People tend to underestimate how much of an impact their environment has on their psychological state, as well as their mood. Having a tidy, clean, cozy, distraction-free place to live and work can help give you a boost toward your goals and aspirations. Meanwhile, constantly living in a pigsty can harm your physical, as well as mental health.
Today, Bored Panda is featuring some of the most powerful and beautiful space transformations after people decided to clean their rooms, as shared on the r/ICleanedMyRoom and r/BeforeandAfter subreddits. Seriously, seeing these pics is like removing an irksome splinter. Check out the most impressive clean-ups below and upvote the pics that brought a smile to your face, Pandas. Do you have any tips for doing chores when they’ve piled up or when you can’t find the inner strength to get out of bed? Drop by the comments and help out your fellow Pandas.
If you were waiting for a sign from the Universe, this is it, Pandas. Take the time to do a chore you’ve been putting off, whether it’s vacuuming your room, folding the laundry, throwing out that moldy vegetable at the back of your fridge, or doing the dishes. Even doing something seemingly small is a major step forward. We promise you, you’ll feel soooo much better afterward.
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Trying To Get My Life Together After A Bad Bout Of Depression
This is so satisfying. As a chronically depressed human person, I can relate.
Depression Took Over My Life And Kept Me Down For Months. Finally Got Motivation To Do Better. Next Step Is Bedroom. The Goal Is The Whole Apartment. Gotta Keep Myself Going
Gave My Depression Dungeon A Makeover!
Generally speaking, people tend to have different tolerances for messiness. Most of us know (or are!) a stereotypical artist who embraces chaos and lives in what many assume is a mess, though it’s a carefully arranged system based on convenience. There’s a reason why there are stacks of paper all over the floor… though the dozen mugs of cold coffee next to their desk were probably just forgotten about and far intentionally placed there.
In other words, people are different. Some thrive when there’s a bit of creative chaos or don’t mind a small backlog of chores. Others, however, feel best in a gleaming home that’s always showcase-ready. The issues start popping up when there’s a lack of hygiene. Plopping a sweater and a pair of pants on the back of your chair won’t break the world. Not taking out the trash, letting dust build up week after week, and wearing the same dirty clothes day in and day out, however, is awful for your health and dignity. It also won’t impress anyone who comes over.
I'm Currently In Intensive Outpatient Therapy For My Depression And Feeling Loads Better, So My Room Needed To Reflect That!
I Took A Mental Health Day From Work To Deep Clean My Entire House. It Was So So Bad. There Are Lots Of Before And After Shots. Hope To Bring Someone Some Motivation Because It Feels Amazing For It All To Be Clean!
Howww?? I can't get the motivation??? But I think being on such a messy house is making me more depressed
I Suffer From Severe Depression. As Embarrassing As It Is To Admit, I Had Let My Bathroom Go For So Long That My Cats Had Used The Laundry Pile In The Corner As A Litter Box. It's Not Finished, But It's A Small Step Towards A Cleaner House
There are plenty of reasons why someone fails to clean their room month after month. It might have something to do with the deep sense of exhaustion they feel from school or work—they might not have the mental energy to do anything but rest after a long day. Others are (let’s face it) simply lazy and would rather do something pleasurable (watching TV, playing video games, going out with friends) than spend their valuable time wiping stuff.
Meanwhile, if someone is typically an organized person, living in a messy home can, sometimes, be an indication that they might have depression, according to PsychCentral. In short, letting your chores pile up for weeks and months on end can be a reflection of your inner mental and emotional turmoil, feeling overwhelmed, and having an utter lack of motivation. Living in a clean house can help your mental health.
On the flip side, compulsively cleaning your home each and every day for hours on end is potentially a sign that you have OCD: you're sacrificing time that could be spent enjoying life to the fullest by fighting against literal and metaphorical contamination. In both cases, you ought to reach out to a mental health specialist. You may have undiagnosed depression or OCD.
I Can't Believe I Was Able To Push Myself To Do This. I Am Sooo Relieved
This Community Is Beyond Amazing. Every Time I Wanted To Give Up, I Kept Going So I Could Post A Picture Here
Take 2: From Chronic Binge Drinker To Three Weeks Sober
Well done and remember one slip up is not the end, just start over and you will get there
A while back, Bored Panda spoke to parenting blogger Samantha Scroggin, from Walking Outside in Slippers, and she was kind enough to give us some top tips about keeping the house clean and doing chores while raising kids.
"Keeping the house clean is a moving target in my experience. But for me personally, an at least somewhat clean house is tremendously important to my mental health. A tidy house helps me feel more in control of my life, and able to handle the curveballs that often come our way as busy parents,” Samantha shared with us during an earlier interview.
The Last Few Months Have Felt Like An Uphill Battle Against Depression. This Is The Cleanest My Room Has Been In A Long While. It Took Me All Day In 35 Degree Heat But I’m So Glad It’s Done. Here’s To A Brighter Tomorrow
Been Very Depressed And Drinking My Life Away Since Being Laid Off Due To Covid. I’m Finally Pulling My Self Up Off The Ground
My Desk Was A Catch All. Now I Actually Have A Space To Work And Craft
According to the parenting blogger, she makes small mental housekeeping task lists each day and tries to get through them.
"The tasks could be as simple as emptying the dishwasher or putting away a load of laundry. Maybe most importantly, I invest in a professional housekeeping service once a month. That helps keep the house in a manageable state to the point that I can keep the house from getting totally out of control in-between visits. That said, I think parenting comes with a certain degree of clutter to be expected,” she said.
I Cleaned My Way Out Of My Depression Nest So I Could Start The New Year On A Better (And Cleaner) Note
Before And After! I Cleaned My Garage!
From Chronic Binge Drinker To Two Weeks Sober
"My house is always a little bit chaotic because we all have big personalities and are a loud and busy bunch. But I stress to my kids the importance of us being kind to one another. Kindness and love are at the root of a happy home for me, even when things get crazy and we slip up and say things we don't mean,” mom Samantha told Bored Panda.
"I have a terrible time getting my kids to do chores, so I don't have much advice in this department. Sometimes, with lots of praise and often with a small monetary payment, I can get my kids to help with chores they don't mind. I do insist my kids clear their plates after every meal, and clean their rooms," she said.
Productivity Has Kicked In!
Flipped The Switch And Cleaned My Mom’s Bedroom!
Finally Cleaned Our Playroom/Schoolroom That I Neglected All Summer
I hope they got their kids to help them in the process. It's never to young to learn how to tidy up, especially if it's their own mess!
That's one thing I regret - I didn't spend as much time having my kids be part of the cleaning/organizing process so they would have those skills as an adult
Load More Replies...I mean, this is great. I REALLY like this list. However, labelling this as a school room/play room is concerning. That is borderline child neglect/abuse. If you have an issue, be it mental health or substance abuse issues, seek help. There is no reason for children to suffer due to a parents negligence. They did not consent to this situation.
Sometimes the kids make it a whole lot harder, if you clean a little the next day it'll be trashed again. When I was kid my mom tried to keep my room clean but I trashed it every day and she just quit trying. I realized it was my responsibility and since then I've been able to maintain it with a bit of help from her. Not that the parent shouldn't clean but I'm sure they had an absolutely crazy schedule and just couldn't pay attention to the playroom.
Load More Replies...Meanwhile, during another interview, Bored Panda spoke about our homes as a way of keeping ourselves happy by staying true to who we are with Dan Bacon, from The Modern Man. He noted that we’ll never impress everyone, so it’s best to focus on living in the type of home where we put our needs first and foremost. Focusing just on how we want others to perceive us is a path to misery and anxiety.
“A man’s home is part of what people initially use to judge his social status and character. However, how he behaves and acts with the people who come over to his place says so much more about him," he pointed out that how we act and speak is far more important.
Cleaning My Disaster House
Getting My Mental Illness Diagnosed And Starting Medication Is Literally Changing My Life
Storage Closet At Work
"A man might have a perfectly tidy, well-designed, and stylish home, but be very nervous and try too hard to impress people who come over. So, rather than seeing him as a cool, confident, successful man they can admire and look up to, most people just perceive him as a nervous, insecure guy with a nice place. Alternatively, they may see him as a guy who tries hard to please others with material things because he's insecure about himself and doesn't feel good enough in their eyes,” the dating expert told us.
Shoutout To My Mom For Helping Me
After Being This Dirty For Over A Year I Finally Cleaned My Living Room In January And I’ve Kept Up With It So Far
That's fantastic, I know how hard it can be to not fall back into old habits!
After A Bout Of Depression, Many Unsuccessful Attempts To Do More Than Fill The Dishwasher, And A Lot Of Takeout Due To Not Wanting To Be In The Kitchen... It Is Clean
"Remember that most people care more about themselves than other people. So, allow people to talk about themselves, rather than always trying to be the center of attention. Also remember to not try to oversell yourself or your place, to hopefully gain people’s approval. Be confident and secure in who you are as a person and let your surroundings provide additional clues about who you are and how you approach life,” Dan tackled the topic of having guests over at one’s place.
We Had Company Over For The First Time Since Pre-Pandemic So It Was A Great Excuse To Clean
This one is going to be hard to keep clean because there's still too much stuff packed in the space. The toughest part, but the easiest in the long run, is getting rid of things you no longer use or need. Having clean countertops and easy places to put things away makes it so much easier to keep a house clean.
I Cleaned The Damn Playroom
My Partner's And My Bedroom In Our First Place Together. Just Need To Add Pictures And Plants To This Room!
Don't add anything on purpose. With time things do gather... trust me
"If you enjoy placing a lot of importance on your home because it means a lot to you, then do that. If you only see it as a place to live and want to focus your attention on other things, you should do that. You can never impress or please everyone, no matter what you do. Just look at celebrities as an example. They have millions of people who love them and millions who hate them,” he said.
Turns Out Living Alone Is More Difficult Than I Thought But I Am Finally Catching Up With The Mess
Depression Cleaning
I Helped My Boyfriend Clean His Room!
"The same applies to your home. You will never make it, furnish it or arrange it in a way where everyone loves you for it and wishes they had it. Some people will love it, others will like it and some will hate it. So, just enjoy doing what you want to do. That’s the only way you’ll truly be happy."
Before And After. 7 Hours Free Cleaning
I Don’t Know How It Got This Bad, But Never Again!
Finally Got My S**t Together And Cleaned And Organized The Living Room
Cleaning My Disaster House
Downstairs Cleaning- Before And After
We are disabled and struggle with additional health problems. Our office has been a hell hole for years. We've been working on it for months and hope to have it cleared by december. I think it's important to remember that you don't have to fix it all in one day. It's OK to work in your own pace. My mom is nagging us wondering if we are done yet and I have to explain (again) that we can't do it as quickly as healthy people can. I wish she would just shut up.
Perhaps explain one more time, and then say "I understand totally that you want the best for us, but the constant questions are starting to feel like nagging. We'll let you know when it has been done. We're hoping to finish by December." If she keeps asking, smile politely, shake your head and change the subject.
Load More Replies...Kudos to all the people sharing ! I find it difficult to understand how rooms can get so messy, if just for practical reasons such as circulating them. Depression is no joke from what I can see through various posts on this site.
It can be a vicious cycle, depression makes you so tired it becomes impossible to do even the most basic cleaning like picking up last night's dishes. The problem compounds and you have no clean dishes so you just get takout and then those start piling up. Then your space becomes so cluttered that you basically shut down and tune out the problem because it's just too much to deal with.
Load More Replies...Depression can be debilitating, but I feel bed for the pets, too - in many pictures, there were dogs or cats. If you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of a pet? I mean, if you can't get out of your bed, how you're gonna walk your dog?
It's often easier to find the energy/will to take care of pets that oneself.
Load More Replies...I think that most of us just have too much "stuff". I've managed to declutter much of my living space but still have plenty! I can relate to feeling unmotivated due to mental health challenges... struggle some myself at times.
My neighbor has two kids, (10 and 6) and their house was an actual disaster. Floor-to-ceiling horrifyingly messy toy racks, dirty dishes stacked miles high on the table, drawings plastering every inch of the walls, wrappers and sticky stuff on the floor everywhere, you name it. Thank god they have a hardwood floor, since I spent over 9 hours deep cleaning their house and carpet would have made it impossible to get the stickys out of it. And it's still not done. (no photos since the mother said no)
This hit home. I had tried to help get my aunt to tidy her house. Each time she cancelled our appointment. She finally drunk herself to death and left the mess. It was her only reason to clean up, to avoid leaving a mess. And she failed, she must have been in such a sad place. I am so sorry i could not help her.
I wish I could show pictures of my old apartment from when I hit rock bottom. I had six months worth of dirty dishes. Ever seen purple mold? I have. My apartment was also above the laundry room and got horrible black mold over the winter.
I'm so sorry, what a terrible place to be in physically and mentally. I'm glad you found a way to fight out of that pit and hope things keep getting better for you.
Load More Replies...I wish I had before and after photos of my works back room. We just had our inventory and the lady that came to stage our backroom is a miracle worker. I made a joke and asked if she was a witch 🤣
I do the work, then wish I had taken a 'before' picture. Oh well, at least I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!
Just a reminder that Depression is so real and hard to deal with especially if you are not seeking help for it. Good Mental Health is key to being alive to smell the roses. I speak from experience.
If anything gets far from the After pictures in my own home, I can't sleep or do anything else until it is cleaned. It drives me crazy with even a little mess.
Thank you for posting this! I think that depression leads to this and then it turns into a shame spiral. Normalizing the reality AND showing that it can be fixed is amazing!
Not often do I get any sense of hope from a BP post… this was a liberating exception
I want to thank all the brave people who showec their photos. It showed me that I'm not alone and helped me to sort out my bedroom.
All of this looks like they "Just got a date", and they need to clean it up today. I'm thinking Roberta from "Two and a half Men" should have helped us normalize this kind of need. I had a whole tirade of my Son's future (19yrs) when she just tells them straight out that it's gross and they need her. Personally, I would like to know their rates.
I have a habit of stuffing things into a closet (out of sight, out of mind) until the closet is full and essentially useless. Eventually I get motivated and go through it all, Goodwilling some things, disposing others, and generally reorganizing until the closet could pass anyone's inspection. For the next couple of days I will return to the closet occasionally just to admire my work...but I don't take before and after pics.
Most people don't. They just do the work and know what they've done and feel better about the after.
Load More Replies...We are disabled and struggle with additional health problems. Our office has been a hell hole for years. We've been working on it for months and hope to have it cleared by december. I think it's important to remember that you don't have to fix it all in one day. It's OK to work in your own pace. My mom is nagging us wondering if we are done yet and I have to explain (again) that we can't do it as quickly as healthy people can. I wish she would just shut up.
Perhaps explain one more time, and then say "I understand totally that you want the best for us, but the constant questions are starting to feel like nagging. We'll let you know when it has been done. We're hoping to finish by December." If she keeps asking, smile politely, shake your head and change the subject.
Load More Replies...Kudos to all the people sharing ! I find it difficult to understand how rooms can get so messy, if just for practical reasons such as circulating them. Depression is no joke from what I can see through various posts on this site.
It can be a vicious cycle, depression makes you so tired it becomes impossible to do even the most basic cleaning like picking up last night's dishes. The problem compounds and you have no clean dishes so you just get takout and then those start piling up. Then your space becomes so cluttered that you basically shut down and tune out the problem because it's just too much to deal with.
Load More Replies...Depression can be debilitating, but I feel bed for the pets, too - in many pictures, there were dogs or cats. If you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of a pet? I mean, if you can't get out of your bed, how you're gonna walk your dog?
It's often easier to find the energy/will to take care of pets that oneself.
Load More Replies...I think that most of us just have too much "stuff". I've managed to declutter much of my living space but still have plenty! I can relate to feeling unmotivated due to mental health challenges... struggle some myself at times.
My neighbor has two kids, (10 and 6) and their house was an actual disaster. Floor-to-ceiling horrifyingly messy toy racks, dirty dishes stacked miles high on the table, drawings plastering every inch of the walls, wrappers and sticky stuff on the floor everywhere, you name it. Thank god they have a hardwood floor, since I spent over 9 hours deep cleaning their house and carpet would have made it impossible to get the stickys out of it. And it's still not done. (no photos since the mother said no)
This hit home. I had tried to help get my aunt to tidy her house. Each time she cancelled our appointment. She finally drunk herself to death and left the mess. It was her only reason to clean up, to avoid leaving a mess. And she failed, she must have been in such a sad place. I am so sorry i could not help her.
I wish I could show pictures of my old apartment from when I hit rock bottom. I had six months worth of dirty dishes. Ever seen purple mold? I have. My apartment was also above the laundry room and got horrible black mold over the winter.
I'm so sorry, what a terrible place to be in physically and mentally. I'm glad you found a way to fight out of that pit and hope things keep getting better for you.
Load More Replies...I wish I had before and after photos of my works back room. We just had our inventory and the lady that came to stage our backroom is a miracle worker. I made a joke and asked if she was a witch 🤣
I do the work, then wish I had taken a 'before' picture. Oh well, at least I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!
Just a reminder that Depression is so real and hard to deal with especially if you are not seeking help for it. Good Mental Health is key to being alive to smell the roses. I speak from experience.
If anything gets far from the After pictures in my own home, I can't sleep or do anything else until it is cleaned. It drives me crazy with even a little mess.
Thank you for posting this! I think that depression leads to this and then it turns into a shame spiral. Normalizing the reality AND showing that it can be fixed is amazing!
Not often do I get any sense of hope from a BP post… this was a liberating exception
I want to thank all the brave people who showec their photos. It showed me that I'm not alone and helped me to sort out my bedroom.
All of this looks like they "Just got a date", and they need to clean it up today. I'm thinking Roberta from "Two and a half Men" should have helped us normalize this kind of need. I had a whole tirade of my Son's future (19yrs) when she just tells them straight out that it's gross and they need her. Personally, I would like to know their rates.
I have a habit of stuffing things into a closet (out of sight, out of mind) until the closet is full and essentially useless. Eventually I get motivated and go through it all, Goodwilling some things, disposing others, and generally reorganizing until the closet could pass anyone's inspection. For the next couple of days I will return to the closet occasionally just to admire my work...but I don't take before and after pics.
Most people don't. They just do the work and know what they've done and feel better about the after.
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