“Broken India” shows the reality behind stylized Instagram photos of India. Launched by Limitless, a new Indian company in Singapore, the campaign challenges the rosy picture painted by “Beautiful India” and reveals the poverty and pollution that plague the country. Not all of the pictures are shocking, as only two out of the eight show real poverty, but the creators hope they are enough to start a national conversation.

“By bringing Broken India to light, we really wanted to strike a raw nerve,” Limitless told Buzzfeed. “Only when people realise the state of affairs and break out of their comfort zones, is when they can start to make a difference. A bit of negativity is essential for positive change.”

More info: | Facebook (h/t: designtaxi)


    “We’ve always worked with the knowledge that India is a country that has two contrasting sides,” Limitless told Bored Panda

    “Even our audience falls into one category or the other”

    “One that’s happy with the way things are”


    “One that’s adamant on change”


    “This is something we use to define our work…[and] push for a better India”

    “The Broken India series was inspired by a post we saw online on how Instagram only shows you one side of the story”

    “This design idea fit well into our concept of two India’s that helped us take it to a new level”


    “Good things happen when you’re fast and impulsive”