I was born in Toyama, a city in central Japan. The prefecture has 3000-meter-high mountains, which we call the Tateyama Mountain Ranges. Since an ancient period, we have believed in divine spirits that live in the mountains. Therefore, sometimes we call them “Great Wall” because the region merely has serious damages from natural disasters such as typhoon. Of course, there is no scientific evidence. But it’s true that the wall is something that we can rely on.

I know there are hundreds of cities which have mountains, but I believe a combination of Toyama and Tateyama is the most beautiful. Especially, the scenery with Mount Tsurugi, one of the most dangerous climbable mountains in Japan, is so powerful that I can’t stop myself clicking a shutter.

Waking up early – I hate this. But I have an incentive to achieve the hardest work: early in the morning, we can see the mountain ridges clearly. I have been living in Toyama for 20 years. Even now Tateyama doesn’t stop attracting me.

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    Mount Tsurugi