These illustrations and animation are solely inspired by the recent movie “Axone” (Akhuni) on Netflix. We often brag about the diversity of our country, I N D I A. But this movie made me think, do we really know a lot about the diversity and embrace it? How much do we know about the culture and traditions of our North-Eastern States or their struggles? What about systematic racism? Do we even talk about it? There is no doubt that the North-Eastern states of India, commonly known as the “Seven Sisters”—Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura are the most neglected and least explored part of India. From my own experience of visiting Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, I can assure you that it is one of the most beautiful and mysterious places of India with rich culture and full of tribes enfolded with myriad languages and festivities.
The recent development of China against India can be very much threatening to these people because of their similar physical appearances and features with Chinese people. Earlier, they used to prove their identity to the fellow Indians of other states and still used to get mocked and belittled, but now maybe they have to prove their nationality too to some of the same fellow citizens! It is my earnest request to all my countrymen to be more compassionate and more welcoming to our fellow brothers and sisters.
In this series, I wanted to support the cause of these North-Eastern people with my limited knowledge about them. I decided to spread the beauty of their culture and awareness about their suffering and trouble in their own country. Do watch the movie if you want to know more about them.
My illustrations are all straightforwardly made with simple geometric shapes using free mobile apps so that anyone can learn or can start digital drawing without any prior knowledge of painting or illustration. I have also posted videos of my workflow on my YouTube channel if you are interested.
More info:
Women of Arunachal Pradesh
Women of Assam
Women of Manipur
Women of Meghalaya
Women of Mizoram
Women of Nagaland
Women of Tripura
Women of North-East India through illustration and animation
Share on FacebookIt's an awesome illustration associated with most enchanting animations with it. Must see posting.
It's an awesome illustration associated with most enchanting animations with it. Must see posting.