Meet Joshua Dansby, a talented artist renowned for his hyper-realistic pencil drawings. Not only does he create breathtaking masterpieces, but he also shares his creative process on YouTube. Today, we're excited to showcase some of his best works with you, Pandas!
Joshua uses tools like pencils and pastel pencils to achieve a dreamlike look that blurs the line between fantasy and reality. It can take him anywhere between 5 to over 40 hours to finish just one design. Joshua has drawn portraits, landscapes, and other detailed artworks of feathers and crystals. In some of his works, he incorporates surreal elements—for example, in 'Rose Rabbit,' he blends roses and grass into the image of a rabbit.
Scroll down to see what else Joshua has modified and more of the fantasy creatures he has invented.
More info: Instagram |
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Joshua Dansby's hyper-realistic pencil art is like a burst of magic on paper! Each piece is so lifelike, it feels like the subjects could jump right off the page. Absolutely mesmerizing!
Joshua Dansby's hyper-realistic pencil art is like a burst of magic on paper! Each piece is so lifelike, it feels like the subjects could jump right off the page. Absolutely mesmerizing!