One daughter has made her beautiful mom Internet-popular in a matter of days. Recently, Twitter user @shipilkins uploaded a picture of her 43-year-old mother who looks nothing like her age, and it already has over 25K likes. After the tweet went viral, others started replying to it with photos of their own young-looking moms. However, it became clear pretty early on that this "beauty contest" will have multiple winners because these gorgeous, forever young "participants" look as if they found the elixir of life!
(h/t brightside)
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Beauty contests, celebrating a woman as a symbol of community solidarity and fertility, has a long and continuing history in Europe and North America. However, you could say their modern form came to be during the second half of the nineteenth century when women were frequently displayed in publicly staged events across the US. These events were met with little protest as long as the occasion and its organizers were 'respectable.'
I'm so jealous ! I'm a teacher too but it often feels like students suck the life out of me 😁
Women didn't wear swimsuits in public until the early twentieth century. The public staging of semi-naked women, however, developed together with modern popular culture and beauty standards, where low and high-class values became mixed and bathing beauties could be shown in movies and advertisements.
Eventually, everything came together in 1921, when Atlantic City hosted the first Miss America contest. So as not to offend public morals, the sensual aspects of the contest were obscured by a week-long, elaborate festival which included sports events, automobile races, as well as orchestra and choir competitions.
After receiving quite a bit of suspicion, beauty contests became really popular in the 1950s, with civil associations like the Jaycees and Rotary organizing them. Through mass media, the model of the contest spread all over the world. However, beauty contests still face criticism as people continue to argue that these events promote unrealistic expectations of what women are expected to, and should, look like.
she is beautiful but it really isn't fair to post pictures that are filtered or touched up and then say "see how young she looks" it's not genuine
She looks like she's had work done - but I guess it could be a filter - definitely not natural.
When did the 30’s and 40’s become old? I mean,posting a photo of a lady in her,lets say 37,and being surprised she looks young (and beautiful) is beyond my way of seeing it.
A lot of these women look their age, the do look really good, but certainly look their age. Plus what is wrong with looking 49 when you are 49?
I guess kids these days think you turn into a wrinkled, old, gray prune when turning 30? Most of them look their age and the ones that don't, use a lot of makeup, perfect poses and overexposure to look younger.
wow! a lot of these moms look great and all, but as Herb and Laura said, there is nothing wrong with looking your age!
Aside from make up and poses they all look their age.....and that should be okay
My mother at 72 years old. Yes, she is more beautiful than me. If others are proud of their children, I am very proud of my mom. :) img_201712...38526f.jpg
I was expecting to see 80 year old women looking 40, not 40 year old women looking 40. They all look great but they look their age. And when did 40 become the new 90?
Teenagers/early twenty kids always thing anything over 35 is ancient.. until they get there and realize :D
this must have been written by some 14years old...when they think that being 35 means being one step from the grave
My mom should be on this list. She's actually "Old" lol She's a beautiful 75 years young! 65728674_2...620c99.jpg
All these moms look a lot better than me: 30 with 2 kids... Well... Mine are still a toddler and a baby, maybe I'll look less dead in a few years :P
Nowhere does it say in the title anything about these women being "old". It's just kids celebrating their beautiful moms!
Well, guess there is hope for me as people usually judge me a lot younger than I am. Still ugly tho...
Bored Panda (where people are honored for replicating what others have already done and for the mass of unique individuals doing the same thing) is upholding the time honored tradition that only women who look younger than they are are worth celebrating. This is the message that we need to reinforce because constant barrage of advertisements and age-defying celebrities is not enough! Hags and fat grumps need not apply.
With the amount of overwhelming imaging manipulation available to the average internet user, there's a whole lot of nope involved in this post.
People! Nobody ever said 30-40's was old! People are saying they think their mothers are beautiful, not that they are young or old, not that they look their age or don't, just that they think that they are beautiful. Beauty doesn't have to do anything with your age, and that's not what the point of this thread is.
did anyone else got weirded out by so many of them being so in love with their moms? (i thought it's cute they are proud of them...but idk it seemed a bit exaggerated to me xD)
My mother was born in 1953... She still looks like she's in her early 40's. And my dad was born in 1957 and doesn't look a day over 40. I'm honestly use how good my parents look for their age as huuuuuge bragging rights.
Interesting how all mothers here are white. I wonder if the thread didn't have any People of colour or the authors specifically chose only white women.
It's 2019. Considering all the filters, Photoshops, etc. I don't belive any photo. Anymore.
Most of the OPs were Russians (judging from their names), and sadly, in Russian mentality over 40 is often considered old, but it's changing now. Anyway, it's inspiring to see so many good-looking "old" women, even though most likely many of the photos were retouched or used filters. As long as they are happy themselves, it's fine)
My mom isn't super old, but regardless, she's gorgeous. We get confused with each other sometimes. I take it as a compliment. I'm actually kinda jealous of her.
I could totally put photos of a certain very-good friend here. She's so beautiful, but she feels she doesn't belong because her age is a certain number. Whatev, babe.
Single dad, 50, still looking...again. I think that this is the 4th time I scrolled through this. -Dr M
It's sad these kids think their moms are old at 40. News flash.. that's not old!!!!!!
My mother is 67 and most people think she is late 40's, early 50's, My dad is 67 too and looks his age, and people who dont know us comment all the time how my dad married such a younger woman, or people ask my mother why she married someone so much older till they tell them there are only a few months apart in age. It can be funny sometimes, and it helps my mothers self-esteem that strangers think she is so young
These are pictures posted by daughters, it doesn't matter if 40's isn't considered "old". They are still old enough to have daughters, that are adding the pictures of their mothers. No one is saying "look at my old Mom"! I mean, dear God, so many people are just vomiting the same "40 isn't old" on every post...geez.
Why does everyone assume Old = Ugly and Young = Beautiful? Stupid thread and silly people.
Bored panda now celebrates teenage pregnancies from white woman that didn't get weathered by a hard life of work :D
What’s in the air there besides residual Chernobyl sieverts? I feel the need to learn Russian.
We need a more diverse ppl version, that's where the youthful genes are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 41 im thankful my child is only 2. THAT is when people tell you you are old!!! But all these women are just normal women with kids around the same age who can now post about there mums, we couldn't in our day but Im damn sure our mums looked 'young' and cool in their 40s too!
There’s looking young, which can be bought (cosmetic surgery, injected fillers) or faked (filters used in pictures), and there’s genuine youthfulness at any age. If you’re youthful, in your attitude and outlook, it will show on your face and body. You could be over 100 and still look young if you’re youthful inside. But it has to come from inside you and be genuine—-there’s no faking it. If you do have it, then all the surface stuff you do to yourself won’t help you one bit. In fact, it’ll only make you look worse.
I'm 37. 40 is not old. If you look old at 40 it's because you did not take care of yourself.
I think younger people may be tricked by filters and fakery on TV (Kardashians, for example) into thinking that 40 "should" look 25. That or they truly assume we stop being viable human beings at 35. Yikes. BTW, smiling gave me my wrinkles, so I'll flaunt 'em! :-)
Some of the photos are seeeeeeeriously filtered. I'm sure that's not necessary.
40 is young. 50 is young 60 is young. We just are stuck in an old era type thinking that people over 40 is old.
It seems like around 45 is the magic number under which you can still stead your daughter's lover.
I'm 50, and just lost a lot of weight, cut my hair short and tend to wear youthful clothing - I'm hoping I look a good 10 years younger than my actual age. My husband looks at least 15 years younger than his age - he's 53. Sometimes we meet people or see them on tv and find out they are in our age bracket, and almost fall over in shock. They look like they could be our parents. Getting a good haircut, keeping your face fresh with light makeup, staying relatively slim and not dressing at "lady stores" really does the trick. Smoking, extra pounds to let gravity have its way with you, and dressing in baggy clothing ages you tremendously.
Wth is this post about, why are these young women, mostly in their early 40s, are being projected as some sort of oldies who supposedly should look like grannies instead of how they look just now. These are cases when you realise this is an Eastern European page where women are still very oftenly being subjected to age-shaming and called old bags after they turn 30. Not cool.. not cool
Either these people live in countries where women look older in general, or really dumb young people, who think 30 and 40 is old posted this garbage. Women in their 30s and 40s look pretty good where I come from, and not because they had plastic surgeries, but because that’s still at a very young age. This was not a good post, BP. I find it very insulting to read, “my mom looks pretty good for 35”.
People stil haven't adapted to the new millenium. We eat better, we live better, we smoke less, we do decades of skincare routine, and most improtanlty. We constantly need to reinvent oursevles in a changing world. We look way younger than our parents did, at the same age. I'm 48. I think I look my age, especailly bodywise, but most people peg me for younger because I simply don't live like a frumpy old bat. Times have changed, so have we. It really is time to adapt to that.
A think a lot of commenters are missing the point of this post. Okay... so YOU'RE 36 and are A) offended that 40 is considered old and B) think so-and-so actually looks her age. These are posts from kids enamored with their mothers and giving them a spotlight to shine. The kids are PROUD of these moms. Geebus... let them have a little humble-brag moment! ALL of these moms are beautiful, and their kids who posted them are sweet to do so.
You want to look good as you get older? Stay out of the sun, take care of your skin, and don't get fat. That's all you need to know.
Well duh crank out a daughter at 20... And OMG ...your an "old" woman at 40... But that's cool cause your hott.. Who comes up with these post
It is interesting how reducing people to their appearance most times is considered bad but sometimes charming...
What a load of c**p. I can see women more beautiful at the local mall.
I think most of these people would be happier if a) they stopped comparing themselves to their mother, and b) if their mothers stopped competing for good looks.
Many commenters seem to forget that 36 is already old enough to be a grandmother. Not only this, but life expectancy for women with children in the West was not much longer than 40 to 45 up until only 100 years ago.....and actually in many places around the world this is still the case.
I noticed most of these women are foreign maybe Russian and not really American. I believe diet has to do with at least fit bodies and maybe even their skin.
When I was between marriages, my favorite age of women to date was between 45 and 50. Exes were gone. Kids were gone. Money troubles were gone. But the looks and enthusiasm were still here. I was between 35 and 40.
These posts are great! I would be curious to know their eating, fitness and skin care regime because what ever they are doing works.
As I'm about to turn 30, and feeling every new health related weakness introduced by age, seeing these youthful mature ladies kinda gives me hope.
People also have to remember this is 2019..botox is readily available to any yahoo with a credit card. So i doubt if alot of these youthful looks are natural
Weird, I thought this was going to be about "steal any man" but apparently nobody has a problem with that. WHAT KIND OF WOMAN WANTS TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE'S PARTNER? A monster, that's who.
When did the 30’s and 40’s become old? I mean,posting a photo of a lady in her,lets say 37,and being surprised she looks young (and beautiful) is beyond my way of seeing it.
A lot of these women look their age, the do look really good, but certainly look their age. Plus what is wrong with looking 49 when you are 49?
I guess kids these days think you turn into a wrinkled, old, gray prune when turning 30? Most of them look their age and the ones that don't, use a lot of makeup, perfect poses and overexposure to look younger.
wow! a lot of these moms look great and all, but as Herb and Laura said, there is nothing wrong with looking your age!
Aside from make up and poses they all look their age.....and that should be okay
My mother at 72 years old. Yes, she is more beautiful than me. If others are proud of their children, I am very proud of my mom. :) img_201712...38526f.jpg
I was expecting to see 80 year old women looking 40, not 40 year old women looking 40. They all look great but they look their age. And when did 40 become the new 90?
Teenagers/early twenty kids always thing anything over 35 is ancient.. until they get there and realize :D
this must have been written by some 14years old...when they think that being 35 means being one step from the grave
My mom should be on this list. She's actually "Old" lol She's a beautiful 75 years young! 65728674_2...620c99.jpg
All these moms look a lot better than me: 30 with 2 kids... Well... Mine are still a toddler and a baby, maybe I'll look less dead in a few years :P
Nowhere does it say in the title anything about these women being "old". It's just kids celebrating their beautiful moms!
Well, guess there is hope for me as people usually judge me a lot younger than I am. Still ugly tho...
Bored Panda (where people are honored for replicating what others have already done and for the mass of unique individuals doing the same thing) is upholding the time honored tradition that only women who look younger than they are are worth celebrating. This is the message that we need to reinforce because constant barrage of advertisements and age-defying celebrities is not enough! Hags and fat grumps need not apply.
With the amount of overwhelming imaging manipulation available to the average internet user, there's a whole lot of nope involved in this post.
People! Nobody ever said 30-40's was old! People are saying they think their mothers are beautiful, not that they are young or old, not that they look their age or don't, just that they think that they are beautiful. Beauty doesn't have to do anything with your age, and that's not what the point of this thread is.
did anyone else got weirded out by so many of them being so in love with their moms? (i thought it's cute they are proud of them...but idk it seemed a bit exaggerated to me xD)
My mother was born in 1953... She still looks like she's in her early 40's. And my dad was born in 1957 and doesn't look a day over 40. I'm honestly use how good my parents look for their age as huuuuuge bragging rights.
Interesting how all mothers here are white. I wonder if the thread didn't have any People of colour or the authors specifically chose only white women.
It's 2019. Considering all the filters, Photoshops, etc. I don't belive any photo. Anymore.
Most of the OPs were Russians (judging from their names), and sadly, in Russian mentality over 40 is often considered old, but it's changing now. Anyway, it's inspiring to see so many good-looking "old" women, even though most likely many of the photos were retouched or used filters. As long as they are happy themselves, it's fine)
My mom isn't super old, but regardless, she's gorgeous. We get confused with each other sometimes. I take it as a compliment. I'm actually kinda jealous of her.
I could totally put photos of a certain very-good friend here. She's so beautiful, but she feels she doesn't belong because her age is a certain number. Whatev, babe.
Single dad, 50, still looking...again. I think that this is the 4th time I scrolled through this. -Dr M
It's sad these kids think their moms are old at 40. News flash.. that's not old!!!!!!
My mother is 67 and most people think she is late 40's, early 50's, My dad is 67 too and looks his age, and people who dont know us comment all the time how my dad married such a younger woman, or people ask my mother why she married someone so much older till they tell them there are only a few months apart in age. It can be funny sometimes, and it helps my mothers self-esteem that strangers think she is so young
These are pictures posted by daughters, it doesn't matter if 40's isn't considered "old". They are still old enough to have daughters, that are adding the pictures of their mothers. No one is saying "look at my old Mom"! I mean, dear God, so many people are just vomiting the same "40 isn't old" on every post...geez.
Why does everyone assume Old = Ugly and Young = Beautiful? Stupid thread and silly people.
Bored panda now celebrates teenage pregnancies from white woman that didn't get weathered by a hard life of work :D
What’s in the air there besides residual Chernobyl sieverts? I feel the need to learn Russian.
We need a more diverse ppl version, that's where the youthful genes are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 41 im thankful my child is only 2. THAT is when people tell you you are old!!! But all these women are just normal women with kids around the same age who can now post about there mums, we couldn't in our day but Im damn sure our mums looked 'young' and cool in their 40s too!
There’s looking young, which can be bought (cosmetic surgery, injected fillers) or faked (filters used in pictures), and there’s genuine youthfulness at any age. If you’re youthful, in your attitude and outlook, it will show on your face and body. You could be over 100 and still look young if you’re youthful inside. But it has to come from inside you and be genuine—-there’s no faking it. If you do have it, then all the surface stuff you do to yourself won’t help you one bit. In fact, it’ll only make you look worse.
I'm 37. 40 is not old. If you look old at 40 it's because you did not take care of yourself.
I think younger people may be tricked by filters and fakery on TV (Kardashians, for example) into thinking that 40 "should" look 25. That or they truly assume we stop being viable human beings at 35. Yikes. BTW, smiling gave me my wrinkles, so I'll flaunt 'em! :-)
Some of the photos are seeeeeeeriously filtered. I'm sure that's not necessary.
40 is young. 50 is young 60 is young. We just are stuck in an old era type thinking that people over 40 is old.
It seems like around 45 is the magic number under which you can still stead your daughter's lover.
I'm 50, and just lost a lot of weight, cut my hair short and tend to wear youthful clothing - I'm hoping I look a good 10 years younger than my actual age. My husband looks at least 15 years younger than his age - he's 53. Sometimes we meet people or see them on tv and find out they are in our age bracket, and almost fall over in shock. They look like they could be our parents. Getting a good haircut, keeping your face fresh with light makeup, staying relatively slim and not dressing at "lady stores" really does the trick. Smoking, extra pounds to let gravity have its way with you, and dressing in baggy clothing ages you tremendously.
Wth is this post about, why are these young women, mostly in their early 40s, are being projected as some sort of oldies who supposedly should look like grannies instead of how they look just now. These are cases when you realise this is an Eastern European page where women are still very oftenly being subjected to age-shaming and called old bags after they turn 30. Not cool.. not cool
Either these people live in countries where women look older in general, or really dumb young people, who think 30 and 40 is old posted this garbage. Women in their 30s and 40s look pretty good where I come from, and not because they had plastic surgeries, but because that’s still at a very young age. This was not a good post, BP. I find it very insulting to read, “my mom looks pretty good for 35”.
People stil haven't adapted to the new millenium. We eat better, we live better, we smoke less, we do decades of skincare routine, and most improtanlty. We constantly need to reinvent oursevles in a changing world. We look way younger than our parents did, at the same age. I'm 48. I think I look my age, especailly bodywise, but most people peg me for younger because I simply don't live like a frumpy old bat. Times have changed, so have we. It really is time to adapt to that.
A think a lot of commenters are missing the point of this post. Okay... so YOU'RE 36 and are A) offended that 40 is considered old and B) think so-and-so actually looks her age. These are posts from kids enamored with their mothers and giving them a spotlight to shine. The kids are PROUD of these moms. Geebus... let them have a little humble-brag moment! ALL of these moms are beautiful, and their kids who posted them are sweet to do so.
You want to look good as you get older? Stay out of the sun, take care of your skin, and don't get fat. That's all you need to know.
Well duh crank out a daughter at 20... And OMG ...your an "old" woman at 40... But that's cool cause your hott.. Who comes up with these post
It is interesting how reducing people to their appearance most times is considered bad but sometimes charming...
What a load of c**p. I can see women more beautiful at the local mall.
I think most of these people would be happier if a) they stopped comparing themselves to their mother, and b) if their mothers stopped competing for good looks.
Many commenters seem to forget that 36 is already old enough to be a grandmother. Not only this, but life expectancy for women with children in the West was not much longer than 40 to 45 up until only 100 years ago.....and actually in many places around the world this is still the case.
I noticed most of these women are foreign maybe Russian and not really American. I believe diet has to do with at least fit bodies and maybe even their skin.
When I was between marriages, my favorite age of women to date was between 45 and 50. Exes were gone. Kids were gone. Money troubles were gone. But the looks and enthusiasm were still here. I was between 35 and 40.
These posts are great! I would be curious to know their eating, fitness and skin care regime because what ever they are doing works.
As I'm about to turn 30, and feeling every new health related weakness introduced by age, seeing these youthful mature ladies kinda gives me hope.
People also have to remember this is 2019..botox is readily available to any yahoo with a credit card. So i doubt if alot of these youthful looks are natural
Weird, I thought this was going to be about "steal any man" but apparently nobody has a problem with that. WHAT KIND OF WOMAN WANTS TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE'S PARTNER? A monster, that's who.