35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were
Common knowledge isn't that common. Sure, you can't know everything, and excelling in one area often means neglecting another, but things like first aid and the definition (and use) of free speech should be universally understood. At least, in the perfect world — it's in everyone's best interest.
But, again, they're not. So when Reddit user CasualBeers made a post on the platform, asking its users to share basic facts that they've noticed a surprisingly large number of people don't know, folks immediately started listing their suggestions. Here are some of the most popular ones.
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that freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want without consequences or other people giving you s**t about it. it just means you can't go to jail for criticizing the government.
How vaccines work. If they “make you sick,” it’s because they’re working! Your body is mounting a defense and creating antibodies to help fight off infection. A lot of really smart scientists have devoted their entire lives to keep us safe against life-threatening infection and people who have no medical training refuse them. It seems pretty idiotic and cavalier to me
Just because it's natural doesn't mean it is automatically healthy.
Just because it is artificial or synthetic doesn't mean it is automatically bad for you.
Blinkers aren't for you; they're to warn other road users of your intentions. Blinking a fraction of a second before you turn, or worse, start to turn then activate the blinkers does f**k all.
It's why it's called a signal: it signals your intention to slow down and turn. Do it. Do it before you put on your brakes. Give people that warning.
Antibiotics do not work on a virus.
Edit: I did not expect this to blow up this much. Thank you so much for the awards and the shared information!
I’m sure it’s just natural selection at this point
but the amount of stupid people I see walking up to wild creatures for video footage is irritating tbh.
Bonus points if the human gets hurt haha
The difference between there, their, and they’re.
It is very easy to not block the whole aisle with your cart at the grocery store.
But what if you, your spouse, and kids run into another family of five who you haven't seen since last Sunday and you have to spend 20 minutes catching up? /s
Don't just pet someone's dog. Always ask first!
Especially if its a service dog, like a seeing eye dog. He's working, so don't distract him.
How long it takes a semi truck to stop
Don’t dive in the water to save a drowning person. They WILL kill you. Throw them a flotation device. Hand them a broomstick and pull them to safety. Do NOT get in the water with a panicking person. Wait until they are unconscious and then dive in to retrieve them.
Source: years of swim lessons and unfortunately knowing somebody who has died trying to rescue somebody
That you should wait for people to get off the elevator when it arrives at your floor, instead of cramming yourself in when the doors open, blocking their departure.
This one is for my fellow men out there. Washing your booty hole DOES NOT make you gay. I have seen comments being made by a plethora of males stating that. It’s basic hygiene yo.
You can pick the better of two evils and still not like either choice.
You don't need to be 100% for one thing and 100% against something else.
So many people don’t seem to understand grey area or nuance. I see it a lot with politics and opinions. I learned early on growing up with my siblings that sometimes you can both be kinda right or wrong and that just because someone did something hurtful doesn’t necessarily mean it was their intent to hurt, but so many people are so quick to vilify others for deeds or opinions (obviously this isn’t counting objectively wrong stuff like most crime or bigotry)
Woman is singular, women is plural. Hate seeing inspirational comments that are intended to be moving start off with “As an independent women, I feel xyz”
Also that being a feminist doesn’t mean you hate men
If you hate men, you're a misandrist, not a feminist. A feminist, by definition, feels that men and women should be treated equally and fairly.
im a straight feminist. i like men but women need to be treated better in some places
Load More Replies...As a male, I know that feminism is in my interest. When I'm laying on my death bed, I don't want to be wondering if someone could have become a doctor and found the cure for what is killing me but was told that "Girls become nurses." Justice and equality benefits both sexes.
Load More Replies...Misandrist! That's it! You found my future baby name! Except I'm going to spell it MizzAnndr.ist!
Basic spelling. Devine is not the same as divine, ensure and insure are also different words…. I could go on and on.
As we like to say, "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people too" The ERA was passed because women and poc were literally NOT people under the Constitution. Thing is, it has never been ratified! So we still aren't given the same status by law.
I also have the misfortune of meeting and knowing people who think (are sure) that men can't be feminist.
And I was reading something recently where the author went into the etymology of the two words. They derive from different words entirely but have the same singular plural mechanism. Or it could have been an anti feminist approach now that I think on it. I'll have to find it again and vet it. Either way it was an interesting read
Load More Replies...Who does that first thing? People whose first language isn't English, maybe, but literally no one else.
I'm happy to let women be as equal to me as they right up until they decide they don't want to be then I will open the door for them lift something heavy or whatever. It's called respect. Learn it, live it. This is not the 1800s.
Some people assume that being a feminist automatically implies being a lesbian…if that were true, then wouldn’t being a chauvinist imply that guy would be gay?
So this article was written by a woman. To be fair based on the opinions I kind of detected that already. The grammar police are almost disliked as much as pedophiles. It shows no understanding of others and potentially the trouble they have reading and writing. Its just bullying someone for no reason. Don't be so up your own a**e that you can't control your own emotion when you read something. AND THIS COMES FROM AN AUTISTIC. I'm going to start a new movement called Manist and see how long it is before the women complain about sexual equality and s**t. Feminism has sexist undertones and should not be encouraged if you believe in sexual equality. Just by giving them a group and them asking for special treatment because they are in this group causes a secular community to develop. The communities if you want to eradicate sexism, racism and any other type of difference is to treat the communities as a whole and apply blanket laws and advice to the ENTIRE community as opposed to sections
Your comments prove you have a minimal grasp of what feminism truly is. True feminism is the *opposite* of sexism. I shouldn't be surprised at your comments though, as in another post you confidently (and incorrectly) stated that a woman's urethra is located on the vagina, and that a woman could "close her orifices" if you submerged her in water. 😂. You have a lot to learn, and might want to take that into consideration before posting walls of self-righteous text. And P.S. Feminists don't ask for special treatment, they want *equal* treatment/rights.
Load More Replies...feminism in Amerika has taken the hating men path...definition or not
There will always be groups of people who take things to extremes, but that doesn't negate the importance and legitimacy of the original movement, nor the people who practice it. I find that the people who complain the loudest about feminism are the ones who fear it the most.
Load More Replies...That not all internet news is real ….
The Earth is not flat.
I had flat-earthers neighbour. He was a pretty good artist so I got him to do a mural of the solar system for my son's bedroom. Did a good job but he left out the Earth. Just couldn't bring himself to do a sphere, or a pancake so totally at odds with everything else.
A guest requested their chicken to be cooked medium rare this week. I don't understand why I have to stress that chicken only leaves the kitchen when it's completely cooked
That the scientific meaning of “theory” isn’t what the colloquial sense means.
That epipens and narcan do not stop reactions/overdoses. They slow them down so getting a person to proper care is still a necessity
Frankenstein isn’t the name of the moster. It’s the name of his doctor who created him.
Completely worthless information still.. I thought it may fit here. :|
...until you get philosophical and realize that indeed, Frankenstein was the monster.
That Africa is not a country.
How you should vote in elections. Just because your parents were one side or the other, doesn't mean you have to be. You don't have to tell anyone how you voted. Do your research and vote smart.
Any soap is antibacterial, You do not need soap labeled as such to kill germs effectively
And most of all: friction is more important than the soap... So when you wash your hands rub accurately...
Ponies are *small* horses, not *baby* horses.
How to tell if food has gone bad. When I worked in a meat department, we got like one call a day from people saying “I bought this X days ago, is it still good?” Lady, I’m not there with you. This ain’t a smellophone. You’re going to have to use your own senses and brain on this one.
How to merge in traffic.
Evidence based reasoning and what evidence means.
Fact checking.
Most of people are prone to fake news and propaganda nowadays.
fact checking is easy. 1. Is it exciting or outrageous? 2. Does it make you angry or scared? 3. Does it contain exclamation marks? 4. Does it threaten your personal ingroup/identity? 5. Does it refer to, or imply, a massively powerful cabal controlling everything? If the answer to any of the above 5 is "yes", then it is likely fake news.
How to spot an obvious scam. Look how many people fall for those clickbait articles and chain posts and propaganda and stuff
I will teach YOU how to avoid scams. Just send me your bank account info to get started.
First Aid
Not really a fact so much as a body of knowledge. Or knowledge of body.
It's better to use water that's not quite boiling when you're making your tea.
Freedom to believe anything you want, including nothing if someone prefers.
Load More Replies...How to navigate the city/town/area they're living in without GPS. GPS is great, especially when going somewhere new, but it's very useful to have an internal map of your own town in your head.
My sense of direction is...shaky, at best. Although I live on the West Coast, because of the weird coastline shape the fastest way to get to the beach from here is to head directly south; you'll arrive in 10 minutes as opposed to over an hour going due west. This kinda messed with my whole N/S/E/W perceptions. Additionally, I have to envision the living room of the home I grew up in, and orient it in my head to match where I am to figure out directions. "OK, it's early afternoon and I'm pretty much facing the sun, which means it would be shining in the side window, not the front, so behind me is roughly North."
Load More Replies...that's what it is. But at least it's curated and neat. I find Reddit impossible to follow because it's such a mess, and the tiktok reposts save you the nusance of watching a moronic video.
Load More Replies...Birds are real! They aren't mini drones that the govt put out to spy on us
Easy life hack:: always make your bed when you wake up. Climbing into a nicely made bed at the end of a long day is PRICELESS!!
I learned the hard way to make your bed and tuck in the sheets. Climbing into a bed with a snake in it is mildly uncomfortable at best.
Load More Replies...I wish everyone learned how to understand statistics and research. It's not enough to just say "well this study demonstrated X" like... What's the sample size? What's the population? I can say "100% of people surveyed think I'm super cool and smart" if I only survey my friends and family.
Many (most?) studies cite n, confidence intervals, distribution, etc.
Load More Replies...Freedom to believe anything you want, including nothing if someone prefers.
Load More Replies...How to navigate the city/town/area they're living in without GPS. GPS is great, especially when going somewhere new, but it's very useful to have an internal map of your own town in your head.
My sense of direction is...shaky, at best. Although I live on the West Coast, because of the weird coastline shape the fastest way to get to the beach from here is to head directly south; you'll arrive in 10 minutes as opposed to over an hour going due west. This kinda messed with my whole N/S/E/W perceptions. Additionally, I have to envision the living room of the home I grew up in, and orient it in my head to match where I am to figure out directions. "OK, it's early afternoon and I'm pretty much facing the sun, which means it would be shining in the side window, not the front, so behind me is roughly North."
Load More Replies...that's what it is. But at least it's curated and neat. I find Reddit impossible to follow because it's such a mess, and the tiktok reposts save you the nusance of watching a moronic video.
Load More Replies...Birds are real! They aren't mini drones that the govt put out to spy on us
Easy life hack:: always make your bed when you wake up. Climbing into a nicely made bed at the end of a long day is PRICELESS!!
I learned the hard way to make your bed and tuck in the sheets. Climbing into a bed with a snake in it is mildly uncomfortable at best.
Load More Replies...I wish everyone learned how to understand statistics and research. It's not enough to just say "well this study demonstrated X" like... What's the sample size? What's the population? I can say "100% of people surveyed think I'm super cool and smart" if I only survey my friends and family.
Many (most?) studies cite n, confidence intervals, distribution, etc.
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