A blind man named Jia Haixia and his friend, a double amputee with no arms named Jia Wenqi, have spent more than 10 years replanting trees to revive the once-barren environment around Yeli Village in northeastern China.

Haixia was born blind in one eye and lost the other in 2000 in a work-related accident. Wenqi lost both of his arms in an accident when he was only 3 years old. Together, they’ve leased 8 acres of land from the government and have begun replanting the land with trees to protect the village from flooding.

More info: (h/t: mymodernmet)


    Haixia and Wenqi have spent 10+ years replanting trees in Yeli Village in northeastern China

    Jia Wenqui lost both of his arms in an accident when he was 3

    Jia Haixia was born blind in one eye and lost the other in a work accident

    Together, however, they make an awesome tree-planting team


    They say they’ve planted as many as 10,000 trees over more than a decade

    They wake up at 7 AM to begin their work every day


    They don’t have money for saplings so they use tree cuttings

    Haixia’s job is to climb trees and get the best cuttings

    He then digs holes to plant them


    Wenqui then cares for and waters the saplings

    Their work helps protect the village of Yeli from flooding

    After they went viral in China, Haixia may receive surgery for his blinding, congenital cataract