I Photographed Betta Fish In All Sorts Of Colors And Patterns (35 Pics)
I present you with a photo album called "Betta Fish".
I started photographing betta fish in the middle of 2015 and continued until now. Betta fish are amazing, you can find them in all sorts of colors, their tails are like dresses, all of them have different patterns, and it looks like every one of them has a different mood and character. Betta fish are strong and easy to handle and feed.
Is it difficult to take photos of them? No, you only need to place a flashgun over a small aquarium and a reflector directly underneath to diffuse the light and trigger.
Betta fish are not expensive but you can get a priceless picture when you photograph them.
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I'm getting some tetra fish soon, after them I will definitely get a betta!
As beautiful as Betta Fish are, please never order them online/per mail, go to the next pet shop and take them home to the aquarium yourselves, the live shipping ends deadly for most of them.
I love bettafish. I got myself a new one on the 25th august. Pretty sickly and skinny with not much shine. Gained a little light blue shine on the 29th. Now 17th of December he is almost 3 times the size he was and just a round fish who have learned to knock the rocks to the glass to get my attantion when he is hungry(24/7). bettafish-...f4033e.jpg
I love bettafish. I got myself a new one on the 25th august. Pretty sickly and skinny with not much shine. Gained a little light blue shine on the 29th. Now 17th of December he is almost 3 times the size he was and just a round fish who have learned to knock the rocks to the glass to get my attantion when he is hungry(24/7). bettafish-...f4033e.jpg