This Instagram Gathers Bizarre Images That Prove Passengers From Hell Exist (35 New Pics)
Humans have conquered land, sea, and air; we know how to build high-speed rails that run through mountains, giant cruise ships capable of housing thousands of guests, and long-range airliners that can take us around the world with just a few stops. Heck, we're even developing space tourism.
But while we continue to evolve our transportation, we ourselves — the travelers — remain largely the same, rotten just like our cavemen ancestors. And nothing captures our dirtiness better than the online project Passenger Shaming. Spanning across different social media platforms, it posts content that goes way beyond crying children. We're talking filthy toes, obscene minds, and so. much. more.
Continue scrolling to check it all out, and fire up Bored Panda's earlier publication on Passenger Shaming for more cultural decline.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | passengershaming.store
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The curator of the account, Shawn, is a former flight attendant of seven years who has also worked as a police officer and a paramedic. She told Vox Passenger Shaming receives around 300 submissions a week.
"One thing that I find really interesting is that all of the content I used to get was from crew members," she said. "Now 99 percent are from passengers because they don't want to sit next to these people. They're like, 'I'm calling these people out for this bulls**t behavior.'"
Love only on one side. I’d never accept my man to stand so I can sleep.
Shawn said a lot of the content is foot-related, arguments, people eating things like hard-boiled eggs or tuna, and clipping their nails. Changing dirty diapers is also a common theme.
She attributes the surge in this type of behavior to the fact that people have been cooped up and want to get out. "Maybe they go to the airport and there are delays and things take longer because now they have to go through all these different processes and wear masks. It was a s**tshow before, and now add everything else on top of it."
Nothing to see here: Just a passenger hand feeding her cat in a seat while it watches TV. On a plane.
Got a real kick out of this one.
No. I was, kinda, like that. Once my parents had learned not to care anymore, as I wouldn't fall down anyway, it started being actual fun to climb on things you're not supposed to. I found a lot of interesting stuff on garages, carports, transformer housings and similar structures I wouldn't have otherwise.
Load More Replies...Just leaned over to my sister and said "this Is so something you would do, ist it?" She said yes.
Maybe not, but there are a lot of safety and operational concern for others
Load More Replies...When! Makes me think of the grandfather that held the baby up to the open window on the cruise ship. Such fun until it wasn't.
Load More Replies...Hey, let's let kids be kids. I know this one will be downvoted about 50 times but it's just my opinion
It's not really hurting anyone, if he was being loud and yelling and running around and there were others near by ig
And then when he falls, the parents will try and blame the airport and sue them.
Fortunately in my country we don't have this suing mentality.. if my kid climbs and falls it's my fault and mine only, and I would never even considering suing the airport. Even if it somehow was their fault all I'd do is get them to cover health costs that might not be covered by my accident insurance, but that's about it.
Yikes. I hope he got all his energy out before getting on the flight.
With this pic, can't make it the airport's fault if he is injured - lack of parental control!
Wait till he falls and gets injured then the 'parents' sue the airport for unsafe obstacles and win a hefty cash sum at our dispense when airport fees and ticket prices rise.
I would be the one person that would say something to the kid and the parents. I mean business and I've never been tested. Both would mind me. They wouldn't like it but they'd mind me.
I don't see a problem here. The kid is not running screaming through crowds of people, he's (she's?) climbing a girder in a relatively uninhabited area. Obviously knows what he's doing, too. Those who say the parents will sue when the kid falls, wait for it to happen. My son climbed on everything. He was bumped off the top level of the climbing frame at his infants' school and put his arm out as he fell. Another parent came to find me in the nurse's room to ask me if I was going to sue! There was already gossip about my evil intentions, even before we knew what the damage was. People are sick gossips. Of course I didn't sue (he had a greenstick fracture). I was grateful that he had the chance to play like a kid and climb on stuff.
Takes real talent to do this kind of malarkey. hope he falls on his head..
WTF is wrong with this child's parent(s) / guardian(s)? Or is he such a little $#!+ that they're only hoping he breaks his neck?
Every child is a genius at some level. Their little minds are full of curiosity and their little bodies are full of energy. Let them explore! Let them play! They'll show you things you never knew about the world... sometimes, even things you never knew about yourself. For example, that it's possible to climb a smooth steel beam... or the fact that you've turned into the misanthropic, fun-hating grouch you used to dread.
Turns out the misanthropic fun hating grouch was just a misunderstood peoples hero who didn't think kids should be declared sacred just for being kids.
Load More Replies...God I hate children. Toddlers, kids, preteens, teens, they all suck. I don’t hate very few…
And when he falls, his useless parents will blame the airport & file a lawsuit.
A good wack upside his head is definitely called for. And stop saying corporal punishment is bad for the kid who has no respect for others. Because this is the result
Where are his parents? Imagine if he falls and lands across the back of one of those chairs.
And BananaJo, if that wild child hurts himself, his parents will probably sue.
We don’t know the full story. Kid could be neuro-a-typical, and mom’s flying solo, feeding a baby, etc. I’ll reserve judgement.
"I am friends with a lot of flight attendants and pilots, and a lot of them were furloughed for 8 or 12 months and are just going back and dealing with this," Shawn said.
"When I was a flight attendant, 99 percent of the people I ran into were awesome. This is just a really small percentage of people that we highlight, but I always like to make sure people know I’m not some angry, horrible person running around hating everybody."
Sounds like the cooler-toting guy was being utterly shellfish 🦐
Even though there's a constant stream of pictures and videos flowing to Passenger Shaming, Shawn doesn't post everything.
"I never shame anybody based on weight, their appearance, anything of that nature. It's behaviors only, which I think is a reason why it's really successful."
That middle seat sewing sesh, though!
A lot of Passenger Shaming's posts are also based on news stories.
"I don’t think I’ve ever gotten anything wrong, per se. Things may have developed in addition, so I’ll go back and edit a post with new information," Shawn said. "But I do try to vet things that people send in."
If Shawn finds out there's something completely off base or incorrect, she just removes it or does a follow-up.
*DING* Can I get some peanuts in 11A, please?
"[One time in 2021], I had somebody send me a picture — you will not see it on my Instagram because Instagram pulled it down, which is so annoying. It was just a guy laying on the floor sleeping in the gate, and he had his hand under his belt."
"Multiple people sent it to me. So I would ask, 'Oh, did you take this picture?' One person would be like, 'Yep,' and another person’s like, 'Yeah this is such and such airport,' and I'm like, 'Actually, no, it's in Atlanta, because the person who sent it to me originally gave me all the information.' He had posted it in a pilot and crew forum."
No need to blur the text on the hat. We all know what it says: Covidiot + red hat + white letters = trumpster
Do you ever just stop and think that a large portion of humanity just needs to be beaten with a bat?
Of course, we can't know for sure if everything that appears on the account is 100% legit but that's not really the point of it.
"What I like to say is, we could 'what if' every single thing that I put on there, but it ruins the whole concept," Shawn said. "I'm not going to intentionally post anything that would be harmful or embarrassing to somebody with a condition or an issue. I don't post if it's clearly a mental health issue."
Another trumpster. It is only logical, an aSs should be covered with panties.
"I just like to use these as teachable moments. It's not just about shaming people, it's saying, 'Hey, there's this lady who's painting their nails on an airplane and it's an enclosed cabin with recirculated air' and people will respond to me via email or DM and say, 'Oh my God, that never crossed my mind to not do that.'"
Passenger Shaming has over 1.4 million followers on Instagram alone, but Shawn wants to take the project even further.
"Ideally I would love to partner with a really large travel-related brand, like the Travel Channel or Expedia, who could help curate and build the brand," she said. "I would really like to use the platform to educate the general public about airlines. Your flight crew absolutely wants you to be happy and have a nice, comfortable, pleasant flight, because they don’t want to be stuck on an airplane with 200 people that are pissed off. There’s no gain in that for them."
if i remember correctly the plane was delayed taking off so she went for a walk on the wing
The woman also added that if you're getting ready to travel (especially now), lead with grace and a lot of patience.
"These are people who maybe haven't been working for the last year. They might be understaffed. Just imagine what these crew members have to deal with all day. We're seeing the videos; these aren’t one-offs. Please be kind and patient, and that includes your fellow passengers. And then my big travel tip for right now would be: Give yourself double the amount of time you think it'll take."
If only people in the pics would hear this...
In conclusion: a lot of people are gross. And other people are waaaay more tolerant than me.
Call me pretentious. Sometimes, I really think the Richy McMoneybags paying for top dollar seats, just so to avoid trashy mofos like these, is one of the luxuries in life we should all strive for.
I think the world needs to come together to create a new international law called KEEP YOUR F*****G SHOES ON IN THE AIRPLANE YOU SCRUFFY C***S
Road trips look better and better each passing day. The level of entitlement and stupid is higher than the plane can go
90% of these are almost entirely cases of entitlement. There's already no space on planes. Don't invade what little space other people have.
This is why I don't fly anymore...if I can't drive there it ain't getting visited. Guess I'll never see Europe
Boats... oh wait they are still covid cruises. Staying home for me.
Load More Replies...I would never make it as a flight attendant unless they let me carry a bamboo stick and use it frequently. People are just pigs.
I am someone that does not fly. If this is the state that they allow on planes I'm SO GLAD I do not fly. Like that woman with her pony tail almost in the drink. If scissors were allowed I would have cut it off if she refused to put it out of the way or that disgusting person with their gnarly gross foot would have been stabbed or those folks that left that mess, they would have been MADE to clean it up or that a*****e from the bathroom, same thing. Humans are pigs. I'm not a fan of most humans and I'm sure I'm not alone in this assessment!
People are selfish, thoughtless, disgusting, foul beasts. Why I hate travelling anywhere where there’s other people.
We fly twice a year for the past 20 years, and I swear I never saw any of this craziness. And I hope I never will ...
I thought that I missed flying. NOT ANYMORE! There was a time though, I looked forward to flying.
My best moment. On the way home from a vacation my dad, sister and I sat behind a row of three women, I think early 20s. Right after take-off they put their seats back. Well, two did first. Nobody in my family is under 5 feet 11, with myself being the tallest at 6 foot 1. My dad has knee problems and we repeatedly asked them to put her seat up but she just pretended nit to hear us for the entire 3 hour flight, after claiming the people in front of them put theirs back so they had to as well. I could see leg space. I jammed my knees into the back of the seat in front of me the entire flight while she repeatedly tried to go back. When we landed she stood up to try to give me a hard time. I stood up and towered over her by nearly a whole foot. She looked so scared. "I told you we were all tall people back here, we asked you guys to put your seat back up for a reason. We told your buddy there my dad has knee problems and now she owes him an apology."
What is with people and taking their shoes off everywhere they go???? Keep your shoes on!!!
One of the great things about not having kids is being able to afford business, there are still crunts but the crew are a lot more amenable.
Airports used to be second homes to me way back when (60s, 70s). Now, I haven't been on an airplane for 30-odd years. Seems I dodged some pretty dodgy bullets! Wow.
You know, I'm thinking traveling by plane has really gone down the toilet. I'm glad I'm scared of flying.
If anyone puts their bare feet into my personal space, I WILL NOT let that stand. I will definitely ask them to move them. I understand a good way to help this happen is to bring a very small spray bottle and fill it with water on the plane. Then "fake sneeze" while spraying said offending body part. Even the most gross people probably don't want to imagine mucous being sneezed onto their feet. (Yeah, less effective when you're wearing a mask, but it could still work.)
My spouse and I do not fly for any reason (we simply hate it) -- which is why I enjoyed this article immensely! 🤣😭💀
I would throw most of these people off the plane if I had to fly with them. No way in hell am I flying with all those bare feet.
Unless the feet are visibly dirty or in somebody else's space, I really don't get why people have a problem with bare feet existing in public places. They're no worse than hands. Do people not wash their feet? Were they traumatized as children by unswept floors and dirt-slippers? That's the only thing I can think of. As long as you wash your feet, you're not going to have issues when you see feet. If you have issues, you're giving yourself away as someone who doesn't wash very well. Cue the downvotes.
Feet, whether clean, dirty, or with or without shoes, do not belong in someone else's "bubble" of space. They should be on or near the floor in front of them.
Load More Replies...In conclusion: a lot of people are gross. And other people are waaaay more tolerant than me.
Call me pretentious. Sometimes, I really think the Richy McMoneybags paying for top dollar seats, just so to avoid trashy mofos like these, is one of the luxuries in life we should all strive for.
I think the world needs to come together to create a new international law called KEEP YOUR F*****G SHOES ON IN THE AIRPLANE YOU SCRUFFY C***S
Road trips look better and better each passing day. The level of entitlement and stupid is higher than the plane can go
90% of these are almost entirely cases of entitlement. There's already no space on planes. Don't invade what little space other people have.
This is why I don't fly anymore...if I can't drive there it ain't getting visited. Guess I'll never see Europe
Boats... oh wait they are still covid cruises. Staying home for me.
Load More Replies...I would never make it as a flight attendant unless they let me carry a bamboo stick and use it frequently. People are just pigs.
I am someone that does not fly. If this is the state that they allow on planes I'm SO GLAD I do not fly. Like that woman with her pony tail almost in the drink. If scissors were allowed I would have cut it off if she refused to put it out of the way or that disgusting person with their gnarly gross foot would have been stabbed or those folks that left that mess, they would have been MADE to clean it up or that a*****e from the bathroom, same thing. Humans are pigs. I'm not a fan of most humans and I'm sure I'm not alone in this assessment!
People are selfish, thoughtless, disgusting, foul beasts. Why I hate travelling anywhere where there’s other people.
We fly twice a year for the past 20 years, and I swear I never saw any of this craziness. And I hope I never will ...
I thought that I missed flying. NOT ANYMORE! There was a time though, I looked forward to flying.
My best moment. On the way home from a vacation my dad, sister and I sat behind a row of three women, I think early 20s. Right after take-off they put their seats back. Well, two did first. Nobody in my family is under 5 feet 11, with myself being the tallest at 6 foot 1. My dad has knee problems and we repeatedly asked them to put her seat up but she just pretended nit to hear us for the entire 3 hour flight, after claiming the people in front of them put theirs back so they had to as well. I could see leg space. I jammed my knees into the back of the seat in front of me the entire flight while she repeatedly tried to go back. When we landed she stood up to try to give me a hard time. I stood up and towered over her by nearly a whole foot. She looked so scared. "I told you we were all tall people back here, we asked you guys to put your seat back up for a reason. We told your buddy there my dad has knee problems and now she owes him an apology."
What is with people and taking their shoes off everywhere they go???? Keep your shoes on!!!
One of the great things about not having kids is being able to afford business, there are still crunts but the crew are a lot more amenable.
Airports used to be second homes to me way back when (60s, 70s). Now, I haven't been on an airplane for 30-odd years. Seems I dodged some pretty dodgy bullets! Wow.
You know, I'm thinking traveling by plane has really gone down the toilet. I'm glad I'm scared of flying.
If anyone puts their bare feet into my personal space, I WILL NOT let that stand. I will definitely ask them to move them. I understand a good way to help this happen is to bring a very small spray bottle and fill it with water on the plane. Then "fake sneeze" while spraying said offending body part. Even the most gross people probably don't want to imagine mucous being sneezed onto their feet. (Yeah, less effective when you're wearing a mask, but it could still work.)
My spouse and I do not fly for any reason (we simply hate it) -- which is why I enjoyed this article immensely! 🤣😭💀
I would throw most of these people off the plane if I had to fly with them. No way in hell am I flying with all those bare feet.
Unless the feet are visibly dirty or in somebody else's space, I really don't get why people have a problem with bare feet existing in public places. They're no worse than hands. Do people not wash their feet? Were they traumatized as children by unswept floors and dirt-slippers? That's the only thing I can think of. As long as you wash your feet, you're not going to have issues when you see feet. If you have issues, you're giving yourself away as someone who doesn't wash very well. Cue the downvotes.
Feet, whether clean, dirty, or with or without shoes, do not belong in someone else's "bubble" of space. They should be on or near the floor in front of them.
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