had lost most of her hearing, several readers offered advice on how to better handle her situation, which I have always appreciated.
take your shoes off, walk, if you do the Mc Hammer dance within 5 sec, it's to hot
The best comment that I have gotten since I started Dogs Love Bacon is when I got brave and posted my first group of comics on Bored Panda, hoping to get feedback for improvement. I live far away from my parents, and did not tell them that I had started another comic project, so one morning my mom blew up my phone because my dad was browsing Bored Panda, found the comics, and realized that the dogs and human in question were a bit too familiar to be a coincidence. (Bonus points to them since I started DLB with a new comic style, so it did not resemble any of my previous comic works).
The different colored eyes, what's that for? Does the artist have two different colored eyes, or is that just the style?
I would like to have an excuse to draw a strip or two in a more feminine Korean manhwa style with super clean and flowing lineart. I also want to do another comic strip in Hirohiko Araki's Jojo's Bizarre Adventure style. It is just fun to draw the comic in a completely different style while trying to do justice to what is being parodied. Shoujo Princess Tazibel is probably also due for another appearance.
With all of that being said, I like to call myself so well-rounded that I am pointless. Obviously, drawing is my most time-consuming hobby at the moment. However, I love sculpting and working with casting resins. I cook, read history books, care for an ever-growing group of plants, exercise, and hike. I also enjoy traveling, and want to try my hand at urban sketching, video editing, and animation...adding to my list of time-consuming hobbies that keep me reaching for cartoonish amounts of caffeine.
I have an emotional support dog! I'm fine, but she needs a lot of emotional support.
I've also been asked if I have any advice for those of you who might want to start making comics as well. I say, just jump in and do it! Getting your work out there will be a crash course on improvement because you will quickly start to see what works and what does not work. For example, the very first DLB strips were black and white, then I decided that color would pop better, which led to my style changing rapidly to better suit the direction that I wanted the comic to go in. I spent the better part of 2020 developing the black and white designs, which were pretty slow-moving, but once I started posting the strips online and I started taking a harder look at my own work, the aesthetics improved relatively quickly. Of course, the constant schedule also helps, since it pushes one to draw more consistently to make updates, which also aids improvement.
Plain rice, is perfect for dogs/people with upset tummies. It's easy to digest and it absorbs excess stomach acid.
True. When my nephew's greyhound came to visit, she would go straight into the garden and leave a deposit
Picture this: I wake up to find my living room looking like a Jackson Pollock fever dream. My dog apparently took abstract art to a whole new level overnight. So, I call in late to work, grab my cleaning gear, and embark on the messiest mission of my life. After a thorough scrub-a-dub session, I turn to my furry Picasso for answers. Off to the vet we go, where even the experts are scratching their heads. The verdict? My dog's creativity knows no bounds. She managed to give herself a makeover in what I can only describe as a "shitification" catastrophe. Who knew poop could double as a fashion statement?
My border collie fell for that exactly once. He now refuses to move until he hears the thing hit the ground, or visibly sees it fly through the air. He’s really intelligent, but also incredibly dumb.