‘Be Amazed’: This Online Community Celebrates Amazing Things, People And Events, Here’s 50 Of Their Best Posts
The world is a big place and there's so much happening here that it's impossible to keep track of every noteworthy moment. Luckily, there are "depositories" that store them so we can catch up.
Take the subreddit r/BeAmazed, for example. It unites over 3.2 million members, and they're constantly sharing content that moves them the most. From animals and traveling to history and sports, these folks touch upon a huge variety of subjects and since the inception of the community in 2015, they have collected quite the archive.
When we at Bored Panda stumbled upon it, we immediately knew that you, our dear readers, would appreciate it as much as we did, so without further ado, continue scrolling and check out a collection of r/BeAmazed's most popular posts.
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Meet Theresa Kachindamoto
That Is Sweet
These pictures might seem trivial, but taking a break from the negativity around us can do a lot of good to our mental well-being.
According to Austin Perlmutter, M.D., who is a board-certified internal medicine physician and focuses on helping others to improve decision-making and quality of life, it doesn't take many news reports to end up believing that the world is rapidly descending into disaster and chaos, even though many aspects of life have improved dramatically over the last few decades.
"Exposure to consistent, sensationalized pessimism and negativity has become the norm for those keeping up with the news," Perlmutter wrote.
One Of The Real Heroes
Racism Is Dumb And Einstein Was Not Dumb
Research proves that what we see on the news can significantly impact our mental health.
"While negative news may influence our thinking through multiple mechanisms, one important consideration is how it interfaces with our cognitive biases, keeping our focus on everything that’s going wrong while blinding us to all the good things around us," Perlmutter explained.
In 2016, Partner Surgeons Dr Darrell Cass & Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye Successfully Operated On A 23 Week Old Baby By Removing Her From The Mother’s Womb, Removing A Tumour And Then Replacing Her Back In The Womb. She Was Born A Second Time, Healthy And On Time
The Goodest Girl 15/10
Jokes On You
The doctor provided three specific cognitive biases that are activated by negative news to keep us unhappy and advice on how to start making changes to break the cycle:
1. Negativity bias doesn't allow us to turn off negative news.
"Negativity bias refers to the fact that humans focus on negative events, information, or emotions more than their positive counterparts. In more dangerous times, this bias may have provided an evolutionary benefit (e.g., we were more likely to notice potential threats to our safety). But in the modern world, our preference for the negative has been harnessed to keep our attention," Perlmutter said.
This helps explain why the news consistently emphasizes stories on the worst things happening in the world, both globally (wars) and locally (robberies). "Not only are we seeking out the negative, but media outlets are actively trying to give us more of it. It’s a double dose."
This Is The Smile Of Someone Who Stared Death In The Face. And Promptly Told It To Piss Off. Om Prakash, A 10 Year Old Kid From India, Saved 8 Children Out Of A Burning School Bus
Blind Man Explains The Positive Things About Being Blind
The Real Ultimative Chad
Couple With Down Syndrome Told Not To Marry, Prove Critics Wrong 25 Years Later
2. Due to availability bias, after we see negativity, we overestimate its significance.
"Availability bias (also called the availability heuristic) is the tendency for people to overestimate the importance of the examples that immediately come to mind when considering a topic," Perlmutter said. "These examples are, of course, influenced by whatever you were most recently paying attention to, as well as the things you pay attention to the most."
"So if you just watched a news report on local robberies, and then were asked about problems in your town, you might say that robberies were a major issue, even if they were, in general, very uncommon. If you’re constantly watching negative news, the availability bias means your brain may be more likely to remember horrible events and then believe that these relatively infrequent occurrences actually represent the general state of things."
This Marine With “I Can’t Breathe” Taped Over His Mouth Stood For Hours In Silent Protest Calling For Justice For Victims Of Police Killings. He Stood Unmoving For So Long In The Hot Sun At The Utah State Capitol That His Shoes Melted Into The Pavement
The Guy Picked Up The Exhausted Dog, And He Turned Out To Be A Wonderful Husky
We Could Sure Use A Little Roosevelt Today!
Realistic Mural Of A True American Hero
3. Confirmation bias means that we will find a way to support negativity.
According to the doctor, confirmation bias is the idea that we will actively seek out, remember, and favor evidence that confirms something we already believe. "If you have decided that robberies are common in your hometown, confirmation bias makes it more likely for you to latch onto the data that supports this belief," Perlmutter highlighted. "Your brain will selectively focus on the information that helps your preexisting theory, ignoring conflicting facts."
We can also apply this on a larger scale: if you believe the world is a horrible place, confirmation bias means you’ll be looking out for proof that this is true while making it harder to hear perspectives that suggest the contrary.
What A Nice Story
Good Job Volvo
... taking this out of the competition is truly right and farsighted. Everyone knows, every competitor can use it, and likely will, once people take this into account when deciding which vehicle they're to buy. Unthinkable today - even capitalism became more capitalist, now being capitalismism or so ... and then again, this is so simple, yet effective, outperforming everything even in sight of the simplicity, and outsimpling everything even in sight of the same performance. A truly great invention - simple, effective, efficient, wellmeant. THIS is how engineers want car companies to act!
India Is Waking Up, The Mahimbeachcleanup Has Cleared More Than 700 Tons Of Plastic From Our Beach
The World’s Humblest Head Of State
The first step in reducing the detrimental effects of negativity bias, Perlmutter thinks, is simply to limit your consumption of negativity at the source. "It's one thing to be informed, but quite another to expose yourself to sensationalized negativity for hours a day," he highlighted.
"Before and after taking in the news, ask yourself how much you really learned. If you were mostly confirming what you already believed, it probably wasn’t that helpful of an experience. Consider turning off the news when you feel you’re getting angry or otherwise upset. Better yet, try a news fast for a week and see how you feel."
6 Years, 720,000 Attempts, Alan Mcfadyen's Perfect Kingfisher Dive Photo
When My Grandad Passed Away My Grandmother(She Is 85) Started Learning Painting To Distract Herself. After A Year She Gave Me This Painting.
Way To Go To Save Trees
Indeed A Hero
To lower the risks of availability bias, try to put negative information into context. Consider this: bad things happen every day, but this doesn’t mean that life is necessarily bad or getting worse.
"When you hear a negative statistic ... about some recent disaster, you shouldn’t just write it off, but instead try to consider whether this is an isolated data point or actually part of a larger trend. The idea is that if you store new information in a more objective manner, it will give you a more balanced perspective when you later use it as a reference," Perlmutter said.
And That, Ladies And Gentlemen, Is How You Fight A War On Drugs And Addiction
Landscape Perfectly Divided By This Railing
Once In A Lifetime Shot
The Winning Sand Sculpture Of 2019’s Texas Sand Sculpture Festival
Finally, there's the confirmation bias. With so many opinions and data points floating both online and in real life, it’s easy to find a detail that supports virtually any opinion. But Perlmutter believes this makes it all the more important to create strategies to lower the negative impact of this bias on our thinking.
"One powerful way to start lowering the effects of confirmation bias is to question your beliefs periodically," he said. "What are the facts on which your opinions are built? For example, after seeing multiple horrific articles on recent crime, you may think your hometown has become ... a more dangerous place to live, but have you actually examined any real data to support this idea?"
Challenging your perspective can be difficult but it's well worth it, dear Pandas.
What A Difference A Year Makes
Clever Girl
Weight Loss
Finally Finished This Charcoal Drawing, And Wanted To Share It With You Guys. A Month And A Half, 120 Hours, And I'm Unreasonably Happy With It
This looks like a photograph... not a drawing! 👏 AMAZING
In 1849, Henry "Box" Brown Was A Slave Who Mailed Himself In A Wooden Crate To Freedom From Richmond, Virginia To The Anti Slavery Office In Philadelphia. The Delivery Took 26 Hours And He Later Became A Public Speaker And Slave Abolitionist
The cruelness of slavery, caused incredible determination to just be human. A Human being risking their life, just to live. For those who make jokes, it shows your uncomfortableness with the true horrors that transpired.
Great Dude.
Gabby Thomas
5 Years On From Breaking Her Neck And Becoming Quadriplegic, This Happened Today. Hard Work And Determination Pays Off!
Lincoln The Cat Guy
Outdoor Rug Made From Rocks
Wisteria Climbing Up A Home In South Kensington, London
What A Thoughtful Doctor
"Congratulations, it's a girl! Now if you'll please excuse me, my contractions started an hour ago."
When Her Husband Died And Was Left Without A Breadwinner, Mary Ann Bevan Decided To Enter A Contest And Won The Offensive Title Of "Ugliest Woman In The World" & Was Hired By A Circus. She Endured The Ridicule Of Others In Order To Raise Her Children & Give Them A Better Life
Biomechanical Tattoo
Straight Out Of A Fairy Tale
Cotton Candy Lobster - 1 In 100million Catch! Donated To The Huntsman Marine Science Center. He’ll Be Safe And Sound At The Huntsman, Where He’ll Live Out The Rest Of His Life
Reminds Me Of Spirited Away
Hongyadong, located in the municipality of Chongqing, China. I wish the so-called "writers" of these posts could do a LITTLE research.
Four Seasons On An Island In Finnland
Rain Cloud Near The Beach
Well That Looks Kinda Derp--Wait What
Awesome Photography Hacks They Use In Advertising
Valonia Ventricosa, The Largest Single-Celled Organism On Earth. Yep, This Is A Single Living Cell
You can go to humanprogress.org if you want a bigger dose.
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