People Are Admiring The Man Known As The ‘Blinking White Guy’ Over Using His Fame To Raise Money For Charity
Even people who’ve been living under a rock and barely go on the internet have most likely seen the ‘blinking white guy’ meme: the legendary GIF of a man showing surprise, confusion, and often a combination of both.
As it turns out, the man whose face is used in the meme, Drew Scanlon, is a pretty damn awesome dude with a heart of gold, can-do attitude, and a burning desire to help others. He used his fame to give attention to and secure funding for a good cause by asking people to support his bike fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
More info: Bike MS | Twitter | Instagram
Drew Scanlon, the man from the ‘blinking white guy’ meme, asked people to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Image credits: drewscanlon
33-year-old Drew’s fundraiser bike ride took place between September 21 and 22 in California. He raised 34,611 dollars and 65 cents for the fight against MS after riding 120 miles (193 kilometers) from San Francisco to Wine Country. His 10-person team, The Big El West, came in 7th out of 134 teams that participated in the two-day bike ride.
Drew is best known for being the face of this meme
If you’ve ever been on the internet, chances are you’ve seen this meme
“I’m not usually one to toot my own meme horn but in this case I’ll make an exception. You see, two close friends of mine and members of their families suffer from MS, a debilitating disease of the central nervous system that interrupts communication between the brain and the body,” Drew wrote on his fundraising page.
Drew’s bike fundraiser for MS took place on September 21 and 22 in California
Drew also added: “If a fraction of those who have seen my goofy face donated to MS research, I have a feeling we could kick this thing in no time!” Now that’s a way to use fame for the greater good. With that kind of outlook on life, Drew’s basically an everyday superhero.
He rode 120 miles (193 kilometers) by bike, all the way from San Francisco to Wine Country
Here’s the moment when the ‘blinking white guy’ meme was born
The Multiple Sclerosis Trust explains what exactly the name of the condition means: “’Sclerosis’ means scarring or hardening of tiny patches of tissue. ‘Multiple’ is added because this happens at more than one place in the brain and/or spinal cord.”
According to the trust, MS is a lifelong (but not terminal) condition. It’s also the most common central nervous system condition that affects young adults.
MS isn’t contagious or infectious, and how it affects different people is unique: no two people will have the exact same range and severity of symptoms. The condition is most common in those countries that are further away from the equator, and women are almost three times more likely to get it than men.
Though the condition can’t be cured (yet), it is treatable. Which makes Drew’s charity bike ride so important: the money he and his team raised will be going towards MS research and to provide valuable services to those suffering from the condition.
The National MS Society was very thankful to Drew
Image credits: mssociety
People were impressed by the guy’s generosity
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Image credits: Camwoodstock
Image credits: RoAnnaSylver
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Image credits: AppNasty
Image credits: GWPattie
Image credits: deniselynne1966
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Image credits: NumbZombieMom
Image credits: LaStarTrek
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Others responded by posting the meme
Image credits: AlbertoSauce
Image credits: eskbl
Image credits: mazzeo_dg
Drew was over the moon. People ended up donating more than 34,600 dollars to the cause
Image credits: drewscanlon
I have MS and I appreciate any warrior in any shape or form. Thank you for your support.
I have MS and I appreciate any warrior in any shape or form. Thank you for your support.