This 80-Year-Old Street Beggar Is A Local Celebrity And A True Style Icon
I would like to introduce you to one very fashionable lady. Rosie is a homeless person with extravagant street fashion sense and carefree attitude. She is the spirit of the city, who browse the streets day by day for more than 30 years now, bringing a special atmosphere to public spaces. She is well over 80 years of age. A lady never reveals her true age, though. Some would say she is just a beggar, some would not pay attention at all, and some would love her as a style icon. She asks for money on her own, a bit flirtatious, manner, and every time in a new dress, that she gets from a charity. I just see her as an artist and a true fashion icon.
Her lined face lights up when I stop to speak to her. When I asked her if I could take a picture, she smiled at me and said for sure if I donate some money. I did give her some change, and she started to pose in the manner of a famous person. After a few pictures, she asked me if she could see it and asked to take a few more. What a diva :)
She lives on the meager sum she earns by begging. When asked whether she gets enough to eat every day, she tells us, “I eat when I get enough money. When I don’t get enough, I go without food.”
We’re trying to raise money to help her with whatever we can. Anything helps. Let’s all pitch in and help make life a little easier and brighter for Rosie. Please help spread the word about her and her life story!
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Share on FacebookWhat a lovely woman. I remember her when visiting Vilnius. We ask guide about Rosie. And she told as that nobody know the true life story of this woman. No one know her true age, live story, where she lives, is she homeless or have home of her own. But its so charming for me. She is mysterious and shrouded in myths and gossips. But all that doesn't change the fact that she is a beggar and this money raising is very good idea. If she would lived in NY she would be Advanced style icon for sure. People taking photos with her and after that just forgetting about her. If she is beggar for 40-50 years, thats is really fantastic. Hope to see that video with her true story told by her.
Ne 30 metu, o jau visus 50 Rozyte slifuoja Gedimino prospekta. Sutikdavau ja, budama 1-me kurse, o man dabar jau - 66
Aš mačiau ją ne kartą po Vilnių vaikštančią. Ji vengia žmonių, nes daug yra nukentėjusi nuo praeivių. Tačiau neseniai skaičiau straipsnį apie jos gyvenimą. Pasirodo, ji jaunystėje buvo žymi aktorė. Tragiškai mirus jos mylimajam, tapo nesukalbama, keista ir užsidariusi. O jaunystėje ji tikra gražuolė. Dabar daugiau kaip vintažinis modelis gatvėje.
So, Egle, tell us a bit more about yourself. I went back to the gofundme page to see if you had added some more information on this. The only new fact I see is that she is from Vilnius, Lithuania, but you still haven't told us anything about yourself. On gofundme you say that you will personally give the donation to her and post a video. I will be a lot more willing to help "Rosie" if you would provide more information. How does the public know that "Rosie" is actually a homeless person? Can you confirm that? And who are you?
Why doesn't the article state where this is taken place? I had to use Google translate to gain some insight on this. Some of the comments below suggest that this lady is not homeless. In any case, each photo shows this lady wearing a different wig, hat and clothes. If this photoshoot was staged it should be stated for the reader's information. I clicked the gofundme link and found that this exact article has been pasted there. If you want readers to help her cause the least you could do is provide accurate information.
Whoever is giving negative votes to the people who leave comments asking for more info is doing a disservice. If "Rosie" really is a homeless lady, the more accurate info is provided, the more likely is she to get donations.
Load More Replies...A private photo of Roze from late 1960ies photo-583c...38d459.png
There is way more to her story... She is a formal actress of National Drama Theatre in Vilnius, who back in late 1960ies went heavily overboard with heroin and alcohol addiction. She is not homeless, she lives in old town of Vilnius. Her husband, as well an actor, overdosed in the 1970ies, she wasn´t leaving her flat for some years after. In the 1980ies she was the girlfriend of the biggest drug dealer in Vilnius called "The Lord" and was dealing herself. She was never charged for most of the drug offenses, partly because communist government was denying the existence of such crime. Now all this criminal history passed its legal expiration date anyway. In the 1980ies many of young people who were found in the streets dead after an overdose - were found with a rose on their chest. Urban legend says that these were her customers and Rose was the one putting flowers to pay her respects.
Nesusilaikiau nepakomentavusi dėl Rožytės nuostabios praeities: aš irgi buvau užkibusi ant šito kabliuko. Tai projekte „Miesto legendos“ buvo atspausdinta. (Projektas “Miesto Legenda” gimė į visumą sujungus 3 komponentus: vakarietiškąją herojų kultūrą, žurnalistiką ir senąją Vilniaus miesto legendą. Mūsų tikslas – išpopuliarinti naują, Lietuvoje dar neišplėtotą publicistikos žanrą – žurnalistinį komiksą. Šio žanro esmė – fikciją jungti su realiais įvykiais...) R realios Rožytės realus gyvenimas taip ir liks nepažintas niekada...
Ar man taip tik atrodo ar tikrai nėra raštiškos nuorodos į lokaciją?
Load More Replies...She is homeless. Sometimes she staying at brothers home near Kaisiadoriai. But she have no home of her own.
Load More Replies...Jokia aktore ji nebuvo niekada! tikras vardas Vida, o ne Roze, pavardes nebepamenu, istekejusi irgi niekada nebuvo.... namus ji turi, na bent pries 10 metu ,kada paskutini kart bendravom , tai tikrai turejo :), nors visi galvojo, kad bename.
What a lovely woman. I remember her when visiting Vilnius. We ask guide about Rosie. And she told as that nobody know the true life story of this woman. No one know her true age, live story, where she lives, is she homeless or have home of her own. But its so charming for me. She is mysterious and shrouded in myths and gossips. But all that doesn't change the fact that she is a beggar and this money raising is very good idea. If she would lived in NY she would be Advanced style icon for sure. People taking photos with her and after that just forgetting about her. If she is beggar for 40-50 years, thats is really fantastic. Hope to see that video with her true story told by her.
Ne 30 metu, o jau visus 50 Rozyte slifuoja Gedimino prospekta. Sutikdavau ja, budama 1-me kurse, o man dabar jau - 66
Aš mačiau ją ne kartą po Vilnių vaikštančią. Ji vengia žmonių, nes daug yra nukentėjusi nuo praeivių. Tačiau neseniai skaičiau straipsnį apie jos gyvenimą. Pasirodo, ji jaunystėje buvo žymi aktorė. Tragiškai mirus jos mylimajam, tapo nesukalbama, keista ir užsidariusi. O jaunystėje ji tikra gražuolė. Dabar daugiau kaip vintažinis modelis gatvėje.
So, Egle, tell us a bit more about yourself. I went back to the gofundme page to see if you had added some more information on this. The only new fact I see is that she is from Vilnius, Lithuania, but you still haven't told us anything about yourself. On gofundme you say that you will personally give the donation to her and post a video. I will be a lot more willing to help "Rosie" if you would provide more information. How does the public know that "Rosie" is actually a homeless person? Can you confirm that? And who are you?
Why doesn't the article state where this is taken place? I had to use Google translate to gain some insight on this. Some of the comments below suggest that this lady is not homeless. In any case, each photo shows this lady wearing a different wig, hat and clothes. If this photoshoot was staged it should be stated for the reader's information. I clicked the gofundme link and found that this exact article has been pasted there. If you want readers to help her cause the least you could do is provide accurate information.
Whoever is giving negative votes to the people who leave comments asking for more info is doing a disservice. If "Rosie" really is a homeless lady, the more accurate info is provided, the more likely is she to get donations.
Load More Replies...A private photo of Roze from late 1960ies photo-583c...38d459.png
There is way more to her story... She is a formal actress of National Drama Theatre in Vilnius, who back in late 1960ies went heavily overboard with heroin and alcohol addiction. She is not homeless, she lives in old town of Vilnius. Her husband, as well an actor, overdosed in the 1970ies, she wasn´t leaving her flat for some years after. In the 1980ies she was the girlfriend of the biggest drug dealer in Vilnius called "The Lord" and was dealing herself. She was never charged for most of the drug offenses, partly because communist government was denying the existence of such crime. Now all this criminal history passed its legal expiration date anyway. In the 1980ies many of young people who were found in the streets dead after an overdose - were found with a rose on their chest. Urban legend says that these were her customers and Rose was the one putting flowers to pay her respects.
Nesusilaikiau nepakomentavusi dėl Rožytės nuostabios praeities: aš irgi buvau užkibusi ant šito kabliuko. Tai projekte „Miesto legendos“ buvo atspausdinta. (Projektas “Miesto Legenda” gimė į visumą sujungus 3 komponentus: vakarietiškąją herojų kultūrą, žurnalistiką ir senąją Vilniaus miesto legendą. Mūsų tikslas – išpopuliarinti naują, Lietuvoje dar neišplėtotą publicistikos žanrą – žurnalistinį komiksą. Šio žanro esmė – fikciją jungti su realiais įvykiais...) R realios Rožytės realus gyvenimas taip ir liks nepažintas niekada...
Ar man taip tik atrodo ar tikrai nėra raštiškos nuorodos į lokaciją?
Load More Replies...She is homeless. Sometimes she staying at brothers home near Kaisiadoriai. But she have no home of her own.
Load More Replies...Jokia aktore ji nebuvo niekada! tikras vardas Vida, o ne Roze, pavardes nebepamenu, istekejusi irgi niekada nebuvo.... namus ji turi, na bent pries 10 metu ,kada paskutini kart bendravom , tai tikrai turejo :), nors visi galvojo, kad bename.