41 People Share Some Of The Cutest Pictures Of Cats Embracing Their Loaf Identity
Cats, the most incredible entertainers that have ever existed, are constantly gifting us humans with their glorious presence. And since they kinda like to hang out, humans decided to give a name to their favorite lounging pose—loafing. The reason being that a cat with its paws tucked beneath its body is easily mistaken for none other than a loaf of bread. The pose has also been called ‘Sphynx,’ but it’s clearly not as accurate as ‘loaf.’ One of the most common reasons for cats ‘loafing’ is their body thermoregulation, but the most important one is that it's a perfect cute photo opportunity for their owners.
Reddit has a whole community dedicated to photos of loaves of cats, r/catloaf, and it has a strong community of 552k members. Below are the loafiest cats picked by us, so vote for your favorite ones!
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My Precious Mini Loaf
Cat Baguette
My Girlfriend Is Working From Home, So She Made A Fake Lap To Keep Bob From Distracting Her
Her Last Loaf Before Passing Away ❤️
It's so sad our little beloved live short lives, compared to us. But you were a good human and another kitty is waiting for you.
you called her a she- but then he/she- h u h
Load More Replies...It was hard to up vote this one it felt wrong for some reason, after I did I changed my mind but you can’t cancel it out. I am so sorry for lose😢😢.
It's ok. It's like the last honor given (i don't know this sentence in english, it's said this way in german)
Load More Replies...😭 Don’t you just hate it when you have so many sweaters made out of tears that you have to sell them?
AWW, please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of your dear sweet girl kitty 😭😿
Losing an old cat is so difficult. Our daughter was 5 when she got our Pepper. She was there when he was put down at 17 ½. One of the best cats ever. He lived in Cincinnati, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bonn, Germany, Coutances, France and Antwerp, Belgium. He loved to travel, but was always car sick.
~ You can tell she was having a hard time saying good-bye... may heaven's angels comfort her now ~
Don't Forget To Pack Your Loaves
Giant Panther Loaf
The Loaf Blepped
"A Black Hole Warping Space-Time Right On Top Of A Duvet"
A Little Hand Loaf
Angle Specific Catloaf
Please Enjoy This Double Catloaf, Otherwise Known As Shuri And Yoshi
Mickey, My 16 Year Old Kitty, In His Final Loaf Ever At The Vet
Do Cinnamon Rolls Count?
One-Eyed Wonder In Her Favourite Pose
So Cold He’s Retracted His Limbs Inside His Sweater
Small Catloaf
I Literally Screeched "Cat Loaf!" And Ran To Get My Phone To Capture Her First Little Loaf
My Loaf Sniffed Me Back
did I boop a picture? yes. do I regret the stares I'm getting? no.
Just Got Broken Up With. This Loaf Wont Stop Purring And Won’t Stray Further Than 5 Feet Away From Me
We’ve Got Ourselves An Old-Fashioned Loaf-Off
My New Baby Cat Loaf. Got Him Today
I Can Loaf Here!
Our Four Week Old Foster Kitten, Taco, Already Knows How To Loaf Like A Pro
I Was So Excited To Find This Sub. This Is Meatloaf, A Cat Who Is Living Up To His Name
My Cat Had One Baby Yesterday And This Was It’s Very First Loaf
This Is How Loaves Are Made
Alpine Loaf
Little Cat Loaf
Going Through Great Lengths To Ignore Me Loaf
My Two Loaves Waiting For Me This Morning
Loafing On His Designated Chair
10,000 Hours Of Loafing Makes You An Expert They Say
A Tiny Loaf
Sad Loaf. College Aged Son Went Back To School Today. She's Waiting By The Door For Him To Come Back
Mini Loaf
Can I Play Too?
Absolute Unit
Just My Loafing Laundry Helper, Seconds Before He Loses His Balance
My Roommate's Girlfriend Sometimes Let's Her Cat Stay Over Our Place
There’s A Loaf In My Fridge! He Climbs In Every Time I Start To Cook, And I Let Him Hang Out There Because It’s Hot And He’s Always Wearing That Thick Furry Coat
Moose Is An Experienced Loafer
When my husband refers to our cat, formerly Johnny, now Johnny Cammareri, as a loaf, he always means a meatloaf. A loaf of bread never occurred to him.
I may name my next overlady/overlord "Beer". Since cats are liquid and loaf and beer is liquid bread.
When my husband refers to our cat, formerly Johnny, now Johnny Cammareri, as a loaf, he always means a meatloaf. A loaf of bread never occurred to him.
I may name my next overlady/overlord "Beer". Since cats are liquid and loaf and beer is liquid bread.