Just when you thought that cute cats couldn't get even more adorable, we present you these cats in hats made from their own hair!
While neither hats nor cats are something new, the combo of it is just so hilariously adorable and weird at the same time that we just couldn't keep it to ourselves. The mastermind behind this crafting with cat hair idea is a Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki and his three Scottish fold cats 8-year-old Nyaa (tabby), 6-year-old Mar (white), & a 1-year-old Wheat (brown tiger). Cat shedding is a big nuisance for some, but Ryo found the perfect way to use his cat's fur and have some fun with it. So not only has he made the classic style hats for cats but also a wig-like thing, uncannily resembling Mr. President's coiffure.
Scroll down to check the genius idea of where to dispose of the hairs left after a thorough cat grooming; a bonus thing is that these funny cats look so damn serious wearing their hats, which makes it all the more hilarious.
More info: Instagram
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Trio Of Cats With Felted Hats
Cats In Hats Made From Their Own Hair
A Cat-Ear Hat Made From Cat's Hair And Worn By A Cat
Cone Hats From Cat Hair
Adorable Looking Cat In A Hat
A Felted Wizard Cloud-Hat And Its Proud Owner
Matchy Outfit
Adorable Cats In Cone Hats
Triple Hat, Triple Fun
Everybody Likes A Cat Hair Hat
Posing With A Hat
Cats In Hats Made From Their Own Hair
Granny Hair Hat
The white one's name is "Maru", not "Mar". Somehow "Maru" seems to be a very common name for Japanese cats and dogs on the internet. And the brown one's actual name is "Mugi", which means "wheat" or "barley" in Japanese. This photo on instagram shows their name. https://www.instagram.com/p/BM5JHQhDzMU/?taken-by=rojiman
The white one's name is "Maru", not "Mar". Somehow "Maru" seems to be a very common name for Japanese cats and dogs on the internet. And the brown one's actual name is "Mugi", which means "wheat" or "barley" in Japanese. This photo on instagram shows their name. https://www.instagram.com/p/BM5JHQhDzMU/?taken-by=rojiman