Let’s be honest, my little ones and I don’t get out much. Four under the age of 5 is not a good combo. I do love them, but a simple trip to the store or post office takes hours of preparation and nothing short of a straight jacket for mom to deal it the whole outing. We tried to go watch my niece, Piper, graduate from 5th grade. We lasted about 20 min and then things got out of hand. Wrestling between the 3 and 5 year old over a fruit snack and the toddler ramming the stroller into too many unsuspecting victims. Trying to get ahead of a war I hightailed it out of there and took away playground time from the offenders. The only good one was Jorgen who was luckily sound asleep in the front pack. Getting yelled at by a bystander for interrupting this life altering 5th grade promotion by opening the door to leave was the last straw. I needed a Circle K soda pop , with the good ice, and I needed it now. I could not imagine taking in the now crying and irate children into a gas station and heaven forbid leaving them locked in the car with the windows down for 45 seconds and risk CPS being called. I drove towards Circle K hoping to spy a friendly face to help me out. I sat parked for about 2 min contemplating taking them all in when a gentleman from our church pulled up. Let’s just say I am so glad there are still good people in the world. And even though he looked at me pretty funny I want him to know that he saved the day!