40 People Who Have Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Are
We all grow up with a different skill set depending on our circumstances. A person who grew up on a farm will know how to milk a cow and a person who grew up in a city will be aware of when traffic gets heavier to avoid it. These skills and knowledge are acquired by experience or are taught, but even if you need them, you don’t necessarily have them.
Redditors noticed that some people lack knowledge that they consider to be basic, so they shared what gaps bother them and filled others in when user ej1273 asked “What’s considered basic knowledge that many people don’t know?”
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Your google search does not trump my years of school and 40 years of medical practice.
Maybe, but a Facebook article posted by some random person with no knowledge or credibility in the matter does.... ( Obviously Im being sarcástic here )
Well a google search usually DOES beat those. Seriously, you see some crazy claim online, Google it. Within the first ten links is usually a link to a Wikipedia article. If it's something topical and controversial it's going to be well moderated. Wikipedia's not perfect, but it's good enough to win most online arguements.
Load More Replies...Your single class on my condition does not trump my 20 years of living with it.
Exactly. My doctors said they were surprise my inflammatory condition caused coagulation, but I googled it and found loads of medical journals stating that as a fact, which was later confirmed by the haematologist!
Load More Replies...If doctors were doing their jobs properly we wouldn't need to use google. Anxiety should not be your first diagnosis for any woman before you do any diagnostic testing.
"If doctors were doing their jobs properly we wouldn't need to use google." This is exactly right!! Google helped me figure out what was actually wrong with me while many doctors and specialists kept writing it off as depression. I refused to accept that and did my own research via Google for 2 years until I figured it out on my own and went to get a proper diagnosis.
Load More Replies...I beg to differ on this one. I've correctly diagnosed myself from a google search multiple times. And went in telling the doctors exactly what was wrong and they used "my anxiety" and "weight" as the cause and ushered me out. Only to finally find a doctor who listened and ran all proper tests and every single diagnosis google gave me was CORRECT. Finally got proper treatment
Especially "weight". Easy diagnosis for lazy doctors.
Load More Replies...My living with a condition for 15 years, however, DOES trump that one class about said condition that you slept through because you had a party the night before, doctor!
40 years of medical practice should provide the experience to tell baloney from facts but the world is changing really fast. Its impossible for any doctor to stay up to date on new information. IBM has an AI whose sole function is to read the 5000 new medical articles that are published every single day and send summary alerts to doctors who should check out the good ones. One needs to be open possibly being wrong and not dismissing something crazy just out of hand. If some nut comes in asking for horse tranquilizers for COVID, have the courtesy to check it out to see if there is any real science behind it before rejecting it outright. There could be some new things you just haven't had time to read about yet. You can then have a conversation with someone who realizes you respect them and keep them from dying by explaining what those pills really do. Too many conspiracy people get that way because they feel they are rejected as a person when you reject their suggestion. Taking the time to explain a misunderstanding can alleviate that and a doctor needs to use their 40 years to get through to them.
That may be true, but you still need to listen to your patients as they are the experts on themselves and are often forced to google because they can't get an appointment.
THIS!!! Even if you have a good doctor, you must advocate for yourself and speak up. I'm lucky enough to have a doctor that listens to me and we figure out a treatment plan together.
Load More Replies...I know a lot about my medical conditions, to the point my cardiologist asked if I googled it. She was pleasantly surprised when I said "No, I listened carefully to what you said "
When my mom went in for surgery on her foot, the surgeon wrote an order in big red letters “MAY TAKE OWN ASTHMA MEDICATIONS. LEAVE AT BEDSIDE” He had spoken with her respiratory MD. Best respirologist in the world at the time. Not hyperbole. Dr. Collin Wolfe is a legend in that field. That’s what he recommended to the surgeon. Told him she knows what she’s doing better than they at that hospital does. What did they do? Take her medications away. including her inhaler. Nothing to drink after midnight. They didn’t give her her medications. It would have been ok with a small bit of water. By morning she was in serious trouble not being able to breathe. My mom heard the surgeon in the hall just losing it on the anesthesiologist and nurses. Surgery cancelled. Her specialist contacted. Things fixed. Medications at bedside to manage herself. Sometimes you have to trust the patient.
Load More Replies...It really depends what the medical issue is. Doctors are great with some things but really not with many - anything rare, multi-system or that primarily impacts women they're often useless. Google and patient support communities got me through things that no doctor did. The better medical professionals (ie no ego) are very open to learning from patient experience. (I'm definitely talking about lived experience and community knowledge, not some person with no experience who feels they can comment on something after ten minutes on Google).
It does if you've been retired for even a decade (less, depending on your chosen field.) I've had people who were psychologists in 2000 tell me I should be "over" my CPTSD by now.
Have you researched the new ketamine therapy yet? They've had tremendous success with CPTSD using guided ketamine therapy. I know someone who was depressed for years and nothing worked until they tried ketamine therapy. They claim it rewired their brain and that's actually what the studies show that it does. As far as my friend is concerned, they consider themselves to be cured. Paraplegia has been cured with psilocybin therapy, as well. Both psilocybin and ketamine literally rewire the nervous system, like a computer reboot. I'm discussing it with my neuropsych, as a treatment for post concussion syndrome combined with PTSD. The VA is claiming 94% success rate with veterans who had CPTSD.
Load More Replies...This is hit and miss. The medical industry is very bias. And doctors go out of their way to discredit what you think or know about your own health. If you try to educate yourself about your own symptoms the doctor will often take it as a challenge to prove you wrong. It's not usually about helping you, or even using their training, they are specifically bothered by the fact that you think you know anything without them. They also discredit woman and chronic pain in general, not taking their health seriously. When your at a loss with doctors your whole life you bet that person is probably going to do their best with google to try to help themselves. It took me 9 doctors in probably about 4 years to get properly diagnosed with chronic staff infections. The first 8 doctors where happy putting me on antibiotics through most of my childhood, I was nearly an adult by the time the 9th doctor finally labeled what was happening and gave me a simple cream for my reoccurring problem.
Pretty much the only sites I research stuff is the NIH and Mayo Clinic. Fortunately I’m a retired nurse and know not to go to the medical web sites that scare the living daylights out of you and predict you’ll be dead by morning. MDs don’t know everything and sometimes it takes a bit of research at reputable sites. My retired 😢 MD realized he didn’t know everything and did his research. I figured out I had Burning Mouth Syndrome. He’d never heard of it. Looked it up. Uses the same sites I do. Yep sent me to a specialist who verified it and the treatment. After my MD, pharmacist and me knocked our heads into a brick wall trying to find out a cause, I googled the question the right way. Up come 5 articles that ARB blood pressure med is a common culprit. It can be a resource, but you have to know what you’re doing.
A former boss had both a significant other and a close friend who were physicians. They said that what most patients don't want to recognize is that there's a reason working as a physician is called the "practice" of medicine. Yes, a doctor is guided by test results and many years of training, but experience and listening to the patient are crucial because, in many cases, the doctor is making an educated guess based on symptoms and test results. Symptoms help guide which tests are ordered, but if the physician doesn't listen to the patient, they're likely to miss a pertinent test that might provide a definitive diagnosis.
Load More Replies...That said, a trawl through PubMed can point out some very interesting and pertinent facts.
Having a degree means you went to univerity and passed exams, it doesn't predict how well you'll treat patients. There are plenty of "doctors" that STILL believe "Black people don't feel pain like white people do", and quacks that tell women with endometriosis, "it's all in your head". Post-Concussion support groups know more than cranks in white coats because all the members have been down the same road and share information. Many doctors are lazy. They want everything to be simple so they can get to the next patient and get paid more, just like those answering phones at call centres. Anything that requires intensive effort ticks them off and they'll do the least work they can to get out of it. Why worry when the only one who will face consequences is the patient that suffers pain or dies, not the quack that failed to listen to them?
Watching Free Speech TV. All kinds of groups would get on there. There was a more liberal discussion on there. Here was a sociologist with a PhD, all kinds of publications, & had led many studies on the subject. He had done a great analysis & came up with a solution. Yes, finally someone is smart. Their next contestant on the subject was the typical mid-western housewife. She had no job outside the home, no travel, no real life experiences. But she had been educated by blogs & social media. She spoke much more in layman's terms & down to earth even though she was clueless. Finally the third one to speak was dressed up like a professor & had that whole nutty professor look. He spoke loud & fast. Lots of charts & graphs. He was full of conspiracy theories about secret govt cabals to UFOs. They did a telephone poll of who was the best one who presented the best solution. Guess who folks thought was the best. The crazy dude.
That only counts if professionals actually keep themself up to date and dont blindly trust whatever they read just because it was made public.
I entered my symptoms into IMDB instead of WebMD and discovered I have Gary Busey...
I love the idiots who claim that Fox News and Twitter are reliable sources of information.
I mean...this is obviously very true, but also don't just dismiss my search out of hand without at least considering the symptoms either. If it's concerning enough to get into your office, I deserve teh courtesy of a real exam. My ankylosing spondylitis could have been caught 2-3 years earlier and my neck wouldn't have fused had the first doc not been a butt about it.
I dunno... I feel like doctors aren't really required to keep up with more recent developments are still treating certain conditions the way they were 40 years ago. I also feel that diagnosing people 'statistically' makes for some inaccurate diagnoses.
A google search did lead me into discovering that I have "Linburg Comstock," however, which is a thing my primary doc did not know about. ...why would he though, he's not a wrist specialist, and despite LCS being relatively common, a slim percent of those who have it have problems with it, and it is thus not really talked about. Makes it extra fun with trying to find a surgeon who *has* fixed it, or at least one willing to try. And let me watch. Please.
Sometimes doctors don’t agree with each other on every detail even within the same field. Maybe it’s worth asking more than one doctor either in person which may be difficult but worth trying to in the case of a major decision like a surgery, or when researching medical stuff online. Each doctor have added their own experiences in practicing on top of what they learned in medical school and they understand that there are often more than one way to approach a problem. It’s important to trust doctors over some guy on the internet but it’s also important to accept that they might not completely agree on anything amongst themselves.
That depends. See #2 above. Years of education and medical practice doesn't automatically qualify you to give valid, expert, advice. This is compounded even further in the face of "qualified" medical personnel actively speaking against vaccination and the benefits of vaccination.
We certainly learned that with those anti-vax doctors during COVID. I don't know why you got down voted.
Load More Replies...Honestly - sometimes it does. I diagnosed my own shoulder. I was right, 70 doctors were wrong. And I got proof.
Low calorie food don't mean healthy food
Vegan doesn't mean healthy
Fats aren't unhealthy
My diabetic mother got told by her doctor to eat low fat foods. Have you ever seen the sugar content on those things? Shockingly, her blood sugar went through the roof. Even the medical community aren't exempt from this ignorance
That homelessness isn't just caused by bad life choices. It's very often caused by things outside the person's control. It's also a lot harder to come back from homelessness than many people think.
The little stick on the left side of the steering column of every car is your turn signal. If you push it up, it will tell people around you that you are turning right and push it down to indicate a left turn.
That forgetting your headphones doesn't mean we want to hear you scrolling through tiktok on the bus
100% on this One, my phone media sounds are ALWAYS on mute when Im outside.
The words virus, fungus and bacteria aren’t interchangeable
“My virus infection on my foot is well, now time to have some mushroom soup. Fun fact: mushroom is a bacteria. I’m going to take an antibacterial the doctor prescribed for my fungus caused strep throat”
Playing music at full volume out of your phone does not sound good or make you look cool.
How long it takes a semi truck to stop
My partner drives a HGV, you'd be surprised how many people when approaching lights or stop signs just pull right in front or overtake just before cutting the stopping distance down drastically.
That I don't control the f*****g prices of where I work at.
Of course we control the prices. Don't you know there's a special button that can be pressed to randomly change the prices just for certain customers?
How to say please and thank you
People get hung up on using specific words. Just be polite. Saying something like "i couldn't trouble you for another drink, could I?" is a hell of a lot more polite than saying "give me another drink please". The words aren't actually magic. Your attitude is much more important
Just because you can that doesn’t mean you should.
This is my friend group’s motto as we are too dumb for our own good
Yelling louder doesn’t make you more correct.
To not stop in the middle of the sidewalk and have a conversation, causing everyone to move around you
You can't catch a cold from walking outside with wet hair.
Ps. My mom still believes this to this day.
The cold is caused by a virus, but cold can inhibit your immune response
The proper use of lose and loose.
Ye gods, THIS. We are dumbing ourselves into changing words because we can't figure out how to spell, just like how "literally" (which only pertains to the written word) is now in the Oxford Dictionary as a form of "actually". I have to stop myself from using it!
The left lane is not a hangout lane. Either pass or get the hell out of the left lane.
That your local pharmacy doesn't have any control over the actual production of your meds.
Why is cough medicine out of stock? I don't know. Maybe a factory in Ukraine blew up and they are our main supplier. Maybe Jeff pressed the wrong button and contaminated all the medications in the production line. I DON'T KNOW.
And yes, I am well aware that a pandemic is currently occurring. Thanks for the reminder.
I hate people.
Idk if this is considered basic knowledge but it's really good to know:
If your car gets stuck in snow, take out the floor mats and stick them under your tires as best you can, in the direction you are wanting to go (so the tires can drive on them). This helps give you some traction. You can reuse this technique as far as needed, just parking, getting out, and moving the floor mats back to right in front/behind your tires.
It irks me when I watch TV shows where the characters get stuck and can't get out of the snow, when they clearly have floor mats in their car. It has come to my attention over the past couple years that a lot of people don't know this, so now I try and bring it up every time it remotely comes up in a convo.
Also, keep emergency supplies in your vehicle. Jumper cables, a flashlight and batteries (keep them stored separately because corrosion), food/water, gloves, winter boots if applicable where you are, etc. Also, look up the underwater car episode of Mythbusters, just good to know :)
EDIT: as u/ruetheblue says below, if the snow is covering the tailpipe TURN THE CAR OFF. (Carbon monoxide)
Better yet, if you live on a heavy Snow prone área, buy tire chains. ( Oh..... And be sure to know what are your car's drive wheels lol, i laugh my a*s off because some One got the chains in the rear wheels of a VW Golf. Which is a front wheel drive car )
Shopping carts don't belong in parking stalls
In the UK and Ireland, all trolleys only unlock with a euro or pound coin, which releases when you return it. Is that not a thing everywhere?
If someone has just injured their back or head DO NOT MOVE THEM
Ahhh and this might seem grosse, but the best way for you to check if someone hás injuried its back or neck is checking if the person hás urinated or defecated it self, this would mean a possibly Lost of sfyncter control and there for a severe spine injury.
When your turn signal starts blinking at 2x speed it's a warning that one of your turn signal bulbs is out.
Wish they had something like this for brake lights. I had a nice lady park beside my in the parking lot to tell me that both my brake lights weren't working. I has the guys at work check them (I work at a big box with an automotive department) and it turned out that both my light bulbs just burned out at the same time.
Ladies, don't flush your tampons. It doesn't matter if you are on city sewer or a septic system, it is _terrible_ and causes all kinds of issues.
But you CAN flush flushable wipes. This is a joke to get a rise out if Chucky. Please don't flush them. Water maintenance people hate them and they cause a lot of problems.
Where their water shutoff is in their house.
Oh, yes, and that there should be valves under a sink or behind a toilet to turn off the water if it's gushing out of control.
that alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant.
It lowers inhibitions and cognitive abilities as well. If you are a thrill seeker who loves adrenaline rushes you now have less ability to discern something is a bad idea and a lower threshold to decide to do it. Liquid courage is real. You aren't stimulated, just too drunk to identify your own emotions and thoughts.
ZIPPERING, the method of keeping a sustained stream of traffic from both sides be it merging or whatever.
I wish there were a public education campaign around this. Seems like so many people (at least where I live) think you are being greedy/inconsiderate if you don’t merge far ahead of time. Try to zipper and you run the risk of people not letting you in because they think you “cheated” by not sitting in traffic a mile before the merge point.
A yield sign means to let the other vehicle go before you, not you trying to beat the other vehicle.
Sadly in North Carolina it is a suggestion. Getting on a crowded interstate? Go full speed and get ahead of everyone. Approaching a roundabout with cars entering and exiting? Speed up so you can get there just as someone else is entering or don't bother to stop at all.
Each time you make a credit card purchase, you are taking out a short term, high interest loan which will accrue interest if you don’t pay it off by the end of the month.
That is why i don't have nor do i want to have credit cards, i only have debit cards, either i can afford it, or i can't.
Don’t put water on a grease fire. This is when your pan/pot catches fire while cooking.
Cover it with the pot or pan lid and turn off the heat
Edit: people in the replies have also added that baking soda and salt can work to smother the fire. Additionally a grease fire safe extinguisher is a good thing to have in your kitchen.
Drinking alcohol makes a person FEEL warmer but you're much more susceptible to freezing to death.
Measure twice, cut once
No added sugar or preservatives is not the same as no sugar or preservatives. It just means no extra sugar or preservatives during packaging.
I love this. All the "natural" meat with no artificial preservatives. Read the label and it has celery extract AKA sodium nitrite. Its a less pure version of the same chemical as your artificial preservative.
Just basics of using a computer. Especially nowdays when most things are done digitally.
It’s just mind boggling when co-workers wifi does not work, or a program froze and they just don’t know what to do. Then when I reset the router or restart the computer they proceed to call me a Wizard. Like dude, what the heck?
I got an undeserved reputation as a technical wizard when a colleague of mine had difficulty arranging her keyboard (not wireless) to her preferred sitting position. I crawled under the table, unknotted the macramé of usb cables and put them back in, gaining her half a meter of cable and wiggling room. Boom!
You can calculate the percentage of something by multiplying it by a number between 0 and 1. Want 80% of something? Multiply by 0.8. Want 180% of something? Multiply by 1.8.
The fact there's a percentage button on many calculators shows that this very basic idea is not well known as it should be....
Income tax rates are tiered (or bracketed). You will never make less money by getting a raise. Only a portion of your income gets taxed at the higher rate once you enter the next bracket.
I was expecting "sugar rush is not real" to appear somewhere. That got to be one of the least know truths in the U.S.A.
I have one. That on every car dashboard. There is a marker, either on the left or right side of your gas tank symbol, and that tells you which side of the car should face the gas pump.
Not on every car I'm afraid. It is on mine, but not my husband's.
Load More Replies...That if you watch the pedestriancrossing light when approaching a intersection Ina vehicle,and it is still showing walk then don't slow the he'll down worried the green light turning yellow,if it flashing still two cars can make it thru before yellow,if it solid then turning yellow right away.
Store bought meat in America: treated with any combination of ~3,000 additives: steroids, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, immune suppressants (which decrease effectiveness of vaccines and damage DNA). Also: irradiation. Even the packaging (PFAS) is toxic and leaches into food.
I was expecting "sugar rush is not real" to appear somewhere. That got to be one of the least know truths in the U.S.A.
I have one. That on every car dashboard. There is a marker, either on the left or right side of your gas tank symbol, and that tells you which side of the car should face the gas pump.
Not on every car I'm afraid. It is on mine, but not my husband's.
Load More Replies...That if you watch the pedestriancrossing light when approaching a intersection Ina vehicle,and it is still showing walk then don't slow the he'll down worried the green light turning yellow,if it flashing still two cars can make it thru before yellow,if it solid then turning yellow right away.
Store bought meat in America: treated with any combination of ~3,000 additives: steroids, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, immune suppressants (which decrease effectiveness of vaccines and damage DNA). Also: irradiation. Even the packaging (PFAS) is toxic and leaches into food.