These 30 Pics Show How Dystopic Our Society Already Is, And It’s Pretty Terrifying
While we may imagine a dystopian future of thought police, killer robots, and nuclear fallout, the real future predictions are much more boring. Instead of being brutally brainwashed and enslaved by fascist, authoritarian regimes, we have willingly enslaved ourselves. By allowing the top 1% to get exponentially richer, we drown in a sea of debts, tech, advertising, endless wars, environmental destruction, addictions, depression... the list goes on.
Brilliant, isn't it? But it's ok; there's always Facebook to scroll through (Bored Panda too, obvs), Netflix to watch, chemical-laden meals to consume, manufactured outrages over a mermaid's skin color to comment on. Who's got time for thoughtful resistance in this sick, sad world? Even those that think they are resisting by electing bigoted billionaires, bankers and Eton toffs to represent them are simply playing into their hands, as their dishonest, scaremongering claptrap divides us ever further over political, racial and gender lines!
Sometimes we need to take a step back and see the forest for the trees. This list, compiled by Bored Panda, contains some pretty terrifying examples of present-day dystopian society, things that make you realize that beyond all the distractions of trying to survive and thrive in the rat race, something's not quite right with this world.
So if you didn't find the sinister scenes of mindless automatons chanting “send her back” chilling enough, scroll down below to get a reality check on the spookily Orwellian society we are allowing to be constructed, and let's see if we can fix our near future in the comments! If you want to see even more proof of our dystopian world, be sure to check out our previous list!
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The term 'boring dystopia was coined by the late academic and cultural theorist Mark Fisher in 2015. He used it to refer to the "bland, mildly coercive signs that abound in late-stage capitalist society, which foster a vague sense of isolation or unease."
He started a Facebook group that documented these signs as a way to develop consciousness about the world around us. "It was understood from the start to be a consciousness-raising exercise, encouraging people to perceive the actual state of Britain rather than the PR state," Fisher said in an interview with Vice. "Which is surprisingly hard, because there's this mixture of Silicon Valley ideology, PR and advertising which distracts us from our own aesthetic poverty, and the reality of what we have. Which is just all these crap robots…"
This Is Caleb. Caleb Has A Degree In Zoology And Asks His Customers What Their Favorite Animal Is. He Gives Them Facts While Completing Their Orders!
Real Problem
It's unlikely to ever be, with the system that it lives under. I'm from the UK and the news I hear from there appals me. Things like abortion becoming illegal now, the horrible racism, how evil the cops are, how many homeless people there are (over 600,000), how it bullies smaller countries, etc., etc.
Load More Replies...Are you serious? Do you have any idea about how many big companies are build on the back of exploited people?
Load More Replies...when their employees need food stamps to survive, when they offer insurance that cost 1/4 of a paycheck for those lucky enough to make it past the probationary period. when they pay no cooperate taxes we are subsidizing them not the people.on welfare. Greed plain and simple
Load More Replies...Let's assume these 8 guys have $1 Trillion. Divide that by 4 Billion...$250 each. Congratulations, you've solved everyone's money problems...or Divide by 150 Million...$6.5k. Maybe solves things for a year or two but what are you going to do after that? Those 8 people won't make $1 Trillion in 2 years.
People are easily distracted from the real problems in the world by triviality inflamed by their sense of injustice and hate.
This more than anything is so telling of how our country has been sold out by the politicians. It is their desire to continue to "rule" and they enrich themselves and their masters at our expense. Wake up America!!
Stop trying to start class wars. I say, they came by that money honestly so good for them. Wish I was smart enough to make that kind of money but I'm not so I'll just have to dream about it.
Yeah let's put everyone on food stamps! That's a fair society. Happy now?
The new generation has a large percentage of people in it who refuse to work. See it time and time again. Its too easy to get food stamps or panhandle. I was in a Home Depoe and couldn't get anyone to help me. I went to the manager and told him. He said he had 26 job openings and couldn't get anyone to apply. I told him about 10 young guys who were panhandling on the adjacent corner. He said he had gone over to them, told them he would help them fill out the paperwork, and they could start the same day. He was told to go f**k off! That was just one instance. I've seen many more. Its easy to blame the guy who has worked his whole life and made a lot of money. But, at least he worked for it.
What about the guy who works his whole life and scrimps and saved to put food on the table, goes without and pays taxes o. Top of what they pull from his check. Why do the rich get breaks? Because if it was truly applied the same way to all, those rich guys wouldn't be quite as rich. And how come every president, including Obama when Trump demanded he release his tax info, had done so without problem. Trump doesn't pay taxes and won't let anyone see his returns. And who do you think got stuck paying off his myriad of bankruptcy. How many folks got reimbursed for him and his joke of a university. He has so much to hide. And after today he will have his moment to tell the truth about how he compromised everybody so he can build a hotel in Russia's for Russia's elite. Just maybe he needs to actually see the great america before he throws everybody that is proof positive he ain't done s**t but lie. Kim Kardashian got him to get a rapper released. He will get his. But we'll pay the price.
Load More Replies...So what? They made their money by hard work. Are we to penalize them because they had the intelligence ti know what to do to make money? Are you telling me that if you could come up with a product like Steve Jobs, you would blow it off because you would become rich? Do you even realize how hard these people have worked, or yes (gasp) their parents or grandparents have worked? Give a guess at how much money these people give to charities (more than your pea sized socialistic brain can come up with).
Sometimes it wasn't hard at all, just steady and consistent. Knowing WHEN to do something and presenting it so that other people are willing to spend their money on it. SALESMANSHIP or BRINKSMANSHIP, so similar.
Load More Replies...Im from Denmark and grew up with this idea, that USA was the greatest (Thank you tv). However, as Im now grown I would NEVER even consider going there! Your minimum wage is so freaking low (ours is like 17$/hour), your healthcare system?? Your educationsystem?? We may have high taxes, but at least we can go to the doctor/hospital for free and we get paid to get an Education! Also, us with kids get a kind of childsupport from the government.
Denmark looks like a socialist utopia from an American perspective. In reality Denmark is a leading example of how the entire world should aim to be. Btw I'm in love with Mads Mikkelsen haha~~
Load More Replies...What is trump going to do with his failed businesses. His daughter has her work done overseas. Make America Great. I would love to see this man in a real prison and spend some time with real Americans. He would not last 5 minutes. Bendover for your cavity search Mr. T. That thing on your head can't go with you. No pets allowed. Although there are plenty of rats you can feed. Just can't stay in your cell. Enjoy your stay.
I remember when no presidents could be divorced, were not Catholic or Jewish let alone black, and the First Lady did not share a bed when it was time to go night night. Trump is on marriage #3, Gusty Winds, Stormy Daniels who cares. He treats women like s**t. I am embarrassed by how this man has made this country look like a joke. I hope to God we outnumber his minions. His loyalty is to no one. He's the fox in the hen house. Ask yourself this; would you want your daughter to date this man?
No, but I didn't hire him to date my daughter. I hired him to run the country and so far he's doing a pretty good job, or do you not like the Dow hitting 27,000, lowest black unemployment; prison reform, etc.?
Load More Replies...People who work for/use their brains for their money deserve it.Those who only use their hand to show a credit card they didn't earn to feed the 3-5 children they chose to have others feed...???Are you thinking??
You're mad because a very minuscule percent of your tax dollars go to ensure that poor children and families can buy food? The problem is with you I'm afraid.
Load More Replies...those that resent other peoples wealth are those that are unwilling to work for it . Usually the participation trophy generation.
None of this is new, it's been going on, in one form or the other since the begining of time. Sometimes worse than others.
Most of this class war fare, poor folks against rich folks/, doesn't ask a simple question. If you want to be rich/successful. "why don't you do what the rich and successful to become that way?"
It is when you realise a certain party is more interested in immigration than improving the economics of its own people. Yes the more immigrants that flood in the more the middle class has to support them and their families ( housing, food,schooling, etc Until your left with the scenario of a wealthy class and everyonelse is poor...isn't socialism grand
Idiotic. Nobody ever said the mom buying the groceries with food stamps is the problem. NOBODY.
Are you completely blind?? The "welfare mom buying lobster with her food stamps" trope has been an ongoing c**p line for conservatives for DECADES now....have you been under a rock since the 80's or something??
Load More Replies...And yet there at millions living hand to mouth that voted in the current czar, believing he'd give them money and jobs. How's that working for ya?
I think you’re thinking of Obama. No one who voted for Trump wanted hand outs. Trump didn’t come up with free phones.
Load More Replies...Why don't you, rather than criticize, offer the simple answer so the people who are poor become more wealthy. If you want to be rich, successful, "why don't you do what the rich and successful people did to get that way?.. Don't hang around losers, Associate with people who are successful. Repeating the same loser style of actions and expect a different result, according to Einstein, is insanity.
Progressive taxation. Free education. including university. Easy.
Load More Replies...The wealthy ones? The ones that earned it and give back through philanthropic works and donations? Those guys? Oh yeah. They are horrible. SMDH.
What percentage of the wealthy do that? Not trump. He uses his foundation money for personal expenses.
Load More Replies...Yes and No. Those rich people earned what they have or at least their families did. The woman on foodstamps may or may not be a problem, depending on if she actually needs it or is gaming the system, there are plenty of both.
those rich also are famous for not paying a cent in taxes and getting away with it.
Load More Replies..."Boring Dystopia was partly about the fact that no one can care about stuff any more," said Fisher. "It's not that they don't care, but in a city like London, or any intensely pressured urban metropolis—add to that the pressures of capitalist cyberspace and people just feel like they perpetually have no time."
"Our resources for caring are depleted, and that has aesthetic consequences."
Saddest part is that a lot of celebs even get paid to promote a charity.
Put The Blame Where It Belongs
Let's not forget the politicians and celebrities who fly all over who have huge SUVs .
The Facebook group was short-lived, with Fisher quickly becoming disillusioned with Facebook itself. "For me the point at which the group started to go downhill was when it became like every other Facebook group. It was just recirculating 'content' and sending links, keeping people inside what I would call capitalist cyberspace instead of looking outside at their own environment. It felt like it was reinforcing the condition it was intended to displace," he explained.
"It didn't work at that scale, and you could feel that it wasn't the right place for it… It was just an experiment, and Facebook probably wasn't the right platform. I didn't want it to be diluted."
A Child Can’t Stay On The Transplant List, Solely Because He’s Homeless
Calling An Ambulance In USA
After Fisher's tragic death in 2017 at the age of 48, his work remains as his legacy and is as important and relevant as it's ever been. His 2009 book Capitalist Realism is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the modern world, and his 'Boring Dystopia' group lives on mainly in the subreddit r/ABoringDystopia.
What do you think? Are we truly living in a boring dystopia? Scroll down below to see the rest of the examples for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!
Stealing An Education
Need Books? Donate Plasma!
I Had To Pay $39.35 To Hold My Baby After He Was Born
Anything Different Would Simply Be Un-American
There is one thing we can do: Get out and vote. Vote for the senators and representatives who aren't afraid to push for single-payer, universal health care. And if someone calls you a socialist, tell them to look at Japan, which a) is hardly socialist, b) has the world's longest life expectancy, and c) has a well-established universal health care system.
Health Care
Don't have to wait for it. Come to Ukraine, we are constantly crowdfunding some sick child's care.
Watch This Advert Or Choke To Death
If you need to watch a video before trying to do something to help, it doesn't matter whether there are ads or not; the person will probably die anyway. That's the reason why everybody should learn some very basic first aid skills, like the Hemilich Maneuver, at school, instead of soooo much useless rubbish.
Only In America Would A Restaurant Display On The Wall That They Don’t Pay Their Staff Enough To Live On
Public Relations
And people working in the media industry earn way more than any manual laborer or most of the engineers, scientists, medical doctors...
Remember The Panama Papers?
"Today My Client Was Excited To Push The Elevator Buttons On The Way To Her First Deportation Hearing"
My niece is 5. I cannot imagine her having to represent herself in any legal matters. I'm 30, and I can't imagine representing myself in any legal matters.
I Don't Like This Episode Of Black Mirror
Capitalism In A Nutshell
Good Article. No Surprises. “It’s Not About Wanting A Pay Raise Or Extra Income, It’s Just About Wanting A Livable Wage”
And yet Trump has the audacity to say how amazing the country is doing and how everyone is wealthier than ever. Prick.
Both Are In The Wrong But Look At How The Pictures Are Depicted
The blindfold of Lady Justice is eaten by the moths and she turns out to be a racist, conservative b!tch.
Not A Bad Plan
I knew a girl who got Hep C from her ex-boyfriend. Her insurance would not pay to fix it unless she was very very ill. As far as I know she still has it. Had she gone to jail she would have been treated and it wouldn't be an issue anymore.
It's All About Priorities
Bathroom Sticker
Teeth Are A Luxury Only Paying Customers Are Allowed
I still have all of my teeth- one of them just stays in my drawer now.
Ambulances For 3k? Lets Just Call An Uber
in the US, the cost for an ambulance to take you to the ER is as expensive as buying a new car.
Positive News
This Feels Straight Out Of 1984...
This Is How Expensive It Is To Attempt Suicide In The US
Open Office
It's still a threat, because the leaders of many countries look up to the USA and want to follow their political and economic example.
Load More Replies...When I was a teenager my dad was given the chance to move to the USA and the entire family got green cards and social security numbers. I’ve never been so happy that he turned down the job and we stayed where we are. While some of my family did go back in later years for a few months, no one wanted to live there full time and moved to Australia instead. :-)
Welcome to Australia! Thankyou for bringing your culture, cuisine, language(s) & contribution to our beautiful, multicultural, multilingual community. <3
Load More Replies...I feel like most of these are American issues. I live in the USA, and I'm so sick of everything wrong with our country. My 11 year old sister is already worrying about affording college, and I actually felt guilty for calling an ambulance for my mom when I found out how much it had cost. When I go to school, I automatically make a plan for how I would get out of an school shooting. It cost $300 for me to go to Urgent Care and find out I've had Tendonitis in my wrist for 6 months. And, compared to the kids being held in cages, my family is lucky. I'm hoping I'll be able to save enough money to go to college in Canada, and hopefully live there when I'm old enough. For now I just get to sit and watch while my country falls to pieces :(
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but unless you immigrate to Canada you won't be able to avail yourself of most of the Candian public services. Also, the tuition rates for international students are usually 3 or 4 times the cost for a domestic student. And they still have to get extra health insurance or pay out of pocket in many provinces. Personally, I'd welcome you here - but it's harder than most folks think, so I guess start planning early? One of my American friends even married a Canadian after going to school here for years and she didn't qualify for permanent residence until she was in her 40s. She had to keep going to school (as an international student) for ages because she could only get a student visa - and no school means visa is over and she'd have to leave. We need a swap program where a pro-oil/gun/etc Canadian can just trade citizenship with a socialist American. :p
Load More Replies...America: Land of the free for only the wealthy and the ultra-privileged. I was born here. I grew up here. I’m in poverty here, after struggling since age 15 to work in the “real world”, where your employer can abuse you to the point where you end up on disability (if you’re lucky; I COULD be homeless and worse off, but I suppose they could still drive me to that point with further social system cuts). What a shithole country. It is getting shittier by the month, as our current dumpster fire administration makes it even better to be rich and even worse to be poor. And yet, people support Trump and his cronies because they think he hates the same people they hate. No, the democrats weren’t fixing this s**t, either. Vote anti-corporate, or you will just be voting for more of the same. Under republicans, it’s like an impending disaster in realtime. Under democrats, it’s a boring dystopia that people are slowly acclimated to.
interesting because im neither wealthy or ultra privileged and am in fact a lower class immigrant from a formerly socialist country. i seem to enjoy the same freedom here as everyone else, and i can tell you that i would much rather live here than the country I moved here from (the USSR). it sounds like you might actually not know how bad other countries have it, possibly because you've lived in america your whole life. am i wrong? have you ever actually experienced life outside the US, and especially in a socialist country like cuba or north korea? curious to know
Load More Replies...Hmm. This is US centric. Are these possibly first world problems? It's a shame that there are not examples from other parts of the world
That's the point. Americans love to spout off about it being the greatest country in the world, but in all reality, it's only good if you're rich and white.
Load More Replies...I am from Germany and I have to say that I am completely shocked right now. I didn't know that it's that bad in America and I cannot imagine living like this. I feel so sorry...
Im completely gobsmacked. I'm from Sweden and it would never ruin someone to get ill, financially that is
Load More Replies...A patriot wants what's best for the nation's long-term well-being : Healthy, educated, productive citizens. A corporation wants slavery and political anarchy. Guess who's winning in America?....
This American Society is on a suicide slide. If all you do is complain on Facebook it will not get better.
thats all they're good at, complaining and permanently being a victim of everything. they don't even have it that bad but they always need something to whine about
Load More Replies...This is the stuff that makes me scared for my future, as a 15-year-old girl living in America. A lot of adults are making decisions that don't affect them, but do affect my generation and my life. I don't want to live life like what is shown here....
Me too! I’m 14, and as I get older I get more and more scared about where our society is going. I wish there was a way we could make a major impact, but whenever I try to give my political ideas I’m brushed off because of my age.
Load More Replies...What did Trump call it? The greatest nation on earth. Deluded idiot.
folks from other countries like me actually have a name for this phenomenon of you americans constantly whining about petty nonsense in your country and about how much worse you have it than other countries you've never lived in. we call it "first world problems". look it up. you guys are literally a meme now
Load More Replies...clearly you havent learned much about the world as if you think this is messed up you would be far more horrified by events like holodomir (my family were among the millions murdered in the ussr)
Load More Replies...I've said it before, and I'll say it again, USA is the worst place in the world and i'm yet to be convinced otherwise.
As an Aussie, I'm not really fond of our concentration camps or the idea that one in five people in Australia now work two jobs in order to survive while our leaders give themselves a raise, or that one lunatic of an ex-PM described windmills as 'Dark Satanic Mills' this week, or that there was a huge defunding of our major scientific organisations. The lesson is mostly that none of us can afford to be overly complacent these days, and we all need to work on standing up for science and supporting one another.
Load More Replies...In the Netherlands, where I live, if your grandma dies and left you some money, the governement gets 70% of that. 70%!
I'm some countries women are executed, forced to marry, have their genitals mutilated all ignored by the article. This was clickbait.
I know right. It's basically just a communist propaganda piece
Load More Replies...For anyone wondering, America is a f****d up country, nothing to do with "freedom and democracy", just a pile of capitalist pigs and b******t.
as an immigrant from the soviet union who moved to the united states in 1994 and became an american citizen in 2003, i can safely say that you have absolutely no idea what a "f****d up country" is and are probably 12 years old
Load More Replies...glad you enjoy waiting weeks for urgent care, having your limbs amputated because you couldn't get treatment in time and paying more in taxes than anyone else on this contintent
Load More Replies...This whole article made me sick. Not because of how “bad” the average American has it because of the anti-American tree-hugging liberally political agenda behind it. If you feel this country is so bad, leave.
amen! I'm an immigrant and this offends me too. I love America. My family came here from the ussr. We fled a fascist socialist dystopia, a real one where people starved to death from man-made famines, a country where the government would send a miniature kangaroo court to your home and execute you in your backyard, labeling you a "kulak" (clenched fist) for not giving up all of your food and property to the government so your children can starve. These spoiled American brats have the nerve to complain about the US being "dystopic" and about how evil capitalism is when my family literally starved to death in their homes from a man made famine created by a bunch of socialists who believe in the same toxic ideology they do. If you think this is bad as an American imagine seeing this through the eyes of an immigrant who fled from socialism like I did. It's beyond disturbing
Load More Replies...We don't need a wall at the border. Just post this on some big billboards.
i have a better idea, how about all of you who hate it so much just leave to make room for us immigrants who actually appreciate it here? you know there is a very good reason why people risk so much to come here, including my family and me. your post is an insult to immigrants who actually like america and know how good it really is here because we actually have lived in other countries and know what its like outside
Load More Replies...I worked for IKEA; in a year of record profits so high they made front page news; our Christmas bonus for nearly foundling profits: A two dollar scratch ticket.
ngl when my sister had to be in US for work for a month one time, she brought with her all the common meds she could take because we heard how ridiculous the price for medicine there. also she was so scared of the idea of forced tipping. how do you know how much to tip? or to who?
most of this article reads like some kind of thinly veiled communist propaganda piece. attacks on capitalism galore (what's your alternative? socialism? like that's any less dystopic? Dont' forget holodomir. I never will since my family actually died in it). The article does raise good points about the cost of ambulances, the injustices suffered by employees in the service sector and the shadiness of big government, but the idea that capitalism is our enemy is pretty ludicrous if you actually have any rudimentary knowledge of world history and economics. Capitalism is actually the only thing that is keeping us from having to stand in a bread line or have our roof collapse on our heads while we sleep like folks in socialist nations like Cuba do. I wish this site didn't always try to put a far-left twist on everything. You think the US is "dystopic" but you never saw and went through the things my family and I did in the USSR. Our dystopia made yours look like Beverly Hills!
How about making this a feature where the problems of certain counties are exposed? Then, our glorified views can be challenged.
If you are outraged by this article, you need to read The Bell Curve. It's your life story.
Charley... who might the author be? P.S. -I’m not outraged.
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*flips through dystopia notes from my writing* What the- these are basically the same. What in the wide wonky world?
Every time I hear something this twisted about America, I love my country a lot more. Imagine, most universities are FREE. You just have to be good enough to pass exams to get there and that is that. And if you find yourself in need of an ambulance, you pay NOTHING. You just get driven to the closest hospital, taken care of, because we all have health insurance. If you are suicidal, you get help, not more debts. Jesus, I knew Trump was an a*****e, but this isn't just about one dumb president, is it.
you know most of this is just left wing propaganda and not an actual reflection of how americans feel about their country right? most of us actually love the US. its just we have a vocal minority who love whining and complaining about everything and it makes it look like things are worse here than they are. I immigrated to the US from the soviet union and I love it here, would never want to live anywhere else. I can't tell you how thankful I am to my family for bringing us to America
Load More Replies...Since most of the pictures were actually pictures of tweets made by people who just don't know how the world works, or by people who have a vested interest in fostering fear and dismay and anger, I think we can come to one conclusion: THE number 1 contributor of dystopian depression is Twitter. Get rid of twitter and a whole lot of people might actually feel better about life. Barring that, just stop reading Twitter, okay? You're literally going to kill yourself with bad emotions for stuff that isn't even true. You are being played if you believe this stuff. And it's costing you your physical and mental health.
finally an intelligent comment! I was starting to lose hope
Load More Replies...Health care cost became so expensive when business corps took over Healthcare to make a buck. The best hospital I ever worked at was run by Doctors, not business men.
better than pretty much everywhere else, so idk. i immigrated here and i love it. never want to live anywhere else
Load More Replies...This is why I love my home country Finland. I can ba a socalist and pay for the wellbeing of my fellow contrymen and wemen cause we have this thing called equity
your country only works that way because of its small size and cultural homogeneity. your system would never work here in the million years. we are very different from you. in fact i don't think your system will even work for you that long either. it works now but it will probably fail eventually. i dont think your system is sustainable on any level, especially not on a scale as large as the US
Load More Replies...This is pretty ridiculous. Stop trying to find s**t that you think is wrong and just go be a good person. Sheesh.
thats asking too much from the left. being a good person isn't even a concept they're familiar with
Load More Replies...Tbh it's easier to die in America than live there...and this is coming from an American if that isn't depressing enough...
thats weird ive been alive for 30 years and have always found living easier than dying here
Load More Replies...try not to upsetany more left wing narratives or you might find yourself banned from every mainstream social media platform
Load More Replies...i know, maybe act instead of talk about all of these issues. No problems were ever solved by making up witty post's instead of actually contacting your state, congressman, maybe even put in an effort to write a letter or 5? thats the problem with America . Everyone wants to complain but when it comes to taking action ...crickets
not only that but they complain about the most dumb and mundane things. its always capitalism or trump's fault. it's always someone or something holding them down. bunch of whiny permanent victims. i am an immigrant who immigrated to america in the early 1990s and i love it here. im very thankful to be fortunate enough to have made it here. i hate socialism (i am from the soviet union and my family were murdered by socialists, literally) and I love america. you'll notice 99% of the time its always an american complaining about this stuff. you'll never hear us immigrants from socialist countries complain about america. we love it here and are very grateful for everything we have here. americans have no idea how good they have it!
Load More Replies...I immigrated to the united states in 1994 and I think it was great then and is still great now, although a certain group of radical left wingers seem intent on making it much less great than it should be
Load More Replies...I'm an American and this makes me want to scream and slam my head against the wall. If I could afford to move to another country, I would do it in a split second. THAT's how much this country has failed its citizens.
please hurry and move so that there is more room for immigrants like me who are actually grateful to be here
Load More Replies...Not sure what nickname the generation that is responding to this post has. But it should be the PT Generation There's no Participation Trophy to sit back and want/demand what others work for. Thank your parents for misguiding you all
We must all remember, there never was a golden age, there is no land of utopia. I do agree though, we in the US need to consider copying those Scandanavian countries, but on healthcare, not just their damn trendy furniture and pop bands.
uhm yeah there was. Postwar America was absolutely a golden age. Socioeconomic conditions in the US, even for people who were historically oppressed was light years ahead of what we have today. also the scandanivian countries' systems only work due to their small size and cultural homogenity. do you honestly think a country as massive and diverse as the US could ever sustain something like that? I get it, you're a left winger and you hate america, but to outright deny that there was never a golden age is profoundly ignorant. Postwar America absolutely was a golden age. It wasnt until the oil crisis of the 70s that things started going back to hell
Load More Replies...Here is a list of the "American Dreams", which that "society" is trying to push to the rest of the world, and whoever doesn't want to accept it, is either a "Communist" or "lives in a cave". I wish politicians of the world would stop kissing that capitalist a*s!
lol nobody is "pushing" this on the world my family immigrated here knowing full well what problems the US has. Your problems are nothing compared to the ones we suffered in the USSR. So please speak for yourself. This immigrant is proud to be a naturalized American citizen since 2003 and I love America. I'd never want to live anywhere else, especially the socialist dump we came from!
Load More Replies...I was struck by something similar a short while ago: Earlier today I was on a celebrity gossip site (my secret guilty pleasure lol) and there were back to back articles about Cardi B and Miley Cyrus. The comments section of both pieces were dominated by someone I shall dub White Supremace Barbie. On the Cardi piece she dripped venom and disgust at how the singer talks, dresses, her entire way of life was deemed low-class and hideous. Miley though, according to WSB (the article tells us how Miley had a few years where she basically acted identical to Cardi), was "soooooo funny lolll" "My hero cuz she dgaf" etc. Scary thing was I'm sure he commentator herself was totally unaware of her blatant racial bias. She appeared to be half my age though, so I didn't even challenge the kid. Just left the website feeling a little bit more aware and scared sh**less at how much we are regressing. Sorry for the essay.
"supremace" lol i'm still laughing. how old even are you like 12?
Load More Replies...It is truly depressing when we see what we are deliberately doing to our own species. Please read my article entitled "Why are we doing this to ourselves?" which suggests how we could actually wipe out so many problems so easily. https://moralismblog.wordpress.com/2019/06/25/why-are-we-doing-this-to-ourselves/
i agree i mean did you see what the socialists did to ukrainians during holodomir? im glad nothing like that happens in america
Load More Replies...It's still a threat, because the leaders of many countries look up to the USA and want to follow their political and economic example.
Load More Replies...When I was a teenager my dad was given the chance to move to the USA and the entire family got green cards and social security numbers. I’ve never been so happy that he turned down the job and we stayed where we are. While some of my family did go back in later years for a few months, no one wanted to live there full time and moved to Australia instead. :-)
Welcome to Australia! Thankyou for bringing your culture, cuisine, language(s) & contribution to our beautiful, multicultural, multilingual community. <3
Load More Replies...I feel like most of these are American issues. I live in the USA, and I'm so sick of everything wrong with our country. My 11 year old sister is already worrying about affording college, and I actually felt guilty for calling an ambulance for my mom when I found out how much it had cost. When I go to school, I automatically make a plan for how I would get out of an school shooting. It cost $300 for me to go to Urgent Care and find out I've had Tendonitis in my wrist for 6 months. And, compared to the kids being held in cages, my family is lucky. I'm hoping I'll be able to save enough money to go to college in Canada, and hopefully live there when I'm old enough. For now I just get to sit and watch while my country falls to pieces :(
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but unless you immigrate to Canada you won't be able to avail yourself of most of the Candian public services. Also, the tuition rates for international students are usually 3 or 4 times the cost for a domestic student. And they still have to get extra health insurance or pay out of pocket in many provinces. Personally, I'd welcome you here - but it's harder than most folks think, so I guess start planning early? One of my American friends even married a Canadian after going to school here for years and she didn't qualify for permanent residence until she was in her 40s. She had to keep going to school (as an international student) for ages because she could only get a student visa - and no school means visa is over and she'd have to leave. We need a swap program where a pro-oil/gun/etc Canadian can just trade citizenship with a socialist American. :p
Load More Replies...America: Land of the free for only the wealthy and the ultra-privileged. I was born here. I grew up here. I’m in poverty here, after struggling since age 15 to work in the “real world”, where your employer can abuse you to the point where you end up on disability (if you’re lucky; I COULD be homeless and worse off, but I suppose they could still drive me to that point with further social system cuts). What a shithole country. It is getting shittier by the month, as our current dumpster fire administration makes it even better to be rich and even worse to be poor. And yet, people support Trump and his cronies because they think he hates the same people they hate. No, the democrats weren’t fixing this s**t, either. Vote anti-corporate, or you will just be voting for more of the same. Under republicans, it’s like an impending disaster in realtime. Under democrats, it’s a boring dystopia that people are slowly acclimated to.
interesting because im neither wealthy or ultra privileged and am in fact a lower class immigrant from a formerly socialist country. i seem to enjoy the same freedom here as everyone else, and i can tell you that i would much rather live here than the country I moved here from (the USSR). it sounds like you might actually not know how bad other countries have it, possibly because you've lived in america your whole life. am i wrong? have you ever actually experienced life outside the US, and especially in a socialist country like cuba or north korea? curious to know
Load More Replies...Hmm. This is US centric. Are these possibly first world problems? It's a shame that there are not examples from other parts of the world
That's the point. Americans love to spout off about it being the greatest country in the world, but in all reality, it's only good if you're rich and white.
Load More Replies...I am from Germany and I have to say that I am completely shocked right now. I didn't know that it's that bad in America and I cannot imagine living like this. I feel so sorry...
Im completely gobsmacked. I'm from Sweden and it would never ruin someone to get ill, financially that is
Load More Replies...A patriot wants what's best for the nation's long-term well-being : Healthy, educated, productive citizens. A corporation wants slavery and political anarchy. Guess who's winning in America?....
This American Society is on a suicide slide. If all you do is complain on Facebook it will not get better.
thats all they're good at, complaining and permanently being a victim of everything. they don't even have it that bad but they always need something to whine about
Load More Replies...This is the stuff that makes me scared for my future, as a 15-year-old girl living in America. A lot of adults are making decisions that don't affect them, but do affect my generation and my life. I don't want to live life like what is shown here....
Me too! I’m 14, and as I get older I get more and more scared about where our society is going. I wish there was a way we could make a major impact, but whenever I try to give my political ideas I’m brushed off because of my age.
Load More Replies...What did Trump call it? The greatest nation on earth. Deluded idiot.
folks from other countries like me actually have a name for this phenomenon of you americans constantly whining about petty nonsense in your country and about how much worse you have it than other countries you've never lived in. we call it "first world problems". look it up. you guys are literally a meme now
Load More Replies...clearly you havent learned much about the world as if you think this is messed up you would be far more horrified by events like holodomir (my family were among the millions murdered in the ussr)
Load More Replies...I've said it before, and I'll say it again, USA is the worst place in the world and i'm yet to be convinced otherwise.
As an Aussie, I'm not really fond of our concentration camps or the idea that one in five people in Australia now work two jobs in order to survive while our leaders give themselves a raise, or that one lunatic of an ex-PM described windmills as 'Dark Satanic Mills' this week, or that there was a huge defunding of our major scientific organisations. The lesson is mostly that none of us can afford to be overly complacent these days, and we all need to work on standing up for science and supporting one another.
Load More Replies...In the Netherlands, where I live, if your grandma dies and left you some money, the governement gets 70% of that. 70%!
I'm some countries women are executed, forced to marry, have their genitals mutilated all ignored by the article. This was clickbait.
I know right. It's basically just a communist propaganda piece
Load More Replies...For anyone wondering, America is a f****d up country, nothing to do with "freedom and democracy", just a pile of capitalist pigs and b******t.
as an immigrant from the soviet union who moved to the united states in 1994 and became an american citizen in 2003, i can safely say that you have absolutely no idea what a "f****d up country" is and are probably 12 years old
Load More Replies...glad you enjoy waiting weeks for urgent care, having your limbs amputated because you couldn't get treatment in time and paying more in taxes than anyone else on this contintent
Load More Replies...This whole article made me sick. Not because of how “bad” the average American has it because of the anti-American tree-hugging liberally political agenda behind it. If you feel this country is so bad, leave.
amen! I'm an immigrant and this offends me too. I love America. My family came here from the ussr. We fled a fascist socialist dystopia, a real one where people starved to death from man-made famines, a country where the government would send a miniature kangaroo court to your home and execute you in your backyard, labeling you a "kulak" (clenched fist) for not giving up all of your food and property to the government so your children can starve. These spoiled American brats have the nerve to complain about the US being "dystopic" and about how evil capitalism is when my family literally starved to death in their homes from a man made famine created by a bunch of socialists who believe in the same toxic ideology they do. If you think this is bad as an American imagine seeing this through the eyes of an immigrant who fled from socialism like I did. It's beyond disturbing
Load More Replies...We don't need a wall at the border. Just post this on some big billboards.
i have a better idea, how about all of you who hate it so much just leave to make room for us immigrants who actually appreciate it here? you know there is a very good reason why people risk so much to come here, including my family and me. your post is an insult to immigrants who actually like america and know how good it really is here because we actually have lived in other countries and know what its like outside
Load More Replies...I worked for IKEA; in a year of record profits so high they made front page news; our Christmas bonus for nearly foundling profits: A two dollar scratch ticket.
ngl when my sister had to be in US for work for a month one time, she brought with her all the common meds she could take because we heard how ridiculous the price for medicine there. also she was so scared of the idea of forced tipping. how do you know how much to tip? or to who?
most of this article reads like some kind of thinly veiled communist propaganda piece. attacks on capitalism galore (what's your alternative? socialism? like that's any less dystopic? Dont' forget holodomir. I never will since my family actually died in it). The article does raise good points about the cost of ambulances, the injustices suffered by employees in the service sector and the shadiness of big government, but the idea that capitalism is our enemy is pretty ludicrous if you actually have any rudimentary knowledge of world history and economics. Capitalism is actually the only thing that is keeping us from having to stand in a bread line or have our roof collapse on our heads while we sleep like folks in socialist nations like Cuba do. I wish this site didn't always try to put a far-left twist on everything. You think the US is "dystopic" but you never saw and went through the things my family and I did in the USSR. Our dystopia made yours look like Beverly Hills!
How about making this a feature where the problems of certain counties are exposed? Then, our glorified views can be challenged.
If you are outraged by this article, you need to read The Bell Curve. It's your life story.
Charley... who might the author be? P.S. -I’m not outraged.
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*flips through dystopia notes from my writing* What the- these are basically the same. What in the wide wonky world?
Every time I hear something this twisted about America, I love my country a lot more. Imagine, most universities are FREE. You just have to be good enough to pass exams to get there and that is that. And if you find yourself in need of an ambulance, you pay NOTHING. You just get driven to the closest hospital, taken care of, because we all have health insurance. If you are suicidal, you get help, not more debts. Jesus, I knew Trump was an a*****e, but this isn't just about one dumb president, is it.
you know most of this is just left wing propaganda and not an actual reflection of how americans feel about their country right? most of us actually love the US. its just we have a vocal minority who love whining and complaining about everything and it makes it look like things are worse here than they are. I immigrated to the US from the soviet union and I love it here, would never want to live anywhere else. I can't tell you how thankful I am to my family for bringing us to America
Load More Replies...Since most of the pictures were actually pictures of tweets made by people who just don't know how the world works, or by people who have a vested interest in fostering fear and dismay and anger, I think we can come to one conclusion: THE number 1 contributor of dystopian depression is Twitter. Get rid of twitter and a whole lot of people might actually feel better about life. Barring that, just stop reading Twitter, okay? You're literally going to kill yourself with bad emotions for stuff that isn't even true. You are being played if you believe this stuff. And it's costing you your physical and mental health.
finally an intelligent comment! I was starting to lose hope
Load More Replies...Health care cost became so expensive when business corps took over Healthcare to make a buck. The best hospital I ever worked at was run by Doctors, not business men.
better than pretty much everywhere else, so idk. i immigrated here and i love it. never want to live anywhere else
Load More Replies...This is why I love my home country Finland. I can ba a socalist and pay for the wellbeing of my fellow contrymen and wemen cause we have this thing called equity
your country only works that way because of its small size and cultural homogeneity. your system would never work here in the million years. we are very different from you. in fact i don't think your system will even work for you that long either. it works now but it will probably fail eventually. i dont think your system is sustainable on any level, especially not on a scale as large as the US
Load More Replies...This is pretty ridiculous. Stop trying to find s**t that you think is wrong and just go be a good person. Sheesh.
thats asking too much from the left. being a good person isn't even a concept they're familiar with
Load More Replies...Tbh it's easier to die in America than live there...and this is coming from an American if that isn't depressing enough...
thats weird ive been alive for 30 years and have always found living easier than dying here
Load More Replies...try not to upsetany more left wing narratives or you might find yourself banned from every mainstream social media platform
Load More Replies...i know, maybe act instead of talk about all of these issues. No problems were ever solved by making up witty post's instead of actually contacting your state, congressman, maybe even put in an effort to write a letter or 5? thats the problem with America . Everyone wants to complain but when it comes to taking action ...crickets
not only that but they complain about the most dumb and mundane things. its always capitalism or trump's fault. it's always someone or something holding them down. bunch of whiny permanent victims. i am an immigrant who immigrated to america in the early 1990s and i love it here. im very thankful to be fortunate enough to have made it here. i hate socialism (i am from the soviet union and my family were murdered by socialists, literally) and I love america. you'll notice 99% of the time its always an american complaining about this stuff. you'll never hear us immigrants from socialist countries complain about america. we love it here and are very grateful for everything we have here. americans have no idea how good they have it!
Load More Replies...I immigrated to the united states in 1994 and I think it was great then and is still great now, although a certain group of radical left wingers seem intent on making it much less great than it should be
Load More Replies...I'm an American and this makes me want to scream and slam my head against the wall. If I could afford to move to another country, I would do it in a split second. THAT's how much this country has failed its citizens.
please hurry and move so that there is more room for immigrants like me who are actually grateful to be here
Load More Replies...Not sure what nickname the generation that is responding to this post has. But it should be the PT Generation There's no Participation Trophy to sit back and want/demand what others work for. Thank your parents for misguiding you all
We must all remember, there never was a golden age, there is no land of utopia. I do agree though, we in the US need to consider copying those Scandanavian countries, but on healthcare, not just their damn trendy furniture and pop bands.
uhm yeah there was. Postwar America was absolutely a golden age. Socioeconomic conditions in the US, even for people who were historically oppressed was light years ahead of what we have today. also the scandanivian countries' systems only work due to their small size and cultural homogenity. do you honestly think a country as massive and diverse as the US could ever sustain something like that? I get it, you're a left winger and you hate america, but to outright deny that there was never a golden age is profoundly ignorant. Postwar America absolutely was a golden age. It wasnt until the oil crisis of the 70s that things started going back to hell
Load More Replies...Here is a list of the "American Dreams", which that "society" is trying to push to the rest of the world, and whoever doesn't want to accept it, is either a "Communist" or "lives in a cave". I wish politicians of the world would stop kissing that capitalist a*s!
lol nobody is "pushing" this on the world my family immigrated here knowing full well what problems the US has. Your problems are nothing compared to the ones we suffered in the USSR. So please speak for yourself. This immigrant is proud to be a naturalized American citizen since 2003 and I love America. I'd never want to live anywhere else, especially the socialist dump we came from!
Load More Replies...I was struck by something similar a short while ago: Earlier today I was on a celebrity gossip site (my secret guilty pleasure lol) and there were back to back articles about Cardi B and Miley Cyrus. The comments section of both pieces were dominated by someone I shall dub White Supremace Barbie. On the Cardi piece she dripped venom and disgust at how the singer talks, dresses, her entire way of life was deemed low-class and hideous. Miley though, according to WSB (the article tells us how Miley had a few years where she basically acted identical to Cardi), was "soooooo funny lolll" "My hero cuz she dgaf" etc. Scary thing was I'm sure he commentator herself was totally unaware of her blatant racial bias. She appeared to be half my age though, so I didn't even challenge the kid. Just left the website feeling a little bit more aware and scared sh**less at how much we are regressing. Sorry for the essay.
"supremace" lol i'm still laughing. how old even are you like 12?
Load More Replies...It is truly depressing when we see what we are deliberately doing to our own species. Please read my article entitled "Why are we doing this to ourselves?" which suggests how we could actually wipe out so many problems so easily. https://moralismblog.wordpress.com/2019/06/25/why-are-we-doing-this-to-ourselves/
i agree i mean did you see what the socialists did to ukrainians during holodomir? im glad nothing like that happens in america
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