A magical land stretching along the Ligurian Riviera, in Italy. Five small towns grown like from the rock itself, squeezed in between and on top of the rocky, rugged coastal cliffs. As going from North to South, Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore are revealing their splendour as flowers opening their petals under the gentle caressing of the morning sun. The small, colourful, tightly packed houses arranged mostly along one single main street meandering through the cliffs and welcoming you into their romantic and warm embrace. The breathtaking coastline, the five picturesque villages, and the surrounding towering hills are all part of the Cinque Terre National Park and the UNESCO World Heritage. Cinque Terre is a place that inspires you to leave your car far away, pack your backpack with some water and food, take comfortable shoes and go exploring the villages and the hills in between them. While your body will get a nice workout and your eyes will enjoy the rocky, wild view of the coastline, the peacefulness of the forest, the terraces of olives groves and vineyards will make your mind rest and disconnect from all your daily problems. And at to conclude a glorious day, give yourself the pleasure of tasting the local specialities of fine food and drink: from freshly caught fish, garnished with local lemons and the genovese pesto to wines from the vineyards you’ve just crossed during the day and gelato made from local honey.

Although we all know that Italy is a wonderland, Cinque Terre National Park will not cease to surprise you and enchant you with its unique beauty and treasures, a place to visit at least once in a life time.

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    Magical light, Manarola

    Golden reflection, Manarola

    Last rays of sun embracing Manarola


    Crispy smarald-turquoise waves, Manarola


    Manarola peacefully falling asleep


    A sea of stars, Manarola


    Panoramic perspective over Vernazza

    A warm sunset light embracing colourful Vernazza

    Sunset over Vernazza

    Vernazza by night

    The guardian of the stairs, Vernazza


    Panoramic view over the small but picturesque town of Corniglia


    Gourmands’ corner, Corniglia

    Corniglia from a hiking trail

    Riomaggiore in the twilight

    Lonely boat, lonely fisherwoman, Riomaggiore

    Street art, Riomaggiore



    Smoky hills, Monterosso al Mare

    Hiking from Levanto to Monterosso al Mare

    On the diagonal, Riomaggiore

    Glittering waves, Manarola

    Melancholy, Monterosso al Mare

    Hiking trail between Corniglia and Manarola