"When life gives you lemons, make a sandwich" - creator of Lemon Sandwich comics. This quote should prepare you for the comics quite well as they make as much sense as this suggestion and are still funny in an absurd way.
Lemon Sandwich comics often feature simple yet expressive illustrations that have unexpected and very twisted endings. Though the artist's humor is unapologetically bold in how ridiculous it is, they have already over 241K followers on Instagram!
So, without further ado, let's dive into comics that range from 4-panel to sometimes even 10-panel ones.
More info: Instagram | lemonsandwich.com | Facebook
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Roses are red. Cacti are prickly. Holy s**t that escalated quickly
If only folks were interested in/empowered to/empathetic enough to pay attention and act appropriately like this <3
VIKING HELMETS DID NOT HAVE HORNS! sorry, I'm a history nerd.
Awwww, he knows he's just doing what he's driven to do by nature, can't help himself, and now he's gonna be offed for it... WAIT THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR
Part 1 was lightning in a bottle. Part 2 was a dead firefly in a bottle cause it had no air holes.