Having a good comeback to anything is a skill that doesn’t come easy to some people. At least to me anyway. Sometimes I wish a spider would bite me, and I would magically turn into a master of quick and witty remarks. Which, let’s be honest, would probably up my quality of life only slightly.
However, some folks are naturally born this way. Luckily for us, they occasionally put their superpowers to noble use by shutting down online absurdity. Today, we have an impressive collection of some of the best savage comebacks that might inspire you to sharpen your wits and get your keyboard ready to fight some internet trolls.
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Shots Fired, Two Men Down
Find A Different Career
Deutscher Patriotismus vs. American Patriotism
Germany has every right to be patriotic. Despite the fact they murdered my great grandparents, their two youngest kids and had my grandmother doing slave labour in a concentration camp for 4 years, that Germany is long gone. The new Germany is a great example of how to run a country.
If you ever suffered from “l’esprit de l’escalier” or "the wit of the staircase," that is, thinking of a comeback once you’ve reached the stairwell of your home, don’t worry; experts have several tips that can help with that.
They emphasize that in order to have a witty answer, timing is everything. This means that your remark should be as fast as the words that took you by surprise. The key to doing that is honing your listening skills so that you can essentially respond at lightning speed.
Just Try Not Being Straight For Awhile
A Very Important Point
It's Never Just About A Cake
What's done in the name of Christianity by people calling themselves Christian is truly heartbreaking
Luckily, people tend to think faster than others speak, giving the hearer additional time to come up with a reply, even though they might look as if they are still listening. This is especially handy when a conversation turns sour and someone needs to defend themselves.
Such a skill can definitely be improved with practice. One strategy for better listening skills is playing a game of one-word volleyball, where two people are telling a story by quickly taking turns and adding words to what the other said before them. The simple exercise forces players to be less focused on what they are going to say and instead helps them listen and respond to others spontaneously.
Sarah Has Been Reported Dead
I'm Gonna Take The Surgeon's Side On This One
Now Sit Down, Stefan
Belina Raffy, the CEO of Maffick, who often uses improv skills in business, adds that not overthinking the situation is key. “You’re taking yourself out of unfolding reality if you think too much,” she told Mental Floss. It’s important to be in the moment and to deliver an answer that is relevant in the instant. After all, a comeback that is off-topic most likely won’t be effective or amusing.
"Educate Your Self"
Who Doesn't Love Irony?
and then they do terrorist attacks yelling " in the name of nooothiiiing "
Yes, The Answer Is Yes
The guy with the turban is most likely Sikh, not Muslim. He’s also sick of your c**p.
In addition, if you find yourself thinking about the reply too much, chances are you may end up saying nothing at all. Meanwhile, putting too much pressure on yourself can make your mind go blank, similar to a fight-or-flight situation. In a quick and witty comeback, this is the opposite effect you want to achieve, so try not to take it so seriously and just let your personality shine through.
Disabled Parking Should Only Be Valid During Business Hours 9 To 5
This Belongs Here
That Backfired
Something else that might help with quick-wittedness is expanding your knowledge, whether that’s learning new things or techniques from your comedy heroes. For this, you may want to watch some comedy specials or your favorite sitcoms. It’s not necessarily about memorizing certain lines or imitating them, but picking up certain subtleties like amusing observations or timing.
Due For Some Good Luck Eventually
Women Aren't People, Apparently
Love Andy Murray. Always leading the charge for women. Great guy.
The Fact That He Never Removed The Post Surprises Me
Even if you wish to pass certain comebacks as your own, there’s no shame in doing that. Winston Churchill, who was famous for them, has borrowed a lot of them. One of his well-known lines was in response to politician Bessie Braddock’s remark, “Sir, you are drunk.” The PM replied, “And you, Bessie, are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning, and you will still be ugly.”
On A Comment Thread About UPS And USPS Workers
Well, When You Put It That Way
Cut The S**t Lady. You Chose The Bathroom
This iconic phrase was copied from American actor and comedian W.C. Fields. Despite this, it took quick thinking to recall and adapt the quote in the moment, which is why Churchill was considered a master of timing. “It was an off-the-cuff recall of something he had synthesized, composed earlier, and that he was waiting to perform,” Tim Riley, director and chief curator at the National Churchill Museum, said.
I Proudly Served In The Gay Wars Of '07
You Dense Mother ---!
Columbus Day
Lastly, as with any skill, practice is what makes one improve. For a quick-wit exercise, Hack Spirit recommends trying to make a mental note of something you’ve heard a person say during the day. Then set a timer for 5 minutes and try to come up with as many witty things as you can during that time. Some of them might not be that good yet, and that’s totally fine. The activity is all about training your brain, and over time, you will get better.
This Guy Wants All The Cake
moral of the story, don't have friends. Then you can have 100% of that cake and get fat! :D
Your Bigotry Is Showing
This is exactly what most sane people want. People with different cultures, beliefs, sexual preferences, styles etc etc, getting along and don't fight. Respect, understanding and honor are rare, but hopefully it will be common in the future.
Apparently, It's Impossible For Women To Be Smart And Beautiful At The Same Time
In The Interests Of Public Safety
There's no mention of any lesbian students at the school losing control, so maybe it isn't the clothes that are the problem?
M*rdered By Kindness
If He Were Here He'd Consume These Morons With Fireballs From His Eyes And Bolts Of Lightning From His Arse
The Best Putdowns Come From The Truth
Dammit George!
Pride month, lots of colours all over the place, crazy decorations, weird and wonderful people coming out and enjoying themselves, what's not to like?
Grandmothers Are Overrated
$10 To Clean The Bathroom?!
My sister tripped and split her face open on easter. My next door neighbor had an easter party that included an egg hunt. After all the candy was found each kid took a small percentage of their candy and combined it to make a portion for my sister who didn't participate in the egg hunt for obvious reasons. THAT'S SOCIALISM. No kid was mad because we all understood that my sister deserved to also get candy even though she didn't search for the eggs.
The Media Makes It To Be A Feel Good Story Over A Dystopian Nightmare
That’s A Stupid Reason To Ban Transgender People
mmmmhhhh, nice d**k, can I ..... yeah we're surrounded you're right, i forgot
See Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya
We have more guns in private ownership than at any time in our history. We only restrict what type of guns people can have, have strong requirements for how those guns are stored, and don't allow people who can't pass a background and psychological check to own them. We also don't fetishise guns. They're a tool for doing a thing, nothing more.
Waddaya Say, Then?
Room Temperature Iq Is My New Favourite Insult
Yellow Tape Around Her Body It's A Homicide
failure of obamacare ? where ? when ? you mean the fakenews from kolonel Von Shitzpantz before killing it
Anti Vaxxer Pretends To Be Educated
How the f**k do vaccines *weaken* your immune system??? That's like the exact opposite of how they actually do work. Huh?????????
I Love It
The only place I expect a doctor to be a medical doctor and anyone else to say they're not a medical doctor is in a f*****g hospital.
Pray Away The Gay
I went to a conversion camp when I was 19! It was a load of b******t but on the upside, I slept with half a dozen men which was great fun. I'm still gay by the way, it had the opposite outcome they were wanting.
I Love Arnold's Wholesome M*rders
Mmm Spicy
Pot, Meet Kettle
yeah, we 'muricans know there is only one border that needs a wall /s
Bit Of A Stretch
Girls Have Ankles Too
I've rolled my ankle more times than I can count and the pain is bad. I've also had severe period pain and if I had to choose which was worse, period pain wins.
Hell, If I could make my period pain go away forever by straight up amputating my foot with no anesthesia I would choose to lose a foot.
Load More Replies...Want a better idea what period pain feels like? . How about I knee you in the nuts, several times a day, all day for about a week.
and something for the sore back, sore legs, bloating… PMS too. Plus that some people suffer from cramps the week before, of, AND after, so it’s really for three if they wanna get technical with those transparent ankle pictures
Load More Replies...Rolling your ankle for 3-7 days every month for 40 years does sound like hell.
I've rolled my ankle and I promise you guys it doesn't hurt more that period pain. Especially since an ace bandage and 20 minutes of icing pretty much solves the problem for hours if you don't have to do much walking.
So THAT'S why women shouldn't show their ankles. Because then it would be obvious that they are just an illusion.
As someone who has periods AND done this, they’re both pretty bad. Periods are a constant, and rollin my ankle(I did that by tripping over someone’s leg into a bunch of backpacks; there was nowhere to land) was like a sharp pain where I couldn’t walk for a few hours
Obviously person talking bout period pain is male and has never experienced it
My sister rolled her ankle like that. Which reminds me, I must give her a call and see if she's finally out of the cast.
And wear HEELS. I mean, it must be impossible to turn your ankle in those, right?
Amazing how women's feet are connected to their legs, so they can stand up, and walk and everything. I don't know how we manage.
i've done both, they're different types of pain and both are equally unpleasant
Have you ever rolled your ankle over like that 24 seven seven days a month from the age of 12 to 45 you stupid ignorant twat.
I did, in fact, break my leg rolling my ankle. Hurt less than period cramps by like 100.
Doing that doesn't hurt. What does hurt is menstrual cramps so bad that you can hardly stand.
I once snapped my foot clean in half. I didn't cry, in fact I tried to walk it off. My period cramps are so debilitating all I can do is take enough meds to put me to sleep & stop the pain.
I used to be a gymnast, and I've injured my ankles just about every way imaginable short of actually breaking them. The connection between my feet/ankles and brain has been damaged to the point that periodically my brain will lose track of one foot or the other, land a step wrong, roll the ankle, and I'll just collapse. A couple of times I've ended up falling straight forward and landing with my face an inch above the cement. And you know what? Period pain is still worse.
Ah yes we cannot roll ankles. I have rolled my ankle twice while playing basketball. It was not fun
As a woman who used to have bad cramps, often with hormone-linked migraines, I can say I have rolled my ankles A LOT. I’d rather roll the ankle.
I rolled my ankle like this, people overreact so much about it. It's not that bad as everybody thinks. (Or I twisted that same leg twice and literally destroyed it's sensory networks) :(
This happened to me once and I was limping for a week. Goddamn rock!
Did both, prefer the ankle above the cramps and bleeding out for days, every f**ing month.
Yes. I was in pain for 6-7 weeks or so with the rolled ankle and resulting broken bone.
yes, i have. twice. once on each ankle. both times happened before the second month of school was over. the first time sometime in september, 6th grade. the second time was august last school year, on the second day of school, freshman year. so yes, you can say that i have rolled my ankle like that.
Im sure it hurts even worse for women rolling their ankles, especially when wearing heels, that extra height hitting the ground
One of my gfs was an expert on falling off shoes, even low heels.
Load More Replies...Don't B Confused
Homeless charities supply phones to people, because they understand (unlike fückwit above) that it's barely possible to survive without a phone these days if you have a home, impossible if you don't.
Tomi Lahren
This whole list has been on BP before. Fortunately most are still amusing
Stop blanking out the names of these dolts! We have a RIGHT to know who they are so we can celebrate them for the forward thinking individuals they truly are, lol.
Earlier, the mentally deranged and challenged were put in homes and watched over carefully by competent personell. Now they have their own country with unlimited guns and d***s and unchecked global power.
it doesn't matter some of these have been posted here in various lists - most of them are universal enough to grant the topic a forever pinned status with new ones added (eg in the comments or new instalments)
I’m so tired of reading hate against the United States. Not because I disagree but because I’ve always agreed, never been patriotic, but it just breaks my heart that this country gets so so much wrong and I watch my loved ones have to suffer by its poor management. And the hating on Americans is so unhelpful. I get that there’s a loud minority that are incredibly obnoxious and inspire vitriol. But most of us are not like that and suffer under our government. Why hate on us when there’s little we can do? And to say look who we elected? We literally didn’t. The popular vote was not for Trump, but our messed up electoral system still put him in office.
This article isn't about the US, it just contains a lot of American extremists who have been given power by the messed up system that elected Trump. I upvoted you because your statement doesn't say anything offensive and doesn't deserve that downvote.
Load More Replies...PLeaSe all i want is a single post acknowledging the good, normal people in the US, or what we give to the world! I'll venmo you ten dollars if you can, just to prove that this website isn't a bunch of lazy, greedy, money-grabbing, content-reusing, xenophobic bigots who'd rather copy-paste 60 images from reddit instead of doing two whole seconds of work. PLEASE.
This whole list has been on BP before. Fortunately most are still amusing
Stop blanking out the names of these dolts! We have a RIGHT to know who they are so we can celebrate them for the forward thinking individuals they truly are, lol.
Earlier, the mentally deranged and challenged were put in homes and watched over carefully by competent personell. Now they have their own country with unlimited guns and d***s and unchecked global power.
it doesn't matter some of these have been posted here in various lists - most of them are universal enough to grant the topic a forever pinned status with new ones added (eg in the comments or new instalments)
I’m so tired of reading hate against the United States. Not because I disagree but because I’ve always agreed, never been patriotic, but it just breaks my heart that this country gets so so much wrong and I watch my loved ones have to suffer by its poor management. And the hating on Americans is so unhelpful. I get that there’s a loud minority that are incredibly obnoxious and inspire vitriol. But most of us are not like that and suffer under our government. Why hate on us when there’s little we can do? And to say look who we elected? We literally didn’t. The popular vote was not for Trump, but our messed up electoral system still put him in office.
This article isn't about the US, it just contains a lot of American extremists who have been given power by the messed up system that elected Trump. I upvoted you because your statement doesn't say anything offensive and doesn't deserve that downvote.
Load More Replies...PLeaSe all i want is a single post acknowledging the good, normal people in the US, or what we give to the world! I'll venmo you ten dollars if you can, just to prove that this website isn't a bunch of lazy, greedy, money-grabbing, content-reusing, xenophobic bigots who'd rather copy-paste 60 images from reddit instead of doing two whole seconds of work. PLEASE.