35 Incredible Transformations That Show How Ordinary People Can Dramatically Improve Their Looks
We transform every day. Slowly. The ones who walk into stylist Konstantin Bogomolov's studio, however, undergo such rapid makeovers, it's hard to believe they're the same people.
These before and after pics are just as impressive as the ones we've featured in our earlier post about Konstantin and his students. Together, they invite all kinds of people to become their models, and accept everyone from students to seniors. They craft each look for the particular person they're working on and the results are nothing short of amazing. Scroll down to check 'em out!
More info: bogomolov.lv | Instagram
This post may include affiliate links.
Lidia, 43, Accountant
Have you notice that they always took off your glasses of to make you look ,,better"? Hm, I can't live a normal life without my glasses. Does it mean I'm constantly ugly? Well, that's what I heard 15 years ago when I was in primary school. Come on, guys! It's XXI century!
Lyudmila And Tamara, 65, Twin Sisters, Dentists
Svitlana, 37, University Teacher
Mairita, 36, Operator
It annoys me when the "transformation" = "get rid of the glasses" as part of it. Lots of people look really good in glasses IMHO
Nikolay, 31, Freelance Designer
Jolanta, 39, Postal Operator
Brigita, 36, Housewife
Alina, 48, Operator
Yuliya, 41, Accountant
Ilona, 47, School Teacher
Elvira, 36, Housewife
Inga, 50, Doctor
Galina, 68, Nuclear Physicist
Well, thank god she's pretty and stylish now. I mean, before she was just a nuclear physicist...
Natalia, 41, Housewife
Anna, 34, Manager
Daria, 35, Marketing Director
Elena, 52, Accountant
Irina, 42, Interior Designer
Zhanar, 40, Event Agency Director
Loreta, 55, Bioenergetics Consultant
Irena, 65, Retired
Pavel, 30, Photographer
Tatyana, 46, Manager
She already looked good, the makeup makes it better but yeah she would still look good without :P
Jūratė, 42, Florist
Elena, 40, Youth Center Employee
Tatyana, 53, Pensioner
Vilma, 50, Manager
Natalia, 38, School Teacher
Daiva, 38, Financial Consultant
Asel, 33, Housewife
Jolanta, 53, Entrepreneur
Larisa, 58, Entrepreneur
Mikhail, 48, Actor
Mila, 54, Entrepreneur
Natalia, 38, Schoolteacher
Moral of the story? Get yourself a haircut that suits your hair type and facial shape?
Wait what? So you mean a new hair style, fresh make up and new clothes will improve your appearance? Who would have thought it?
This highlights the importance of well fitted clothing. It doesn't have to be designer: it must fit your shape properly, hide figure flaws, and emphasize assets.
This is relevant to the 10-year challenge post where people commented under celebrities' pictures like "they just don't age!" and the point is that they have access to a hair dresser and makeup artist and dermatologist and dietitian etc whenever they want and that's why they look young
Why is it always cutting the hair short? Show a professional long haircut.
I mean, they all look better, but when you take people in their casual clothes, with no or little makeup, give them a new haircut, do throw some makeup on them and put them in new, fancy and hip clothes, who wouldn't look better? Not exactly something we didn't all knew before, right?
I think the " before" is more natural beautiful then the puppet " after". All girls and young women looks the same. Not unique and as usual is the Trend
You get a concealer, you get a concealer, hey, man - you get a concealer!
I would like to see something like this with just the hairstyle changed. I the person uses makeup then it can be used in a more professional way in the after pic too but if the person does not usually use it.... There are so many woman who don't like or don't bother to use makeup. I would like a "before and after" that stays more than just 1 day. If someone did this with me I wouldn't bother to replicate it the next day. Its too much work. So, I would like a change that suits me but does not have high maintenance to replicate daily.
Loved this post. I can do this myself, with new make-up and a new haircut. Just the lift I need. It's pushed me to sort myself out. Thanks.
Many of these people look good but others are a good example of why you can’t trust hairdressers.
It's sad that all of the photos required hair cutting. Why are stylists always so happy about cutting off hair? It's the same when I go to the dresser and ask them to fix my roots. They always ask if I shouldn't cut off my hair. Now I have a hairdresser that don't bother about that. She only reminds me when my ends are split and cutting off what's needed- not more. Also kind of boring that many of these clothing styles are very uncomfy. Of course a classy suit makes anyone look better, but who wears that everyday if they are not the Queen herself or CEO somewhere? And lastly: none of these wore any make up in the 'before' pic. Makeup does a lot. Getting a good makeup done by a expert is of course the key.
Teaching models to stand up straight and at an angle instead of straight on makes them look younger and more stylish.
We all get stuck on a look. They all look amazing. Take what you like and leave the rest
I don't have a problem with a little eyebrow touch-up, but I'll be happy when this overly drawn on eyebrow fad is gone. It doesn't look too bad in pictures, but up close it looks ridiculous.
I love how a few token men were thrown in. This is clearly an post about making women feel they must look “younger” and more fashionable through consuming makeup and clothing. I’d be more into this if there were about an equal amount of men, but this is just more b.s. telling women to always be trying to achieve a look that’s not natural to us. Women’s bodies aren’t a consumable commodity to be improved upon, were people not products.
I wish they wouldn't take glasses off the people in the after photos. We need to get away from the notion that a successful makeover requires them to be ditched. Otherwise these are fantastic and I really need someone like Konstantin in my life!
Not a fan of so much makeup and all those "trendy" haircuts. I think half of the makeup and just some freshening up on the haircuts (e.g. cut the split ends, shape, colour, maybe bangs) would have been totally fine. Also I don't think that those people can keep their looks for more than this one day.
I agree that changing a hairstyle often does wonders - this is well seen in these pictures. Still, it seems to me that the impression of great change is a bit staged. Look at the models' poses - on the "before" pictures they always stay stiff in rather unpleasant and closed poses and they're not smiling. On the "after" ones they are posing - they stay in ways that make them look more self-confident and attractive, they're smiling, they're looking on the photographer. While some of the transformations are pretty spectacular - I think that the way the photos were taken also plays a big role here.
The point seems to be to bring out an opposite personality, and it looks pretty fake for the most part. People lose their own personalities in these make overs, especially in some of those horrid clothes. But there’s definitely something to be said about a hair style that defies gravity, a bit of eyeliner and well defined eye brows. Having said that, it’s difficult to figure out a hair style that suits you if you can’t afford an expert hair dresser.
It's annoying that almost all of the women have had double the amount of make-up and high heels put on. Society keeps telling us that a woman won't look good in flats and a natural, or minimal, face and it's bullsh*t. Sorry, rant over.
more defined eyebrows and access to photoshop can make you look younger? I'm shocked
Smiles make a difference. Also, of course total look. A person can definitely benefit from objective guidance. We often do not see our true potential and better options even when we look in a mirror. Great eye opener work here. Thank you.
It appears that all of the women have on false eyelashes. They are pretty but who has time for that every work day.
Why are they all Brit hairstyles. And why always give older women the shortest cuts.
Russians really seem to "get" what makes people look stylish and sophisticated.
Makeup and hair are lovely on all of them. However, dressing for success is the true WOW factor.
Some of these makeovers are amazing! I can't imagine how happy it made these women to see how they can look with a little tweaks. I'm assuming they were all done by the same stylist because each women's hair is chopped short in the same fashion. I wish he/ she left the women with some length or explored some different styles. I do love the concept and they really look great.
I find BP's use of the word 'ordinary' in the title pretty offensive considering you're supposed to be so PC. These are all people just getting on with their lives. I bet there's something extraordinary about each and every one of them
Nice to see fellow thin-haired people for once. Also, happy to check some haircut ideas for this hair type.
Of course they look great after a professional makeover which must have taken god knows how long and cost god knows how much. Regular people don't have the time and money to look like that in their everyday lives. How about some tips and tricks on how to look our best on a budget and in under 30 minutes?
At least they let one lady keep her glasses. I get so tired of “make overs” that include losing the glasses! Squinting is not a good look, people!!!
How to be pretty: get make-up that looks identical to everybody elses and carry a handbag
The 1980s have called and want their format back. Seriously, I can't believe I am seeing this kind of c**p again. What next? Shoulder pads and big hair?
A talented, artistic hair-stylist can make a big change with her knowledge of face shapes, hair texture, length, and color for a basic makeover. Proceed with make-up and clothing changes if wanted, but start with your hair!
It seems that hairstyles, hair color, and makeup - or lack thereof - which may have suited many before no longer work best for them now. Some of the transformations are remarkable.
Yes a professional stylist and the money to maintain crisp haircuts and the time and skill to fully style it every morning, will improve your look. But man that's a lot of work and money.
Whenever I see makeovers like this, I wish I could see what they look like after 2 weeks of managing their "new look" BY THEMSELVES!
What I love most about these photos is how much more confident they all look afterward! From posture to expression, that's the most important result of the small cosmetic changes which really translates to overall appearance and hopefully happiness!
Excuse me... Miss/Mr. Stylist, where are you? I need you here with me !
You all look great amazing transformation! But why aren’t other races included? No Blk, Spanish or Asian I wonder why. Maybe it’s because we age gracefully and you didn’t want those nationalities to take the spotlight.
I hate stories like these. They tell us that we are ugly by nature, especially women. Can't we turn this around? Can we learn that we are beautiful by nature?
What I'm wondering is if these people can maintain their new looks. How much time are they willing to put into their hair and make-up in the morning? How much time will the new looks require?
All I see is comfortable and uncomfortable.... really leather? Let me be plain Jane if it means comfort Vs high heels and leather pants!
Lovely make-overs. I think the main thing I can take away from this is that I seriously need to learn how to do my eyebrows. I have hazel-green eyes & it seems as if the brows are what helps to really define them. (I could use a wardrobe makeover as well, but $$$). I don't generally wear make up, but I wouldn't mind looking a little younger!
Doesn't this contradict all the threads posted here about being strong and confident Just As You Are and not caving in to media pressure to be pretty? Mixed message BP?
Yes impressive, but the usual before and after tricks used by ads for ages are here. No make-up vs. with make-up. Better lighting, better smile, and a oft-missed one, have you noticed that in all the aft pictures the people are all taller?
Too many of these transformations involve hair dye and leather jackets. I had a leather jacket years ago and hated it. Hair dye? Too expensive and time consuming to maintain.
these are all great for showing that damned near EVERYONE can 'look' better with make-up & wardrobe changes. personally, i found the before pics to be great; i like a natural look. i'm a t-shirt & jeans kind-of-gal, but yes, i know i can look 'better' if i try. the thing is, it's not me. not trying to impress other people and am happy being my version of BEFORE.
Wish I could just walk in and get a make over by him! I have no idea what would suit me...I am just myself growing older and buying darker trousers...
i cant help but notice that these posts are encouraging people to cut their hair lol
Everybody dreams of looking better than life. Here's how you can achieve that. Great show, this. Dare to become a star!
get a good haircut and wear tight pants, preferably made of leather ...
The new clothes are rockin’! Little color makes a big difference. Everyone looks so refreshed!
So many of these models are improved by simply having their skin tones evened out and brightened up with makeup. Face it, we all look great after having our hair done It's two weeks down the line when we give up and go back to our old ways, stop blowing it dry every morning, etc.
For some reason, everyone on here looks like they would have a British accent. I don't why. Is it just me?
Netflix should get this guy to do a makeover show. I'd totally watch it!
I love how the use/ non use of makeup was the same in before and after pics! Bravo
Also all their clothes got way more fancy and pricy. So get some new clothes and youll look good.
As good as these make overs are (they are not over the top and unrealistic, most look comfortable and genuine) it convinces me even more that I should never let anyone do a make over on me. I might look like a hobo plucked straigt from the Dark ages but that also happens to be the look I like and is comfortable with. I wouldn't wear a single piece of clothing from any of the make overs. There's nothing wrong with them but they're on as far from what I want to wear as you can get. ..and if you try to dye or cut my hair (that's red and down to my a*s) into a "Modern" hairstyle to "flatter my face and make it come alive" you will have to fight me and let me tell you, you will loose. What I'm trying to say is: everyone has a different take on what's pretty and not all of us like modern fashion, whether it be this or any of that you see in Magazines or on TV. Some of us like really different things and even if I might look like a car crash to you I don't need a make over if I like it
As a hairdresser for more than 35 years I have to say, I loved all the transformations. The problem with some of these are that these folks have a mind set and they have to be willing and WANTING to change. Often times shows will revisit makeover models and they had gone back to their old looks or kept very little of the new look. Habits and self image is often hard to break unless, again, they are really wanting and WILLING to change and keep up the new look. The outfits were all A+ in my book. #6 was really eye catching and you could tell she was over the moon with her new look!
All the guys in the pics just needed a new haircut and not super tight pants, tons of leather and a bag. What's wrong with Jeans and a Shirt?!
This whole article looks like a “stop being human!” promotion for expensive clothing and makeup companies. It is reinforcing that makeup is best. It’s not. Makeup sucks, for the most part. Especially to the degree used here. A little is okay sometimes, but it usually makes people look like uncanny valley robots to me. There’s a huge difference between figuring out how to look your best while being yourself and “looking good by arbitrary beauty product-selling” standards. This is kind of a horrible “article”. As Lios said before me, and as I will paraphrase: it is awful that we are conditioned to treat makeup-free people as unattractive, unhealthy, bland, or outright ugly.
Not loving your titles these days... none of these people are ordinary. Just caught up in their lives without access to a personal stylist on hand. Like most of us
First we had a whole slew of posts about plus size women that we were supposed to admire and respect for what was on the inside. Now we've got people we're supposed to admire for what's on outside. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up. Good advertisement though.
Yeah! You all look like c**p. Get a haircut and new clothes so people value you!! (Sorry, bad day today)
somebody nominate whoever is doing this for the Nobel Prize! This is fantastic!
Moral of the story? Get yourself a haircut that suits your hair type and facial shape?
Wait what? So you mean a new hair style, fresh make up and new clothes will improve your appearance? Who would have thought it?
This highlights the importance of well fitted clothing. It doesn't have to be designer: it must fit your shape properly, hide figure flaws, and emphasize assets.
This is relevant to the 10-year challenge post where people commented under celebrities' pictures like "they just don't age!" and the point is that they have access to a hair dresser and makeup artist and dermatologist and dietitian etc whenever they want and that's why they look young
Why is it always cutting the hair short? Show a professional long haircut.
I mean, they all look better, but when you take people in their casual clothes, with no or little makeup, give them a new haircut, do throw some makeup on them and put them in new, fancy and hip clothes, who wouldn't look better? Not exactly something we didn't all knew before, right?
I think the " before" is more natural beautiful then the puppet " after". All girls and young women looks the same. Not unique and as usual is the Trend
You get a concealer, you get a concealer, hey, man - you get a concealer!
I would like to see something like this with just the hairstyle changed. I the person uses makeup then it can be used in a more professional way in the after pic too but if the person does not usually use it.... There are so many woman who don't like or don't bother to use makeup. I would like a "before and after" that stays more than just 1 day. If someone did this with me I wouldn't bother to replicate it the next day. Its too much work. So, I would like a change that suits me but does not have high maintenance to replicate daily.
Loved this post. I can do this myself, with new make-up and a new haircut. Just the lift I need. It's pushed me to sort myself out. Thanks.
Many of these people look good but others are a good example of why you can’t trust hairdressers.
It's sad that all of the photos required hair cutting. Why are stylists always so happy about cutting off hair? It's the same when I go to the dresser and ask them to fix my roots. They always ask if I shouldn't cut off my hair. Now I have a hairdresser that don't bother about that. She only reminds me when my ends are split and cutting off what's needed- not more. Also kind of boring that many of these clothing styles are very uncomfy. Of course a classy suit makes anyone look better, but who wears that everyday if they are not the Queen herself or CEO somewhere? And lastly: none of these wore any make up in the 'before' pic. Makeup does a lot. Getting a good makeup done by a expert is of course the key.
Teaching models to stand up straight and at an angle instead of straight on makes them look younger and more stylish.
We all get stuck on a look. They all look amazing. Take what you like and leave the rest
I don't have a problem with a little eyebrow touch-up, but I'll be happy when this overly drawn on eyebrow fad is gone. It doesn't look too bad in pictures, but up close it looks ridiculous.
I love how a few token men were thrown in. This is clearly an post about making women feel they must look “younger” and more fashionable through consuming makeup and clothing. I’d be more into this if there were about an equal amount of men, but this is just more b.s. telling women to always be trying to achieve a look that’s not natural to us. Women’s bodies aren’t a consumable commodity to be improved upon, were people not products.
I wish they wouldn't take glasses off the people in the after photos. We need to get away from the notion that a successful makeover requires them to be ditched. Otherwise these are fantastic and I really need someone like Konstantin in my life!
Not a fan of so much makeup and all those "trendy" haircuts. I think half of the makeup and just some freshening up on the haircuts (e.g. cut the split ends, shape, colour, maybe bangs) would have been totally fine. Also I don't think that those people can keep their looks for more than this one day.
I agree that changing a hairstyle often does wonders - this is well seen in these pictures. Still, it seems to me that the impression of great change is a bit staged. Look at the models' poses - on the "before" pictures they always stay stiff in rather unpleasant and closed poses and they're not smiling. On the "after" ones they are posing - they stay in ways that make them look more self-confident and attractive, they're smiling, they're looking on the photographer. While some of the transformations are pretty spectacular - I think that the way the photos were taken also plays a big role here.
The point seems to be to bring out an opposite personality, and it looks pretty fake for the most part. People lose their own personalities in these make overs, especially in some of those horrid clothes. But there’s definitely something to be said about a hair style that defies gravity, a bit of eyeliner and well defined eye brows. Having said that, it’s difficult to figure out a hair style that suits you if you can’t afford an expert hair dresser.
It's annoying that almost all of the women have had double the amount of make-up and high heels put on. Society keeps telling us that a woman won't look good in flats and a natural, or minimal, face and it's bullsh*t. Sorry, rant over.
more defined eyebrows and access to photoshop can make you look younger? I'm shocked
Smiles make a difference. Also, of course total look. A person can definitely benefit from objective guidance. We often do not see our true potential and better options even when we look in a mirror. Great eye opener work here. Thank you.
It appears that all of the women have on false eyelashes. They are pretty but who has time for that every work day.
Why are they all Brit hairstyles. And why always give older women the shortest cuts.
Russians really seem to "get" what makes people look stylish and sophisticated.
Makeup and hair are lovely on all of them. However, dressing for success is the true WOW factor.
Some of these makeovers are amazing! I can't imagine how happy it made these women to see how they can look with a little tweaks. I'm assuming they were all done by the same stylist because each women's hair is chopped short in the same fashion. I wish he/ she left the women with some length or explored some different styles. I do love the concept and they really look great.
I find BP's use of the word 'ordinary' in the title pretty offensive considering you're supposed to be so PC. These are all people just getting on with their lives. I bet there's something extraordinary about each and every one of them
Nice to see fellow thin-haired people for once. Also, happy to check some haircut ideas for this hair type.
Of course they look great after a professional makeover which must have taken god knows how long and cost god knows how much. Regular people don't have the time and money to look like that in their everyday lives. How about some tips and tricks on how to look our best on a budget and in under 30 minutes?
At least they let one lady keep her glasses. I get so tired of “make overs” that include losing the glasses! Squinting is not a good look, people!!!
How to be pretty: get make-up that looks identical to everybody elses and carry a handbag
The 1980s have called and want their format back. Seriously, I can't believe I am seeing this kind of c**p again. What next? Shoulder pads and big hair?
A talented, artistic hair-stylist can make a big change with her knowledge of face shapes, hair texture, length, and color for a basic makeover. Proceed with make-up and clothing changes if wanted, but start with your hair!
It seems that hairstyles, hair color, and makeup - or lack thereof - which may have suited many before no longer work best for them now. Some of the transformations are remarkable.
Yes a professional stylist and the money to maintain crisp haircuts and the time and skill to fully style it every morning, will improve your look. But man that's a lot of work and money.
Whenever I see makeovers like this, I wish I could see what they look like after 2 weeks of managing their "new look" BY THEMSELVES!
What I love most about these photos is how much more confident they all look afterward! From posture to expression, that's the most important result of the small cosmetic changes which really translates to overall appearance and hopefully happiness!
Excuse me... Miss/Mr. Stylist, where are you? I need you here with me !
You all look great amazing transformation! But why aren’t other races included? No Blk, Spanish or Asian I wonder why. Maybe it’s because we age gracefully and you didn’t want those nationalities to take the spotlight.
I hate stories like these. They tell us that we are ugly by nature, especially women. Can't we turn this around? Can we learn that we are beautiful by nature?
What I'm wondering is if these people can maintain their new looks. How much time are they willing to put into their hair and make-up in the morning? How much time will the new looks require?
All I see is comfortable and uncomfortable.... really leather? Let me be plain Jane if it means comfort Vs high heels and leather pants!
Lovely make-overs. I think the main thing I can take away from this is that I seriously need to learn how to do my eyebrows. I have hazel-green eyes & it seems as if the brows are what helps to really define them. (I could use a wardrobe makeover as well, but $$$). I don't generally wear make up, but I wouldn't mind looking a little younger!
Doesn't this contradict all the threads posted here about being strong and confident Just As You Are and not caving in to media pressure to be pretty? Mixed message BP?
Yes impressive, but the usual before and after tricks used by ads for ages are here. No make-up vs. with make-up. Better lighting, better smile, and a oft-missed one, have you noticed that in all the aft pictures the people are all taller?
Too many of these transformations involve hair dye and leather jackets. I had a leather jacket years ago and hated it. Hair dye? Too expensive and time consuming to maintain.
these are all great for showing that damned near EVERYONE can 'look' better with make-up & wardrobe changes. personally, i found the before pics to be great; i like a natural look. i'm a t-shirt & jeans kind-of-gal, but yes, i know i can look 'better' if i try. the thing is, it's not me. not trying to impress other people and am happy being my version of BEFORE.
Wish I could just walk in and get a make over by him! I have no idea what would suit me...I am just myself growing older and buying darker trousers...
i cant help but notice that these posts are encouraging people to cut their hair lol
Everybody dreams of looking better than life. Here's how you can achieve that. Great show, this. Dare to become a star!
get a good haircut and wear tight pants, preferably made of leather ...
The new clothes are rockin’! Little color makes a big difference. Everyone looks so refreshed!
So many of these models are improved by simply having their skin tones evened out and brightened up with makeup. Face it, we all look great after having our hair done It's two weeks down the line when we give up and go back to our old ways, stop blowing it dry every morning, etc.
For some reason, everyone on here looks like they would have a British accent. I don't why. Is it just me?
Netflix should get this guy to do a makeover show. I'd totally watch it!
I love how the use/ non use of makeup was the same in before and after pics! Bravo
Also all their clothes got way more fancy and pricy. So get some new clothes and youll look good.
As good as these make overs are (they are not over the top and unrealistic, most look comfortable and genuine) it convinces me even more that I should never let anyone do a make over on me. I might look like a hobo plucked straigt from the Dark ages but that also happens to be the look I like and is comfortable with. I wouldn't wear a single piece of clothing from any of the make overs. There's nothing wrong with them but they're on as far from what I want to wear as you can get. ..and if you try to dye or cut my hair (that's red and down to my a*s) into a "Modern" hairstyle to "flatter my face and make it come alive" you will have to fight me and let me tell you, you will loose. What I'm trying to say is: everyone has a different take on what's pretty and not all of us like modern fashion, whether it be this or any of that you see in Magazines or on TV. Some of us like really different things and even if I might look like a car crash to you I don't need a make over if I like it
As a hairdresser for more than 35 years I have to say, I loved all the transformations. The problem with some of these are that these folks have a mind set and they have to be willing and WANTING to change. Often times shows will revisit makeover models and they had gone back to their old looks or kept very little of the new look. Habits and self image is often hard to break unless, again, they are really wanting and WILLING to change and keep up the new look. The outfits were all A+ in my book. #6 was really eye catching and you could tell she was over the moon with her new look!
All the guys in the pics just needed a new haircut and not super tight pants, tons of leather and a bag. What's wrong with Jeans and a Shirt?!
This whole article looks like a “stop being human!” promotion for expensive clothing and makeup companies. It is reinforcing that makeup is best. It’s not. Makeup sucks, for the most part. Especially to the degree used here. A little is okay sometimes, but it usually makes people look like uncanny valley robots to me. There’s a huge difference between figuring out how to look your best while being yourself and “looking good by arbitrary beauty product-selling” standards. This is kind of a horrible “article”. As Lios said before me, and as I will paraphrase: it is awful that we are conditioned to treat makeup-free people as unattractive, unhealthy, bland, or outright ugly.
Not loving your titles these days... none of these people are ordinary. Just caught up in their lives without access to a personal stylist on hand. Like most of us
First we had a whole slew of posts about plus size women that we were supposed to admire and respect for what was on the inside. Now we've got people we're supposed to admire for what's on outside. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up. Good advertisement though.
Yeah! You all look like c**p. Get a haircut and new clothes so people value you!! (Sorry, bad day today)
somebody nominate whoever is doing this for the Nobel Prize! This is fantastic!