“Blessed Comments” Share 50 Examples Of A Comment Making The Post Better
Sometimes, it feels like the internet is an endless source of gloom and doom. When you go online, you seem to find yourself in the midst of heated controversial debates, angry remarks, and onslaughts of alarming headlines that make it hard to find a ray of light. But we’re here to remind you that the digital world is also full of life, beauty, wonder, and positivity. So let’s balance out the scales by injecting some wholesomeness into your day, shall we?
Let us introduce you to one especially heartwarming corner of Reddit called 'Blessed Comments'. This online community is home to some of the sweetest comments people have shared on various platforms that offer a fountain of hope in our otherwise often bitter world. From genuine compliments to hilarious observations, it's dedicated to celebrating creativity, wit, and clever humor that's bound to leave you inspired.
Below, we've wrapped up a selection of some of the fuzziest and coziest comments from the group to share with you, so enjoy smiling as you scroll down through the list. Keep reading to also find our interview with psychologist Joshua Klapow, Ph.D. Be sure to upvote your favorite posts and share them with anyone who needs an uplifting boost!
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I Saw This On R/Aww And I Searched For Blessed Comments
yes, next time you have to get the same clothes if you want this prank working :-)
He Wins This Thread, Hands Down
I Hope This Isn't A Repost
That only proves that happiness has nothing to do with your body size.
"The opposite of cursed comments; artistic masterpieces that fill you with joy and euphoria," the moderators of 'Blessed Comments' state in the community description, and we can’t help but wholeheartedly agree.
Ever since the forum was created in 2018, it has served as a refreshing outlet for people to share and find the sweetest, funniest, and purely optimistic comments online. With over 56k members witnessing and chronicling these wholesome encounters daily, the group spreads positivity by proving that even when the world feels full of adversity, it’s not as bad as it seems.
To learn more about our tendency to emphasize the negativity in life and the tools we can use to become a tad kinder, we reached out to Joshua Klapow, Ph.D. a psychologist and creator of Mental Drive. He started this well-being initiative to help people gain access to the best in-class psychological and performance tools to live healthier, more fulfilled, and successful lives.
Blessed Passenger
According to Klapow, we humans believe we’re constantly surrounded by negativity because we are trained to pay more attention to it — "bad often means danger." The psychologist told Bored Panda that from a survival perspective, it is important to be dialed into anything dangerous.
"As we have evolved, 'survival' becomes more complex. As a result, relationship breakups, lost fortunes, stealing, corruption, etc. all are associated with survival, and so we are drawn to it."
This explains why it’s so easy for us to focus just on the negatives. In fact, this instinctual drive to seek out the scary, the awful, and the alarming has a name. It’s called negativity bias and it means that we’re more likely to register and dwell on negative thoughts and experiences than positive or neutral ones. We are even inclined to focus on the pessimistic aspects when they are rather insignificant.
Blessed Dogs
Space Doggo
Blessed Parrot
And it's no secret that online hostility can feel overwhelming. Just think about the news and comments about the political turmoil, the looming economic crisis, and the bottomless supply of information that only adds more fuel to our inner chaos — it's hard to stay resilient to negativity.
According to Verywell Mind, this bias leads to remembering traumatic experiences better than positive ones, recalling insults better than praise, reacting more strongly to negative stimuli, and responding more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones. This tendency to pay more attention to bad things and overlook good things helped keep humans alive in the past, but we don’t really need to fear for our safety as much in the modern world.
So to lead a more fulfilling life, we must gain back control over how we perceive this tendency. We need to become aware of how our brains get so wary and try to put things in perspective to see that it’s usually not as tragic as we think.
Can confirm. Music is the only thing that got through to my grandma by the end. Dementia is horrific
We All Feel It
God Blessed It Twice
I found a fox cub one evening. He was out having a cub adventure. I gave him a whole steak. He snapped at it and then dragged it half under a bush and scoffed it all. His belly was dragging on the ground
Outlets such as 'Blessed Comments' are a breath of fresh air that reminds us of the wonderful encounters happening online. However, we can also take a step further and add a dash of joy by shifting our mindset.
When asked how to maintain a bright outlook in real life, the psychologist explained that the research is very clear. "We must train our brains to look for optimistic and positive events because the default for so many of us is to look for negative ones." The creator of Mental Drive added that things like gratitude journals and appreciation lists help balance the negative information saturation we live with.
Blessed Little Doggo
Grandma's Love
Speaking of the challenge of keeping ourselves positive online, Klapow noted that following uplifting and upbeat sources is like having a balanced meal. "It’s critical for our mental health. Make sure you have at least some information streams that are automatic and positive coming at you." After all, optimism and happiness are contagious. It’s important to surround yourself with cheerful people, both in the real and the digital world, who can help you unwind from unfortunate events happening today.
Blessed Cat Comment
Blessed Irony
They look like they're going to break into a chorus of "YMCA" at any minute.
Well, in the navy, you can sail the seven seas......
Load More Replies...I swear to gawd Kirill Kaligin is the only one in that picture that doesn't look gay.
Fr he looks like the protagonist of a John Hughes film
Load More Replies...Hey bro, you gay bashed great today! You too bro, you looked awesome in stripes! Thanks bro. You too bro **silence** Passionate kissing
So weird how Russian state media has called America/West "gay Nazis".... Wtf?!
If they are sure about their own sexuality, why worry so much about other people's?
It looks like they're trying to get him to change into a beret and tank top.
We go to a Bulgarian import store for some things. There is always a group of guys out front smoking and I imagine discussing football/soccer. It is the most stereotypical eastern European thing.
Load More Replies...To me those paratroopers are a bunch of Muscle Mary's. If I met them in a bar I might make a wrong remark.
Come home with us little boy. We make you strong and teach you how to dress.
Someone should tell them they look like Querelle cosplayers. Or not.
I think we're all in agreement that Russia is NOT okay and hasn't been for quite some time. Have they ever been okay? I've heard good things about Czar (or is it Tsar?) Alexander II.
Gorbachev was a great leader. Clinton and Gorbachev did a lot of great things together.
Load More Replies...However, we all need to strive to stay rounded and well-informed citizens, and turning a blind eye to the negativities in the world won’t make them any brighter. In a bid to broaden our horizons while keeping sanity intact, one thing is crucial — balancing out the content we consume.
"Social media is a 'filterless' landing place," Klapow said. "We are free to express as much pent-up anger, frustration, vitriol, sadness, stress, etc., that we have in our lives." You can essentially say whatever you want online — whether it’s objectively true or not, kind or cruel — and not really have a price to pay for doing so.
However, Klapow said this approach fuels a toxic, negative sea of information and perspectives. "Keeping ourselves more positive is a matter of training ourselves to do so."
Blessed Dad
Blessed Cat
“FOR CREAMY!” they all scream as they rush into battle. Facing mental illnesses and adversities head on. All for one little cat.
"A simple strategy is to take any comment you place online and before you post it read it aloud (not in your head, aloud)," Klapow advised. "When you hear yourself saying the words, very often you will at the very least tone them down. When we are forced to hear our own thoughts, we often realize just how toxic they can be."
If you strive to be more optimistic in general, the psychologist suggested trying this exercise. "For one week at the end of the day, write down 5 things that went well that day. Force yourself to get 5. They can be small (i.e. it was nice weather), or big (I got a promotion). But do 5."
"Doing this at the end of the day helps you go to bed on an optimistic note, and it begins to train your brain to concentrate more on the positive aspects of your life," Klapow concluded.
Blessed Roast
I'm really hoping this guy has survived because that cancer sounds terrible, viz Leiomyosarcoma, or LMS, is a type of rare cancer that grows in the smooth muscles. The smooth muscles are in the hollow organs of the body, including the intestines, stomach, bladder, and blood vessels. In females, there is also smooth muscle in the uterus. These smooth muscle tissues help move blood, food, and other material through the body and work without you being aware. LMS is an aggressive cancer, which means it can grow quickly. LMS is found most often in the abdomen or in the uterus
Blessed Caesar
Blessed Dog Fact
Blessed Kiss
The Blessed Way Of Asking A Girl Out
I Stole It From R/Comedyhomicide Because It Wasnt A Homicide. Thought It Belonged Here
From Blessed Images
Seen On Tumblr
Ah Yes
Blessed Respect
Blessed Cat
Blessed Pokemon Joke
Cat's don't need more evolving. We all know that now they already dominate the universe.
Blessed Grabbies
Blessed Moon
Next time you take a selfie in the mirror, take a moment to look at the difference between how you look in the mirror vs how you look on your phone. I can almost promise you'll see a difference!
This Was So Blessed
Foldable Houses
Poor person didn't feel loved, but they are/were. Even if they couldn't feel it
Bird Box Irl
Heart Warming
Blessed Answer
Got to appreciate BP paring this down from 53 to 50! Saved me hours of scrolling. lol
I breathed heavy through my nose at your comment. And then I chuckled out loud 😁
Load More Replies...I know people are always saying it, but this really warned my heart a little 🥰
Got to appreciate BP paring this down from 53 to 50! Saved me hours of scrolling. lol
I breathed heavy through my nose at your comment. And then I chuckled out loud 😁
Load More Replies...I know people are always saying it, but this really warned my heart a little 🥰