According to a common definition, chivalry is “the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.”
The word is usually associated with the medieval institution of knighthood when knights’ and gentlewomen’s behaviors were governed by chivalrous social codes.” Today, however, we understand chivalry as a courtesy and gentleness to women.
Little acts do wonders: from waiting for a woman to sit before a man does, to help her with a coat to let her go through a door first. Having said that it’s subject to debate whether chivalry is still relevant today in a world where we put gender equality before other things.
So while you think about where you stand in this discussion (and share your thoughts below!) scroll down for Bored Panda’s list of pics showing chivalrous men in action.
This post may include affiliate links.
A Couple Of Months Ago, An Elderly Lady Asked Me To Walk Her Home Because She Was Scared She Was Going To Slip On The Ice. Now I Walk Her Home Almost Every Day
The Good Son
Props To That Guy
Chivalry refers to the medieval knights' code of honor that references a range of male behaviors. According to Texas A&M literary historian Jennifer Wollock, in the middle ages, European literature featured knights and kings as protectors of women.
For example, In Geoffrey of Monmouth’s “History of the Kings of Britain” of 1138, King Arthur kills the rapist giant of Mont-Saint-Michel. A few decades later, the French poet Chrétien de Troyes portrays Sir Lancelot casting aside reputation, glory and treasured warhorses to save the kidnapped Queen Guinevere. Wollock argues that “such popular tales of chivalry pressured aristocrats to adopt the chivalric code – to some extent.”
An Invoice From A Fantastic Gentleman Named James Anderson From The UK, After Fixing An Elderly Lady’s Boiler
6-Year-Old Boy Protected His Little Sister From Dog Attack. He Stated, "If Anyone Has To Die, It's Me. I'm The Big Brother"
On My Flight Back To Georgia I Saw A Man Who Offered To Help This Woman Because She Was Pregnant And Alone On The Flight And Her Son Was Upset And Fussy
He did not complain, he just told her that he was a DAD, and wanted to help her so she could rest. This MAN walked the aisle for most of the flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta comforting this woman's son as if he was his own... I was in tears... Not because he was white and she was black... But because it showed me today that there are still GOOD people out there in a world full of turmoil. Big UPS to this DAD and all the DADS out there... You are the real MVPS!
In the 14th and 15th centuries, English writers like Geoffrey Chaucer and Sir Thomas Malory depicted the court of King Arthur as a bastion of justice for women, well beyond the norms of that day, Wollock argues. As knights intervened to protect civilians, western chivalry became a force of its own kind.
In today’s world, however, our society is very much in dispute over the value of chivalry. It’s because chivalry demands that maltreatment of women be crushed, whereas feminism calls for equal rights between women and men, by which logic, both feminism and chivalry mean the same thing: respect.
However, some people are not truly comfortable with chivalrous gestures as they believe that it’s not the same as respect. Skeptics see chivalry at odds with feminism, and argue it’s no longer relevant.
Both A Kind Gesture And A Flex. Best Of Both Worlds
Very Kind Professor
He's A Keeper
In modern Western cultures, chivalry can be seen in men offering a range of special courtesies to women. This includes paying on dates, carrying heavy objects, pulling out chairs, opening doors, and allowing women to go first, even when the man was there first.
Beatrice Alba, a lecturer at Deakin University, argues that despite being generally seen as polite and even romantic, these acts of chivalry – where men are excessively courteous to women simply because they are women – have a dark side.
“Psychologists refer to the paternalistic attitudes underlying these behaviors as benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism involves the belief that men should cherish and protect women, and ‘put them on a pedestal.’ This is because women are viewed as being more morally pure, weaker, and in need of protection,” Alba explained.
After A Woman Was Taken To The Hospital With Hypoglycemia, Two Policemen Stayed To Prepare Dinner For The Five Kids Who Were Still In The House And Did The Dishes
This Kind Bus Driver Stopped His Bus, Which Was Full Of Passengers, To Comfort A Bullied Girl He Saw Crying On The Side Of The Road
This Lovely Gentleman Came In Today To Learn How To Curl His Wife’s Hair. His Wife Is Unable To Curl Her Own Hair And Often Burns Herself
So he stepped up to the plate and learned how to curl her hair. We had the pleasure of teaching him! We taught him how to do volume curls on short hair, how to protect her skin from being burned and we even taught him to put on her mascara.
It’s also important to note that research has found people higher on these attitudes also tend to be higher on hostile sexism, Alba argues. “Hostile sexism involves overtly negative and suspicious views of women – this is what people generally think about when they think of sexism.”
Benevolent sexism reinforces traditional gender roles about how women and men should relate to one another, and chivalrous acts may be understood as a manifestation of them. “It’s the same old problem that who we are or what we want should be predetermined by our sex rather than our own preferences and personalities,” Alba explained.
This Amazing Gentleman, Every Valentine's Day, Brings All The Widows From The Nursing, Retirement Home And Treats Them To Lunch, Gifts, And A Rose For Each
When Being A Gentleman Is On Automatic Mode
Dude looks like actor Alexandre Ludwig. He’s about the same size too.
This Would Be A Man That Loves Going To Work And Does Not Dread It The Night Before
Upon entering the Magic Kingdom, one of the security guards said to the girl "Excuse me, princess, can I have your autograph". I could see that the book was filled with children's scribbles as the guard asked the same question of many little Princesses. The little girl could not get over the fact that the guard thought she was a real princess".
Both benevolent and hostile sexism are intertwined with systematic sexism, which, when put in this context, makes chivalry extremely problematic. Bored Panda reached out to Nicole Froio, a feminist writer who researches masculinity, sexual violence and the media.
Froio explained that systematic sexism is a term that refers to a “system of discrimination that targets women specifically for being women. So, for example, if a woman isn't promoted because her boss is afraid she will get pregnant and take time off, that's sexism.”
A Lot Of People Got To Hear John Williams Conduct A Program Of His Music On Wednesday Night. One Who Didn't Was A Security Guard. So Seth Low Gave Her An Mini-Concert
He's A Keeper
Lithuanian Police Tradition To Pull Over Every Female Driver On International Women’s Day And Give Them Flowers
And while there's been a lot of work done towards building a world with better equality in terms of gender and minorities, Froio argues that there will be a long way to go as long as we keep doing things the same exact way.
“If we all committed to a better, more equitable world, this wouldn't be an issue, but it's difficult to do that. So yes, there's a long, long way to go,” she added.
When thinking of a more equitable world where equal rights are among the most valuable aspects of a strong and well-developed society, it’s interesting to think how chivalrous acts may (or may not) intervene with it. The answers may not be straightforward ones, and yet it’s the act of discussing these issues that matters.
So Sweet
Not to mention so many photos get taken when someone first holds a baby. That lad has his head screwed on.
She May Be In The Hospital, But He Made Sure They Celebrated 57 Years Together
I Got A Flat & Although My BF Was On The Phone Trying To Help, I Was Struggling To Loosen The Lug Nuts. Then These Guys Came Up
They spoke limited English but gestured toward the tire. They put my spare on & I was back on the road in no time. I thanked them & tried to offer them $ to no avail.
Been there done that lol, got to work late and covered in black sut from the brake pads, again not só much chivalry more like respecting and helping others.
Lowe's Ran Out Of Generators, And A Complete Stranger Gave His Generator To A Woman Whose Father Is Living On Oxygen. People Helping People. I Love My State
This Punk Helping A Woman Carry Heavy Stuff In Berlins Subway
This Man Offered To Hold Woman's Baby While She Filled Out Paperwork At The Doctor's Office
NFL Player Pushes Woman In A Wheelchair Through The Airport When No Staff Showed Up To Help Her
Good Samaritan Carries Elderly Woman Struggling To Use Stairs
Y'all I have to brag about my husband big time tonight! He made me soo proud. As we were sitting in our seats waiting for the rodeo to start I noticed an elderly lady (pictured below) her grown daughter and 2 young granddaughters trying to come down the stairs. The elderly lady was having a rough time. I pointed them out to my husband and said they may need help. Not only did he help get her to her seat, but she did not have the strength to come back up the stairs. So, he carried her!
The Woman Pushing The Car Is Blind. The Man Right Next To Her Repeats Every Single Thing He Sees - What’s On Sale, The Brands And Styles
I heard her say while choosing bath towels “ Please get me two white ones, I love the color white”... let us cherish the small gift that is eyesight!
This Little Lady Has Been Asking Her Husband To Push Her Around So She Can Catch Pokémon While They Wait To Board Their Flight
He keeps checking in and cheering her on to see if they got one. Find someone who loves you like this.
A Young Man Sheltering An Old Lady From Hail While Crossing The Road. Tbilisi, Georgia
My Girlfriend Lost Her Purse With Her Passport And A Lot Of Money In It. This Dude Found It, Contacted Her, And Got It Back To Her With Everything Still In It
I once lost my wallet, someone picked it up and searched inside for some way to contact me. He ended up phoning my aunt, who is listed as next of kin on my organ donor card. I got my wallet back with everything still inside.
Every Day For One Week, Lifeguards Would Meet Ms. Dottie And Her Family To Help Assist Her Down To Her Beach Chairs. At The Days End, They Escort Her Back To The Condo
I Got A Flat Tire In An Unfamiliar Area, These Men Stopped And Offered To Help. They Ended Up Doing All The Work And Wouldn’t Accept Money When I Offered
Bonus: my lil man in the car keeping me safe from strangers.
A Train Driver Helping A Passenger
Chivalry Still Exists
Saudi Police Officers Handing Out Roses To Women Drivers (Today Is The First Day They Can Drive Legally)
Young Man Comes In Alone, Sees The Older Lady Eating By Herself, Asks To Join Her. Instant Friends. This Is What Is Right In The World
I could imagine all the stories she has to tell. We can learn so much from our elders! Man my grandma can be annoying, but I love all of her fun kindergarten teaching stories, or stories from her childhood.
Real Chivalry
One driving test route in my city go almost entirely through a quiet residental area. The residents there have a very good tradition of stopping for any cars with the driving test sign on display.
Just Landed NYC. People Across Aisle Didn't Know Each Other. She Was Flying For First Time And Was Terrified. He Talked Her Through It And Held Her Hand. Just People Being People
My Neighbor Knows I'm At Home With A 2-Year-Old While My Husband Is At Work. He Kindly Removed Snow, Cleared Our Walkways, And Salted The Driveway
An Elderly Woman’s Door Was Ripped Off Its Hinges In An Attempted Break In. Constable Boswell Put His Tradie Skills To Work And Repaired Her Broken Door
My Great-Uncle Visits His Wife Every Day Because She's In An Assisted Living Facility As She Has Alzheimer's. He Can't Go In Right Now For Safety Reasons
The Firefighters That Helped Deliver Our Baby In Our Driveway Last Week Just Dropped Off Flowers
This Dude That Gave His Girl His Shoes Cause Her Feet Hurt Just Set The Bar Way Too High
Dude Saw A Little Old Lady Was Having Trouble Bagging Some Stuff So He Stopped And Held Her Bag Open For Her
Small act but man did it make my day... And yes I absolutely took a pic of 2 complete strangers.
You can see this every time you go to the store, just so nice and what a real effect it has on others.
This Gate Agent Offered To Help An Exhausted Mother Travelling Alone Calm Down Her Crying Infant
Isn't That Just Love?
Wholesome Hair Husband
Jack Purchased Seats In The Upper-Class Cabin For A Flight Home. When He Got Onboard, Jack Found Violet In The Economy Class And Swapped Seats With Her
This Guy Kept His Hand In This Position For More Than 45 Minutes So His Daughter Could Sleep Well
On My Flight Today We Hit Some Really Bad Turbulence Over The Atlantic. Pilot Comes On & Says, "Flight Attendants Please Take Your Jump Seats"
These are lovely stories, but to me, it's not chivalry, it's people being kind to others.
I remove the snow and or ice from my partners car, clear the windows and get it demisted and warmed up for when they head to work in the early hours. But I do think there are loads of us out there that do the same thing because we worry about them and also care. Those little gesture etc may not seem much but without them we are poorer as a society, the littlest of things can make the biggest of differences.
When Texas has the bad ice and snow I had tried to get to my mailbox (apts) which is literally on my wall outside but the farthest out from my door, but ended up slipping but not falling. I have hip dysplasia and a fall like that could end me up having to have surgery. I happened to be looking out my front door and my sweet neighbor Ruben was looking out too. I mentioned about the fact I was not getting out even for mail because of nearly falling. The next morning I hear a bunch of scraping. He had found a shovel and scraped all the ice and snow off our porch area and the sidewalk and to our cars. Couldn't ask for a better neighbor
These stories are absolutely lovely and heartwarming! However...with all the gross, horrid men in the world...I'd honestly be scared to accept these sort of acts of kindness. I know that it's weird to say (how can you be scared of niceness?) but...for ones especially like holding the baby or holding my hand, it is a bit risky. What if they're only being nice to get something? What if they attack me? I know it's not ALL men...but yeah. I'm very glad that these boys all grew up to be good men.
Those "guys" who calls themselves alfa, beta, gama or whatever, this is what big penis energy is. Watch and learn how to behave/act.
I once was at a taffy place on my b-day and I was wearing something that said birthday kid and the person selling it to us gave us extra taffy for free!
The only thing I can remember, is a few years ago during worship in church, I just started sobbing. My mom who was right next to me- didn't notice for some time. But the man across the aisle reached over and handed me a small pack of tissues. Never got to thank him, it was loud and I was too busy crying, but I still remember it. I also got baptized later that day!! A surprise to me even, I hadn't planned it, just suddenly knew I had too
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, most of the actions portrayed in the article is sweet. However the concept of chivalry is heteronormative sh*te. It sets a bad precedent to have so men are the helpers and women are to be the helped. There is a reason men don’t talk about their struggles, and “take like a man (protector)”, or when people get shocked when women seek male-dominated things (fishing, automobiles, the S.T.E.M field), and then treat them weirdly and look at them like they have three heads because they have stepped out of the acceptable realm of womanhood, especially if they don’t like dress up or don’t want kids. And it is seen as a bad trait for women to have self-worth, they supposed to be pretty and soft-spoken. And this heteronormative concept is not good for the LGBTQ community. You say stuff like chivalry isn’t dead, but you don’t take a closer look at what you’re saying, would you agree that chivalry was strong in the 1950’s? You would probably say yes, and that is
a romanticized view of the 1950’s, but you don’t want to do that, segregation was still a thing, women couldn’t get a bank account without approval from a man, and gay rights was hardly a thing, and you’re telling me you want to romanticize this. Chivalry is a cr*ppy thing that should be put in a trash bin, you are mistaking chivalry for being polite. I would argue that sexism is in no way polite, and nice things can be done for the wrong reason. With the sweet gestures in the article they are nice when they are done in regards to kindness, but when they are done specifically because of gender, it lessens the kind gesture, and makes it heteronormative shite, chivalry dirties the waters of kindness, disguising sexist drivel and the dehumanization of women and setting the precedent of women as needing helped as default as kindness, and I find that concerning. We humans need to look out for each other, no matter what’s between are legs. The article would’ve been a thousand times better
Load More Replies...if it was a collection of people helping people out, and not just men helping women out. But the unfortunate reality of society is that women aren’t seen as people, because when they don’t want to be baby incubators, they are given c**p and treated as a failure. With that in mind, my favorite thing on the list was the car keys with the sticks. That helper could’ve been a women, that helper could’ve been non-binary, and the helper didn’t see who they were helping. So you can know for sure that this was done out of kindness and not because of gender, humans helping other humans out. As someone who is women-aligned (I’m non-binary, relevant to the discussion I’m AFAB, so society sees me as a women completely), I want to help out people, too. Why should being a helper be seen as a men’s role, I want to help, too. I want to help, because I’m a human. Can I be chivalrous, too? Nope. Can I be polite? Yes. What is the point of chivalry then, if only men can do it, to only women?
That’s problematic, what is the purpose, to uphold the patriarchy. Chivalry isn’t politeness, many people perceive me as a women, they’re not wrong, even though I wear men’s clothes. Let’s say I’m walking in the rain, and some guy who is a stranger to me walks into my personal space and puts an umbrella over my head. I would personally be creeped out, my coat is warm, I am in no way frail, I am not shivering, I don’t appreciate that violation of personal space to put an umbrella over my head because you perceive me as a women. No thank you, and I have every right to reject your, uh, running up to me for some reason and putting an umbrella over me, oh, you’re doing this because you have a crush on me, sorry, I’m gay, thanks, please, move on, find a girl that will love you, I’m not that girl. This is just a weird tangent that went to my head, it has never happened, and I hope it doesn’t, it’s just, an offering of a different perspective. In fact, that’s a good social experiment,
on a rainy day, put an umbrella over strangers heads and see their reactions, I wonder what would happen? Anyway end tangent. Chivalry needs to go in the trash, helping women out solely because they’re women and therefore you view as the class of people that needs to helped is kinda s****y. What you want is kindness, and politeness, it has no gender and is for everyone. The fascist are interested in the appeal to traditionalism, and chivalry fits the ideal of traditionalism, let it go, as a queer person, I am on the train tracks, and the nazis, white supremacist, and evangelicals are driving the trolley. If you are an alley, you will pull the lever to redirect the trolley and destroy their ideology, if you don’t, the trolley will run over me and marginalized groups, and the romanticization of chivalry( a heteronormative role of men being the helpers, and women being the helped) will destroy me, and everybody like me, and everybody who is marginalized,
and then for everybody that is left, the women will be baby incubators and have to stay home and won’t be allowed to have careers or hobbies outside of looking pretty, and the men will have all the work on their shoulders and not be allowed to show their negative emotions other than anger, this is a future you don’t want. I am not against people helping people out, but when you make it all about gender and how the man has to help the women, it soils it, it’s gross. You have walked into a complex issue. Next time, let’s have a article about people helping each other, and not it be just men helping women, which should be done for reasons outside of gender, not because of gender, otherwise, that’s sexism, and maybe it’s not the malicious sexism, but the benevolent kind, which is still bad. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, if you want a good video on benevolent sexism here: This is just something to be aware of,
I am using my freedom of speech to speak my perspective, chivalry isn’t as sweet as you think, it has a bad side, like making women baby incubators, that why there the helped class, heteronormative sh*te hurts us all. If you need any clarification on anything let me know, peace, also you matter, no matter who you are.
When I was pregnant, I was doing a lot of laundry at the laundromat. It was a terribly snowy day, so the owner looked at my inadequate cart, asked where I lived, and dropped it off for me. One year when I was scrambling to buy a tree just before Christmas, and the owner of the tree lot had to leave to plow roads. He saw I couldn't load a tree alone, so I was giving up on getting one. He asked where I live, and the next day just dropped one off. I caught him before he left and gave him a dozen eggs from our chickens and he was delighted, said his wife would love them. If you slow down, you can notice (and give to others) many such stories. (And they don't all turn on telling random strangers where I live) where I live...)
Last year, during the really bad winter storm here in Texas, my elderly neighbor cleared the sidewalks of multiple people with just a dustpan. After my car accident last year, a lady brought me a bottle of water. My mom crochets blankets for people and doesn't ask for payment. She just likes making the blankets.
Thoughtful, caring, compassionate... these notions come to mind when I see these acts of kindness .
indeed, blunt lies and satanic propaganda have the same effect on me.
This whole article made me ugly cry! I cant even blame the onion ninjas. It's so nice to see things like this when most of my hope for humanity has gone down the drain. All the comments about people being kind "for the likes" just needs to stfu. If it wasn't for this kindness being documented, my hope in the human race would be even less. It's nice to see people being kind, be that in person or via photo
Sometimes a sweet gesture goes a long way. Recently I bought a very small travelling iron for my niece who wished for one, but it was secondhand and without manuals. I couldnt' figure out how to use it, and searched on the internet for manuals. There were none that I could find, but a woman had one for sale (also second hand) so I wrote and asked if she had a manual, and would she send me a copi. She did, and when I asked how I could pay her, she answered. You owe me nothing, Merry Christmas. I feel warm inside every time, I think about her kindness.
I can just feel my heart easing and smiling as I see these pictures. Just kindness, that's all and that's plenty. Humans can be sh** and humans can be wonderful
In late October of 2019, I went to my doctors office to get my annual flu shot. This year was a bit different because all the people getting the shot were lined up in the hallway with only 2 or 3 chairs available to sit on. I have difficulty walking and use a cane to help support me. There were a couple of instances where I received some wonderful help. The first was a lady who was sitting on one of the chairs that was close to the back of the line. I had only been standing for a couple of minutes and she got up and offered me that chair. I thanked her for that kind help. As the line progressed, I stood up and joined the queue where I was initially standing. I was in the lineup about half way, with about 9 or 10 people ahead of me, when everyone in front of me offered to let me go next for my shot. I asked them all if that was ok, and they all agreed. My doctor was very impressed with all the kindness, and right after the “jab”, I thanked everyone for their thoughtful consideration.
Just so everyone knows before you all downvote me. I didn't delete this comment because others thought it was offensive... I just deleted it because it gave away too much personal stuff that I think I should not share.
sniffling by #20, straight up crying by #30. Too sweet for me to cope with today dangit
When I was 19 my car got a flat on a tollway between Dallas and Ft.Worth. The side of the road was small and as I tried to lift my car on a Jack it would shake every time a truck zoomed by. I was truly frightened even though I knew well how to change a tire. A man stopped with his wife in the car and changed my tire for me. He turned out to be a pastor. Very thankful he stopped. Another time I was in DC and got lost trying to find my hotel. The highways were not labeled like where I came from and it was confusing. I stopped at a gas station and asked a man passing buy for help. It was right before google maps were a thing. I am sure I sounded funny in my full southern twang. I showed him my paper map and several other fellas came over. All about my dad's age. Between us we figured it out. I was just blocks from where I needed to be. Appreciated their kind help.
I like the line from the Luke Bryan Soong: Most People Are Good: if you just go by the nightly news, your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you'd lose. I help manage a food program that provides groceries and meals to anyone in need. We are a small community, but despite surface appearances, there is a lot of need around here. Any time I find myself slipping into negativity I head to work and as our volunteers show up to work long hours, I remember - YES most people are good! We all hear the horror stories on the nightly news and sometimes forget that amid all that noise many good people are making our world a better place in many small ways that matter big time.
ok i'm only 23 in and i had to come and hide in the comments for a minute... tears... tears just streaming down the side of my face lol
What a wonderful selection of kind and chivalrous actions. Great to see such a positive thread.
Yes, yes, and more yes! Please keep these stories coming!
indeed, the humans are good. It's the Universe's fault that it doesn't want to donate its soul quietly and politely.
You sound like Chthulu. Nice try, dark lord, nice try. Not donating my soul today
Load More Replies...on the contrary, hoomans see themselves at the receiving end; hchthuhlhuh is earth's autobiography.
These are lovely stories, but to me, it's not chivalry, it's people being kind to others.
I remove the snow and or ice from my partners car, clear the windows and get it demisted and warmed up for when they head to work in the early hours. But I do think there are loads of us out there that do the same thing because we worry about them and also care. Those little gesture etc may not seem much but without them we are poorer as a society, the littlest of things can make the biggest of differences.
When Texas has the bad ice and snow I had tried to get to my mailbox (apts) which is literally on my wall outside but the farthest out from my door, but ended up slipping but not falling. I have hip dysplasia and a fall like that could end me up having to have surgery. I happened to be looking out my front door and my sweet neighbor Ruben was looking out too. I mentioned about the fact I was not getting out even for mail because of nearly falling. The next morning I hear a bunch of scraping. He had found a shovel and scraped all the ice and snow off our porch area and the sidewalk and to our cars. Couldn't ask for a better neighbor
These stories are absolutely lovely and heartwarming! However...with all the gross, horrid men in the world...I'd honestly be scared to accept these sort of acts of kindness. I know that it's weird to say (how can you be scared of niceness?) but...for ones especially like holding the baby or holding my hand, it is a bit risky. What if they're only being nice to get something? What if they attack me? I know it's not ALL men...but yeah. I'm very glad that these boys all grew up to be good men.
Those "guys" who calls themselves alfa, beta, gama or whatever, this is what big penis energy is. Watch and learn how to behave/act.
I once was at a taffy place on my b-day and I was wearing something that said birthday kid and the person selling it to us gave us extra taffy for free!
The only thing I can remember, is a few years ago during worship in church, I just started sobbing. My mom who was right next to me- didn't notice for some time. But the man across the aisle reached over and handed me a small pack of tissues. Never got to thank him, it was loud and I was too busy crying, but I still remember it. I also got baptized later that day!! A surprise to me even, I hadn't planned it, just suddenly knew I had too
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, most of the actions portrayed in the article is sweet. However the concept of chivalry is heteronormative sh*te. It sets a bad precedent to have so men are the helpers and women are to be the helped. There is a reason men don’t talk about their struggles, and “take like a man (protector)”, or when people get shocked when women seek male-dominated things (fishing, automobiles, the S.T.E.M field), and then treat them weirdly and look at them like they have three heads because they have stepped out of the acceptable realm of womanhood, especially if they don’t like dress up or don’t want kids. And it is seen as a bad trait for women to have self-worth, they supposed to be pretty and soft-spoken. And this heteronormative concept is not good for the LGBTQ community. You say stuff like chivalry isn’t dead, but you don’t take a closer look at what you’re saying, would you agree that chivalry was strong in the 1950’s? You would probably say yes, and that is
a romanticized view of the 1950’s, but you don’t want to do that, segregation was still a thing, women couldn’t get a bank account without approval from a man, and gay rights was hardly a thing, and you’re telling me you want to romanticize this. Chivalry is a cr*ppy thing that should be put in a trash bin, you are mistaking chivalry for being polite. I would argue that sexism is in no way polite, and nice things can be done for the wrong reason. With the sweet gestures in the article they are nice when they are done in regards to kindness, but when they are done specifically because of gender, it lessens the kind gesture, and makes it heteronormative shite, chivalry dirties the waters of kindness, disguising sexist drivel and the dehumanization of women and setting the precedent of women as needing helped as default as kindness, and I find that concerning. We humans need to look out for each other, no matter what’s between are legs. The article would’ve been a thousand times better
Load More Replies...if it was a collection of people helping people out, and not just men helping women out. But the unfortunate reality of society is that women aren’t seen as people, because when they don’t want to be baby incubators, they are given c**p and treated as a failure. With that in mind, my favorite thing on the list was the car keys with the sticks. That helper could’ve been a women, that helper could’ve been non-binary, and the helper didn’t see who they were helping. So you can know for sure that this was done out of kindness and not because of gender, humans helping other humans out. As someone who is women-aligned (I’m non-binary, relevant to the discussion I’m AFAB, so society sees me as a women completely), I want to help out people, too. Why should being a helper be seen as a men’s role, I want to help, too. I want to help, because I’m a human. Can I be chivalrous, too? Nope. Can I be polite? Yes. What is the point of chivalry then, if only men can do it, to only women?
That’s problematic, what is the purpose, to uphold the patriarchy. Chivalry isn’t politeness, many people perceive me as a women, they’re not wrong, even though I wear men’s clothes. Let’s say I’m walking in the rain, and some guy who is a stranger to me walks into my personal space and puts an umbrella over my head. I would personally be creeped out, my coat is warm, I am in no way frail, I am not shivering, I don’t appreciate that violation of personal space to put an umbrella over my head because you perceive me as a women. No thank you, and I have every right to reject your, uh, running up to me for some reason and putting an umbrella over me, oh, you’re doing this because you have a crush on me, sorry, I’m gay, thanks, please, move on, find a girl that will love you, I’m not that girl. This is just a weird tangent that went to my head, it has never happened, and I hope it doesn’t, it’s just, an offering of a different perspective. In fact, that’s a good social experiment,
on a rainy day, put an umbrella over strangers heads and see their reactions, I wonder what would happen? Anyway end tangent. Chivalry needs to go in the trash, helping women out solely because they’re women and therefore you view as the class of people that needs to helped is kinda s****y. What you want is kindness, and politeness, it has no gender and is for everyone. The fascist are interested in the appeal to traditionalism, and chivalry fits the ideal of traditionalism, let it go, as a queer person, I am on the train tracks, and the nazis, white supremacist, and evangelicals are driving the trolley. If you are an alley, you will pull the lever to redirect the trolley and destroy their ideology, if you don’t, the trolley will run over me and marginalized groups, and the romanticization of chivalry( a heteronormative role of men being the helpers, and women being the helped) will destroy me, and everybody like me, and everybody who is marginalized,
and then for everybody that is left, the women will be baby incubators and have to stay home and won’t be allowed to have careers or hobbies outside of looking pretty, and the men will have all the work on their shoulders and not be allowed to show their negative emotions other than anger, this is a future you don’t want. I am not against people helping people out, but when you make it all about gender and how the man has to help the women, it soils it, it’s gross. You have walked into a complex issue. Next time, let’s have a article about people helping each other, and not it be just men helping women, which should be done for reasons outside of gender, not because of gender, otherwise, that’s sexism, and maybe it’s not the malicious sexism, but the benevolent kind, which is still bad. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, if you want a good video on benevolent sexism here: This is just something to be aware of,
I am using my freedom of speech to speak my perspective, chivalry isn’t as sweet as you think, it has a bad side, like making women baby incubators, that why there the helped class, heteronormative sh*te hurts us all. If you need any clarification on anything let me know, peace, also you matter, no matter who you are.
When I was pregnant, I was doing a lot of laundry at the laundromat. It was a terribly snowy day, so the owner looked at my inadequate cart, asked where I lived, and dropped it off for me. One year when I was scrambling to buy a tree just before Christmas, and the owner of the tree lot had to leave to plow roads. He saw I couldn't load a tree alone, so I was giving up on getting one. He asked where I live, and the next day just dropped one off. I caught him before he left and gave him a dozen eggs from our chickens and he was delighted, said his wife would love them. If you slow down, you can notice (and give to others) many such stories. (And they don't all turn on telling random strangers where I live) where I live...)
Last year, during the really bad winter storm here in Texas, my elderly neighbor cleared the sidewalks of multiple people with just a dustpan. After my car accident last year, a lady brought me a bottle of water. My mom crochets blankets for people and doesn't ask for payment. She just likes making the blankets.
Thoughtful, caring, compassionate... these notions come to mind when I see these acts of kindness .
indeed, blunt lies and satanic propaganda have the same effect on me.
This whole article made me ugly cry! I cant even blame the onion ninjas. It's so nice to see things like this when most of my hope for humanity has gone down the drain. All the comments about people being kind "for the likes" just needs to stfu. If it wasn't for this kindness being documented, my hope in the human race would be even less. It's nice to see people being kind, be that in person or via photo
Sometimes a sweet gesture goes a long way. Recently I bought a very small travelling iron for my niece who wished for one, but it was secondhand and without manuals. I couldnt' figure out how to use it, and searched on the internet for manuals. There were none that I could find, but a woman had one for sale (also second hand) so I wrote and asked if she had a manual, and would she send me a copi. She did, and when I asked how I could pay her, she answered. You owe me nothing, Merry Christmas. I feel warm inside every time, I think about her kindness.
I can just feel my heart easing and smiling as I see these pictures. Just kindness, that's all and that's plenty. Humans can be sh** and humans can be wonderful
In late October of 2019, I went to my doctors office to get my annual flu shot. This year was a bit different because all the people getting the shot were lined up in the hallway with only 2 or 3 chairs available to sit on. I have difficulty walking and use a cane to help support me. There were a couple of instances where I received some wonderful help. The first was a lady who was sitting on one of the chairs that was close to the back of the line. I had only been standing for a couple of minutes and she got up and offered me that chair. I thanked her for that kind help. As the line progressed, I stood up and joined the queue where I was initially standing. I was in the lineup about half way, with about 9 or 10 people ahead of me, when everyone in front of me offered to let me go next for my shot. I asked them all if that was ok, and they all agreed. My doctor was very impressed with all the kindness, and right after the “jab”, I thanked everyone for their thoughtful consideration.
Just so everyone knows before you all downvote me. I didn't delete this comment because others thought it was offensive... I just deleted it because it gave away too much personal stuff that I think I should not share.
sniffling by #20, straight up crying by #30. Too sweet for me to cope with today dangit
When I was 19 my car got a flat on a tollway between Dallas and Ft.Worth. The side of the road was small and as I tried to lift my car on a Jack it would shake every time a truck zoomed by. I was truly frightened even though I knew well how to change a tire. A man stopped with his wife in the car and changed my tire for me. He turned out to be a pastor. Very thankful he stopped. Another time I was in DC and got lost trying to find my hotel. The highways were not labeled like where I came from and it was confusing. I stopped at a gas station and asked a man passing buy for help. It was right before google maps were a thing. I am sure I sounded funny in my full southern twang. I showed him my paper map and several other fellas came over. All about my dad's age. Between us we figured it out. I was just blocks from where I needed to be. Appreciated their kind help.
I like the line from the Luke Bryan Soong: Most People Are Good: if you just go by the nightly news, your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you'd lose. I help manage a food program that provides groceries and meals to anyone in need. We are a small community, but despite surface appearances, there is a lot of need around here. Any time I find myself slipping into negativity I head to work and as our volunteers show up to work long hours, I remember - YES most people are good! We all hear the horror stories on the nightly news and sometimes forget that amid all that noise many good people are making our world a better place in many small ways that matter big time.
ok i'm only 23 in and i had to come and hide in the comments for a minute... tears... tears just streaming down the side of my face lol
What a wonderful selection of kind and chivalrous actions. Great to see such a positive thread.
Yes, yes, and more yes! Please keep these stories coming!
indeed, the humans are good. It's the Universe's fault that it doesn't want to donate its soul quietly and politely.
You sound like Chthulu. Nice try, dark lord, nice try. Not donating my soul today
Load More Replies...on the contrary, hoomans see themselves at the receiving end; hchthuhlhuh is earth's autobiography.