Odis Craig was paralyzed 40 years ago while playing football with his Marine friends. he was rushed to the hospital immediately after a wrong tackle that stabbed his third and fourth cervical vertebrae, leaving Craig paralyzed from the shoulders down.

When rehabilitation doesn’t work, therapist recommends him an art class as a creative outles. He starts attending one class each semester at University of California State Fullerton for 11 years. In 2012, at age 61, the veteran completed his Masters of Art, specializing in drawing and painting.

It can’t be imagine to draw objects without using their arms, but Craig draw arts so smoothly that his fellow mates asked him how he do this.”Everyone is interested and wondering, ‘How are you doing that?’” to which Craig Just Replied That “I’m just trying man, like you are.”

Though every story has inspirations, it is an another inspiring story of Hardwork and devotion. hands-off to a great inspiring man.

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