This Online Group Documents How Upside-Down The World Of Capitalism Is, And Here Are 50 Of Its Best Memes
When you get up and go to work each morning, do you look forward to your trip to the office? Or are you dreading the day from the moment you wake up and spending 8 hours dreaming of when you’re finally off the clock again? Unfortunately, it’s quite common for people to hate their jobs, as a whopping 70% of workers report feeling dissatisfied with their career choices. So if you’re one of those people, you might need to take 10 minutes out of your day to deal with your lack of passion for your work in a healthy way: by looking at memes and funny photos.
Below, we’ve gathered some of the most painfully true jokes and memes from the Antiwork subreddit that might inspire you to start dismantling capitalism while on your lunch break, as well as an interview with Bursts, co-host and producer of The Final Straw Radio to learn more about what's really wrong with capitalism.
Be sure to upvote the posts you find relatable, and let us know in the comments how your job has been treating you recently, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring memes that might make Karl Marx proud, look no further than right here!
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Keep Your Nose Out Of Other People's Business
If you’re not already familiar with the Antiwork subreddit, it is a massive and powerful community online. It has amassed 2.4 million members since its creation nearly a decade ago, and it provides a platform for “those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.” But along with all of the passion the members of r/Antiwork have for dismantling capitalism, they also have a great sense of humor. After all, there’s a bit of truth in every joke, right?
If you are interested in why so many people are upset with the system, let’s discuss some of the reasons why capitalism might not be enhancing your life. Capitalism is touted as a great way to build wealth and have freedom over your own company, rather than having too much interference by the government. It’s the antithesis of communism, which has been shown to prove many issues in practice, so plenty of people have gotten on board with the idea of capitalism. But in practice, it is prone to showing flaws as well, such as massive wealth inequality. Yes, you have the chance to become exorbitantly rich, but it’s also possible, and much more likely, to have very little money at all.
Explain It To Me Like I’m In Kindergarten
This statement is so on the nose it's like hitting a freckle with a dart from 40 feet. Bazinga! Put another way, "If you can't pay your employees a decent wage, then your business model is unsustainable."
Please Come Save Us Alien Invaders
To gain more insight on the topic of why we should be dismantling capitalism, we reached out to Bursts, co-host and producer of The Final Straw Radio, a weekly anarchist radio show. He was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and break down the main issues he has with capitalism. “For ease, I’ll be speaking of Capitalism as a wide political and economic system, and maybe guilty of some generalizations for the sake of brevity,” he first noted. “Capitalism is based on the parceling up of the world and its inhabitants into resources that are owned or rented by individuals or conglomerates like companies and governments,” Bursts explained.
“Private property is the right to sole access to a place or a thing for nearly whatever purpose as protected by threat of the State’s violence. This must be differentiated from personal property (the house we live in, the implements we have made or traded for, the items we regularly use), or the commons that we share or cohabitate with others as we go through life,” he continued. “The State, as an institution, fosters the centralization of and privatization of property into the hands of powerful individuals who could be called a class to the exclusion of other classes of individuals. People are forced to rent their labor to employers to pay for a place to live because places to live are privatized as a source of profit for landlords.”
Maybe You Are Right
Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
I Want To Watch This Show!
“The State requires access to the resources of the rich class for public projects, to get elected or to create employment opportunities in their districts. Similarly, the rich classes are literally represented in the state houses because the powerful heads of state and business and their lobbying groups often come from the same neighborhoods, schools, churches and jobs,” Bursts explained. “Starting as close associates in many cases, the relationship between government employees and the business class continues to be tied together through lobbying efforts, election fundraising, and public-private partnership, protecting the centralization of wealth and strengthening those bonds between state and capital.”
So Close To The Truth
@Nona Wolf. These Money Wolves pay less tax (percentage) than we do. They have the best accountants, tax havens, write offs, etc to ensure that they keep all their loot. THAT'S why people are pissed off beside the fact that they actually underpay their workers or have you never given a thought about workers at Amazon ??? EDIT:Taxes are not stealing - they ensure roads, education, security, etc.
Retirement Age
If there's a minimum age to be a country's leader (as there is in the US), there should *definitely* be a maximum age at which you can run/be elected as that country's leader.
Self Care On Your Free Time Is Priority Above All Else
“The capitalist productive process is spurred by a desire to maximize profits at all costs, meaning that without meaningful regulation by the State, jobs pay poorly and those doing the work tend to have no say in the safety or stability of their income,” Bursts told Bored Panda. “Capitalist production promotes ecological devastation and pollution, overproduction of commodities, often unsafe products and work environments.”
“Because of the undemocratic and violent nature of the capital/state formation (whether in so-called Communist China, social democratic Scandinavia, the USA or elsewhere), there is unnecessary death, immiseration, and catastrophic climate change,” he noted. “The other side of that coin is the lost opportunities, ideas, art and music, animal species, joy and love that could exist with the abolition of capitalism.”
Telling Them Not To Throw A Party, Throwing A Party, Then Getting Fired For Your Reaction
I remember this story. Some media sources tried to twist it that he had been rewarded 450k just for being given a party he didn't want, but he was awarded the money due to bullying he was subjected to following the panic attack he had at the party and then being unfairly dismissed due to his mental health.
What's With The Double Standard?
We also asked Bursts how he believes we can get on the right track in terms of dismantling capitalism. “Dismantling this ecocidal and homicidal system will be drastic by some measures as it means fundamental changes to the administering of the needs of people, the opening up of the possibility for those affected by the damages of capitalism and colonialism, the restoring of habitats, the re-purposing of the means of production and distribution, of education,” he explained.
“The longer that the system continues on its current trajectory, the harder it will be for human (and other) life to thrive, let alone survive, on this planet,” Bursts added. “And the sooner that we free ourselves from the bonds of an economy that holds us hostage eight or more hours a day so that we have a safe(ish) place to lay our heads, the more time we’ll have to enjoy the fruits of that freedom and undo centuries of damage.”
The American Dream Is To Move Out
The Amount Of Companies That Do This
Could Not Agree More
“The drastic-ness of the necessary shifts is increased by the fact that the classes that benefit most from the current state of affairs will never give up their power without a fight,” Bursts pointed out. “But currently, we don’t call the class war that is our daily life drastic, despite people dying for being denied medical treatment, thrown out into the streets for a break in their income flow, being locked in cages often for undiagnosed mental health issues like addiction or because they just cannot afford a good attorney, being born on the wrong side of a fence and unable to escape dire circumstances.”
“The world under capitalism is dire already and is everyday defended by security, police, prisons and armies and any attempt to change it will necessarily cause violent reaction from those forces and their backers.”
Completely Unrealistic
I'm 70 years old, and don't think anyone my age should be making decisions for the generations that are young now (millenials and gen z), the world and life isn't like it was when I was younger, you have to be willing to understand and accept that the world changes. Minimum wage should be increased and tied to inflation, so it can maintain what it was originally designed for.
Just Gonna Leave This Here
How You Should Respond
My work knows not to call me because I'm not coming in no matter what. I think I've worked one extra shift in 20 years because they offered me a ton of money to do it. Normally I don't even answer my phone if work is calling. They stopped even trying years ago.
And when it comes to anyone who believes that capitalism has benefited their life, Bursts notes that it’s important not to confuse capitalism with society and sociality. “If you feel challenged and excited by the work that you do, ask yourself if that sort of work couldn’t exist in a system with different property relations,” he told Bored Panda. “If you enjoy the technologies you use in your daily life, the medicines you rely on, the house you sleep in: why couldn’t they, or their equivalents, exist in a society where people are motivated by curiosity, by care and responsibility, and likely produced in a more sustainable and ecologically balanced manner rather than in sweatshops or leaving sacrifice zones of extraction?”
“Imagine that the wealth that accumulates into the hands of fewer and fewer people each year was not actually skimmed off human need, if we didn’t have to work b.s. jobs (as Graeber put it) and if the people who do the work and live in the neighborhoods actually had direct say, collectively, in how our world worked?”
I Think It's Belong Here
Can't We Just Troll Sue Them Into Oblivion?
We also asked Bursts if he could recommend some steps that the average person could take to stop promoting capitalism. “We, all of us, must work to dismantle capitalism by promoting mutual aid amongst ourselves to lift the burden of suffering under capitalism while simultaneously building our collective strength to throw off the bow of exploitation,” he shared.
“Sit and think of where to start, where you can apply the most leverage and what skills you have and how you can be most powerful. Talk to your family and friends, your neighbors, people who don’t look like you, your coworkers, and find your points of unity and where you want to start. Form a tenants union in your building or a collective of renters in the same neighborhood. Get to know your coworkers, what they struggle with, and form a union to build solidarity and strength against the managers and owners. Then, reach past that to find commonality with others to support their struggles. Start a reading group to discuss current events and think of ways to intercede.”
Undercover Bum
The first ep of the Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) series 30 Days had him and his wife trying to move to a new place and survive on minimum wage. Even though they were expecting it to be rough - and weren't usually living large like a CEO - there were plenty of good moments of realization. But yeah, would love to see super-rich types attempt the same.
So True That I Am Amazed
Obviously America. So sad. The richest country on Earth should be better than this surely ?
This F*****g Motivational Quote When I Walked In This Morning
I know it's a bit Godwin's law, but... work-will-...337e92.jpg
“This process of building relationships, helping others and ourselves, can’t just be charity if it is to be effective,” Bursts added. “This also means that if your organizing is effective towards building actual power, it will bring conflict from business, from the police and from reactionaries (racists, sexists, homophobes) who want to defend and expand the worst elements of this system.”
“Eventually, if we are building capacity, we will be forced to defend ourselves, our neighbors, our gains, and this is natural. As many have said, the systems we live under won’t give up easily. But our survival is at stake and is worth fighting for.”
If you're interested in delving deeper into this topic, Bursts suggests checking out writings by Peter Gelderloos, Tom Wetzel, Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin, and Cindy Barukh Milstein. And you’d like to hear more wise words about dismantling capitalism from Bursts and The Final Straw Radio team, you can find their show right here!
Most Companies Want Your Soul, Too
Wow Look At How Diverse Your Lowest Paying Jobs Are!
Found On Twitter… It’s A Vibe
If you’re feeling inspired to quit your job and find one you’re more passionate about, I encourage you to go and explore! Don’t let capitalism make you feel forced into one specific path or brainwash you into believing that suffering is normal. Keep upvoting the pictures that you find painfully relatable, and let us know in the comments how you’d like to challenge the system. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring memes about capitalism, you can find that right here!
So Damn Accurate
This exactly! Boomers are the rudest most entitled people there are, and the treat customer service/retail employees like they are doing us a favor by coming in! "Well then I'm never shopping here again" isn't a threat, we honestly hope to never see you again.
This Belongs Here
I’d Love To Do This
Sums It Up Perfectly
Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home
Companies Be Like:
Tips For Younger Folks In The Workplace
I did this at my crappy office job in the '90s, and always got s**t for it, as a joke! Of course! Wokka wokka wokka! But I was so f*****g good at my job that they had to hire two people to replace me, then proceeded to go out of business within 18 months. Joke's on them!
• ₊°✧︡ ˗ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗no
This! My company 'offers' its employees a poem for Christmas. A poem! How about a Christmas bonus or just, I don't know, inflation-adjusted salaries?
Or clean your house... Like, who's the unskilled one now, you can't even vacuum.
This Showed Up On My Newsfeed Today And I Couldn’t Agree More
But now it takes weeks to get tradesmen to come to your house to fix anything. Electricians and plumbers and handymen now charge $150 per hour. So why aren't more young people getting into those lines of work? The world certainly needs them.
Bloomberg… Your Bias Is Showing
I have found a better job, I quit. Here, that's it. Never try to leverage better conditions with another job offer. It the company isn't willing to pay what you wanted and you managed to find a petter paying position, just take it and go! No good will ever come from accepting a counteroffer. In the best case you'll have to go through all that hassle again the next time a raise is due, in the worst case they'll find a replacement for you and fire you as soon as that replacement is ready because they know you'll be able to get something better and will use that for leverage so they have to pay to keep you
There Are More Of Us Than Them
Hot Take That Needs To Be Said
Really depends on how much you're marking up those antidepressants.
100% Of The Time
Millennials Are Causing A "Baby Bust" - What The Actual Fuck?
We don't NEED to keep America's population at "replacement levels", holy c**p. Humans are overpopulated already.
I’d Like To Thank My Job For Giving Me All Four Of These
It's okay, thirty-year-olds. I promise by the time you get to be forty like me, all of these will be a thing of the past. You'll have plenty of money in your bank account, the bad relationship story will be funny to you rather than heartbreaking, you'll have no more anxiety, and as for your back, your spine will be as limber as a (google it) hero shrew's. Nah, I'm totally kidding. It's even more downhill from here. Sucks to be you! And me.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Gonna Leave This Here
No way you're there by age 80 in the USA. Give it another 20 years and *maybe* you can afford to have your first kid.
Best Part Of The Work Day
I Like This Energy
keep playing What's New Pussy Cat over and over again, then play another song once......and immediately go back to Whats New Pussy Cat
Why We Like This
Capitalism is strange. Capitalism is based on consumerism. All the money the rich folks get, comes from the workers. The wages they give their workers will circulate through the economy and come back to them eventually. Paying generous wages would stabilise the economy and make the rich richer in the end, it would just take a tad bit longer. But still they would get rich and stay rich too. Despite this easy to see fact, the rich bozos on top insist of milking their workers until the economy crashes because the masses can't afford to consume anymore. Which happens with steady regularity and is called a recession. Then they start making things better to save themselves from going completely broke. All of a sudden a lot is possible they claimed it wasn't before. Economy stabilises when wages go up and everyone prospers for a while. Then all of it starts anew when the bozos feel safe and suck money out of circulation again.
Ah - yes this is true. Except we forget that the rich are just as disloyal to their own companies/portfolios. They want to milk the workers so THEY can move on after 3-5 years (for more money) and do it allllll over again. Funny how if a worker leverages themselves by moving companies then ‘nobody wants to work anymore’ or ‘why invest in employees when they’re not loyal’. Insanity - the whole system is insanity
Load More Replies...I'm amazed at this. I always thought the USA was the best country to live. Everyone wants the green card. But it looks like you're all suffering. The working class that is. Capitalism sucks the life out of The People. 😔
The United States is a great country to live in if you are looking for some very specific things. In my profession, I will make far more money living in the US than I will living in any other country. If I moved to London (as expensive as it is there), I will take at least a 50% pay cut. If you are young, and healthy, and don't have and don't want children, then the US is a great place to live. You will make a great salary, you will pay very low personal taxes, and so long as you don't incur any healthcare costs, you will be able to accumulate more wealth than you would in many other countries. If, on the other hand, you have job insecurity, or you have health issues, or you have children or just want to have children, then the US may not be the place for you. The cost of living in the United States is very high, when you add things like healthcare, education, childcare, access to mental wellbeing like paid time off. In these areas the United States is far behind Europe.
Load More Replies...As a person coming from a former communist country, I can say that capitalism is a good thing, and I am very worried that individuals are talking so much about the "good" socialism and the "good" communism. Being a worker in socialism and communism is much worst than the posts.
I have lived in both systems, and I can say, they both suck in different ways. Socialism itself isn't a system of government, and it isn't inherently good or bad. There are aspects that work, and some that don't. Capitalism can be used successfully to lift people out of poverty, if it is checked by strong organized labor. But unfettered capitalism, without organized labor, leads to exploitation of the masses. Socialism is similar. Socialist policies can be used to make life better for all. But, if you need to invest too much power in the bureaucracies that maintain those policies, you are creating a lot of incentives for corruption. In the end, there is a balance that needs to be maintained. Healthy economies and governments need to leverage the social mobility which can be created from capitalism, with strong organized labor unions, and socialist policies to support those who fall through the cracks.
Load More Replies...Capitalism is strange. Capitalism is based on consumerism. All the money the rich folks get, comes from the workers. The wages they give their workers will circulate through the economy and come back to them eventually. Paying generous wages would stabilise the economy and make the rich richer in the end, it would just take a tad bit longer. But still they would get rich and stay rich too. Despite this easy to see fact, the rich bozos on top insist of milking their workers until the economy crashes because the masses can't afford to consume anymore. Which happens with steady regularity and is called a recession. Then they start making things better to save themselves from going completely broke. All of a sudden a lot is possible they claimed it wasn't before. Economy stabilises when wages go up and everyone prospers for a while. Then all of it starts anew when the bozos feel safe and suck money out of circulation again.
Ah - yes this is true. Except we forget that the rich are just as disloyal to their own companies/portfolios. They want to milk the workers so THEY can move on after 3-5 years (for more money) and do it allllll over again. Funny how if a worker leverages themselves by moving companies then ‘nobody wants to work anymore’ or ‘why invest in employees when they’re not loyal’. Insanity - the whole system is insanity
Load More Replies...I'm amazed at this. I always thought the USA was the best country to live. Everyone wants the green card. But it looks like you're all suffering. The working class that is. Capitalism sucks the life out of The People. 😔
The United States is a great country to live in if you are looking for some very specific things. In my profession, I will make far more money living in the US than I will living in any other country. If I moved to London (as expensive as it is there), I will take at least a 50% pay cut. If you are young, and healthy, and don't have and don't want children, then the US is a great place to live. You will make a great salary, you will pay very low personal taxes, and so long as you don't incur any healthcare costs, you will be able to accumulate more wealth than you would in many other countries. If, on the other hand, you have job insecurity, or you have health issues, or you have children or just want to have children, then the US may not be the place for you. The cost of living in the United States is very high, when you add things like healthcare, education, childcare, access to mental wellbeing like paid time off. In these areas the United States is far behind Europe.
Load More Replies...As a person coming from a former communist country, I can say that capitalism is a good thing, and I am very worried that individuals are talking so much about the "good" socialism and the "good" communism. Being a worker in socialism and communism is much worst than the posts.
I have lived in both systems, and I can say, they both suck in different ways. Socialism itself isn't a system of government, and it isn't inherently good or bad. There are aspects that work, and some that don't. Capitalism can be used successfully to lift people out of poverty, if it is checked by strong organized labor. But unfettered capitalism, without organized labor, leads to exploitation of the masses. Socialism is similar. Socialist policies can be used to make life better for all. But, if you need to invest too much power in the bureaucracies that maintain those policies, you are creating a lot of incentives for corruption. In the end, there is a balance that needs to be maintained. Healthy economies and governments need to leverage the social mobility which can be created from capitalism, with strong organized labor unions, and socialist policies to support those who fall through the cracks.
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