If an alien from another planet took a scroll through Instagram, they might assume that nearly all humans have the same facial features and body type. Tiny noses, slim waists, large lips and hollow cheeks seem to be on trend at the moment. But we all know that there are billions of us on this planet, representing billions of different ways to be beautiful.

Reddit users have recently been calling out current beauty standards that they can’t seem to wrap their minds around, so we’ve gathered some of their thoughts below. Enjoy scrolling through this list that will remind you just how arbitrary these standards are, and keep reading to find an interview with Valerie Monroe of How Not to F*ck Up Your Face!


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Those long fake nails.

I dont know a single dude that thinks its attractive.

I understand painting your nails, or leaving them to be a little longer, but those talons that people walk around with just make me feel yucky.

Wajina_Sloth , Steve Jurvetson Report

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Giant eyelashes that will make you take flight if you flutter them fast enough.


My husband hates the long fake eyelash look, and he asked me why women wear them when men don't particularly like them.

I thought it would be funny, so I told him it's not about impressing men but about asserting one's dominance on another woman.

He believed me and now tells all his friends that it's an 'alpha-female' thing, hahaha.

TitsMcGhee99 , cornflakegirl_ Report

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Bogdan Chelariu
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ANY fake eyelashes! I do not like them at all! Gives me a sort of "plastic doll" vibe...

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire What people do to their lips is wild to me.

Purples_A_Fruit , Sam Moghadam Khamseh Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Εspecially because it's not customized and everyone looks exactly the same as the next person

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To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to Valerie Monroe. Valerie was formerly a beauty director at O, The Oprah Magazine, for nearly 16 years, and has since created the newsletter How Not to F*ck Up Your Face, which provides "philosophical and practical advice for anyone who’s ever looked into a mirror." She was also kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda about beauty standards and where they came from in the first place.

"Actually, there are lots of kinds of beauty standards, which vary depending on the culture that produced them," Valerie noted. "What we see in the West is mostly a Eurocentric beauty standard, which, for women prizes light, clear skin, long hair, light, wide-set eyes, a small nose and chin and a small, full mouth. It's biased against variations of that standard and presents an impossible ideal for most women. Interestingly, it also mimics the features of a baby."


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Butt implants. Just looks nasty as hell.

PureDeidBrilliant , Vanessa Blaylock Report


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Excessive makeup. When people put so much c**p on they look like they are wearing a mask, not a face.

TheQuarantinian , Ahmad Ebadi Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My wife always said the best makeup job is one where men cannot tell you have on any makeup.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Stupid eyebrows that look like perfectly angled stencils is a shade way too dark for their complexion. Like blond girls with 2 black geometric boomerangs on her forehead.


Thick eyebrows, like caterpillars crawling across your forehead.

montanagrizfan , Marco Verch Professional Report

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Phoenix the Frog
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like my thick brows. I have naturally thick ones and I have always been insecure of them but I like the thick brown trend.

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We were also curious about how beauty standards change over time. "There are variations in the Eurocentric beauty standards mentioned above, but they're minor," Valerie noted. "For example, Coco Chanel introduced the acceptability of tanning the skin, as opposed to maintaining a pale complexion, which had been a sign of wealth and privilege."

"After she accidentally became tanned on the Riviera, tanning became a sign of wealth and privilege," she went on to explain. "Around the same time, women began cutting off their long hair into boyish bobs, which became standard for a certain class. But I believe the impossible Eurocentric ideal has persisted in spite of recent efforts to include more cultural variation."


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire The fact that a huge portion of the world's population has successfully brainwashed itself into thinking that the Kardashians/Jenners are the epitome of beauty to the point that many are willing to imitate whatever moronic thing they do to their bodies is just wild to me.


It’s called the 'Instagram face' and it’s a legit phenomenon that is being studied by psychologists. It’s doing so much harm to people’s self-esteem and self-concept. We aren’t all supposed to look the same.

Tough_Stretch , kardashians Report

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Binky Melnik
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I saw a YouTube vid by a plastic surgeon who showed examples of what happens to young girls getting fillers. (AT SIXTEEN?! WTF FOR?!) I was shocked to see how OLD every single one of ‘em looks! There was a point when Kylie Jenner was traffic-stoppingly beautiful (albeit waaay old), but she’s apparently zoomed past that and straight into “desperate divorce trying to look young.” And she’s just 26! She looked 46 in the photos. I wish these poor things could get a grip. 😞

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Any plastic surgery that makes random women look like they're all related. At one point we'll all start to think thin lips and big noses are hot solely because they'll stand out in a sea of copy/paste people.

Intelligent-Guide-48 , AFAR AHMED Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They all look the same. Straight nose, tiny point, poofy lips, squinty eyes, sunken cheeks. You do you but I can't tell any of you apart. Are you in pain? I can't tell from the amount of Botox in your faces.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Men that have soo much muscle. Obviously it’s very attractive to be in shape but I’m just not attracted to men that have arms the size of two watermelons with the fattest veins ever popping out of their arm. And I also feel like men with a lot of muscle tend to look shorter.

I think men that still have like some abs and some muscle but aren’t looking like the Incredible Hulk are the most attractive.

Pretend-Ostrich-9602 , Aaron Brogden Report

As far as the best way to fight these arbitrary beauty standards, Valerie says "not complying with or falling for the beauty marketing that preys on our yearning and our desire to compete for an ideal that's unattainable for most of us anyway—in other words, ignoring the constant messaging we get that we're not pretty enough, thin enough, young enough, etc." can help. "The best way to combat limiting beauty standards is to ignore them," she added.


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire My wife works at a tanning salon. She has a few customers that literally get a tan every day. One of them has already gone through cancer treatment, that didn't stop her from continuing. I'm convinced a few of them are dealing with mental health issues.

PM_ME_YOUR_ART_PLZ , Marco Verch Professional Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Their skin looks like old leather. "That's what Botox is for" oh hon Botox ain't gonna fix that, also skin cancer, ffs.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire I’m from Stockholm. A lot of girls, particularly from rich areas, like to use so much fake tan that they are orange, and bleach their hair from what was usually dark blonde to platinum blonde. Then they style it to make it voluminous (which is easy to do because their hair is dead from all the dyeing) and apply lots of make-up, which typically includes black mascara or fake lashes. So, a lot of girls here bear a striking resemblance to Miss Piggy. There’s nothing wrong with looking like this, I just don’t understand it.

WhereMyEelAt , Jess Loiterton Report


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Overlined lips. Stop. We can see where you're lip really is. It just looks really unfortunate.

SunflowerSeed33 , Ali Pazani Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omg it looks so bad. Like a little kid putting on lipstick all over their face.

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Valerie also urges readers to resist becoming consumed with trying to meet these unattainable standards. "Beauty standards are especially pernicious because they're inextricably tied to the images we see on social media, WHICH AREN'T REAL," she told Bored Panda.

"That means that meeting today's standards of beauty is impossible. It's much more productive and healthier to learn how to see yourself without objectification, which will allow you to see yourself the way you see other people, without constantly scanning your face for flaws," Valerie says. "Then beauty standards will lose their meaning for you... And life will take on more."

If you'd like to hear more wise words from Valerie on this topic, as well as many others, be sure to check out her newsletter How Not to F*ck Up Your Face!


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Dentist: So what shade of veneer would you like?

Veneer patient: I'd like refrigerator white please.

OkFinanc , Anna Shvets Report


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Those grossly buff guys on all dating shows. They all look like Gaston from beauty and the beast and I hate it so much I don’t even watch those shows but the lack of variety is appalling.

toedplatypus , Arthur Edelmans Report

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Firstname Lastname
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like my guys squishier, for cuddles! Like it is good to take of your body, but there's a balance.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Fake breasts. Especially the super large ones.

bootycakes23 , Jernej Graj Report

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Andy Resh
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I do have fake breasts. They look and feel fake. But they are a reconstruction after losing mine to cancer. Please use care and consideration before placing judgement on human beings you do not know.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Contouring noses until they look like a line and a dot. Will never make sense to me.

eldritchangel , Aidette Cancino Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The exclamation point nose!! I'll never get it. I can see that thick a*s contour around your nose and it looks bad, sorry.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire The overly sculpted beard trend. You known when the beard is trimmed and looks like it was outlined in concealer? Neatening up is nice but a sudden pale line as a border around your stubble... looks like it was airbrushed on and not touched up.

hecatemoonshadow , Brock Wegner Report

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robin aldrich
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And the hair on their head is done the same way, so they end up looking like a Ken doll...

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Ski slope/button nose. they are cute but not everyone’s face is meant to have that type of nose and it doesn’t look good on everyone and it sucks seeing so many young girls on tiktok get nose jobs and all have the exact same nose.

DepressionBarbie_ , Columbia Pictures Report

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Binky Melnik
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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Here’s another one. I had the tip of my nose modified when I was 29, and I dearly wish the surgeon had warned me that as my nose continues to grow, it’ll not look good at some point. Nowadays, when you look straight at me, you can see up my nostrils. Argh. I hate it. 😰 I’m gonna leave it, though, as I don’t wanna be one of those having multiple surgeries trying to fix the horror created by the previous surgery. Anyway, back to the topic: they’re gonna regret their nose work at some point.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Super skinny My favourite part of my wife, (besides the obvious) is the small push out of baby fat on her waistline just under her belly button. She’s had two kids and that little piece there to me is absolutely dynamite.

unconformities , Karolina Grabowska Report

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Mrs. EW
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve always had one. Bigger after I had my son 19 yrs ago. I always think about pulp fiction, when woman says, “I wish I had a pot.” Talking about her belly. “If I had a pot, I’d wear shirts two sizes too small to accentuate it.”

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Idk if I’d call this a standard but the hair style of “shaved all around with like six inches in a small patch on top” has never looked good to me on men or women. It’s not a hair style I really understand.

IAmThePonch , Maksim Goncharenok Report

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Donna Peluda
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Next to my work we have a barber who does all that kind of hair. Believe most people who go there are a dumb as they look. Some go twice a week. I (m55) have long hair, way past my shoulders normally in a pony tail I love the looks of disgust I get from the guys queuing up.

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Moustaches on men are popular now, I think they're ugly especially on young men.

W3dnesdayAddamsStan , cottonbro studio Report

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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I didn't see the 'young' before men and had a good laugh

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire People in India will choose an unattractive fair skinned girl over a darker skinned girl who’s objective beautiful. This is why they get better treatment in Hollywood than Bollywood. Fair skin is a MASSIVELY inflated beauty standard and people ruin their perfectly good skin over it.

There are some things that are objectively beautiful based on studies: Teeth, Specific Facial Features, Leanness, etc. There isn’t much evidence to support that fairer skin is more beautiful.

NotTooShahby , cottonbro studio Report

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Stardust she/her
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Back in my parents’ time, people didn’t drink tea because it would make them dark skinned. We have an entire market dedicated to whitening the skin with cream

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Clearly photoshopped pictures and weird posing angles.

chemistryofacarcrash , Anil Sharma Report


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Buccal fat removal.


Ugh, this one makes me physically cringe.

Like, you are literally removing a baseline later of fat that is supposed to be there, and AFAIK it's f**king permanent.

I understand being overweight and wanting to get rid of excess fat, but a little roundness around the cheeks is generally considered attractive and makes you look youthful.

Groundbreaking-Duck , Ron Lach Report

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Binky Melnik
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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve always had VERY sharp cheekbones. A b****y hairdresser, hearing someone compliment them, said “You’ll look like a skeleton when you’re old.” He didn’t get a tip, but he was right: I look like a Biafra victim. I’d LOVE to have some fat injected into my buccal area now. Wait til these girls start to age and random strangers offer ‘em money and say “Here; get yourself a sandwich.” It’s not glamorous when you’re old (though granted, you can’t tell young people anything. I know, because I was one of those who wouldn’t listen to someone who’d been through it.) (If any of us ever listened to old folks, we’d never have sunbathed or started smoking.)

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire People who wear clothes that are too small. Just wear clothes that fit. You'll look a lot better.

Stunning_Patience_78 , Alena Darmel Report

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Pittsburgh rare
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not so hard on this because it can be people gaining weight without the means to renew their wardrobe.

Nichole Harris
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yup...I can attest to this..... All of my clothes are either spandex from when I was thin or my extra large hubbys cast offs lol

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Paul C.
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

For me it's the guys who have a 40 plus inches waist but insist on wearing size 28 trousers done up below their gut. As I've got older my waist has got bigger but guess what? My waist is 42 and so are my trousers!

Jay the not okay
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this sounds weird, but I choose to wear revealing clothes because I work so hard on staying skinny (or borderline underweight because I just hate it when I have ANY excess fat), and I want to show off about it...

Evelien Stijger Martens
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People that think you should wear anything uou like, even if it doesn't flatter you in any way. Well, pleas do, but don't look at me, if in a few years , you look at pictures and think: what the hell was i thinking there. Every roll of fat hanging out there. No

Io Bella
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mother use to say, " not all clothes are for all bodies" shes right!... wear clothes that fit and feel comfortable...

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5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People can where what they want. I don’t care if “I’ll look a lot better”. it’s hard finding clothes that can fit especially for females.

Janet C
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Especially young women are obsessed with the size of the garment. They want to be a size 0 or petite or XS or whatever. Two things they don't realize. First, there is no standard to sizing anymore. It varies by manufacturer and country of origin. I have clothes that range from S to 4X (the latter from a shop in China). All of them fit. Second, clothes that are too small make you look fatter and more out of shape. A larger size that fits always looks better, is slimming, and is even sexier.

King Ed
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's true! Everyone is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It's all about finding what suits you best.

day light
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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel like I wear the wrong size boobs it's like... no binder: why are you literally an upside down pear. your hips are smaller than your boobs and it's unattractive... binder: perfectly even, beautiful, stunning, your body should've stayed this way

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Liked in my case, but foot binding in china. Insane amounts of lifelong pain inflicted on children from a young age, just to have the hope of marrying into a better family.

Horse_F*cker666 , Roland Belgrave Vintage Photography Report

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Jay the not okay
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this is from long ago, the Chinese version of corsets. we don't do that now. its abuse and illegal if you try doing that to your daughter. and actually, we all think its pretty gross, like ew wtf

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Laminated, combed-up, thick a*s eyebrows. Why.


Yes! This is the one I was going to say. It is such a strange beauty trend to me that I've noticed in the past couple years. Granted, I do come from a time where eyebrows were plucked into a high arch. I think people should just leave their eyebrows be for the most part. I can understand plucking, waxing, or trimming very bushy eyebrows or a uni-brow, but combing the hairs straight up and plastering them to your forehead just doesn't look good.

comoshnyee , Stephanie Lima Report

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Kathy Lonergan
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why are so many women obsessed with eyebrows and lashes right now!? It’ll be nice when that trend goes away. They all have the same Groucho Marx brows and Vegas showgirls lashes…yuck!

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Overly perfect veneers.


One of my Facebook friends already has good teeth but then she went and got veneers. Now her teeth are just...too big and too BRIGHT.

doublexxchrome , Kamal Hoseinianzade Report


“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire The entire face filled drastically to eliminate all wrinkles, making a person's face look like it belongs to a body that weighs 50 pounds more.

Scott43206 , Vlad Egorov Report

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Somebodys grandmother
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ohhh. For medical reason i've been there. Botox in the forehead and neck etc. works against migraines... SH!!T it hurts- i don't miss the 31 neddles...

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“Makes Me Physically Cringe”: 30 People List Beauty Standards That Need To Retire Circumcision…….a gross and unethical thing that needs so stop

And this should count because in the U.S. most are done purely for cosmetic and not religious reasons….. not that either excuse should be considered reasonable

Ban-Circumcision-Now , Anna Shvets Report

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Happy Homemaker
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don’t forget, back in the day most women were told that it was healthier for their children to them circumcised and easier for them to clean themselves when they get older. That there were germs and other things under the hood that would be difficult to get to. We now know that it’s not true. It’s not that difficult to clean, it’s not healthier to be circumcised. There’s no health benefit. And there are men who wish they had not been circumcised and are now using a technique to make it look like they have a hood now.

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Note: this post originally had 46 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.