We all have our core values and dating really highlights them. For example, your Tinder match takes you to the cemetery for a wine tasting and suddenly you realize that alcohol doesn’t play an important role in your life. One woman, however, needed a few “signs” to come to the conclusion that her boyfriend wasn’t ideal for her. You know, because it’s his fault that she’s not satisfied with receiving a $30 Valentine’s gift. Or the fact that his family only has two properties. Probably looking for someone to relate to, she anonymously posted her thoughts to “Confessions from UC Berkeley.” Unfortunately for her, instead of support people sympathized with her boyfriend, not her. In fact, they felt so sorry for him, they wanted to her to break up with him.


    Image credits: shutterstock / GaudiLab (not the actual photo)

    Sadly, money is one of the major reasons people break up. According to a study by LearnVest, nearly one in four (24 percent) of Americans have split with a partner because of financial issues. It appears that the weight of debt and lack of safety are particularly problematic, with the study stating that the top financial expectations people had for their significant others were to pay down debt (51 percent) and build up savings (44 percent).

    Moreover, a study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, pointed out that people in higher social classes have a lesser tendency toward “wise reasoning” than those in lower ranks. Igor Grossmann, the co-author of the research and an associate professor of psychology at the University of Waterloo, defined wise reasoning as something “more about how to manage knowledge and how to figure out a solution.” He told NBC News BETTER that it includes open-mindedness, intellectual humility, flexibility, and empathy, saying that “it’s a collection of strategies that help you deal with uncertain situations in contrast to situations that are well-defined.”

    Across two in-depth studies (one of which assessed participants’ views on a Dear Abby letter), Grossman and his team came to the conclusion that those who belong to the upper-class are “associated with a lower propensity of reasoning wisely in interpersonal situations.” To put it in other words, rich people are less likely than poorer people to exhibit flexibility, empathy and all the other traits that make up wise reason when it comes to having a relationship.

    People were really sorry for the guy she was dating