Don’t freak out if you see a friend upload a photo of him-(or her-!) self with a massive beard, which, at a second glance, looks oddly similar to a cat. This is all a part of a new photo trend – a meme that’s called ‘cat beards’ or ‘cat-bearding’. The trick is to have your feline friend in front and covering half of your face – and when the cat looks up, it’s chin and neck looks like a massive beard on your face.
The first ‘cat beard’ picture was uploaded back on July 28th, 2011, by a Tumblr user Catasters, where the guy was touching noses with his cat. In several days, the picture was featured on some of the biggest Internet portals. A single topic blog called on Tumblr accelerated the trend in the early 2012; so much so, that a set of 5 Cat Beard photos, uploaded on May 16th, 2013, got over 50.000 notes in 24 hours. The lesson is simple – cats make everything go viral.
via: knowyourmeme
It All Started With This Photo Back In 2011
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And Then it Began…
Image credits: imgur
Image credits: imgur
Image credits: imgur
Image credits: instagram
Image credits: instagram
Image credits: instagram
Image credits: knowyourmeme
Image credits: knowyourmeme
Image credits: instagram
Works with Dogs Too, Just Not All That Viral
Image credits: imgur
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