"Unposted Letters" is a collection of illustrated stories by Indian visual artist Vimal Chandran that portrays various soulful moments of life captured in a frame with a pinch of surrealism in it. The main characters from the illustrations are a boy, a girl, and a red umbrella wherein the red umbrella is often shown as a metaphor for Love. Each illustration is a letter from the boy to the girl accompanied by a caption/prose. Vimal started making Unposted Letters illustrations in 2010 and they are mostly inspired by pop culture. The illustration style is very minimalistic but vibrant and conceptually driven.
Vimal Chandran's work is often a skillful concoction of urban art, illustrations, graphic design, photography, and film. The artist is currently working in Bangalore, India.
More info: vimalchandran.com | Facebook | Instagram | unpostedletters.in | unpostedletters.in
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He is one of my favourite artist. You should see his art in Instagram too, they are so lovely.
Where is his pants???.......Not goint to last...he dont have pants on.....
I love the midnight blue of the water, looks like a dark cloudy night sky. Perfect backdrop.
My favotite. I'll never be alone as long as you are near me, even just in my memory or in my deams.
The moon will light my way, my heart will tell me when it's time.
When my husband was wounded my letters were sent the wrong place, he thought I'd left him. His commrades assured him I did not. A week later he recieved all the letters I'd written that week. Same thing happened at home, his letters stopped then when they all showed up at one time I called his Mom and we cried we were so happy.
Falling is not the end , it's the beginning of a new journey upward.
Sometimes they come back, sometimes they send for you, sometimes they wait for you.
Our garden is grown with our private thoughts , things we only share with each other.
As you clinb the ladder look around at the changing view , don't let your only memories be about the struggle.
I don't want what you have to steal, I'd rather have an honest man I trust.
I'll stand by you through it all, win or loose, no matter how soon it's over or how long it takes. I will not leave you.
Ice on the top doesn't mean there is nothing underneath to bring back to life.
Long lost memories can be replaced with new ones made better by experience.
So beautiful, I hope you bring out a little book of these,I would buy it. Really lovely!
So beautiful, I hope you bring out a little book of these,I would buy it. Really lovely!