This undersea treasure is almost hidden to the world because not too many people have the access to visiting the this watery kingdom. A living art gallery which is free to all visitors. The only requirements are fins, snorkel and mask but for those who wish to see even more SCUBA is a must. The tranquil ambience and mix of cold and warm currents create a relaxation that brings total peace to even the most worried mind. Mixed in the cluster of stag horn and elk horn are schooling fish that dance to the strobe lights of the sun. This place of Eden is pure love that gives and ask for noting but your love and care.

More info:


    Seahorse II

    Close up of golden seahorse.

    Batik silk paint of a seahorse

    Parrotfish & Fire coral


    Parrotfish resting in the protection of fire coral.

    Stoplight Parrotfish

    Stoplight parrotfish swimming in front of brain coral.

    Queen Parrotfish

    Queen parrotfish looking for a breakfast of coral.

    Caribbean Sea


    Hawksbill swimming free in the Caribbean sea in a school of feeding blue tang.

    Red Coral Grouper


    Close up of a red coney fish.

    Nassau Grouper

    Close up of a Nassau grouper fish.

    Sapphire-Eyed Puffer

    Close up a smiling puffer fish/

    Nassau Grouper & Staghorn coral

    Nassau Grouper in shallow clear seas with staghorn coral.


    Tiger grouper in a colourful coral jungle.



    Batik silk painting demonstration.