Dad Saves Son From Lifetime Of Bullying By Giving Him Regular Name, Sparks Grandma’s Rage
Family traditions can be a beautiful way for families to connect. Whether it’s yearly holidays together or heirlooms and recipes passed down from generation to generation, customs matter to some families. But where does one draw the line if they don’t feel like participating in a family tradition?
This man broke the family tradition of naming kids after months of the year. In doing so, he brought the family’s wrath upon him, and so, he decided to ask the opinion of people on the Internet: was he a jerk for not keeping up the family naming tradition?
A new dad decided to break the family tradition and name his son “Tobias”
Image credits: Curated Lifestyle (not the actual photo)
His family expected him to name his baby after a month of the year and got mad when he didn’t
Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)
Image source: User593768
Parents have the last say when it comes to a baby’s name, not the grandparents, aunts, or uncles
It’s not unusual for parents to name their babies after family members. Whether they decide on it themselves or cave into family pressure, 20% of parents say they named their children after a family member or an ancestor. While it may be uncomfortable and cause family drama, parents should be the ones to decide what to name their child.
If parents suspect that the family might react negatively to the baby’s name, experts recommend not sharing it. Although the advice from a considerable number of commenters under the OP’s post was the opposite, parenting experts suggest keeping it to yourself if you know family members will have a difficult time accepting it. Licensed therapist and parenting coach Tammy Gold says: “Don’t share if the feedback could be upsetting.”
If the parents do, however, share the baby’s name with grandparents and extended family members ahead of the birth, they can let everybody know that they’ve made their decision and won’t be changing their minds.
For more clarity, parents can also explain their decision. If the grandparents or other family members are upset, let them know that not choosing a family name doesn’t mean you don’t respect them or the family traditions.
In the end, a name shouldn’t be the most important thing about a new family member. As mental health counselor Peta-Gaye Sandiford, LMHC, explains, parents should “redirect the focus on the positive role they will be having in the baby’s life” instead.
The most popular month names are August and June, with October and September having way less fans
Image credits: Tuva Mathilde Løland (not the actual photo)
The most popular names in 2024 were Olivia and Noah, according to Baby Central. But naming your baby after a month of the year isn’t that unusual either. The most popular weather-related names, however, are seasonal names.
According to Been Verified, there have been more than 35k girls named Autumn in the last 10 years, and 64 boys. Summer is the second most popular seasonal name, with over 17k Summers being born in the past decade. Winter and Spring are less popular, with 8,000 and 218 girls sporting these names, respectively.
When it comes to months, August is the most popular name for both boys and girls. June comes in second, with 14k baby girls and 326 boys getting these names in the last decade. Surprisingly, April and May are in third and fourth places, with 7,000 and just over 1,000 baby girls having these names, respectively.
October and September aren’t as popular as these aforementioned names. There were only 534 girl Octobers and 75 boy Octobers in the last 10 years. And only 285 girls were named September.
Researchers from UCL have found that weather and geography affect what names parents give their babies. April, for example, is the most popular month name for girls in the South, where spring comes earliest.
In the northern states like Massachusetts and New York, June is the most popular girl name. These states still get frost until mid-May, so, the researchers concluded that parents tend to choose names of the months they associate with spring and new life.
People sided with the new dad: “I don’t see why you should be bullied into something you don’t want”
But some pointed out that he could’ve handled the situation better: “You should have told them upfront”
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Parents need to remember they are naming living, breathing people and not accessories or toys. Your children will grow up, they will have their own personalities and opinions and they will have to put up the consequences of your stupid naming practices. My dad has a golden rule for naming dogs and I think it works for people too. "Don't name them something you'll feel stupid yelling down the street." Pity even that doesn't seem to work for the Tragedeigh crowd, though.
EXACTLY. I always think, You aren't naming a houseplant!" This is a human being who will have dreams and aspirations that a ridiculous name can and HAS historically impacted things.
Load More Replies...If I were him I would not only not name my son after a month, I would legally change my name to Dec or Declan.
No reason to keep any of it, just pick a new one and don't answer to the old one at all.
Load More Replies...We broke my husband's family naming tradition - if we had followed it, my son's first and middle names would be Hayre Prickett! There was no way that was happening, and honestly people need to choose carefully, because names DO in fact help shape personalities.
You can't tell everyone the name without explaining the rules that bore it.
Load More Replies...Anyone calling OP TAH is either spineless or a moron. OP's sister is a doormat for even suggesting he name a HUMAN CHILD something he doesn't want to and for which his child WILL be bullied for (as evidenced by OP's own childhood AND his siblings'). Fsck the commenters pearl-clutching and claiming OP shouldn't have insulted the ancestors. Those ancestors were dumbasses and so was OP's parents for branding their kids with names better suited to pets (only modern societal sentiments spared the girls).
Most likely the person to start this "tradition" had all girls and thought it was cute. There's plenty of months that work for girl names; April, May, June, even January (easy to shorten to Jan). Not so much for boy names. A lot of these naming traditions are not started with the intent to actually be traditions.
Load More Replies...Keep the peace by giving in to what will be a core part of your child’s identity? Hell no. OP’s parents can keep the peace by accepting their son and DIL’s decision to name their baby a totally normal name. (Also, OP said there’s nothing that can make the name “July” better but “Jules” is an obvious option to me)
The sisters hate themselves for complying like sheep so now they take it out on their brother and his wife, their sister-in-law. Yeh she definitely "brainwashed him" to care about his kid's and their future.... Ohhhh what an evil witch she is! Ppl who stick to irrational rules and comply to them and shame others for going against them are my least fav kind of person.
The sisters probably didn't get the same amount (if any) teasing/bullying about their names growing up, since April and May are common girl names (at least in the US) and while June isn't AS common, it still "sounds" enough like a normal name. Being named December and July - they must have gotten mocked mercilessly. At least "August" is an old-school name, if uncommon. I don't know OP or anything about him or his family growing up, but just from the names themselves, I feel like the sisters maybe escaped the worst of name mocking/bullying and thus really don't understand why December gave his son a traditional name. Not defending their actions or behavior, but just wondering at a potential motivation.
Load More Replies...Parents can suck. Tradition is what we call habits that can't be justified on rational or ethical grounds, or are downright disjustified by ever progressing knowledge, but in order to keep them regardless, we include them into a set of sacred stupidities we aren't to question, label it as "Tradition" and there we go, at times, forcing a tube down the throat of a goose to make them sick because even sicker people consider their broken, oversized liver to be delicious, and at times, we call our kids stupid names indicating something about them. I guess "Incontinencia" or "Gono-Roger", still, aren't among anyone's favourites...
Why do other family members Think they have a say in naming the child. I mean what makes them think it's ok to tell the parents ok this is the name YOU HAVE YO USE, KISS MY A*S TWICE, No YOU do not have a right. He or She is Not your child you are not the Parent. So Bite Me that should end it
I've had ideas and opinions when it came to naming children in the family. But of the "I like that one" and "what do you think of this one?" grade. I can't fathom believing that anybody but the parents gets an actual vote.
Load More Replies...Your parents should've named you boys Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Already had April, May, and June. Nta
We here in Germany do also have rules. You can’t name your child any stupid name you want!
Load More Replies...Naming a child a month of the year is just silliness. Just do your own thing.
OP should have his name legally changed to show how much he truly hates the stupid "tradition".
I would have announced, soon before the birth, that my family would be naming their child after a month... from, say, the ancient Assyrian calendar, or better yet, the Klingon one. Let them lose their damn minds for a month or two and a regular name wouldn't seem so bad.
Naming traditions are bizarre. In my mom's family, my grandfather is first name, middle name Jr. He named his younger son first name, middle name III. That uncle named his firstborn first name, middle name IV. When My Cousin (The IV) had a son, he broke the line and named the boy different firstname, different middlename. Of course people wondered why and my cousin said that there were ENOUGH first name, middle names and it was time to stop
The story reminds me of the joke whose punchline is "But why do you ask these questions, Broken Rubber?"😆
Load More Replies...Parents name their children, no-one else. Reminds me of the old one about Tuesday Weld marrying Fredric March and calling their daughter Tuesday - which would have meant her being known as Tuesday March 2nd.
I don't get all of the people calling out others for insulting people when they were being insulted in the first place. Sometimes crazy people need to be told they're crazy and why. I thought he made his feelings very clear.
I've never understood the point of following traditions no matter what, especially harmful ones
Start calling your mum Chicken Seasoning, or something equally ridiculous at every opportunity. Tell her it's a new tradition.
I recommend everyone wait until after the birth to announce the name of the baby. It saves the comments, nagging or even harrassment during a tough time. The OP was absolutely right not to tell his family until then because he knew it was never going to be a discussion and it was never going to be a "good time".
Exactly. Imagine going through the whole pregnancy with his barmy mother having a go at you.
Load More Replies...I've never understood the unwillingness to be direct because you'll bow to pressure. People should just say what needs to be said and have the confidence in their choices.
Because some people can't accept a "no" and if you are direct and tell them upfront you are in for stupid discussions every time you see them. It simply can be easier with some people.
Load More Replies...Calling someone stupid If he/she is stupid, is not an insult. It is a statement.
I was telling my son August about this. August replied "Tobias, why?".
Load More Replies...Does no one in this family know you can legally change names? Alex should change his name to his birth month if he likes the tradition so much. July should have changed his name once he reached 18. Yes it costs money, but it's a lower cost than going through life with a name you dislike. Especially if there's negative connotations with it due to bullying.
Surprised he got a job named December. His CV must've been laughable before ever getting to the qualifications. Parents are insane to me kids like they're just a joke instead of a person.
Agree it is absolutely insane 'tradition'. Though he doesn't have to put his name in full on a CV. He can just put Dec and his surname. I don't use my full first name. A friend of mine is nicknamed after a cartoon character - she uses that on her CV instead of her real name. Mind you, if he was the best person for the job and they laughed and then didn't employ him, they're just daft!
Load More Replies...Just remember your kid has to, at one time in their life, introduce themselves at a job interview. That’s the real test.
Not exactly the main takeaway here, but "nothing to do about July?" Jule? (Like Big Jule in Guys and Dolls) Jules? Or reverse engineer the name the month comes from and go by Julius.
Yes, I made the comment about Jules before I saw yours. That was my immediate thought. I’m surprised OP and July haven’t legally changed their names
Load More Replies...I named my son August David. August bc his father and I liked the name. David for the middle name after my Dad. August is 28 years old and no he wasn't born in August. He wanted twin sisters so he could name them April and May. I explained it didn't work like that.
I think "August" is a lovely name in and of itself. Poor OP, December, however....
Load More Replies..."Our child, our choice. This is their name...period. Get over yourselves; we're not going to hear any more on the topic. If you bring it up again you won't have to worry about our baby's name because you'll never see them."
Not exactly on topic but lots of replies state ESH. I have zero idea what that stands for, please will someone tell me?
I used to babysit a child named Freedom. I asked his mom what made her name him that? She said she hated her name so much that when he’s older he could choose his own name. The kid was being picked on ruthlessly from grade one to grade three, which is when I was babysitting him. Nice kid, clueless mom.
There's always a YTA in the wild who thinks that calling someone who wants their grandchild bullied for life mad is a bad thing.
Throughout my life, for some reason, I have accumulated many odds named friends, probably because my own is spelled unusually for the US. So I know Neurons and Key loose and Hedwig and Sukies and Lightses.Not one of us gave our kids odd names. Think about it.
The fact that five generations did this with no compromise, like adapting the names (Octavian, Augustus, Julie,) or adding in new options (Winter, Summer, Thor, Fria,) speaks volumes to their commitment to this tradition. The fact that he didn't consider these options speaks volumes to his rejection of the tradition. They're wrong for trying to pressure him, and he's wrong for insulting them instead of just reminding them that he hates his name and was bullied for it.
I knew a family that named their sons (they had no daughters) for their birth months, but they were a bit more creative(?) about it. The ones I knew were Augustus, Junius, Julio, Octavius, and Donald (no idea why he got away with that). Mind you, they received these names back in the 1920s and 30s.
Traditions that are that stupid and insensitive need to be broken, and this one should have been broken long ago!
This tradition has been going for 5 generations. Is everyone descended from great great ect grandparents following this? NO because they recognised it was stupid and broke this tradition.
My husband's dad was named *weird name* Century because the name had been in the family for 100 years. He went by his initials. My husband and his brother were named David and Steven. Broke that stupid tradition with a vengeance!
My mum told me NOT to use any of our family names, she hates her 'hand me down's' 😅
Well, when you bring a new soul to this world, you have a responsibility to do what you think best for them. Traditions are definitely good candidate to be broken for the well being of the new generation. And of all months name, the "-ber" ones are the most stupid to give: they literally mean 7th month (SEPTember), 8th month (OCTOber) , 9th month (NOV-ember) and 10th month (DECember) in the roman calendar (who only had 10 months till July and August were added and renamed after Julius Caesar's death, in his honor. Tobias is a great first name, because you like this name.
We waited til we'd met our son to settle on his name. I've been Jane since I was 12. If you don't like 'your' name, quit answering to it. They'll catch on eventually. oh, and btw, mind what the child s initials will be. I remember a large gold ring with initials in diamonds; the initials were V D.
My parents were very careful with naming. None of their children had names that could be abbreviated to something undesirable. None of our sets of initials could be perverted to something unpleasant. Good parents! There is enough bullying without providing the ammunition.
Load More Replies...First of all, your son has another parent who also has a saying in the baby's name. Second, traditions are not laws, so you have the right to break any tradition you consider idiotic. Third, your mother is delusional, and she is sulking like a five year old. It's her own problem. Honestly, if she's stopped talking to you for such a stupid reason, I wouldn't make the slightest effort to get in contact with her. The kid is your and your wife's son. Give him the name YOU want. F**k people!
Yes, & it's the other parent who's "brainwashed" OP. I expect mum thinks that were it not for OP's wife, there'd now be a little "October."
Load More Replies...Parents need to apologize and accept the name before they spend anymore time with the baby. Also, let them know that if they ever call your son October, they will lose access to your child.
Kudos to dad for standing up for what he/wife believe. No concern that you didn't tell the family up front - lots of people don't announce a baby name until after birth. But an ever-so-slight YTA for insulting what has been important to the family for many years. Could firmly say "we don't like the tradition and have decided to go a different direction" and stood firm on that without insulting OPs parents and grandparents. OP wants respect for the decision he has made, but that should include showing respect to the family as well. Probably wouldn't have made things any easier or made the family more accepting, but no need to hurt their feelings in order to be firm in your own decision.
I expect he began polite and didn't start being rude about the family tradition until his mother had already stepped very far over the line
Load More Replies...Sisters that have socially accepted names - YTA Brothers that were bullied all their lives due to awkward names - NTA Easy to understand why some of their relatives are against him.
Jorrik, a Dutch guy, and Anouk, a German-Dutch girl who immigrated to America as a baby, met as 17 year olds on summer holiday on the Catalan coast. 9 months later in the USA she had a baby boy she named Jordi. Anouk moved to India and married Naveen. Shortly thereafter they had a baby boy they named Nikesh. Both Anouk’s & Jorrik’s families all have traditional, familial names. As does Naveen’s. She opted to give her children names she associated with where they were conceived, but mostly just names she wanted to give them. Because it’s nobody’s business but the parents.
A compromise would be to give the child a middle name of a month because I'd also say we have a tradition in our family of not naming kids after months, so which tradition should have preference? But the middle name is fair game if you want.
Yeah, but they don't have to compromise at all. Why should they? They don't have to please anyone bar themselves and absolutely think of their child's future when it comes to potential bullying (and people do bully over weird middle names as well... ask me how I know). They have common sense and rationality on their side. Those justifying this weird, made-up tradition (though aren't all traditions made up!) do not.
Load More Replies...May & April come are acceptable and pretty female names. I can even give March a soft okay; but every other month would be dumb as a first or middle name. Good for this mom and dad - people need to stop giving their children stupid names.
Time for family members to stop butting in where they don't belong.
Load More Replies...Why though? That's just pandering to ridiculousness. Anyone attempting to enforce a 'tradition' as daft as this and to the extent of their actually having the nerve to get arsey about it, needs a lesson that they're not in control.
Load More Replies...Check out the sub-Reddit called Tragedeigh - dedicated to all things Raefarty.
Load More Replies...I lose the thread and all respect for the likely fake story as soon as I read "go along with it to keep the peace" is anyone else tired of this idiotic claim? It screams fake... whos that stupid
Parents need to remember they are naming living, breathing people and not accessories or toys. Your children will grow up, they will have their own personalities and opinions and they will have to put up the consequences of your stupid naming practices. My dad has a golden rule for naming dogs and I think it works for people too. "Don't name them something you'll feel stupid yelling down the street." Pity even that doesn't seem to work for the Tragedeigh crowd, though.
EXACTLY. I always think, You aren't naming a houseplant!" This is a human being who will have dreams and aspirations that a ridiculous name can and HAS historically impacted things.
Load More Replies...If I were him I would not only not name my son after a month, I would legally change my name to Dec or Declan.
No reason to keep any of it, just pick a new one and don't answer to the old one at all.
Load More Replies...We broke my husband's family naming tradition - if we had followed it, my son's first and middle names would be Hayre Prickett! There was no way that was happening, and honestly people need to choose carefully, because names DO in fact help shape personalities.
You can't tell everyone the name without explaining the rules that bore it.
Load More Replies...Anyone calling OP TAH is either spineless or a moron. OP's sister is a doormat for even suggesting he name a HUMAN CHILD something he doesn't want to and for which his child WILL be bullied for (as evidenced by OP's own childhood AND his siblings'). Fsck the commenters pearl-clutching and claiming OP shouldn't have insulted the ancestors. Those ancestors were dumbasses and so was OP's parents for branding their kids with names better suited to pets (only modern societal sentiments spared the girls).
Most likely the person to start this "tradition" had all girls and thought it was cute. There's plenty of months that work for girl names; April, May, June, even January (easy to shorten to Jan). Not so much for boy names. A lot of these naming traditions are not started with the intent to actually be traditions.
Load More Replies...Keep the peace by giving in to what will be a core part of your child’s identity? Hell no. OP’s parents can keep the peace by accepting their son and DIL’s decision to name their baby a totally normal name. (Also, OP said there’s nothing that can make the name “July” better but “Jules” is an obvious option to me)
The sisters hate themselves for complying like sheep so now they take it out on their brother and his wife, their sister-in-law. Yeh she definitely "brainwashed him" to care about his kid's and their future.... Ohhhh what an evil witch she is! Ppl who stick to irrational rules and comply to them and shame others for going against them are my least fav kind of person.
The sisters probably didn't get the same amount (if any) teasing/bullying about their names growing up, since April and May are common girl names (at least in the US) and while June isn't AS common, it still "sounds" enough like a normal name. Being named December and July - they must have gotten mocked mercilessly. At least "August" is an old-school name, if uncommon. I don't know OP or anything about him or his family growing up, but just from the names themselves, I feel like the sisters maybe escaped the worst of name mocking/bullying and thus really don't understand why December gave his son a traditional name. Not defending their actions or behavior, but just wondering at a potential motivation.
Load More Replies...Parents can suck. Tradition is what we call habits that can't be justified on rational or ethical grounds, or are downright disjustified by ever progressing knowledge, but in order to keep them regardless, we include them into a set of sacred stupidities we aren't to question, label it as "Tradition" and there we go, at times, forcing a tube down the throat of a goose to make them sick because even sicker people consider their broken, oversized liver to be delicious, and at times, we call our kids stupid names indicating something about them. I guess "Incontinencia" or "Gono-Roger", still, aren't among anyone's favourites...
Why do other family members Think they have a say in naming the child. I mean what makes them think it's ok to tell the parents ok this is the name YOU HAVE YO USE, KISS MY A*S TWICE, No YOU do not have a right. He or She is Not your child you are not the Parent. So Bite Me that should end it
I've had ideas and opinions when it came to naming children in the family. But of the "I like that one" and "what do you think of this one?" grade. I can't fathom believing that anybody but the parents gets an actual vote.
Load More Replies...Your parents should've named you boys Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Already had April, May, and June. Nta
We here in Germany do also have rules. You can’t name your child any stupid name you want!
Load More Replies...Naming a child a month of the year is just silliness. Just do your own thing.
OP should have his name legally changed to show how much he truly hates the stupid "tradition".
I would have announced, soon before the birth, that my family would be naming their child after a month... from, say, the ancient Assyrian calendar, or better yet, the Klingon one. Let them lose their damn minds for a month or two and a regular name wouldn't seem so bad.
Naming traditions are bizarre. In my mom's family, my grandfather is first name, middle name Jr. He named his younger son first name, middle name III. That uncle named his firstborn first name, middle name IV. When My Cousin (The IV) had a son, he broke the line and named the boy different firstname, different middlename. Of course people wondered why and my cousin said that there were ENOUGH first name, middle names and it was time to stop
The story reminds me of the joke whose punchline is "But why do you ask these questions, Broken Rubber?"😆
Load More Replies...Parents name their children, no-one else. Reminds me of the old one about Tuesday Weld marrying Fredric March and calling their daughter Tuesday - which would have meant her being known as Tuesday March 2nd.
I don't get all of the people calling out others for insulting people when they were being insulted in the first place. Sometimes crazy people need to be told they're crazy and why. I thought he made his feelings very clear.
I've never understood the point of following traditions no matter what, especially harmful ones
Start calling your mum Chicken Seasoning, or something equally ridiculous at every opportunity. Tell her it's a new tradition.
I recommend everyone wait until after the birth to announce the name of the baby. It saves the comments, nagging or even harrassment during a tough time. The OP was absolutely right not to tell his family until then because he knew it was never going to be a discussion and it was never going to be a "good time".
Exactly. Imagine going through the whole pregnancy with his barmy mother having a go at you.
Load More Replies...I've never understood the unwillingness to be direct because you'll bow to pressure. People should just say what needs to be said and have the confidence in their choices.
Because some people can't accept a "no" and if you are direct and tell them upfront you are in for stupid discussions every time you see them. It simply can be easier with some people.
Load More Replies...Calling someone stupid If he/she is stupid, is not an insult. It is a statement.
I was telling my son August about this. August replied "Tobias, why?".
Load More Replies...Does no one in this family know you can legally change names? Alex should change his name to his birth month if he likes the tradition so much. July should have changed his name once he reached 18. Yes it costs money, but it's a lower cost than going through life with a name you dislike. Especially if there's negative connotations with it due to bullying.
Surprised he got a job named December. His CV must've been laughable before ever getting to the qualifications. Parents are insane to me kids like they're just a joke instead of a person.
Agree it is absolutely insane 'tradition'. Though he doesn't have to put his name in full on a CV. He can just put Dec and his surname. I don't use my full first name. A friend of mine is nicknamed after a cartoon character - she uses that on her CV instead of her real name. Mind you, if he was the best person for the job and they laughed and then didn't employ him, they're just daft!
Load More Replies...Just remember your kid has to, at one time in their life, introduce themselves at a job interview. That’s the real test.
Not exactly the main takeaway here, but "nothing to do about July?" Jule? (Like Big Jule in Guys and Dolls) Jules? Or reverse engineer the name the month comes from and go by Julius.
Yes, I made the comment about Jules before I saw yours. That was my immediate thought. I’m surprised OP and July haven’t legally changed their names
Load More Replies...I named my son August David. August bc his father and I liked the name. David for the middle name after my Dad. August is 28 years old and no he wasn't born in August. He wanted twin sisters so he could name them April and May. I explained it didn't work like that.
I think "August" is a lovely name in and of itself. Poor OP, December, however....
Load More Replies..."Our child, our choice. This is their name...period. Get over yourselves; we're not going to hear any more on the topic. If you bring it up again you won't have to worry about our baby's name because you'll never see them."
Not exactly on topic but lots of replies state ESH. I have zero idea what that stands for, please will someone tell me?
I used to babysit a child named Freedom. I asked his mom what made her name him that? She said she hated her name so much that when he’s older he could choose his own name. The kid was being picked on ruthlessly from grade one to grade three, which is when I was babysitting him. Nice kid, clueless mom.
There's always a YTA in the wild who thinks that calling someone who wants their grandchild bullied for life mad is a bad thing.
Throughout my life, for some reason, I have accumulated many odds named friends, probably because my own is spelled unusually for the US. So I know Neurons and Key loose and Hedwig and Sukies and Lightses.Not one of us gave our kids odd names. Think about it.
The fact that five generations did this with no compromise, like adapting the names (Octavian, Augustus, Julie,) or adding in new options (Winter, Summer, Thor, Fria,) speaks volumes to their commitment to this tradition. The fact that he didn't consider these options speaks volumes to his rejection of the tradition. They're wrong for trying to pressure him, and he's wrong for insulting them instead of just reminding them that he hates his name and was bullied for it.
I knew a family that named their sons (they had no daughters) for their birth months, but they were a bit more creative(?) about it. The ones I knew were Augustus, Junius, Julio, Octavius, and Donald (no idea why he got away with that). Mind you, they received these names back in the 1920s and 30s.
Traditions that are that stupid and insensitive need to be broken, and this one should have been broken long ago!
This tradition has been going for 5 generations. Is everyone descended from great great ect grandparents following this? NO because they recognised it was stupid and broke this tradition.
My husband's dad was named *weird name* Century because the name had been in the family for 100 years. He went by his initials. My husband and his brother were named David and Steven. Broke that stupid tradition with a vengeance!
My mum told me NOT to use any of our family names, she hates her 'hand me down's' 😅
Well, when you bring a new soul to this world, you have a responsibility to do what you think best for them. Traditions are definitely good candidate to be broken for the well being of the new generation. And of all months name, the "-ber" ones are the most stupid to give: they literally mean 7th month (SEPTember), 8th month (OCTOber) , 9th month (NOV-ember) and 10th month (DECember) in the roman calendar (who only had 10 months till July and August were added and renamed after Julius Caesar's death, in his honor. Tobias is a great first name, because you like this name.
We waited til we'd met our son to settle on his name. I've been Jane since I was 12. If you don't like 'your' name, quit answering to it. They'll catch on eventually. oh, and btw, mind what the child s initials will be. I remember a large gold ring with initials in diamonds; the initials were V D.
My parents were very careful with naming. None of their children had names that could be abbreviated to something undesirable. None of our sets of initials could be perverted to something unpleasant. Good parents! There is enough bullying without providing the ammunition.
Load More Replies...First of all, your son has another parent who also has a saying in the baby's name. Second, traditions are not laws, so you have the right to break any tradition you consider idiotic. Third, your mother is delusional, and she is sulking like a five year old. It's her own problem. Honestly, if she's stopped talking to you for such a stupid reason, I wouldn't make the slightest effort to get in contact with her. The kid is your and your wife's son. Give him the name YOU want. F**k people!
Yes, & it's the other parent who's "brainwashed" OP. I expect mum thinks that were it not for OP's wife, there'd now be a little "October."
Load More Replies...Parents need to apologize and accept the name before they spend anymore time with the baby. Also, let them know that if they ever call your son October, they will lose access to your child.
Kudos to dad for standing up for what he/wife believe. No concern that you didn't tell the family up front - lots of people don't announce a baby name until after birth. But an ever-so-slight YTA for insulting what has been important to the family for many years. Could firmly say "we don't like the tradition and have decided to go a different direction" and stood firm on that without insulting OPs parents and grandparents. OP wants respect for the decision he has made, but that should include showing respect to the family as well. Probably wouldn't have made things any easier or made the family more accepting, but no need to hurt their feelings in order to be firm in your own decision.
I expect he began polite and didn't start being rude about the family tradition until his mother had already stepped very far over the line
Load More Replies...Sisters that have socially accepted names - YTA Brothers that were bullied all their lives due to awkward names - NTA Easy to understand why some of their relatives are against him.
Jorrik, a Dutch guy, and Anouk, a German-Dutch girl who immigrated to America as a baby, met as 17 year olds on summer holiday on the Catalan coast. 9 months later in the USA she had a baby boy she named Jordi. Anouk moved to India and married Naveen. Shortly thereafter they had a baby boy they named Nikesh. Both Anouk’s & Jorrik’s families all have traditional, familial names. As does Naveen’s. She opted to give her children names she associated with where they were conceived, but mostly just names she wanted to give them. Because it’s nobody’s business but the parents.
A compromise would be to give the child a middle name of a month because I'd also say we have a tradition in our family of not naming kids after months, so which tradition should have preference? But the middle name is fair game if you want.
Yeah, but they don't have to compromise at all. Why should they? They don't have to please anyone bar themselves and absolutely think of their child's future when it comes to potential bullying (and people do bully over weird middle names as well... ask me how I know). They have common sense and rationality on their side. Those justifying this weird, made-up tradition (though aren't all traditions made up!) do not.
Load More Replies...May & April come are acceptable and pretty female names. I can even give March a soft okay; but every other month would be dumb as a first or middle name. Good for this mom and dad - people need to stop giving their children stupid names.
Time for family members to stop butting in where they don't belong.
Load More Replies...Why though? That's just pandering to ridiculousness. Anyone attempting to enforce a 'tradition' as daft as this and to the extent of their actually having the nerve to get arsey about it, needs a lesson that they're not in control.
Load More Replies...Check out the sub-Reddit called Tragedeigh - dedicated to all things Raefarty.
Load More Replies...I lose the thread and all respect for the likely fake story as soon as I read "go along with it to keep the peace" is anyone else tired of this idiotic claim? It screams fake... whos that stupid