50 Of The Most Accurate Capitalism Tweets And Jokes That Prove We Already Live In A Dystopia
Meme has become a by-word of contemporary digital culture. And that makes sense, because when you think of it, meta-jokes allow us to communicate things in a way more complex way. Sometimes, it’s the other way around. When the subject of a conversation is fundamentally intricate, it begs for an unorthodox way to talk about things.
Like, capitalism. Many of us know how painful it may be to work late hours like there’s no tomorrow, like your family doesn’t exist, to sit by the desk without a day off, trying hard to deliver your very best daily, only to realize it’s been like this for the past decade. Here you go, I just described one of the memes in this list.
And while the capitalist society is spinning its wheels harder than ever before, with long-awaited hope of minimum wage being raised to $15 in the US, these anti-capitalist memes seem more relevant than ever. Someone's calling us overdramatic?
And to whoever is not into hard topics in life, this batch of memes speak of society and its flaws in a funny, like cringe funny, “oh my, it’s me” way. Psst! Another batch of anti-capitalist jokes can be found in our previous post here.
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To find out more about the complex dynamics between capitalism and internet jokes, Bored Panda reached out to Dovydas Skarolskis, a Vilnius-based connoisseur of the contemporary political and cultural climate.
First off, Dovydas said that there’s no mathematically accurate answer to whether capitalism and the free market are evil. “The economic historians defending the free market have estimated that it is only because of the ideas of capitalism and industrialization that people have been able to rise out of poverty.”
Meanwhile, he explained that many researchers and activists of the field see our contemporary society as full of various forms of exploitation. “The fight between these and many other political ideas is perfectly illustrated by the Political Compass memes that ridicule one position or the other, as well as mock the assumptions about them and the ideas behind them."
According to Dovydas, when tackling a vast array of different opinions, “humor is an excellent way to find like-minded people as well as attract new people who’d be interested in the ideas or even change their point of view.”
Dovydas likes to divide all the memes and jokes that criticize capitalism into a couple of categories. “First, it’s jokes that defend more radical ideas, irony and satire. They don’t require taking extreme measures to disrupt the functioning of our society, like replacing liberal democracy run by free trade with socialist or even anarchist or communist principles of public governance.”
For some reason lots of people like to attack single mothers and think that because they need a bit of extra support they are a drain on society. What about all the fathers who did a runner and don't help to support their offspring. The pro-birthers don't want women to have abortions but also don't want to help support the child once it is separate human.
However, Dovydas sees the flaws of this type of humor. “The biggest problem with these jokes is that they often justify historical crimes associated with radical leftist movements, or promise happiness by abandoning what we have in the name of something that has never been implemented before.”
“The second category of jokes falls under the softer criticism of capitalism and the free market that targets particular problems, exposing the absurdity of everydayness. We can name a number of problems associated with the modern free world: starting with the exploitation of third-world workers, corporate tax evasion, illegal and sometimes even legal pollution, and a number of others. In summary, the second type can be described as more moderate individuals who fight against obvious manifestations of social injustice.”
I remember reading the news and seeing this tweet, and it is spooky how quiet it’s been. Like, would I get low-key eliminated by a dark web hacker for this comment?
who cares about healthcare? what REALLY matters is that our precious overpriced buffalo wings are still available
The third kind is what Dovydas calls “the post-ironic” approach. “It’s when joking, or rather the act of creating a joke itself, happens just for the sake of self-realization. The person who creates or likes this kind of content can be free from political ideas, or even if one has a particular political view, they don’t have to expect to change something about it.”
According to Dovydas, it’s totally enough to make fun of the world around us to collect a few or a few more likes. “Doomers, who believe that modern capitalism is a sort of dystopia they cannot escape, also fall under this category. This third group can also be named nihilists, pessimists, and post-ironicists.”
Damon Tripodi - Nobody likes you Damon. It's not because you're a horrible person, though. It's because you're a horrible person who seems compelled to share his unpleasant opinions about everything.
Yeah... But, we gotta have some understanding - he failed himself by blindly obeying the system he was born into, being a thankful slave who thinks he and his alikes owe the rich, while ... actually, no one is born owing, and no one is born entitled - both rely on obedience of the poor, who engage in a pointless, unwinnable competition of working even harder. He basically threw his life out the window for other peope to get rich, and now it is too late to admit without reasonably considering suicide.
Load More Replies...Can we maybe get a ban on Damon, admins? He's a f*****g dumpster fire
THIS. And, btw, this was easily spotted coming bback in teh 1980s. I know. I was alive, and our teachers warned us.
"Homosexuals and black people are ruining the economy" said no one. Ever.
Load More Replies...It’s literally that simple. Except for me i make the distinction between just capitalism vs unregulated capitalism.
Ye what more do they need like what do they do just make us money defiantly not
even if a rich person is supernaturally terrorised I still really doubt they'd share
Police guarding dumpster food is peak capitalism
That only comes out to 16.82285 billion. Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is sitting in his $250 million estates counting his billions.
No kidding. What customer is going through the checkout line throwing hissy fits and elbows because someone is sitting while scanning?
The internet was made for fun by nerds. Then capitalists charged for access to it. History in a fortune cookie.
I’d like to ask other countries what they don’t like about the United States, but the people of the United States would say I’m not UnitedStatesan. CUZ MURICA
Also, vegging in the street for scraps is now illegal and the jails charge.
Shh the cancel culture squad might overhear you and declare this offensive
Wow clowny is there to entertain you while you are in serious debt and need to work work and work until your body disnagrates
New Zealand closes its department stores whenever we go into soft lockdown and also banned online shopping from department stores when we were in our strict lockdown. This gets rid of covid so well that we usually don’t have to deal with the situation this person is describing, but I notice that this is never the kind of solution that people like this are looking for...
But American commoners are busy attacking each other instead of targeting rich people. So I guess their politicians have done a good job in controlling the masses, they know how to divide and conquer.
... the redhead in South Park delivers it every time ... "ThEy TaKiN oUr JoOoObS!" - no, they don't, they're not taking anything from you, from you is taken by the one percent owning like 99 %, who show off their stuff in order to prove how hard they have worked. There never was a billionaire by hard work - at least a lot of luck, a good idea and a fortune to get it started were around beforehand, and said billionaire had access to it. Bezos didn't start in a garage as you know a garage, he did start fairly well equipped with everything you need - and, admittedly, his idea was just the right thing at the right time. 10 years prior, the hardware capable of amazoning was too expensive for common people ... 10 years after, someone would have taken amazon's spot anyway ... or you're directed to your record collection and listen to Alvin, Leo, Joe, ...
Load More Replies...As always, Bored Panda gives me a lot to think about. I also really appreciate (most of) the community for being supportive and open to conversation. I really do like this post, thank you
It's pretty odd that people in America have only two mindsets, Communism or Capitalism. You do know that you don't have to be far one side or the other... there is a middle ground. Its extremely clear that the rich there are far more important and the middle class do the crap work to make the rich even more wealthy. Then you have governments giving those richer people even more tax breaks... None of this makes sense to everyone looking in.
Yes, some of us do know, but we are outnumbered by the people who believe there are only evil Dems or evil Republicans, and overlook the fact all of them are being screwed over by the same 50 Big Corporations.
Load More Replies...Or crawl back under his rock and stay there.
Load More Replies...Politicians hide themselves away / They only started the war / Why should they go out to fight? / They leave that role to the poor, yeah.
And despite all the accurate and clever tweets, posts, and memes, nothing changes.
Also despite letters to senators, congress-critters, state legislators, et al. Despite protests. Despite signs and marches. Despite it all...
Load More Replies...What I don't get are the people actively campaigning against their own interests. I understand there are loads of propaganda shoved down their throats but do they actually take a minute to think "what's in it for me?" Healthcare for instance, unless you're immortal, you're going to need it. Why not make it free?
The comments on this post killed my brain cells (Looking at you, Damon). How idiots like that even figure out how to post a comment is beyond me.
Have you noticed that despite many wars, revolutions, new laws, advance in technology etc...society looks the same as it had in all of History? We still have the rich(noble) people with all the power over the little ones (peasants) who work for them to survive. It's not just America. Europe is just as bad.
Sadly, yes, no -ism or place has no problems. And, yes, even in Europe the big money talks. As do the big idiots. (UK, I'm looking at BoJo. You can't mock us for Trump without getting BoJokes.)
Load More Replies...Well, i live in Czecv Republic. 40 years of Communism was no solution either. After the revolution, the country sold out to foreign investors PLUS is systematically controlled by a handful of politicians for gain. They stayed / got into their positions due to being old friends with the old regime. Now COVID measures are killing off the last of the small (family) businesses. It is *always* about putting people in a financially dependent positions - no matter what system is being used.
Wow, i believe this guy Damon Tripodi, commenting on almost every case, is trying to set the record of lowest score in Bored Panda.
When I went through this thread, Damon Tripodi's comments were always right at the top but always hidden due to the many well-deserved downvotes. I clicked into them all anyway because they were like bonus jokes in their glaring, determined stupidity.
That's what I've been saying for years: from the outside, it looks to me that the rich in the US are busy fostering racial inequalities so you don't wake up and realize they're exploiting you all the time. A billionaire stole money? Look! A black guy was arrested just for being in a park! I think everyone should demonstrate, we need to change the system!! What stolen money? I'm not saying racism is not a thing but the people in the US are too focused on it. Maybe it's something you understand only if you live it.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Load More Replies...I'm wondering if anyone noticed the explanations in between. These are of real value.
Most infuriating to me is ... in many, many regards, we don't actually live in a dystopia, but are headed to live in one - and know this - and don't do any about it! We see that the states providing basic needs on a humane level will struggle because of offshore production and the unfair competetion in country where no one cares about worker's rights, animals, environment and other things indicating a progress in civilization, actually making the world's slaveholder societys gain an advantage over the competing welfare societys - with our money and us knowing. Instead of spreading rights and stuff along with technology and labour, we only spread knowledge and money ... or, people do so on our behalf, and although this is against our very basic own interests, we agree by buying cheap and often poorly made stuff from sweatshops and mining operations that may qualify as war crimes, if the miners were POW - and still, communism is what makes people frown, although never seriously tried out
I hope that people who hate capitalism could move or live in a communist country.You'll see how cool it is
Capitalism is not perfect and I would support fixing it but I would never support communism or socialism
I lived in a very socialist country for a few years. The country was Sweden. The taxes are suffocatingly high and the services you get while free are mediocre. The wages are also comparatively low although the minimum wages are decent. In the end it's all the same. Swedes all have loans to have the newest Volvo, they don't have a lot of savings and alcoholism is a bigger problem than they care to admit. There are problems everywhere. The American minimum needs to be higher, that is undoubtable
Proceed with caution, Rainclouds. The majority here look to Scandinavian countries... hell, any country not America, as the Utopia they dream of where they make a lot of money working very little and "the government" gives everybody things "for free". Your description disputes that. I can't believe no one has removed your post, actually
Load More Replies...People fail to realize that Capitalism is a game with all the rules listed. People play this game expecting to win by wearing the team colours and screaming from the sidelines. The 1% know the game, play it, invent a new game and change the rules as they see fit. People playing the old game from their proverbial couches bitch and moan about the other people playing the new game, but never go and invent their own. 99.99% Of people never change the game or create new rules.
The problem is what can we do about it? We are still left thinking that there is no alternative. This book spells out an ethical system of government that could replace what we have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hypothetical-Govermment-Elliot-Lord-ebook/dp/B0119N2CQG
The current economy will end at some point, one way or the other. There are no ifs here because it's based on I finite growth and infinite resources. Even a child can tell you such thing doesn't exist. However, rich people want current economy to last for as long as possible so they can keep their current lifestyle for as long as possible. Therefore the change won't occur anytime soon. Obviously people could request the change right at this moment, but how we will unite when we are focused on differences between each other?
I just want to say people like Damon Tripodi is what's wrong with this world. And damn sure I'd kick your ass if you talked like that standing next to me.
As always I will say this. The main source of problems is outsourcing. Companies are giving away a lots of money, sending it overseas to be never seen again. I'm glad, I recieved a lot from USA in last few years, now the same money goes to different country. And you guys are doing it in all nearly all industries. Stop talking about taxing rich, that doesn't work, start talking about keeping jobs inside. Make the money circulate.
"...that prove we already live in a dystopia". It's been proven. By whoever wrote that, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. End of story. No further debate needed, let's move on to sentencing and punishment at the hands of like-minded people. Sounds kind of....dare I say...fascist?
This website should be renamed "Bored Propagandist" or perhaps "Boring Propagandist"
I agree. Cute cats are great and all but the bashing of all things western and specifically American just leaves me scratching my (fully employed, making a living and not in debt because of lifestyle choices) head
Load More Replies...I don't think this really calls for a dystopia... seems more like a few problems with the system opposed to absolute tyranny and disorder.
Just make a shelter out of sticks and leaves and eat tree bark and hunt squirrels. This is how I live and I don't have to worry about capitalism or socialism.
F--- the rich people. We should take all their money and destroy their evil factories. Use the money to set up places where the poor people can live off the land the way nature intended. Capitalism is an evil system that never did any good for anyone. Screw the rich, they deserve what's coming to them. Socialism/Communism Forever! People Unite!
Capitalism is the worst economic system, except for all the others. This post sounds like whining and bitching, because all it does is complain and not provide any solution. What alternative economic model are you looking for? Socialism? Communism? The only alternative that actually worked was national socialism, but I doubt you would support it.
Come on Brendan. It's so much easier to blame someone else than look in the (mass produced by a corporation) mirror! Company evil! Me good!
Load More Replies...Entitled would mean these people are fighting to be treated more special than everyone else, which is the opposite of what this entire post is about. Billionaires are the ones being treated special and think they are deserving of it all. What a stupid comment.
Load More Replies...“If I preempt my dumbfuck analysis by whining about downvotes, it’ll prove me right when they inevitably call me out and downvote me!” - Danieletc
Load More Replies...But American commoners are busy attacking each other instead of targeting rich people. So I guess their politicians have done a good job in controlling the masses, they know how to divide and conquer.
... the redhead in South Park delivers it every time ... "ThEy TaKiN oUr JoOoObS!" - no, they don't, they're not taking anything from you, from you is taken by the one percent owning like 99 %, who show off their stuff in order to prove how hard they have worked. There never was a billionaire by hard work - at least a lot of luck, a good idea and a fortune to get it started were around beforehand, and said billionaire had access to it. Bezos didn't start in a garage as you know a garage, he did start fairly well equipped with everything you need - and, admittedly, his idea was just the right thing at the right time. 10 years prior, the hardware capable of amazoning was too expensive for common people ... 10 years after, someone would have taken amazon's spot anyway ... or you're directed to your record collection and listen to Alvin, Leo, Joe, ...
Load More Replies...As always, Bored Panda gives me a lot to think about. I also really appreciate (most of) the community for being supportive and open to conversation. I really do like this post, thank you
It's pretty odd that people in America have only two mindsets, Communism or Capitalism. You do know that you don't have to be far one side or the other... there is a middle ground. Its extremely clear that the rich there are far more important and the middle class do the crap work to make the rich even more wealthy. Then you have governments giving those richer people even more tax breaks... None of this makes sense to everyone looking in.
Yes, some of us do know, but we are outnumbered by the people who believe there are only evil Dems or evil Republicans, and overlook the fact all of them are being screwed over by the same 50 Big Corporations.
Load More Replies...Or crawl back under his rock and stay there.
Load More Replies...Politicians hide themselves away / They only started the war / Why should they go out to fight? / They leave that role to the poor, yeah.
And despite all the accurate and clever tweets, posts, and memes, nothing changes.
Also despite letters to senators, congress-critters, state legislators, et al. Despite protests. Despite signs and marches. Despite it all...
Load More Replies...What I don't get are the people actively campaigning against their own interests. I understand there are loads of propaganda shoved down their throats but do they actually take a minute to think "what's in it for me?" Healthcare for instance, unless you're immortal, you're going to need it. Why not make it free?
The comments on this post killed my brain cells (Looking at you, Damon). How idiots like that even figure out how to post a comment is beyond me.
Have you noticed that despite many wars, revolutions, new laws, advance in technology etc...society looks the same as it had in all of History? We still have the rich(noble) people with all the power over the little ones (peasants) who work for them to survive. It's not just America. Europe is just as bad.
Sadly, yes, no -ism or place has no problems. And, yes, even in Europe the big money talks. As do the big idiots. (UK, I'm looking at BoJo. You can't mock us for Trump without getting BoJokes.)
Load More Replies...Well, i live in Czecv Republic. 40 years of Communism was no solution either. After the revolution, the country sold out to foreign investors PLUS is systematically controlled by a handful of politicians for gain. They stayed / got into their positions due to being old friends with the old regime. Now COVID measures are killing off the last of the small (family) businesses. It is *always* about putting people in a financially dependent positions - no matter what system is being used.
Wow, i believe this guy Damon Tripodi, commenting on almost every case, is trying to set the record of lowest score in Bored Panda.
When I went through this thread, Damon Tripodi's comments were always right at the top but always hidden due to the many well-deserved downvotes. I clicked into them all anyway because they were like bonus jokes in their glaring, determined stupidity.
That's what I've been saying for years: from the outside, it looks to me that the rich in the US are busy fostering racial inequalities so you don't wake up and realize they're exploiting you all the time. A billionaire stole money? Look! A black guy was arrested just for being in a park! I think everyone should demonstrate, we need to change the system!! What stolen money? I'm not saying racism is not a thing but the people in the US are too focused on it. Maybe it's something you understand only if you live it.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Load More Replies...I'm wondering if anyone noticed the explanations in between. These are of real value.
Most infuriating to me is ... in many, many regards, we don't actually live in a dystopia, but are headed to live in one - and know this - and don't do any about it! We see that the states providing basic needs on a humane level will struggle because of offshore production and the unfair competetion in country where no one cares about worker's rights, animals, environment and other things indicating a progress in civilization, actually making the world's slaveholder societys gain an advantage over the competing welfare societys - with our money and us knowing. Instead of spreading rights and stuff along with technology and labour, we only spread knowledge and money ... or, people do so on our behalf, and although this is against our very basic own interests, we agree by buying cheap and often poorly made stuff from sweatshops and mining operations that may qualify as war crimes, if the miners were POW - and still, communism is what makes people frown, although never seriously tried out
I hope that people who hate capitalism could move or live in a communist country.You'll see how cool it is
Capitalism is not perfect and I would support fixing it but I would never support communism or socialism
I lived in a very socialist country for a few years. The country was Sweden. The taxes are suffocatingly high and the services you get while free are mediocre. The wages are also comparatively low although the minimum wages are decent. In the end it's all the same. Swedes all have loans to have the newest Volvo, they don't have a lot of savings and alcoholism is a bigger problem than they care to admit. There are problems everywhere. The American minimum needs to be higher, that is undoubtable
Proceed with caution, Rainclouds. The majority here look to Scandinavian countries... hell, any country not America, as the Utopia they dream of where they make a lot of money working very little and "the government" gives everybody things "for free". Your description disputes that. I can't believe no one has removed your post, actually
Load More Replies...People fail to realize that Capitalism is a game with all the rules listed. People play this game expecting to win by wearing the team colours and screaming from the sidelines. The 1% know the game, play it, invent a new game and change the rules as they see fit. People playing the old game from their proverbial couches bitch and moan about the other people playing the new game, but never go and invent their own. 99.99% Of people never change the game or create new rules.
The problem is what can we do about it? We are still left thinking that there is no alternative. This book spells out an ethical system of government that could replace what we have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hypothetical-Govermment-Elliot-Lord-ebook/dp/B0119N2CQG
The current economy will end at some point, one way or the other. There are no ifs here because it's based on I finite growth and infinite resources. Even a child can tell you such thing doesn't exist. However, rich people want current economy to last for as long as possible so they can keep their current lifestyle for as long as possible. Therefore the change won't occur anytime soon. Obviously people could request the change right at this moment, but how we will unite when we are focused on differences between each other?
I just want to say people like Damon Tripodi is what's wrong with this world. And damn sure I'd kick your ass if you talked like that standing next to me.
As always I will say this. The main source of problems is outsourcing. Companies are giving away a lots of money, sending it overseas to be never seen again. I'm glad, I recieved a lot from USA in last few years, now the same money goes to different country. And you guys are doing it in all nearly all industries. Stop talking about taxing rich, that doesn't work, start talking about keeping jobs inside. Make the money circulate.
"...that prove we already live in a dystopia". It's been proven. By whoever wrote that, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. End of story. No further debate needed, let's move on to sentencing and punishment at the hands of like-minded people. Sounds kind of....dare I say...fascist?
This website should be renamed "Bored Propagandist" or perhaps "Boring Propagandist"
I agree. Cute cats are great and all but the bashing of all things western and specifically American just leaves me scratching my (fully employed, making a living and not in debt because of lifestyle choices) head
Load More Replies...I don't think this really calls for a dystopia... seems more like a few problems with the system opposed to absolute tyranny and disorder.
Just make a shelter out of sticks and leaves and eat tree bark and hunt squirrels. This is how I live and I don't have to worry about capitalism or socialism.
F--- the rich people. We should take all their money and destroy their evil factories. Use the money to set up places where the poor people can live off the land the way nature intended. Capitalism is an evil system that never did any good for anyone. Screw the rich, they deserve what's coming to them. Socialism/Communism Forever! People Unite!
Capitalism is the worst economic system, except for all the others. This post sounds like whining and bitching, because all it does is complain and not provide any solution. What alternative economic model are you looking for? Socialism? Communism? The only alternative that actually worked was national socialism, but I doubt you would support it.
Come on Brendan. It's so much easier to blame someone else than look in the (mass produced by a corporation) mirror! Company evil! Me good!
Load More Replies...Entitled would mean these people are fighting to be treated more special than everyone else, which is the opposite of what this entire post is about. Billionaires are the ones being treated special and think they are deserving of it all. What a stupid comment.
Load More Replies...“If I preempt my dumbfuck analysis by whining about downvotes, it’ll prove me right when they inevitably call me out and downvote me!” - Danieletc
Load More Replies...