The face of this elder lady, had my interest for a long time now.She is always smiling, nice, and caring about folks around her.Adored by her family too. The lines in the face seem to tell a story of a true happy lifetime.
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Sketch and initial shades of crayon
I did the sketch on A3 daler and Rowney paper. I layed out the portrait, and started shading with Steadtler Mars Lumograph pencils, and blurring with a q-tip.
Background added
I lightly colored the bachground, and faded it with a spunge. After that I went in with my tombow mono zero gum, and drew the hair.
I added some shading to the hair, and erased again with the tombow eraser.
More background and a little more rendering of the face
Moving over to the right side of the face
I started out just like in the left side, doing the darkest parts first. pencil and q-tip, and occasionally a brush fad shading.
Continued face rendering
The mouth
Drawing the mouth and the teeth…
Just a little push
I am closing in reel fast now. Just have to continue the chin, the ear, and enhancing some contrasts.
Lay back and enjoy my great drawing. The lines in the face tell the story of a truly happy life.
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