Tired Of Getting Catcalled, This Woman Started Taking Selfies With The Catcallers, And The Results Are Pretty Disturbing
There's nothing that makes a woman's skin crawl quite like getting catcalled on the street. 20-year-old Amsterdam-based student Noa Jansma, much like the rest of us, was pretty fed up with it, and decided to do something about it. Throughout the month of September, she took a selfie with every single creep who harassed her and uploaded them on Instagram, captioning each one with the words of her abusers.
What do the photos say? By juxtaposing the catcallers' callous, unashamed grins with her own exhausted, painfully familiar expression, Jansma shows the world just how frequent, real, and disturbing these experiences are for women everywhere. She also gains power over them, though, by documenting their actions and putting them on display for the whole world to see. Though her own experiment has ended, she has opened the @dearcatcallers Instagram page for submissions in hopes of creating a global dialogue on the collective struggle women face.
From January 1st, 2018, catcalling will be punishable by law in Jansma's native Netherlands, and violators will be subject to fines of up to 190 euros ($220). If her daring project continues to go viral, perhaps more nations will follow suit.
More info: Instagram
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This made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. I definitely would NOT have let him put his disgusting paws on me.
His hand is a bit too far over her shoulder too, nasty a$$!!
Load More Replies...I live in the Netherlands, and men actually think this is complimentary... as is staring at your chest and then winking at you... it's appalling, but they wonder what your problem is.
Interesting, where I live you never see this behaviour. Not because men don't think it, just different social norms.
Load More Replies...She allowed him to touch her to prove how forward these asshats are. They think they have the right to touch a total stranger. My guess is, she shoved him off right after the pic, and I hope she told him to f**k off.
I was getting cat called all my life,each time I was looking good walking on the street.This was the only thing that would happen,always creepy,restarted or old guys that wanted to have "a piece of me".Worst was when they were touching me.Ofc,no one would care to help,no police around,my escape was to enter a store and stay there for hours,with my mood ruined.It affected me badly,I felt helpless and started to avoid walking,changed the way i dress to look not feminine.It is a kind of rape to me and it should get punish by the law.I think these guys do it because it is the closest thing to a rape that doesn't get punished and doesn't require effort and planning.The comments of this post's guy's are childish comparing to the ones i have heard.
Even rape doesn't get properly punished much of the time.
Load More Replies...Awfully brave of that girl since there so many creeps out there!! Can't believe some men still act like cavemen!
I confess I think they are compliments. If they did not say them they'd at least think them.
Load More Replies...This photo makes me ashamed to be a male of the species - what a disgusting pig!
This one is the sickest of them all, don't let them put their hands on you please. In their sick mind they will think it is a yes
yes. this photo made me want to scream and drive kungfu punch to his throat!
Load More Replies...Unlike the hypocrite teenagers on here that constantly remind us and everyone to "never judge a book by its cover" and not judge this guy on his looks and say ew, I'm going to highlight the sad thing here, her facial expression says a lot, she's dressed appropriately, not showing anything revealing and still gets called on. Another thing is body language, he is really more comfortable with touching her than all the others she took a selfie with so he's basically lonely.
Does he have his HAND on her??? I would have turned around and knee'd him in the balls
Cat calling by strange creepy men yet another category Europe and Latin America is much more highly advanced than America.
I don't know what to do with the "up" & "down" arrows. I like the posts but don't like the catcalls.
It seems that almost none of the men understand that she is highlighting their douche-baggery in these selfies.
I'd have given a hard and swift jab to his face with my elbow. Disgusting vermin.
LOL! Can you imagine this picture the other way around? The baldy taking a selfie and a pretty lady "disturbing" his lovely pose? "This is a man's world"... somewone sing once :( will we be abble to change this one day?
Cat calling by strange creepy men…… Yet another category that Europe and Latin America is much more highly advanced than America.
Um...really? Because: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2015/jan/30/men-tricked-into-catcalling-their-own-mothers-the-video-that-went-viral
Load More Replies...He should be arrested for putting his hands on her, nasty creepy fasm8le of human male
I think, that when she obviously ask to take a picture of them, she held her phone up, got them both "centered", and did what most people do next; an indication that you are about to snap the photo, by asking if you are ready, telling you to say cheese, ect. , and , also, like a lot of people do, they pose for the picture, which this man did, and I think, out of habit, when he posed, that was the second his hand went on her shoulder. And left her shoulder as soon as she snapped the photo. I am sure she noticed and felt it there, or, she may not have given it any thought whatsoever-how many times, when you take a selfie with someone...even if it is someone you don't know, like a waiter that went out of his way for you at dinner, and u want to snap a pic of the two of you...you are gonna lean in, a lot of times somebody throws their arm around another.....you get my point I am trying to make. It was just a pose for a picture. Ok, I am finished. 😀
Load More Replies...Maybe to better portray the obliviousness of these creeps and their actions.
Load More Replies...And if all the attention stopped, most women would wonder have they gotten ugly or are they too old to be appealing any more. Remember that little photo essay on anxiety?
That's sexual assault. Hope it is prosecuted. Wish more millennials would use their phones. "Wolf calls" in the seventies pretty much ended. This millennial generation seems to have brought it all back.
Wait. What? You're blaming THIS on millennials? Seriously??
Load More Replies...It's when they stop catcalling you then u need to worry. What a problem to have.
This is a great idea. Maybe I should take a picture of all the women who catall me and accuse me of being gay/r******d/a rape apologist/get physically violent when I turn them down.
This is something that burdens you on a consistent, daily basis? Is it entirely unsolicited interaction initiated by these women you're referencing? If you answered no to the above questions, you missed the point.
Load More Replies...You've had different experiences than many other women, if you've never had vulgar treatment via catcalls. Consider yourself lucky, but not the model that all women should live by.
Load More Replies...Dudebro, chill out. There's probably a pickup artist den somewhere on the internet where you'd fit in better...
Load More Replies...Cameron: maybe you have difficulty with self-control, but that's you. Speak for yourself, not for the rest of the men in the world. I have no "natural behavior" to catcall women. No man does. It's a toxic masculinity behavior to act out your base instincts and blame the target of your impulses. You should look within yourself for both the problem and the solution and stop blaming women for your failure to exercise restraint and self-control.
Load More Replies...She's not testifying in a court of law. She's sharing her experience. The fact that you automatically doubt her word without "proof" is disheartening, to say the least. What is it about her or about women in general that makes you distrust her account of these interactions? And what do you think she has to gain by fabricating this and posting it on her own Instagram?
Load More Replies...I'd of let him follow me straight to the police station... or church.
Attracted to how long she looks no doubt. Too bad there wasn't a photo of the license plate.
Something tells me he's probably a virgin. He wouldn't now what to do with any girl. Perv.
Oh, be still my heart, looks like the last time he took a shower was 2001.
Sounds like he wanted to eat her, judging by the size of that belly, he probably did! Creep!
That whistling is for each other. They know it won't get her attention, but it proves their manhood and humiliates her at the same time. If she ignores it, they get what they want. If she tells them off, it makes them even more proud of themselves. She's documenting it, and if they don't realize what tools they look like, at least everyone who sees them does.
So many of these pigs look so proud of themselves. Does this s**t seriously ever work? NO. And how many of these losers were lucky enough to have a gf or wife, and are probably still yelling at young girls. How many have daughters or sisters? Disgusting.
seriously i don't understand why guys do that! Did they really think that work?
"Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" "Well, he yelled, 'Nice tits!' out of a moving car, and I knew he was the one."
Load More Replies...Catcalling is absolutely pathetic, even though holy h*ck she's insanely pretty
She's gorgeous... without makeup. Why do women have to wear makeup Alex? I'm going to let you in on a little secret... WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN! We wear makeup for ourselves because we want too, we could really give a rat's a*s whether or not men approve of our face and what goes on it.
Load More Replies...You hear about guys displacing the blame onto the women for what they wear, or this and that reason. But how come you rarely ever hear of lesbians doing this to women? Or sexually assaulting other women? I'm a lesbian, and I have never once done something so disrespectful to a woman, regardless of clothing or any other reason. Its repugnant.
Depends on where you live and who you know. I have seen a lot of women yell or whistle at really attractive guys driving or walking. But yes, I agree it's not as common.
Load More Replies...This is why women have to walk around not smiling and being stern--to discourage their cat calling, and then they tell you to smile, or follow you or grab you. It's not about the girl anyway--it's about asserting their dominance, or proving their manhood. Telling them off only makes them happy or aggressive. It's scary behaviour meant to intimidate and humiliate. If these men cannot recognize the hideous pigs they are for this kind of behaviour, at least other men looking at it do.
Pigs are gentle, intelligent and affectionate creatures. The same cannot be said of these creeps. Let's call them for what they are: molesters.
Load More Replies...this would be wonderful! just the thought of how they'd get their asses beaten by their mommas makes me smile
Load More Replies...I live in panama, and everywhere i walk, people are honking their cars or whistling. It happens to a lot of girls i know, and it makes us all feel really uncomfortable.
Lina, fight the culture and imprison Panamanians who dissent. Chaos can't be tolerated.
Load More Replies...To the men that do this...how would you like it if this was your sister or wife?
They don't care. If the MRA creeps weigh in, they'll be howling because "it's a compliment" and raging about how "mean" women are to them. The truth is that this is threatening behaviour. I've been followed down the street by one of these creeps, and I had to duck into a store and go out the back door while calling the police to get rid of him.
Load More Replies...When working at a newspaper, we occasionally had people stop by to try to pick up pictures from us that had appeared in print. More often than not, it was people who had their mugshot from an arrest published. Quite a few were thrilled- it was the most attention the world had ever paid to them. More than one actively tried to think of something else they could do to get their picture in the paper again. Looking at the smiling faces of the guys this woman is trying to shame, I see the same mentality.
As a guy, I don't understand this behavior at all. I'm not saying I wouldn't notice her (I'm no saint) but this type of stuff is so beyond me. And I'm glad to say I've never hung around other guys who catcall.
That whole thing made my stomach turn. I'm sorry they did this to you.
The worst part of this is that she looks like (and may be) a teenager. And in my experience, the catcalling happened a ton more when I was a teen. It’s like the pervs have child sex fantasies and they also know a woman over 25 is going to be harder to fool and impress. They prey on girls that look meek, weak and too innocent to protect themselves. Gross.
omg exactly, those years I spent in a school uniform were filled with creepiness.
Load More Replies...Last year on This American Life, they had a bit about catcalling. Apparently the catcallers think the women find it flattering, even if told otherwise. You can find the episode here: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/603/once-more-with-feeling
Such men are incredible idiots, immature, and foolish. Though as Anna here mentioned, she is very pretty. Never once in my life have I ever catcalled a woman, I'd feel embarrassed and ashamed.
There is a misconception that catcallers do it because they find their targets attractive are trying to get with them. That's why many people dismiss it as a "compliment." The truth is catchalling is intended to scare and humiliate its' victims and catcallers know that. They do it to intentionally tear women down for being out in public. It's plain misogyny, that is all.
This speaks volumes, while also showing it. Power to this girl for showing their faces to the world
They know this behavior often frightens and intimidates women.....that's why they do it.
We live in a world that perpetuates the treatment of women as if they are property to be used by the highest bidder. Until we change how we raise and educate our sons and daughters this will continue.
Id just like to apologize for men across the world. Real men don't do this c**p.
This makes me so angry. Some scumbag reportedly catcalled my girlfriend only a few days ago; of course, it never happens when I'm around. These clowns aren't merely dirty or delusional (when will it ever produce the results they think it will? I mean, ever?...) but are cowardly, too, only ever preying on one who is completely alone. Show off all of them like this, every single one.
As a man this makes me feel sad and sick, I can proudly say my father raised a gentleman...
2 things in common with most of these people you see in these pics. 1, they are all men(of course). 2, they all have that stupid disgusting smile on their face like they think they are funny.
I am an Indian male. I was quite aware of my privilege and still am. I can walk the streets without fearing sudden unsolicited advances or worse. As a heterosexual, I also notice pretty girls and women walking by or just doing stuff, going about their business. Never have I felt the urge to do something disrespectful or invade their personal space. However, it's pretty common, especially in the slightly less busy streets in India.
no matter where you go, if you are a woman, you will get catcalled, harrassed. its just awful.
Actually, it is not common in Norway. Privacy is so respected, that it is considered very rude.
Load More Replies...All these guys seem desperate, probably they even don't have money for prostitutes. I am very happy it is punishable in The Netherlands, hope other countries follow ...
They don't do it to pick up women - they do it to belittle and demean us.
Most of these pictures are taken in Barcelona, at least the ones I recognise: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24
Ok, we all did this. When we were 16 and stupid AF like all teenagers. But if you are over 16 and still do this, you're not a man. You're...somethig, but not a man. Look at their faces. Half of them can barely p**s without an instruction manual, let alone do anything else. And in today's society it's apparently wrong to kick them in their tiny balls or have a male friend "just happen to pass by" and kick the s**t out of them. If my gf came to me one day telling me something like this happened, I'd probably go out of my way to find the douche and show him why bikers have such a bad reputation, be there legal consequences or not. F*****g parasites.
Dogs don't do this either. Dogs are right the opposite: loyal, caring, protective, loving. These LOOSERS don't deserve the compliment to be called dogs.
Load More Replies...Wow, i am amazed at the asshats who are vehemently defending being disrespectful a******s towards women. I guess i assumed they would be a bit more embarrased about themselves. Im once again saddened by how many terrible people there are around us.
These idiots are so clueless. What pigs! That creep that put his arm on her makes me cringe. I don't know how she tolerated it.
I never go out without my headphones. NEVER EVER. This also happens to me even though im ugly as f**k, I can't even imagine the Hell such a beautiful girl has to go through. I had enough 6 years ago and bought an ipod (and I still use it every day)since then, I sometimes notice that some people are yelling shits at me waving like some epileptic octopuses but I can't hear them so I don't care anymore.
I'm sorry you have to use your headphones to protect yourself. You're also funny! (epileptic octopuses!)
Load More Replies...Her instagramm post are filled with disgusting comments about her "seeking for attention", "looking like a victim" and "you should feel complimented". unbelievable. This patriarchic world needs so much more of this!
Unfortunately, judging by the hidden comments, there are a lot of those butthurt rats over here as well.
Load More Replies...One of the best things about getting older is that this is a rarer occurendce. These mens are so disappointing human beings. Disgusting. Verbal assaulting a woman is just wrong. Just keep your mouth shut.
And as expected: a comment section filled with butthurt men that know jackshit about respectint women. I feel sorry for their mothers. Ladies, take notice of these ‘people’. Any catcaller you can avoid either online or in real life is one. They have small ones anyway :D
Don’t feel sorry for their mothers. Modern of their mothers are entitled asshats too who couldn’t be bothered to raise her own child properly.
Load More Replies...This is brilliant, and not just for the social commentary by visuals. With the repetition it becomes a reveal of arrogant entitlement of the verbal assaulters and it admits to the beauty of an ordinary woman.
I love this, when I try to explain to men why it's not a compliment to be harassed on the street while walking to work, buying groceries etc., they simply don't get the feeling of being threatened and the shame that goes with it. Kudos to this brave girl for showing the real side and how catcalling is not a compliment we should take.
This is disgusting. And the sad part is that none of these men even think what they're doing is unacceptable. They look so f*****g chuffed with themselves.
GREAT WORK!!! Hopefully this gives some perspective and insight to those masses of loser fools I've had to deal with that, after I complain about catcalling, tell me not to be so upset and that I should feel complimented. The catcallers themselves? I have no hope for them. They probably enjoy making women squirm. But when I yell back, they get angry. I promise to, as much as I can, continue to make sure each and every one of these cockroach gets a negative experience from catcalling, whistling, whooping at me.
Reading these comments makes my skin crawl, I strongly dislike men that behave like that.
Women, raise your boys to be Gentlemen. Men, raise your boys to be courteous. It takes communities to raise children, let's all do better. ;-)
These f*****g a******s so damn smug. I absolutely hate that they feel entitled to yell out such stupid s**t and expect a positive response on top of it.
At my old school my 12 year old friend and her whole team was cat called by the high school football players.Highschoolers cat called tweens
Dear people commenting "does this really work?" They are not doing it because it works. They are doing it to harass the young lady. THIS is the oppression that we talk about and everyone denies. THIS is what makes us feel low. THIS is what needs to stop! Just because we cannot knock the jerk into next Monday... they do this.
put them all over soicialvmedia and let their wives and girl friends see exactly what they are like.
That's really depressing. I feel like I should apologise for the entire male half of the human race.
Wow... Just WOW. We live in a world where men still think it is okay to belittle women. Sorry, I'm not taking that sitting down. Thanks to the 40% of Men who are respectful and don't call women bitches just for expressing their opinion. It's too bad the small fraction of men that actually respect women aren't commenting here, maybe then the other boys that are posting here could learn a thing or two. I thought you only heard this kind of nasty talk from a 12 year old playing call of Duty. Boys in the comments, isn't there a better way to get your point across without using profanity and putting us down? You're not debating you're bullying. Bunch of losers.
I get this too... hate it... its disrespectful on so many levels... need a pea shooter or slingshot
those men behave so disrespectful and disgusting and the worst thing is that they regard it probably as their naturally given right. look at them the so called "pride of creation"...
I honestly cannot believe some of these guys,... what are they thinking??,.. what makes them think this pretty young girl would ever be interested in doing anything with their disgusting selves...unbelievable!!
SO proud that she is creating a site and taking the power back. I am also surprised so many people don't seem like they are native to the netherlands, are they visiting and think they can do this in any country??? SMH
Not to be xenophobic (I live abroad too), but I noticed that foreigners (in Korea) do it more than Koreans.... I noticed their predatory starings even when I'm freakin' holding hands with my very husband. In a completely non flirtatious way and both of us wearing real casual clothes, you know, typical couple that's been living together for almost a decade.
Load More Replies...I'm actually a bit worried for her. I understand her statement, but she's risking safety by getting that close to creepy strangers.
I'm willing to bet so much money that none of those pukes has higher than a high school education
good god. where are their mothers? im so sorry youve had to endure this. objectifying women is disgusting and neither i nor any other man i associate with would resort to such heinous behavior. who in their right mind thinks yelling "i want to f#$% you" at a passing girl, expecially one so lovely who obviously wont need anyone like them, is going to make a woman swoon and fall into their arms. whats the definition of insanity? doing the same stupid s@#$ over and over expecting a different result. Men like these make me ashamed to be a man. sure wish these pics could be sent to their mothers...
How about their fathers? Shouldn't their fathers have taught them how to treat women by respecting their mothers? It is up to MEN to change the behavior of MEN. Don't blame their mothers.
Load More Replies...I would love to see the owners of these creatures (Wives/Mothers/Sisters/Daughters/Girlfriends) respond that their creatures have been identified and corrected. I can only imagine what I would do if a Man in my life was photographed after this type of behavior. (and I can't even imagine this type of behavior from any of them)
I do not uderstand this manners. Some sort of men consider that as normal and then they are scared of gays. Do they expect the same behaviour frome them? "Hey dude, you have a big d..k, you wanna kiss from me?" Huh?
o7. catcalling is such an outdated thing and it rarely works. And following her is f*****g gross f*****g creeps. its something that won't end and sadly women is going to have to learn to filter out these things. And when you have kids rise them right show them how to treat women and men without seeing people as slabs of meat.
it makes me mad, because these jerk offs become the bad apples that spoil the whole bunch.
Most men are completely unable to understand that women don't like it. SMH
I've got to give it to her. She's brave. I would be terrified to stop and take a picture with the man or men harassing me. Even if it would give the police evidence after I went missing...
She's not even wearing provocative clothing to "entice" them and their attentions. There's a sweatshirt, hoodie, etc. showing she's completely covered and yet, they are still doing this. It's awful. My 13 yr old experienced it her first day of grade 9... a senior yelled out, "Hey girl, want the D?" and she just kept walking, head down mortified. I told her to stand up for herself and the next day he asked again and she let him have it. So proud of her. He never said a word to her again.
Some of these things look like they could be her father. These are even more perverts than younger ones who can still be properly educated on how to treat women and on respect. (it doesn't excuse the younger ones attitude but there is still some kind of hope for these ones while there is none for the old farts).
society, culture, family values means nothing unless me choose to respect women. the most bat s**t crazy thing about crime against women is society blames them as playing a key role in the crime as a factor. (late night, drunk, cloths n what not)
They are pigs. Acting like little horny boys just to try to prove themselves that "they have it". Well, you have nothing, boys. Did it EVER work, this kind of behaviour, seriously ?
seriously can they give it a rest. like they have never seen a women before, god like enough all ready shut the f up. such pigs. if you actually just talked to her like a human being and not a piece of a*s she might respond-get over yourselves
Out of curiosity, Is there anything any of these men could have said that would have gotten your attention in a positive way?
Thank you for asking. If a woman is walking down the street or biking as we do in The Netherlands :}. There is never a reason for shouting/honking/whistling/stalking/hurling all kind of patronizing/sexual names. We are not walking down the street looking gorgeous or cute for men and waiting for any kind remarks. We are just shopping, going to work. We are minding our own business. But perhaps if we are in a cafe/club/social gathering a polite hello could do. And if she doesn't respond, than I am sorry then it is done. Ps these men never did these thinking she would ever take it serious, I think it would shock there tiny balls all the way up their blushing cheeks.
Load More Replies...any clue how pathetic you look? Probably not if you youve not studied the the history of primate cohabitation.
This many times to one girl?! Where does this happen? I have never, ever been "catcalled". Never. I really thought this "catcalling" thing was falsely exaggerated until I saw this story. Does this happen in bigger cities? Where there is more walking around and not driving? I am completely shocked by this!
I would say it's much more likely to happen in a bigger city, but that's just my personal experience. It wasn't something I experienced a lot until I moved to a large city in the south. Then, it became a near-daily occurrence. I was even followed a couple times. It can be very frightening!
Load More Replies...this post made me sad. how many of such people, without occupation, morals, standards, with idle mind are around young helpless ones. it is disturbing indeed.
Laugh now cry later .... need to put up this as a website where towns can zoom in on clowns in their area. Maybey their wife or girlfriend will see it & get them in trouble. Knowledge IS power & it might cut back some from chancing it being found as a kind of pig or getting a real date...the right way. Earn it.
sick dudes...she has to be put through all this disturbing her space and peace while out in public, get followed and yelled at..and only 20 years old...how cruel. These guys don’t have to feel while being outside, a sinking sickening scary feeling in the core pit of their being, being stressed and put off balance, adrenaline pumping from getting a fear scare inside of her, wondering if someone is going to hurt her physically next after going aggressive on her...
I really don't know how anyone could resist such charms. Being followed and pestered... being told of wild thoughts by guys that are really only sorta creepy.. they're just too smooth. I don't know how she does it.
your kidding me, right? please tell me you are kidding me
Load More Replies...I don't get the thought process of these guys. Is it something like "hey, a pretty girl. let's scream sexual things at her and maybe she's immediately sex me" ????
I worry for your safety your alone taking pics of you with men i worry you might get hurt please be careful
shame is the last thing they will ever feel. nothing worth appreciating in their lives they are fustrated, cure it by hangover at the end of the day,nevr satisfied, greed, no morals they are an epidemic
No matter if she is pretty or don't, if I put a dress to my old cat they are going to yell at her too.
If a woman turned around and said, yeah baby how about it, let's get busy. These men wouldn't even know what to do! They'd run away in fear, or say, oh, oh I was only kidding. Secondly women need to learn to be more vocal and tell them to stfu.
So I HATE it when people say that women bring this sort of thing upon themselves by the way they look, dress, act etc, because it's simply not true. But her stopping to acknowledge them, photograph them, seems to be giving them some sort of interaction that probably makes them think it's ok and that she thinks it's funny / or even that she's comfortable with it; because she's taking a photo. When that is the complete opposite, having read this. It's pretty confusing. I'd imagine being constantly on the look out for it and actually posing with them for photos does give the wrong impression. All of these guys look super relaxed, not at all threatened, they seem to think they're in on the joke with her. I doubt they realise they're in the wrong. Perhaps if she actually said to them, this is not ok, this is why I am documenting this, they would look a lot more confused, angry faces, and it would challenge their behaviour and stop them doing it. T This
It's scary, and they automatically put themselves into the creep category by doing this. I'll never understand it.
yeah omg can they give it a rest-like wtf. can they be civil and just say something nice and not sexist all the dam time god they are pathetic-get over themselves
Just wait till there girl friends, wives, MOTHERS, see these. I don't think they'l be smiling then or be soo proud of themselves.
I`m glad she had the time for this, but this won`t change anything. These men in the pictures don`t look like they care and she might have even encouraged them with getting closer to them and taking a photo, and others who this didn`t happen to won`t change their minds because of it.
These photos teach others that this is not acceptable, welcome, or admirable. It also demonstrates that it is a problem.
Load More Replies...She just has to wait till she's past 30 years old and it all will go away forever.
i used to work at a mall with three levels . The middle of the mall was empty so you could hang over the railing and look from the third floor all the way down to the first floor . I cant tell you the number of times i saw men yelling from the third floor at a woman on the first floor . Ay yo baby , lemme get yo numba ... just unreal ... oh , and i never once saw this approach find success .
Yes I can relate to this girl and the sad thing is I'm a mom and have a little girl even with my baby girl next to me they fallow me around there should be a law for us girls really !!!!!!
Serious question for the Women here. Let me start by saying following a woman, yelling at or insulting her, sexual advances on a woman you've never even chatted with before, not reading body language to see you're making someone uncomfortable and not stopping interactions when requested, all need to stop. Its unconscionable and men need to stop this behavior, so the women of this world can go wherever they want and feel safe. My question to all the women here, how do you feel about men coming up to you and being pleasant, engaging, and not just non-threatening, but friendly. His body language says that he is confident, but not full of himself. You can sense right away that he has no intent, other than to meet someone he finds interesting. And wants to strike up a conversation, to see if there's some connection. And if there is not, he would thank you for the moment and wish you a wonderful day. Would this be viewed the same, as harassment, unwanted interaction, non-consent and creepy?
To answer your question. Technically, of course not. That's not an assault if he's showing respect. But because of a******s like the subject matter of this article, we do have initial walls of caution set as default. Additionally, regardless of the harassment topic, some females might just be shy, introverted, or suffer from social anxiety. But I'm sure a trur gentleman, like the one you described, is well aware of these facts, and knows how to do his best to empathize and not hurt anybody.
Load More Replies...Maybe these guys catcall because it's the only time they ever get any attention from someone attractive. I mean most of these guys are creepy looking to be honest...
How is saying these men look "creepy" any different from calling a woman 'ugly' for being heavier than others? It's judging a person by their appearance. Judge them by their actions, and in this case the actions are bad.
Load More Replies...I experienced same in Wash DC growing up -- it's not fun. But then, it is male. What can you do?
Educate men. Fine it (it's illegal in Norway). And post images that this.
Load More Replies...I'm hoping someone's mother, sister, wife or daughter sees these pigs in the photo and calls them out on it. We should all start taking their disgusting pictures!
This is disturbing. It made me remember when I was 11, but I looked like I was 18+. I get that cat calls can be construed as a compliment, but how does one explain that it's not?
Playing devil's advocate, I'm complimented by the catcalling. Makeup or not or whoever they are, if they aren't hurting me or doing anything I humbly take the compliment then leave. Of course the stalker was an exception but most of these seem pretty tame imo. Oh and I'm catcalled by women too, unless she's gender prejudice I'm sure she got hit on by them too and "didn't" take a pic. I do not know this lady nor do i choose to say how she should be but this is a road-less-traveled perspective. Of course, the internet peoples will always get offended.
I get why you might feel that way but I’ll share something with you that I noticed. When I was a teen, I was secretly a little flattered by it until I was chased and threatened numerous times. The guys that do it are vomitously ugly like 55% of the time. But that’s not what I wanted to share. The thing is, the ugliest girls get catcalled too. It’s not a compliment to your beauty, even when they specifically say you’re beautiful. I’ve seen some of the ugliest trash girls get catcalled. They call everyone beautiful and sweet, gorgeous, princess, angel on earth, all of that. Girls that literally look like dudes or have greasy, obvious wigs and fat rolls and disgusting faces or look smelly - they all get catcalled. It’s not even intended as a compliment. It’s literally a test for many guys to see how you’ll react. Those that aren’t testing you are usually doing it for their male friends to show off or be funny. Sometimes they are serious about asking you on a date.
Load More Replies...Why are all the top comments about how old / overweight / unshaven / whatever the catcallers are? That should be completely irrelevant to the conversation. Their behaviour is disgusting, but failure to leave their appearance out of it is pretty much equally as bad as what they're doing.
Most of the guys that do this are usually just stupid. They really don't know any better and don't really care. New York is also really bad for this kind of behavior.
Ugh...all of these guys are creepy AF (some are just pathetic) but a couple look like straight up rapists... :-/
This is the reason that I and my friends at 12- talked about how to run away, how to fight this is why at 13 I carried a pocketknife around with me this is why at 14 when my male friends ask why we women go to the bathrooms in groups I can answer him "so we are safe" this is why at 15 I am catcalled, hooted at from passing cars and shouted at and this is why at 16 I am a feminist- because I want my daughter to feel safer growing up than I did.
An amazing idea - take away their anonimity and publicly shame them. while I am sure they think they are cool and would be proud to see themselves Women know what lowlife a******s they actaully are. I believe every single woman has this happne to her and we all need to start doing exactly what you did. catcalling is NOT OK. it is sexual assault. It is time we took our person and rights back-Well done Keep it up - lets start a new trend!!!!! So Very PROUD of you!!
One day I was literally just whistling(it just I like zoning off and whistling my favorite musical tones" and deadass just zoned off staring straight and thinking about life and a women happened to pass by and thought I was catcalling her. She stopped me and said what did I was disgusting and how would you like that happen to your mom or sister was cat called. And I am like "I seriously didn't even acknowledge you are waiting and I wasn't catcalling you I was whistling a music tone.". Plus I am 21 and she was like 30 and I definitely didn't look at her nor am I type of guy to catcall or do something like that it's just not me. She still called me perverts out loud and left. Than again don't blame her after seeing these photos.
One day I was literally just whistling(it just I like zoning off and whistling my favorite musical tones" and deadass just zoned off staring straight and thinking about life and a women happened to pass by and thought I was catcalling her. She stopped me and said what did I was disgusting and how would you like that happen to your mom or sister was cat called. And I am like "I seriously didn't even acknowledge you are waiting and I wasn't catcalling you I was whistling a music tone.". Plus I am 21 and she was like 30 and I definitely didn't look at her nor am I type of guy to catcall or do something like that it's just not me. She still called me perverts out loud and left. Than again don't blame her after seeing these photos.
Exactly. The men who catcalls women also ruins it for nice men. It's really no wonder women are defensive and misinterpret the nice ones when so much creepy and threatening behavior is so common.
Load More Replies...Their moms should have stick their legs together forever and not let these waste of human race born. Society teaches men to be a******s but learning manners starts at home. Bet half of them are married with women who think their husbands are just wonderful men. Poor, poor humanity.
it looks like picture #9 may have been taken in amsterdam, the rest i don't know where.
My thought is I would be happy to be fat and unattractive in that city. But that shouldn't be necessary to not get constantly harassed!
This at least makes sense, because this girl is honestly gorgeous. I, however, am not an attractive woman but get cat called all the time, which I do not understand. Not saying that for pity or to fish for compliments - the shape of my face and the arrangement of my features unfortunately looks quite unattractive, no matter what I do with clothes, makeup, hair, etc. Sometimes I am almost flattered by the catcalling, because I get so little attention otherwise. But it still leaves me very confused because why would they catcall someone unattractive? Why not save it for just the pretty ones?
it's not about the girl. It's about intimidation and proving their own masculinity. They don't believe the girl will pay them attention
Load More Replies...Is there anything that any guy could have said to here that would have gotten a positive response?
"Hello" might work. Or it might not. Women generally have their guard up on the street (because of stuff like this) and it's not a great time to approach them. You'd have better luck striking up a conversation at a place people go to socialize.
Load More Replies...Most of these must've been taken in spain, maybe italy - look at the language on shop signs, the architecture and the vegetation. Usually more northern European cities don't have many catcallers. I never witnessed it (not to myself/not any other woman)
Some photos are clearly from Amsterdam, which is northern Europe. And male harassment comes in many shapes and forms, catcalling being only one of them.
Load More Replies...Seems we have a long way to go. Men need to realize this is not fun, it is intimidating, demeaning, and gross.
Dont judge too harshly. They probably didng have the luxury of being able to fap or knew its a thing
This only has to relate to the people chatting. You shouldn't act like you know their motivation. Only those individuals know their motives. Also, I guess its probably unsettling to be hit on and catcalled, but imagine someone is unconfident and awkward and their friends tell them just to be more open, more spontaneous, to live a little. They decide, hey, you know what, imma flirt with someone, what do I have to lose? Not everyone is a creep, a rapist, or weirdo. I'll admit, most those guys are disturbing, but you all are showing a great lack of faith for people, society, and men in general. The Fun police and drama queens have taken over the planet and people can't be people anymore.
I wish someone would find me attractive and let me know in public. You have a gift you don't appreciate some of us wish we had.
Not all of us are pigs, i have never stooped so low as to yell at females just because I like the way they look or am horny. Actually, I find it demeans not only the women but also myself, yet those men are the ones with wives and girlfriends. What I wonder is why those women do fall for that while the nice guy sits alone, because if you aren't aggressive or foolish enough to debase yourself in public then apparently you're not a real man. I feel bad for the ladies that are truly bothered by catcallers but it seems that many women are often encouraged by that same attention. Try to take their comments as compliments and pepper spray the ones that get too close
used to happen to me every day (just about) in my 20s, mildly lesser in my 30s, and almost non existent in my 40s, now I am fatter and considered no longer attractive or rather, VULNERABLE to these same kind of creeps. And here I was thinking, hmmm maybe men had evolved after a couple of decades. Nope, same c**p, predating on those least likely to retort. The other reason they will leave older women alone-out innocence, softness tolerance and fear is all but gone- because of them. Would think nothing of kicking one of them in the balls these days.
i feel so ashamed for what those pigs do to women that i personally never try to talk or say anything to any women. i stay polite and educated as much as possible.
She's gorgeous, geez. I can see why guys would want to tell her she's attractive, but still. That last one didn't seem like a catcall to me, though. Anyone care to explain? Unless it was how they said it, it seems like it's at least not as sleazy as the others.
She go in front of them and took selfies with only a part of her face and those guys clear close by behind her. they see that too that she is taking a pic of them and offcource they going to pose in the background on the pic i do not call that catcalling because that isn’t proof that they even said any word to her and if they was catcalling her for real she would have video taped them and not taking pic. I believe she does it to get some kind of fame like we called here 5 min of fame. ppl sell there souls to the devil for fame. There is no way a stranger would get so close to you with his hand on your shoulder and his chin on your other shoulder if you didn’t aloud them to do it..... we woman are good actresses and when we have the look we can make almost anyone believe what we want. Catcalling is if they said something sexually. btw they all got there mouth close and some smilling. She can tell you whatever she wants what she claims they said to her I call this BS.
Most of them losers do it to show off in front of their male friends. Most of them need to hear "go p***k themselves". But a lady will not give them the time of day. It also says a lot by the way they were Raised. I am a man and was taught to "respect" all females. I am embarrassed for them and the way they were raised.
Okk... well, no offense but.. Well im glad this is her biggest problem. I mean.. i dont mean anything.. people are starving, there is war going on in the world and some women are victims of real vio-fcking-lence (as well as children and men).
Catcalling works but not in a personal level, it works on a social level, mantaining men dominance on patriarchial societies, you can't see this happen in modern cultures like some europeans are, but in the U.S. and in all latín countries, where misrepresentation and objectification of women is generalized and learnt in families, catcalling is seen as a poetic, romantic heritage, rather than the rude invasion it really is.
Unless it's getting to the point of scary/intimadating, I think there are way more important things to worry about. (No, I'm not saying catcalling is okay) Be realistic though. If this is the kind of social justice train everyone wants to jump on when there are literally life and death issues in other areas that need exposure and representatives... If you're that interested in justice, go take pictures of hungry and homeless people who don't have smartphones to let people know of their dire straits. This is the kind of social justice that reeks of self centered-ness imo. #sorrynotsorry
How do we know she was actually being catcalled and didn't just randomly ask men to take a selfie with her? There is no way to prove it.
Why do so many so-called men have such little respect for women? WTF is the matter with them?
The men of this world have been groomed by the media to be this way and it's getting worse every year with rapes and abuse escalating. Laws need to deal harshly with these people, death for rapists and pedophiles and beatings for disrespect.
I am very tired of all these outraged pieces by upper-middle class white women about how horrible it is for them to be catcalled. It seems more like a performance defending the purity of wealthy. white femininity than the advancement of an intersectional anti-sexist politics, particularly when this attitude is so often coupled with a devaluation of sex work. Sex work often involves conditions so much more challenging than a simple pearl-clutching "catcall." And yet, it is considered as being so egregiously oppressive as to be below even mentioning. I am not saying catcaling is good, although i want to know how we remedy the classism and racism in wealthy white women designating certain poor black and brown men's sexual desires as inappropriate. I am saying catcalling is unfortunately one of the least of our concerns. I think the feminist universe would survive fewer self-righteous thinkpieces about catcalling, but desperately needs more inquiries into the death of Marcia Powell. Marcia
She rocks! I think is is ridiculous that people have an adverse reaction to natural body hair. It wasn't until the 1920-30's that any women shaved their underarms. Just look at the beautiful picture of women in their strapless dresses with sexy underarm hair. It was considered sexy! Then some marketing ploy to get them to buy products changed all that and people fell for it. Now it seems normal. Also it cracks me up that someone said this was against "european values" as europeans didn't follow american lead and shave until fairly recently. When I was a young women there in the 90's people thought I was strange for shaving! Also, why is it fair that women are pressured to take such painstaking efforts to be "presentable" to this male-driven societal notion that women should be hairless and flawless! I mean , really! Shaving, dieting, wearing make-up and even more invasive procedures are just a ridiculous burden. Just let people be their natural selves already!
What a bunch of creepy dudes. Damn, I feel ashamed of being a man... -___-
These people make me want to vomit. Most of them are so low class or the other end the ones that used to pay to get women's attention. Exactly that behaviour in my home country, Bulgaria made me stop wearing skirts at age of 16. I have been followed by gypsies, harassed numerous times by workers and asked to join drivers in luxury jeeps. Even now, at age of 36, I cannot afford to be pretty (well dressed, with gentle make-up and nice hair) and alone in the center of the capital, Sofia, because all kind of scumbag, mainly gypsies and foreigners from East that invaded the city do not stop speaking nasty perverted things to me. It is quite scary and dangerous. Especially in the dark hours of the day.
There is nothing more frightening than being catcalled when you are alone. I wonder if these men would still do it to women if gay men did it to them.
Woman rightfully, publicly, documents the frequent, unsolicited, verbal objectification commentary doled out to her by men. Obligatory dudebro posts of disbelief, accusations of "attention seeking", lying, victim-blaming, and "boys will be boys" defense of toxic masculinity behavior in the comments...
heads up, these pictures are on hi5 taken by a girl who was taking pictures of people from different places of the world.
what's even more worrying is the constant calling of women 'baby' - is this a secret desire by most men for paedophilia?
aha.. and that's only valid to people that speak english?
Load More Replies...Some of these idiots would lose their smiles if they would actually look at her face
What happend to saying excuse me I think you look wonderful have a nice day?. Sorry you ladies experience these pigs.
It's creepy, but not €190 creepy. If catcalling is worthy of a €190 fine, what's the punishment for groping a woman? A month in jail? Or even more? That's actually already way over the line according to me. It wouldn't surprise me if the jail time is 10 times that.
This most definitely harassment but with exception of few: This isn’t a straight comment on sexism, feminism, “pigs” or “creeps”. to me, this speaks of the failures of our patero/hetronormative society, our jurassic courtships rituals, and the resulting backlash of a conditioned “non-viable” candidate. obscurification after brutal objectification. that’s my thoughts. although being male, i’m not in the position to qualify these thought.
The one thing that i notice in all of these is how they all appear to have the same stupid look on their faces. This kind of behavior often takes place in warm weather rather than cold. I often find it amusing and laugh at them for thinking I would be desperate enough to consider any form of interacting with them.
Another one of her selfies https://twitter.com/gastromonk/status/916003289040347137
Great idea! Thank you for showing these disgusting a******s. I hope the world Internet war starts on them soon!
Somebody famous once said something like, "Smart men become stupid in the presence of beautiful women." She's certainly beautiful, and they are certainly stupid, so maybe that quote has some merit.
What the hell good did this do? And how the hell did she allow any of them to touch her?!?
Not to demean any of these oppinions, but am i the only one who this struck as somewhat weird with some of these pictures as they even look "staged" i get that this apparently happens in your country, personally i've never experienced anyone getting catcalled or done so myself. It just almost seems to me as if some of the guys just wave at the camera and smile (particularly the second last one), cuz heck i'd do that if someone walked up and took a picture infront of me
It's funny because where I'm from there is a loud minority of women who are complaining that "the men are no longer catcalling us, what happened to the proper men?"
I've felt like doing this before, even with people who call me a man or are just doing it to be transphobic. Alas, everytime I have attempted such a feat I have been threatened with violence for "being a gay puffter". It's so annoying that people think it's okay to say things like that and treat women like objects (it works the other way around too, I've seen women doing it to men and women trying to make me feel insecure by telling me they want a man that doesn't act like a man). My girlfriend and I have even had people say to her "that's not a real man, you want someone like me sugar tits".
Please know not all guys act like this, or even think about doing so. These are the bad apples.
Gee, call me a racist, but it seems these men didn't look Dutch to me.
That's because a good chunk of thephotos were taken in Barcelona.
Load More Replies...I think catcalling is lame. I always felt the best way to get a woman's attention is to not show them any attention at all! Go about your business and make believe they don't exist. It works 10 times better if they find you attractive... They call men who do this "The quiet, mysterious type" Lmao...
Is it true what they say about the old creepy Dutch pedophiles?
Absoloutly none them looked to be too promising..no class..no luck buddy!
Hello, man here. All of these made me feel sick to my stomach, except I did wonder about #9. That one made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but came across as a bad attempt to hit on a woman rather than an overly presumptuous invasion of privacy. Was that guy not just trying to court, albeit badly? Is that not ok?
i wonder if she told them why she was photographing them. that would be an important factor in whether it got the point across that what they were doing was not welcome, instead of maybe celebrated with a photo? her face is obv not celebratory.
LMAOOOOO!!!! I wouldnt even let them come that close to take a picture.
This must only happen in certain regions or in cities, because this simply doesn't happen in SoCal and definitely doesn't happen outside of cities. This is not to say that it NEVER happens here, but in places like NY it's apparently a part of male culture. I'm 50 y/o and I've never been with a group of guys that have ever done this.
Why would you take pictures with them? Looks like you went out there looking for that type of attention then act like you don't like it when you get it. If all women hated that kind of attention no men would do it! There are plenty of ugly chics who wish they were you!
Next time they catcall you just ask them if they do the same to their own mother's and sister's.
It won't last forever. The day will come when they won't look and whistle anymore. I say enjoy it and exploit it while you've got it. I'm 70 now and I know what's ahead for you. Been there.
You know ladies, stop putting on makeup, if you're so offended by this. It draws attention, and if it's not to "bring on the boys" it tells men, that you either hate how you look without makeup on top of a ton of other ego issues.
you sheeple believe this? This was all a set up...why would she let them get close to her and touch her if she was so disgusted...you sheeple are to easy to manipulate
cat calling love it or hate it i couldn't care less, what i cant understand why all these interesting characters even look at this pile of mud chick - maybe they feel sorry for her when they see the mud expression on her face?
Heh...this makes me think of a video I saw a while back...where a guy approaches a girl...which I would assume is what you call catcalling, but, in regular clothes...regular car. Obviously chick ignores him. It was an experiment video, and then another guy comes up to the same chick...dressed impressively, driving a lambo or some s**t..all of a sudden she's into it. Wonder what this woman's reaction would be if any of those catcallers were rich.
So what if a woman would respond to someone who is dressed nicely instead of someone she didn't like? It is her right to respond to those she likes, no? Or do you think that one shouldn't be shallow? You think that men shouldn't be shallow either? Men shouldn't judge women by their looks?
Load More Replies...Are we positive she didn't just walk up, take a selfie with a stranger who thought she was being nice, and instead she puts words in their mouths as she posts said pics? I'm not saying she's a liar....but what if she's a liar? 0,o haha I mean she could've taken a video of them saying these things, but instead takes a pic and types in her own quotes possibly? I'm sorry but whether it's true or not, we need to stop taking things by word of mouth. Or even with a grain of salt especially when viewing things online. For all we know all these men are innocent, but we're suppose to believe her, just because? hahah
Even if you don't believe this actual post, you would indeed be very stupid if you don't think catcalling is a problem for women. But consider yourself informed: women don't like catcalling, and for this reason it should stop.
Load More Replies...This gave me anxiety. So glad I'm a lesbian. Men are f*****g gross!
The vast majority of men, at leas the ones I've been around, are quite nice.
Load More Replies...At least there are some assertive men left. Their approach is complete faggetry, and most of them are creepy old f***s, but at least they take responsibility for the dumb s**t they say and don't try to hide
1 sorry but she's beautiful 2 how many men did she walk by that didn't say anything sure there are a******s everywhere but the percentage must be almost nil 15073467_1...d0ecc1.jpg
Pretty much anyone under the age of 45 and under 200lbs gets catcalled way more often than these pictures depict. Especially in big cities. I went to Amsterdam with my sister and it was constant and one guy grabbed her butt while riding by on a bicycle. Catcalling is literally a part of everyday life if you walk places. Maybe you just drive everywhere or live in the countryside?
Stupid jerk. Women doesn't like it, and therefore should catcalling stop.
Load More Replies...Even if it was fake, it depicts a common experience that women face every day. It is representative of real experience, so eliciting sympathy for this person is eliciting sympathy for all who have to deal with idiots like those depicted in these photos.
Load More Replies...What does it feel like to be so full of s**t that you can't even sympathize with other human beings? Must be nice.
Load More Replies...And still, you miss the f*****g point. WE DON'T WANT TO BE YELLED AT, "COMPLIMENTED" BY A STRANGER, OR MADE TO FEEL THREATENED OR SCARED, which is what catcalling does. It has nothing to do with some man just NEEDING to tell a woman she's gorgeous, it's meant to harass and intimidate her. You don't get to f*****g tell women how to feel about what WE experience.
Load More Replies...Nobody will ever miss being stalked and harassed and made to feel scared.
Load More Replies...The thing is, when you get catcalled, you don't feel desired, you feel humilliated, like the other person's intentions weren't to let you know you are attractive to them, but to make you feel smaller and to remind you that you can't do anything about it because you are weak. When i get catcalled, (and notice this happened way more often when i was a teenager than now that i look a little older) i screamed, and they would get surprised because they didn't expect you to answer, they just wanted to remind you they can comment on your body and you can't do anything.
Load More Replies...I'm a little confused, are you saying that's what men think generally or is that your own opinion? Personally speaking, I dress for me and not for anyone else except maybe other female friends. (One or two of my friends are always smart and well groomed so sometimes I dress to fit in.) Sometimes I wear a dress and makeup because I feel in the mood that day. More often than not I don't. However my appearance is for my own benefit and not for anyone else. I don't love attention of that kind. It's not wanted and not needed.
Load More Replies...Do you think their behaviour is acceptable? Do you catcall? If so then my response to you sir is "What does it feel like to have such low self esteem/self worth that you have to shout at strangers in the street to feel good about yourself?" Maybe you should see someone about that. Get a bit of help.
Load More Replies...Always remember that even though you're just saying words, you don't know the mental state of the person. Sometimes people make passing comments at me that aren't meant to be bad, but they make me want to commit suicide.
Load More Replies...Um, okay, that wasn't the point of the article but sure, that's a good message.
Load More Replies...So because people have to deal with worse things somewhere else, nobody gets to be upset? Got cancer? Well, someone else has WORSE cancer, so yours doesn't matter! - You sound this stupid. And we get it, you little c**t of a manchild... You've been stuck in your mommy's basement your whole life because you're an ugly little b***h and women hate you, so now you've made it your sad life's duty to disrespect and belittle women any chance you get. You're a f*****g loser, Kyle. And you'll die a sad lonely little virgin, because no woman anywhere will ever want to be with someone as ignorant and sad as YOU.
Load More Replies...Nope. I'm almost fifty, never get catcalls anymore and absolutely love not being harassed by random men like I was in my youth.
Load More Replies...I’m 30 and they still haven’t stopped. Nobody misses being screamed at by a horny loser with no self control and a superiority complex.
Load More Replies...Wanna know what else is fake? The latex girlfriend you probably have, based on your insensitive comment.
Load More Replies...Were you ever threatened or harassed or scared for you life? No? I've been followed home by a group of guys who catcalled me, and when I ignored them they started to make threats on my life. Ever experienced that? Then shut the f**k up. It's not about having a stick in our asses, it's about not wanting to be seen as a sexual object and not a person. Seriously f**k you and everyone who thinks like you.
Load More Replies...Because you don't f*****g listen to women. There are women ALL over this comment section telling you this s**t happens. But you don't care and you don't listen. You don't want to face the fact that some men are f*****g a******s. Wake up moron.
Load More Replies...My wife had a gun pulled on her and was almost shot when she ignored a catcaller. So you can shut the f**k up.
Load More Replies...First of all, that's not irony. And second, THAT'S all you're taking from this? F*****g sad.
Load More Replies...She was brave for putting herself at risk in order to expose these creeps, is what I think you meant to say. It's ok. I got your back 😉
Load More Replies...Jesus.... Catcalling IS NOT a f*****g compliment! As Sofia already stated, it's invasive and creepy. It's not a compliment to yell at someone who doesn't want your attention. Saying "nice tits b***h," or something along those lines... NOT A F*****G COMPLIMENT. You have no idea how scary these creeps can be in real life. Oh wait, obviously you do, since you are one of these creeps.
Load More Replies...Wherever you are, women don't love it. Men tell themselves that women love it. Just like everywhere else. Women don't enjoy being degraded to being an object.
Load More Replies...So many of these pigs look so proud of themselves. Does this s**t seriously ever work? NO. And how many of these losers were lucky enough to have a gf or wife, and are probably still yelling at young girls. How many have daughters or sisters? Disgusting.
seriously i don't understand why guys do that! Did they really think that work?
"Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" "Well, he yelled, 'Nice tits!' out of a moving car, and I knew he was the one."
Load More Replies...Catcalling is absolutely pathetic, even though holy h*ck she's insanely pretty
She's gorgeous... without makeup. Why do women have to wear makeup Alex? I'm going to let you in on a little secret... WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN! We wear makeup for ourselves because we want too, we could really give a rat's a*s whether or not men approve of our face and what goes on it.
Load More Replies...You hear about guys displacing the blame onto the women for what they wear, or this and that reason. But how come you rarely ever hear of lesbians doing this to women? Or sexually assaulting other women? I'm a lesbian, and I have never once done something so disrespectful to a woman, regardless of clothing or any other reason. Its repugnant.
Depends on where you live and who you know. I have seen a lot of women yell or whistle at really attractive guys driving or walking. But yes, I agree it's not as common.
Load More Replies...This is why women have to walk around not smiling and being stern--to discourage their cat calling, and then they tell you to smile, or follow you or grab you. It's not about the girl anyway--it's about asserting their dominance, or proving their manhood. Telling them off only makes them happy or aggressive. It's scary behaviour meant to intimidate and humiliate. If these men cannot recognize the hideous pigs they are for this kind of behaviour, at least other men looking at it do.
Pigs are gentle, intelligent and affectionate creatures. The same cannot be said of these creeps. Let's call them for what they are: molesters.
Load More Replies...this would be wonderful! just the thought of how they'd get their asses beaten by their mommas makes me smile
Load More Replies...I live in panama, and everywhere i walk, people are honking their cars or whistling. It happens to a lot of girls i know, and it makes us all feel really uncomfortable.
Lina, fight the culture and imprison Panamanians who dissent. Chaos can't be tolerated.
Load More Replies...To the men that do this...how would you like it if this was your sister or wife?
They don't care. If the MRA creeps weigh in, they'll be howling because "it's a compliment" and raging about how "mean" women are to them. The truth is that this is threatening behaviour. I've been followed down the street by one of these creeps, and I had to duck into a store and go out the back door while calling the police to get rid of him.
Load More Replies...When working at a newspaper, we occasionally had people stop by to try to pick up pictures from us that had appeared in print. More often than not, it was people who had their mugshot from an arrest published. Quite a few were thrilled- it was the most attention the world had ever paid to them. More than one actively tried to think of something else they could do to get their picture in the paper again. Looking at the smiling faces of the guys this woman is trying to shame, I see the same mentality.
As a guy, I don't understand this behavior at all. I'm not saying I wouldn't notice her (I'm no saint) but this type of stuff is so beyond me. And I'm glad to say I've never hung around other guys who catcall.
That whole thing made my stomach turn. I'm sorry they did this to you.
The worst part of this is that she looks like (and may be) a teenager. And in my experience, the catcalling happened a ton more when I was a teen. It’s like the pervs have child sex fantasies and they also know a woman over 25 is going to be harder to fool and impress. They prey on girls that look meek, weak and too innocent to protect themselves. Gross.
omg exactly, those years I spent in a school uniform were filled with creepiness.
Load More Replies...Last year on This American Life, they had a bit about catcalling. Apparently the catcallers think the women find it flattering, even if told otherwise. You can find the episode here: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/603/once-more-with-feeling
Such men are incredible idiots, immature, and foolish. Though as Anna here mentioned, she is very pretty. Never once in my life have I ever catcalled a woman, I'd feel embarrassed and ashamed.
There is a misconception that catcallers do it because they find their targets attractive are trying to get with them. That's why many people dismiss it as a "compliment." The truth is catchalling is intended to scare and humiliate its' victims and catcallers know that. They do it to intentionally tear women down for being out in public. It's plain misogyny, that is all.
This speaks volumes, while also showing it. Power to this girl for showing their faces to the world
They know this behavior often frightens and intimidates women.....that's why they do it.
We live in a world that perpetuates the treatment of women as if they are property to be used by the highest bidder. Until we change how we raise and educate our sons and daughters this will continue.
Id just like to apologize for men across the world. Real men don't do this c**p.
This makes me so angry. Some scumbag reportedly catcalled my girlfriend only a few days ago; of course, it never happens when I'm around. These clowns aren't merely dirty or delusional (when will it ever produce the results they think it will? I mean, ever?...) but are cowardly, too, only ever preying on one who is completely alone. Show off all of them like this, every single one.
As a man this makes me feel sad and sick, I can proudly say my father raised a gentleman...
2 things in common with most of these people you see in these pics. 1, they are all men(of course). 2, they all have that stupid disgusting smile on their face like they think they are funny.
I am an Indian male. I was quite aware of my privilege and still am. I can walk the streets without fearing sudden unsolicited advances or worse. As a heterosexual, I also notice pretty girls and women walking by or just doing stuff, going about their business. Never have I felt the urge to do something disrespectful or invade their personal space. However, it's pretty common, especially in the slightly less busy streets in India.
no matter where you go, if you are a woman, you will get catcalled, harrassed. its just awful.
Actually, it is not common in Norway. Privacy is so respected, that it is considered very rude.
Load More Replies...All these guys seem desperate, probably they even don't have money for prostitutes. I am very happy it is punishable in The Netherlands, hope other countries follow ...
They don't do it to pick up women - they do it to belittle and demean us.
Most of these pictures are taken in Barcelona, at least the ones I recognise: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24
Ok, we all did this. When we were 16 and stupid AF like all teenagers. But if you are over 16 and still do this, you're not a man. You're...somethig, but not a man. Look at their faces. Half of them can barely p**s without an instruction manual, let alone do anything else. And in today's society it's apparently wrong to kick them in their tiny balls or have a male friend "just happen to pass by" and kick the s**t out of them. If my gf came to me one day telling me something like this happened, I'd probably go out of my way to find the douche and show him why bikers have such a bad reputation, be there legal consequences or not. F*****g parasites.
Dogs don't do this either. Dogs are right the opposite: loyal, caring, protective, loving. These LOOSERS don't deserve the compliment to be called dogs.
Load More Replies...Wow, i am amazed at the asshats who are vehemently defending being disrespectful a******s towards women. I guess i assumed they would be a bit more embarrased about themselves. Im once again saddened by how many terrible people there are around us.
These idiots are so clueless. What pigs! That creep that put his arm on her makes me cringe. I don't know how she tolerated it.
I never go out without my headphones. NEVER EVER. This also happens to me even though im ugly as f**k, I can't even imagine the Hell such a beautiful girl has to go through. I had enough 6 years ago and bought an ipod (and I still use it every day)since then, I sometimes notice that some people are yelling shits at me waving like some epileptic octopuses but I can't hear them so I don't care anymore.
I'm sorry you have to use your headphones to protect yourself. You're also funny! (epileptic octopuses!)
Load More Replies...Her instagramm post are filled with disgusting comments about her "seeking for attention", "looking like a victim" and "you should feel complimented". unbelievable. This patriarchic world needs so much more of this!
Unfortunately, judging by the hidden comments, there are a lot of those butthurt rats over here as well.
Load More Replies...One of the best things about getting older is that this is a rarer occurendce. These mens are so disappointing human beings. Disgusting. Verbal assaulting a woman is just wrong. Just keep your mouth shut.
And as expected: a comment section filled with butthurt men that know jackshit about respectint women. I feel sorry for their mothers. Ladies, take notice of these ‘people’. Any catcaller you can avoid either online or in real life is one. They have small ones anyway :D
Don’t feel sorry for their mothers. Modern of their mothers are entitled asshats too who couldn’t be bothered to raise her own child properly.
Load More Replies...This is brilliant, and not just for the social commentary by visuals. With the repetition it becomes a reveal of arrogant entitlement of the verbal assaulters and it admits to the beauty of an ordinary woman.
I love this, when I try to explain to men why it's not a compliment to be harassed on the street while walking to work, buying groceries etc., they simply don't get the feeling of being threatened and the shame that goes with it. Kudos to this brave girl for showing the real side and how catcalling is not a compliment we should take.
This is disgusting. And the sad part is that none of these men even think what they're doing is unacceptable. They look so f*****g chuffed with themselves.
GREAT WORK!!! Hopefully this gives some perspective and insight to those masses of loser fools I've had to deal with that, after I complain about catcalling, tell me not to be so upset and that I should feel complimented. The catcallers themselves? I have no hope for them. They probably enjoy making women squirm. But when I yell back, they get angry. I promise to, as much as I can, continue to make sure each and every one of these cockroach gets a negative experience from catcalling, whistling, whooping at me.
Reading these comments makes my skin crawl, I strongly dislike men that behave like that.
Women, raise your boys to be Gentlemen. Men, raise your boys to be courteous. It takes communities to raise children, let's all do better. ;-)
These f*****g a******s so damn smug. I absolutely hate that they feel entitled to yell out such stupid s**t and expect a positive response on top of it.
At my old school my 12 year old friend and her whole team was cat called by the high school football players.Highschoolers cat called tweens
Dear people commenting "does this really work?" They are not doing it because it works. They are doing it to harass the young lady. THIS is the oppression that we talk about and everyone denies. THIS is what makes us feel low. THIS is what needs to stop! Just because we cannot knock the jerk into next Monday... they do this.
put them all over soicialvmedia and let their wives and girl friends see exactly what they are like.
That's really depressing. I feel like I should apologise for the entire male half of the human race.
Wow... Just WOW. We live in a world where men still think it is okay to belittle women. Sorry, I'm not taking that sitting down. Thanks to the 40% of Men who are respectful and don't call women bitches just for expressing their opinion. It's too bad the small fraction of men that actually respect women aren't commenting here, maybe then the other boys that are posting here could learn a thing or two. I thought you only heard this kind of nasty talk from a 12 year old playing call of Duty. Boys in the comments, isn't there a better way to get your point across without using profanity and putting us down? You're not debating you're bullying. Bunch of losers.
I get this too... hate it... its disrespectful on so many levels... need a pea shooter or slingshot
those men behave so disrespectful and disgusting and the worst thing is that they regard it probably as their naturally given right. look at them the so called "pride of creation"...
I honestly cannot believe some of these guys,... what are they thinking??,.. what makes them think this pretty young girl would ever be interested in doing anything with their disgusting selves...unbelievable!!
SO proud that she is creating a site and taking the power back. I am also surprised so many people don't seem like they are native to the netherlands, are they visiting and think they can do this in any country??? SMH
Not to be xenophobic (I live abroad too), but I noticed that foreigners (in Korea) do it more than Koreans.... I noticed their predatory starings even when I'm freakin' holding hands with my very husband. In a completely non flirtatious way and both of us wearing real casual clothes, you know, typical couple that's been living together for almost a decade.
Load More Replies...I'm actually a bit worried for her. I understand her statement, but she's risking safety by getting that close to creepy strangers.
I'm willing to bet so much money that none of those pukes has higher than a high school education
good god. where are their mothers? im so sorry youve had to endure this. objectifying women is disgusting and neither i nor any other man i associate with would resort to such heinous behavior. who in their right mind thinks yelling "i want to f#$% you" at a passing girl, expecially one so lovely who obviously wont need anyone like them, is going to make a woman swoon and fall into their arms. whats the definition of insanity? doing the same stupid s@#$ over and over expecting a different result. Men like these make me ashamed to be a man. sure wish these pics could be sent to their mothers...
How about their fathers? Shouldn't their fathers have taught them how to treat women by respecting their mothers? It is up to MEN to change the behavior of MEN. Don't blame their mothers.
Load More Replies...I would love to see the owners of these creatures (Wives/Mothers/Sisters/Daughters/Girlfriends) respond that their creatures have been identified and corrected. I can only imagine what I would do if a Man in my life was photographed after this type of behavior. (and I can't even imagine this type of behavior from any of them)
I do not uderstand this manners. Some sort of men consider that as normal and then they are scared of gays. Do they expect the same behaviour frome them? "Hey dude, you have a big d..k, you wanna kiss from me?" Huh?
o7. catcalling is such an outdated thing and it rarely works. And following her is f*****g gross f*****g creeps. its something that won't end and sadly women is going to have to learn to filter out these things. And when you have kids rise them right show them how to treat women and men without seeing people as slabs of meat.
it makes me mad, because these jerk offs become the bad apples that spoil the whole bunch.
Most men are completely unable to understand that women don't like it. SMH
I've got to give it to her. She's brave. I would be terrified to stop and take a picture with the man or men harassing me. Even if it would give the police evidence after I went missing...
She's not even wearing provocative clothing to "entice" them and their attentions. There's a sweatshirt, hoodie, etc. showing she's completely covered and yet, they are still doing this. It's awful. My 13 yr old experienced it her first day of grade 9... a senior yelled out, "Hey girl, want the D?" and she just kept walking, head down mortified. I told her to stand up for herself and the next day he asked again and she let him have it. So proud of her. He never said a word to her again.
Some of these things look like they could be her father. These are even more perverts than younger ones who can still be properly educated on how to treat women and on respect. (it doesn't excuse the younger ones attitude but there is still some kind of hope for these ones while there is none for the old farts).
society, culture, family values means nothing unless me choose to respect women. the most bat s**t crazy thing about crime against women is society blames them as playing a key role in the crime as a factor. (late night, drunk, cloths n what not)
They are pigs. Acting like little horny boys just to try to prove themselves that "they have it". Well, you have nothing, boys. Did it EVER work, this kind of behaviour, seriously ?
seriously can they give it a rest. like they have never seen a women before, god like enough all ready shut the f up. such pigs. if you actually just talked to her like a human being and not a piece of a*s she might respond-get over yourselves
Out of curiosity, Is there anything any of these men could have said that would have gotten your attention in a positive way?
Thank you for asking. If a woman is walking down the street or biking as we do in The Netherlands :}. There is never a reason for shouting/honking/whistling/stalking/hurling all kind of patronizing/sexual names. We are not walking down the street looking gorgeous or cute for men and waiting for any kind remarks. We are just shopping, going to work. We are minding our own business. But perhaps if we are in a cafe/club/social gathering a polite hello could do. And if she doesn't respond, than I am sorry then it is done. Ps these men never did these thinking she would ever take it serious, I think it would shock there tiny balls all the way up their blushing cheeks.
Load More Replies...any clue how pathetic you look? Probably not if you youve not studied the the history of primate cohabitation.
This many times to one girl?! Where does this happen? I have never, ever been "catcalled". Never. I really thought this "catcalling" thing was falsely exaggerated until I saw this story. Does this happen in bigger cities? Where there is more walking around and not driving? I am completely shocked by this!
I would say it's much more likely to happen in a bigger city, but that's just my personal experience. It wasn't something I experienced a lot until I moved to a large city in the south. Then, it became a near-daily occurrence. I was even followed a couple times. It can be very frightening!
Load More Replies...this post made me sad. how many of such people, without occupation, morals, standards, with idle mind are around young helpless ones. it is disturbing indeed.
Laugh now cry later .... need to put up this as a website where towns can zoom in on clowns in their area. Maybey their wife or girlfriend will see it & get them in trouble. Knowledge IS power & it might cut back some from chancing it being found as a kind of pig or getting a real date...the right way. Earn it.
sick dudes...she has to be put through all this disturbing her space and peace while out in public, get followed and yelled at..and only 20 years old...how cruel. These guys don’t have to feel while being outside, a sinking sickening scary feeling in the core pit of their being, being stressed and put off balance, adrenaline pumping from getting a fear scare inside of her, wondering if someone is going to hurt her physically next after going aggressive on her...
I really don't know how anyone could resist such charms. Being followed and pestered... being told of wild thoughts by guys that are really only sorta creepy.. they're just too smooth. I don't know how she does it.
your kidding me, right? please tell me you are kidding me
Load More Replies...I don't get the thought process of these guys. Is it something like "hey, a pretty girl. let's scream sexual things at her and maybe she's immediately sex me" ????
I worry for your safety your alone taking pics of you with men i worry you might get hurt please be careful
shame is the last thing they will ever feel. nothing worth appreciating in their lives they are fustrated, cure it by hangover at the end of the day,nevr satisfied, greed, no morals they are an epidemic
No matter if she is pretty or don't, if I put a dress to my old cat they are going to yell at her too.
If a woman turned around and said, yeah baby how about it, let's get busy. These men wouldn't even know what to do! They'd run away in fear, or say, oh, oh I was only kidding. Secondly women need to learn to be more vocal and tell them to stfu.
So I HATE it when people say that women bring this sort of thing upon themselves by the way they look, dress, act etc, because it's simply not true. But her stopping to acknowledge them, photograph them, seems to be giving them some sort of interaction that probably makes them think it's ok and that she thinks it's funny / or even that she's comfortable with it; because she's taking a photo. When that is the complete opposite, having read this. It's pretty confusing. I'd imagine being constantly on the look out for it and actually posing with them for photos does give the wrong impression. All of these guys look super relaxed, not at all threatened, they seem to think they're in on the joke with her. I doubt they realise they're in the wrong. Perhaps if she actually said to them, this is not ok, this is why I am documenting this, they would look a lot more confused, angry faces, and it would challenge their behaviour and stop them doing it. T This
It's scary, and they automatically put themselves into the creep category by doing this. I'll never understand it.
yeah omg can they give it a rest-like wtf. can they be civil and just say something nice and not sexist all the dam time god they are pathetic-get over themselves
Just wait till there girl friends, wives, MOTHERS, see these. I don't think they'l be smiling then or be soo proud of themselves.
I`m glad she had the time for this, but this won`t change anything. These men in the pictures don`t look like they care and she might have even encouraged them with getting closer to them and taking a photo, and others who this didn`t happen to won`t change their minds because of it.
These photos teach others that this is not acceptable, welcome, or admirable. It also demonstrates that it is a problem.
Load More Replies...She just has to wait till she's past 30 years old and it all will go away forever.
i used to work at a mall with three levels . The middle of the mall was empty so you could hang over the railing and look from the third floor all the way down to the first floor . I cant tell you the number of times i saw men yelling from the third floor at a woman on the first floor . Ay yo baby , lemme get yo numba ... just unreal ... oh , and i never once saw this approach find success .
Yes I can relate to this girl and the sad thing is I'm a mom and have a little girl even with my baby girl next to me they fallow me around there should be a law for us girls really !!!!!!
Serious question for the Women here. Let me start by saying following a woman, yelling at or insulting her, sexual advances on a woman you've never even chatted with before, not reading body language to see you're making someone uncomfortable and not stopping interactions when requested, all need to stop. Its unconscionable and men need to stop this behavior, so the women of this world can go wherever they want and feel safe. My question to all the women here, how do you feel about men coming up to you and being pleasant, engaging, and not just non-threatening, but friendly. His body language says that he is confident, but not full of himself. You can sense right away that he has no intent, other than to meet someone he finds interesting. And wants to strike up a conversation, to see if there's some connection. And if there is not, he would thank you for the moment and wish you a wonderful day. Would this be viewed the same, as harassment, unwanted interaction, non-consent and creepy?
To answer your question. Technically, of course not. That's not an assault if he's showing respect. But because of a******s like the subject matter of this article, we do have initial walls of caution set as default. Additionally, regardless of the harassment topic, some females might just be shy, introverted, or suffer from social anxiety. But I'm sure a trur gentleman, like the one you described, is well aware of these facts, and knows how to do his best to empathize and not hurt anybody.
Load More Replies...Maybe these guys catcall because it's the only time they ever get any attention from someone attractive. I mean most of these guys are creepy looking to be honest...
How is saying these men look "creepy" any different from calling a woman 'ugly' for being heavier than others? It's judging a person by their appearance. Judge them by their actions, and in this case the actions are bad.
Load More Replies...I experienced same in Wash DC growing up -- it's not fun. But then, it is male. What can you do?
Educate men. Fine it (it's illegal in Norway). And post images that this.
Load More Replies...I'm hoping someone's mother, sister, wife or daughter sees these pigs in the photo and calls them out on it. We should all start taking their disgusting pictures!
This is disturbing. It made me remember when I was 11, but I looked like I was 18+. I get that cat calls can be construed as a compliment, but how does one explain that it's not?
Playing devil's advocate, I'm complimented by the catcalling. Makeup or not or whoever they are, if they aren't hurting me or doing anything I humbly take the compliment then leave. Of course the stalker was an exception but most of these seem pretty tame imo. Oh and I'm catcalled by women too, unless she's gender prejudice I'm sure she got hit on by them too and "didn't" take a pic. I do not know this lady nor do i choose to say how she should be but this is a road-less-traveled perspective. Of course, the internet peoples will always get offended.
I get why you might feel that way but I’ll share something with you that I noticed. When I was a teen, I was secretly a little flattered by it until I was chased and threatened numerous times. The guys that do it are vomitously ugly like 55% of the time. But that’s not what I wanted to share. The thing is, the ugliest girls get catcalled too. It’s not a compliment to your beauty, even when they specifically say you’re beautiful. I’ve seen some of the ugliest trash girls get catcalled. They call everyone beautiful and sweet, gorgeous, princess, angel on earth, all of that. Girls that literally look like dudes or have greasy, obvious wigs and fat rolls and disgusting faces or look smelly - they all get catcalled. It’s not even intended as a compliment. It’s literally a test for many guys to see how you’ll react. Those that aren’t testing you are usually doing it for their male friends to show off or be funny. Sometimes they are serious about asking you on a date.
Load More Replies...Why are all the top comments about how old / overweight / unshaven / whatever the catcallers are? That should be completely irrelevant to the conversation. Their behaviour is disgusting, but failure to leave their appearance out of it is pretty much equally as bad as what they're doing.
Most of the guys that do this are usually just stupid. They really don't know any better and don't really care. New York is also really bad for this kind of behavior.
Ugh...all of these guys are creepy AF (some are just pathetic) but a couple look like straight up rapists... :-/
This is the reason that I and my friends at 12- talked about how to run away, how to fight this is why at 13 I carried a pocketknife around with me this is why at 14 when my male friends ask why we women go to the bathrooms in groups I can answer him "so we are safe" this is why at 15 I am catcalled, hooted at from passing cars and shouted at and this is why at 16 I am a feminist- because I want my daughter to feel safer growing up than I did.
An amazing idea - take away their anonimity and publicly shame them. while I am sure they think they are cool and would be proud to see themselves Women know what lowlife a******s they actaully are. I believe every single woman has this happne to her and we all need to start doing exactly what you did. catcalling is NOT OK. it is sexual assault. It is time we took our person and rights back-Well done Keep it up - lets start a new trend!!!!! So Very PROUD of you!!
One day I was literally just whistling(it just I like zoning off and whistling my favorite musical tones" and deadass just zoned off staring straight and thinking about life and a women happened to pass by and thought I was catcalling her. She stopped me and said what did I was disgusting and how would you like that happen to your mom or sister was cat called. And I am like "I seriously didn't even acknowledge you are waiting and I wasn't catcalling you I was whistling a music tone.". Plus I am 21 and she was like 30 and I definitely didn't look at her nor am I type of guy to catcall or do something like that it's just not me. She still called me perverts out loud and left. Than again don't blame her after seeing these photos.
One day I was literally just whistling(it just I like zoning off and whistling my favorite musical tones" and deadass just zoned off staring straight and thinking about life and a women happened to pass by and thought I was catcalling her. She stopped me and said what did I was disgusting and how would you like that happen to your mom or sister was cat called. And I am like "I seriously didn't even acknowledge you are waiting and I wasn't catcalling you I was whistling a music tone.". Plus I am 21 and she was like 30 and I definitely didn't look at her nor am I type of guy to catcall or do something like that it's just not me. She still called me perverts out loud and left. Than again don't blame her after seeing these photos.
Exactly. The men who catcalls women also ruins it for nice men. It's really no wonder women are defensive and misinterpret the nice ones when so much creepy and threatening behavior is so common.
Load More Replies...Their moms should have stick their legs together forever and not let these waste of human race born. Society teaches men to be a******s but learning manners starts at home. Bet half of them are married with women who think their husbands are just wonderful men. Poor, poor humanity.
it looks like picture #9 may have been taken in amsterdam, the rest i don't know where.
My thought is I would be happy to be fat and unattractive in that city. But that shouldn't be necessary to not get constantly harassed!
This at least makes sense, because this girl is honestly gorgeous. I, however, am not an attractive woman but get cat called all the time, which I do not understand. Not saying that for pity or to fish for compliments - the shape of my face and the arrangement of my features unfortunately looks quite unattractive, no matter what I do with clothes, makeup, hair, etc. Sometimes I am almost flattered by the catcalling, because I get so little attention otherwise. But it still leaves me very confused because why would they catcall someone unattractive? Why not save it for just the pretty ones?
it's not about the girl. It's about intimidation and proving their own masculinity. They don't believe the girl will pay them attention
Load More Replies...Is there anything that any guy could have said to here that would have gotten a positive response?
"Hello" might work. Or it might not. Women generally have their guard up on the street (because of stuff like this) and it's not a great time to approach them. You'd have better luck striking up a conversation at a place people go to socialize.
Load More Replies...Most of these must've been taken in spain, maybe italy - look at the language on shop signs, the architecture and the vegetation. Usually more northern European cities don't have many catcallers. I never witnessed it (not to myself/not any other woman)
Some photos are clearly from Amsterdam, which is northern Europe. And male harassment comes in many shapes and forms, catcalling being only one of them.
Load More Replies...Seems we have a long way to go. Men need to realize this is not fun, it is intimidating, demeaning, and gross.
Dont judge too harshly. They probably didng have the luxury of being able to fap or knew its a thing
This only has to relate to the people chatting. You shouldn't act like you know their motivation. Only those individuals know their motives. Also, I guess its probably unsettling to be hit on and catcalled, but imagine someone is unconfident and awkward and their friends tell them just to be more open, more spontaneous, to live a little. They decide, hey, you know what, imma flirt with someone, what do I have to lose? Not everyone is a creep, a rapist, or weirdo. I'll admit, most those guys are disturbing, but you all are showing a great lack of faith for people, society, and men in general. The Fun police and drama queens have taken over the planet and people can't be people anymore.
I wish someone would find me attractive and let me know in public. You have a gift you don't appreciate some of us wish we had.
Not all of us are pigs, i have never stooped so low as to yell at females just because I like the way they look or am horny. Actually, I find it demeans not only the women but also myself, yet those men are the ones with wives and girlfriends. What I wonder is why those women do fall for that while the nice guy sits alone, because if you aren't aggressive or foolish enough to debase yourself in public then apparently you're not a real man. I feel bad for the ladies that are truly bothered by catcallers but it seems that many women are often encouraged by that same attention. Try to take their comments as compliments and pepper spray the ones that get too close
used to happen to me every day (just about) in my 20s, mildly lesser in my 30s, and almost non existent in my 40s, now I am fatter and considered no longer attractive or rather, VULNERABLE to these same kind of creeps. And here I was thinking, hmmm maybe men had evolved after a couple of decades. Nope, same c**p, predating on those least likely to retort. The other reason they will leave older women alone-out innocence, softness tolerance and fear is all but gone- because of them. Would think nothing of kicking one of them in the balls these days.
i feel so ashamed for what those pigs do to women that i personally never try to talk or say anything to any women. i stay polite and educated as much as possible.
She's gorgeous, geez. I can see why guys would want to tell her she's attractive, but still. That last one didn't seem like a catcall to me, though. Anyone care to explain? Unless it was how they said it, it seems like it's at least not as sleazy as the others.
She go in front of them and took selfies with only a part of her face and those guys clear close by behind her. they see that too that she is taking a pic of them and offcource they going to pose in the background on the pic i do not call that catcalling because that isn’t proof that they even said any word to her and if they was catcalling her for real she would have video taped them and not taking pic. I believe she does it to get some kind of fame like we called here 5 min of fame. ppl sell there souls to the devil for fame. There is no way a stranger would get so close to you with his hand on your shoulder and his chin on your other shoulder if you didn’t aloud them to do it..... we woman are good actresses and when we have the look we can make almost anyone believe what we want. Catcalling is if they said something sexually. btw they all got there mouth close and some smilling. She can tell you whatever she wants what she claims they said to her I call this BS.
Most of them losers do it to show off in front of their male friends. Most of them need to hear "go p***k themselves". But a lady will not give them the time of day. It also says a lot by the way they were Raised. I am a man and was taught to "respect" all females. I am embarrassed for them and the way they were raised.
Okk... well, no offense but.. Well im glad this is her biggest problem. I mean.. i dont mean anything.. people are starving, there is war going on in the world and some women are victims of real vio-fcking-lence (as well as children and men).
Catcalling works but not in a personal level, it works on a social level, mantaining men dominance on patriarchial societies, you can't see this happen in modern cultures like some europeans are, but in the U.S. and in all latín countries, where misrepresentation and objectification of women is generalized and learnt in families, catcalling is seen as a poetic, romantic heritage, rather than the rude invasion it really is.
Unless it's getting to the point of scary/intimadating, I think there are way more important things to worry about. (No, I'm not saying catcalling is okay) Be realistic though. If this is the kind of social justice train everyone wants to jump on when there are literally life and death issues in other areas that need exposure and representatives... If you're that interested in justice, go take pictures of hungry and homeless people who don't have smartphones to let people know of their dire straits. This is the kind of social justice that reeks of self centered-ness imo. #sorrynotsorry
How do we know she was actually being catcalled and didn't just randomly ask men to take a selfie with her? There is no way to prove it.
Why do so many so-called men have such little respect for women? WTF is the matter with them?
The men of this world have been groomed by the media to be this way and it's getting worse every year with rapes and abuse escalating. Laws need to deal harshly with these people, death for rapists and pedophiles and beatings for disrespect.
I am very tired of all these outraged pieces by upper-middle class white women about how horrible it is for them to be catcalled. It seems more like a performance defending the purity of wealthy. white femininity than the advancement of an intersectional anti-sexist politics, particularly when this attitude is so often coupled with a devaluation of sex work. Sex work often involves conditions so much more challenging than a simple pearl-clutching "catcall." And yet, it is considered as being so egregiously oppressive as to be below even mentioning. I am not saying catcaling is good, although i want to know how we remedy the classism and racism in wealthy white women designating certain poor black and brown men's sexual desires as inappropriate. I am saying catcalling is unfortunately one of the least of our concerns. I think the feminist universe would survive fewer self-righteous thinkpieces about catcalling, but desperately needs more inquiries into the death of Marcia Powell. Marcia
She rocks! I think is is ridiculous that people have an adverse reaction to natural body hair. It wasn't until the 1920-30's that any women shaved their underarms. Just look at the beautiful picture of women in their strapless dresses with sexy underarm hair. It was considered sexy! Then some marketing ploy to get them to buy products changed all that and people fell for it. Now it seems normal. Also it cracks me up that someone said this was against "european values" as europeans didn't follow american lead and shave until fairly recently. When I was a young women there in the 90's people thought I was strange for shaving! Also, why is it fair that women are pressured to take such painstaking efforts to be "presentable" to this male-driven societal notion that women should be hairless and flawless! I mean , really! Shaving, dieting, wearing make-up and even more invasive procedures are just a ridiculous burden. Just let people be their natural selves already!
What a bunch of creepy dudes. Damn, I feel ashamed of being a man... -___-
These people make me want to vomit. Most of them are so low class or the other end the ones that used to pay to get women's attention. Exactly that behaviour in my home country, Bulgaria made me stop wearing skirts at age of 16. I have been followed by gypsies, harassed numerous times by workers and asked to join drivers in luxury jeeps. Even now, at age of 36, I cannot afford to be pretty (well dressed, with gentle make-up and nice hair) and alone in the center of the capital, Sofia, because all kind of scumbag, mainly gypsies and foreigners from East that invaded the city do not stop speaking nasty perverted things to me. It is quite scary and dangerous. Especially in the dark hours of the day.
There is nothing more frightening than being catcalled when you are alone. I wonder if these men would still do it to women if gay men did it to them.
Woman rightfully, publicly, documents the frequent, unsolicited, verbal objectification commentary doled out to her by men. Obligatory dudebro posts of disbelief, accusations of "attention seeking", lying, victim-blaming, and "boys will be boys" defense of toxic masculinity behavior in the comments...
heads up, these pictures are on hi5 taken by a girl who was taking pictures of people from different places of the world.
what's even more worrying is the constant calling of women 'baby' - is this a secret desire by most men for paedophilia?
aha.. and that's only valid to people that speak english?
Load More Replies...Some of these idiots would lose their smiles if they would actually look at her face
What happend to saying excuse me I think you look wonderful have a nice day?. Sorry you ladies experience these pigs.
It's creepy, but not €190 creepy. If catcalling is worthy of a €190 fine, what's the punishment for groping a woman? A month in jail? Or even more? That's actually already way over the line according to me. It wouldn't surprise me if the jail time is 10 times that.
This most definitely harassment but with exception of few: This isn’t a straight comment on sexism, feminism, “pigs” or “creeps”. to me, this speaks of the failures of our patero/hetronormative society, our jurassic courtships rituals, and the resulting backlash of a conditioned “non-viable” candidate. obscurification after brutal objectification. that’s my thoughts. although being male, i’m not in the position to qualify these thought.
The one thing that i notice in all of these is how they all appear to have the same stupid look on their faces. This kind of behavior often takes place in warm weather rather than cold. I often find it amusing and laugh at them for thinking I would be desperate enough to consider any form of interacting with them.
Another one of her selfies https://twitter.com/gastromonk/status/916003289040347137
Great idea! Thank you for showing these disgusting a******s. I hope the world Internet war starts on them soon!
Somebody famous once said something like, "Smart men become stupid in the presence of beautiful women." She's certainly beautiful, and they are certainly stupid, so maybe that quote has some merit.
What the hell good did this do? And how the hell did she allow any of them to touch her?!?
Not to demean any of these oppinions, but am i the only one who this struck as somewhat weird with some of these pictures as they even look "staged" i get that this apparently happens in your country, personally i've never experienced anyone getting catcalled or done so myself. It just almost seems to me as if some of the guys just wave at the camera and smile (particularly the second last one), cuz heck i'd do that if someone walked up and took a picture infront of me
It's funny because where I'm from there is a loud minority of women who are complaining that "the men are no longer catcalling us, what happened to the proper men?"
I've felt like doing this before, even with people who call me a man or are just doing it to be transphobic. Alas, everytime I have attempted such a feat I have been threatened with violence for "being a gay puffter". It's so annoying that people think it's okay to say things like that and treat women like objects (it works the other way around too, I've seen women doing it to men and women trying to make me feel insecure by telling me they want a man that doesn't act like a man). My girlfriend and I have even had people say to her "that's not a real man, you want someone like me sugar tits".
Please know not all guys act like this, or even think about doing so. These are the bad apples.
Gee, call me a racist, but it seems these men didn't look Dutch to me.
That's because a good chunk of thephotos were taken in Barcelona.
Load More Replies...I think catcalling is lame. I always felt the best way to get a woman's attention is to not show them any attention at all! Go about your business and make believe they don't exist. It works 10 times better if they find you attractive... They call men who do this "The quiet, mysterious type" Lmao...
Is it true what they say about the old creepy Dutch pedophiles?
Absoloutly none them looked to be too promising..no class..no luck buddy!
Hello, man here. All of these made me feel sick to my stomach, except I did wonder about #9. That one made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but came across as a bad attempt to hit on a woman rather than an overly presumptuous invasion of privacy. Was that guy not just trying to court, albeit badly? Is that not ok?
i wonder if she told them why she was photographing them. that would be an important factor in whether it got the point across that what they were doing was not welcome, instead of maybe celebrated with a photo? her face is obv not celebratory.
LMAOOOOO!!!! I wouldnt even let them come that close to take a picture.
This must only happen in certain regions or in cities, because this simply doesn't happen in SoCal and definitely doesn't happen outside of cities. This is not to say that it NEVER happens here, but in places like NY it's apparently a part of male culture. I'm 50 y/o and I've never been with a group of guys that have ever done this.
Why would you take pictures with them? Looks like you went out there looking for that type of attention then act like you don't like it when you get it. If all women hated that kind of attention no men would do it! There are plenty of ugly chics who wish they were you!
Next time they catcall you just ask them if they do the same to their own mother's and sister's.
It won't last forever. The day will come when they won't look and whistle anymore. I say enjoy it and exploit it while you've got it. I'm 70 now and I know what's ahead for you. Been there.
You know ladies, stop putting on makeup, if you're so offended by this. It draws attention, and if it's not to "bring on the boys" it tells men, that you either hate how you look without makeup on top of a ton of other ego issues.
you sheeple believe this? This was all a set up...why would she let them get close to her and touch her if she was so disgusted...you sheeple are to easy to manipulate
cat calling love it or hate it i couldn't care less, what i cant understand why all these interesting characters even look at this pile of mud chick - maybe they feel sorry for her when they see the mud expression on her face?
Heh...this makes me think of a video I saw a while back...where a guy approaches a girl...which I would assume is what you call catcalling, but, in regular clothes...regular car. Obviously chick ignores him. It was an experiment video, and then another guy comes up to the same chick...dressed impressively, driving a lambo or some s**t..all of a sudden she's into it. Wonder what this woman's reaction would be if any of those catcallers were rich.
So what if a woman would respond to someone who is dressed nicely instead of someone she didn't like? It is her right to respond to those she likes, no? Or do you think that one shouldn't be shallow? You think that men shouldn't be shallow either? Men shouldn't judge women by their looks?
Load More Replies...Are we positive she didn't just walk up, take a selfie with a stranger who thought she was being nice, and instead she puts words in their mouths as she posts said pics? I'm not saying she's a liar....but what if she's a liar? 0,o haha I mean she could've taken a video of them saying these things, but instead takes a pic and types in her own quotes possibly? I'm sorry but whether it's true or not, we need to stop taking things by word of mouth. Or even with a grain of salt especially when viewing things online. For all we know all these men are innocent, but we're suppose to believe her, just because? hahah
Even if you don't believe this actual post, you would indeed be very stupid if you don't think catcalling is a problem for women. But consider yourself informed: women don't like catcalling, and for this reason it should stop.
Load More Replies...This gave me anxiety. So glad I'm a lesbian. Men are f*****g gross!
The vast majority of men, at leas the ones I've been around, are quite nice.
Load More Replies...At least there are some assertive men left. Their approach is complete faggetry, and most of them are creepy old f***s, but at least they take responsibility for the dumb s**t they say and don't try to hide
1 sorry but she's beautiful 2 how many men did she walk by that didn't say anything sure there are a******s everywhere but the percentage must be almost nil 15073467_1...d0ecc1.jpg
Pretty much anyone under the age of 45 and under 200lbs gets catcalled way more often than these pictures depict. Especially in big cities. I went to Amsterdam with my sister and it was constant and one guy grabbed her butt while riding by on a bicycle. Catcalling is literally a part of everyday life if you walk places. Maybe you just drive everywhere or live in the countryside?
Stupid jerk. Women doesn't like it, and therefore should catcalling stop.
Load More Replies...Even if it was fake, it depicts a common experience that women face every day. It is representative of real experience, so eliciting sympathy for this person is eliciting sympathy for all who have to deal with idiots like those depicted in these photos.
Load More Replies...What does it feel like to be so full of s**t that you can't even sympathize with other human beings? Must be nice.
Load More Replies...And still, you miss the f*****g point. WE DON'T WANT TO BE YELLED AT, "COMPLIMENTED" BY A STRANGER, OR MADE TO FEEL THREATENED OR SCARED, which is what catcalling does. It has nothing to do with some man just NEEDING to tell a woman she's gorgeous, it's meant to harass and intimidate her. You don't get to f*****g tell women how to feel about what WE experience.
Load More Replies...Nobody will ever miss being stalked and harassed and made to feel scared.
Load More Replies...The thing is, when you get catcalled, you don't feel desired, you feel humilliated, like the other person's intentions weren't to let you know you are attractive to them, but to make you feel smaller and to remind you that you can't do anything about it because you are weak. When i get catcalled, (and notice this happened way more often when i was a teenager than now that i look a little older) i screamed, and they would get surprised because they didn't expect you to answer, they just wanted to remind you they can comment on your body and you can't do anything.
Load More Replies...I'm a little confused, are you saying that's what men think generally or is that your own opinion? Personally speaking, I dress for me and not for anyone else except maybe other female friends. (One or two of my friends are always smart and well groomed so sometimes I dress to fit in.) Sometimes I wear a dress and makeup because I feel in the mood that day. More often than not I don't. However my appearance is for my own benefit and not for anyone else. I don't love attention of that kind. It's not wanted and not needed.
Load More Replies...Do you think their behaviour is acceptable? Do you catcall? If so then my response to you sir is "What does it feel like to have such low self esteem/self worth that you have to shout at strangers in the street to feel good about yourself?" Maybe you should see someone about that. Get a bit of help.
Load More Replies...Always remember that even though you're just saying words, you don't know the mental state of the person. Sometimes people make passing comments at me that aren't meant to be bad, but they make me want to commit suicide.
Load More Replies...Um, okay, that wasn't the point of the article but sure, that's a good message.
Load More Replies...So because people have to deal with worse things somewhere else, nobody gets to be upset? Got cancer? Well, someone else has WORSE cancer, so yours doesn't matter! - You sound this stupid. And we get it, you little c**t of a manchild... You've been stuck in your mommy's basement your whole life because you're an ugly little b***h and women hate you, so now you've made it your sad life's duty to disrespect and belittle women any chance you get. You're a f*****g loser, Kyle. And you'll die a sad lonely little virgin, because no woman anywhere will ever want to be with someone as ignorant and sad as YOU.
Load More Replies...Nope. I'm almost fifty, never get catcalls anymore and absolutely love not being harassed by random men like I was in my youth.
Load More Replies...I’m 30 and they still haven’t stopped. Nobody misses being screamed at by a horny loser with no self control and a superiority complex.
Load More Replies...Wanna know what else is fake? The latex girlfriend you probably have, based on your insensitive comment.
Load More Replies...Were you ever threatened or harassed or scared for you life? No? I've been followed home by a group of guys who catcalled me, and when I ignored them they started to make threats on my life. Ever experienced that? Then shut the f**k up. It's not about having a stick in our asses, it's about not wanting to be seen as a sexual object and not a person. Seriously f**k you and everyone who thinks like you.
Load More Replies...Because you don't f*****g listen to women. There are women ALL over this comment section telling you this s**t happens. But you don't care and you don't listen. You don't want to face the fact that some men are f*****g a******s. Wake up moron.
Load More Replies...My wife had a gun pulled on her and was almost shot when she ignored a catcaller. So you can shut the f**k up.
Load More Replies...First of all, that's not irony. And second, THAT'S all you're taking from this? F*****g sad.
Load More Replies...She was brave for putting herself at risk in order to expose these creeps, is what I think you meant to say. It's ok. I got your back 😉
Load More Replies...Jesus.... Catcalling IS NOT a f*****g compliment! As Sofia already stated, it's invasive and creepy. It's not a compliment to yell at someone who doesn't want your attention. Saying "nice tits b***h," or something along those lines... NOT A F*****G COMPLIMENT. You have no idea how scary these creeps can be in real life. Oh wait, obviously you do, since you are one of these creeps.
Load More Replies...Wherever you are, women don't love it. Men tell themselves that women love it. Just like everywhere else. Women don't enjoy being degraded to being an object.
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