For many people, the thought of certain interactions alone can be enough to send shivers down their spines or make them intensely dread something. If you’re an introvert, you probably know the feeling. You might also know just how good it feels to finally find the time to recharge that battery after lengthy episodes of interacting, and maybe scrolling through some funny memes while you’re at it.
If these two things—introversion and memes—are big parts of your world, you might want to stick around, as in today’s post, we have merged the two. On the list below, you will find some of the most relatable memes, as shared by the ‘Introvert Feels’ Instagram account. So, make yourself comfortable, maybe grab some snacks, or wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, and enjoy the sound of nothing—and no one—else but your own giggling.
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I've already given up on that one a long time ago. It's much easier that way.
Look like being upset/anxiety? Some of these posts incline towards mental health issues rather than just being an introvert. Fair enough, you can suffer with both (although I don't see introversion as something you 'suffer').
There is NOTHING wrong with this!! At least you took a shower!! There are some days I can't even do that. I'm lucky to go to the bathroom and eat. Depression is a spiral and if you don't catch it before you hit bottom, it is all the harder to come out of. You are taking care of you and you know what you need. I will say this to try to pull yourself out a bit: set a timer, a stop watch, the alarm on your phone, what every you have and do something different for just one(1) minute. Read a book, step outside, call a friend, write down your feelings. I promise you will see a difference in your mood. Repeat tomorrow but try for two(2) minutes. Let me know how you are please?
I do… but if you come too close I’ll hurt you. ☹️ literally me all my life
My love language is food. Just place it down outside my door and leave.
No, if someone is so nice to me, my thoughts would be "Alright, what do they want?"
Did everyone else have that one teacher who would say they were going to ask someone who didn't have their hand up,so you put your hand up, and the bästard would still ask you ?
While some may empathise with some of these, it;s perhaps worth pointing out that social anxiety, which is what they're nearly all about, is not the same as just being introverted. Social anxiety is effectively a mental health problem, introversion is not.
While some may empathise with some of these, it;s perhaps worth pointing out that social anxiety, which is what they're nearly all about, is not the same as just being introverted. Social anxiety is effectively a mental health problem, introversion is not.