Dogs get a lot of love as awesome family pets, but don't write cats off. When they are not planning world domination, cats can be wonderful purring companions for children.
Though they are excellent family pets, make sure your cat is socialized and that your children understand your cat's boundaries - they may get a nasty scratch otherwise! Some fear that children may run the risk of infection with toxoplasmosis, but the chances of this are very slim. If you clean your cat's litterbox often and if your cat doesn't roam outside, you have nothing to fear.
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Yep! every time i sit and paint my cat tries to drink the water from that cup!
Blablabla, blekblaaek, dadadaa, mamaaa, 1,2,3. Cat is thinking come'on kid we can do this.
Baby: Care to dance? Cat: Why certainly. *both start ballroom dancing*
This could be my house. I love how they surround the baby to protect...
I absolutely loved this post! Liked every picture! So adorable! Thank you for compiling this! <3
I absolutely loved this post! Liked every picture! So adorable! Thank you for compiling this! <3