35 Opinions About The Female Body From People Who Definitely Skipped Women’s Anatomy Class (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertBy widely accepted definition, humans have 79 organs. If you aren’t a doctor or an expert, chances are that your memory of knowing what their functions are has become quite rusty since the last time you sat in a biology class. This seems to be a particular issue when it comes to the woman’s body, as many men seem to have skipped this lesson entirely.
That’s why the subreddit ‘Bad Women's Anatomy’ exists, full of blissfully ignorant males wrongly commenting on the female body. And since they decided to spell out their unbelievable opinions online, it’s only right that the Internet shames them in return. Scroll down to find some of the worst misconceptions about women's health, and don’t forget to share similar encounters below!
While you’re at it, make sure to check out a conversation with sexual empowerment coach and the host of The Unapologetic podcast, Jannine MacKinnon, who kindly agreed to tell us how we could educate ourselves better about the female body.
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Ah Yes, Whoever Would A Silly Woman Need To Track Days
What The F**kis A Vulva?
Sexual empowerment coach and the host of The Unapologetic podcast, Jannine MacKinnon, believes that women’s bodies are still surrounded by mystery because we as a society have placed a lot of shame around them.
“Although it's shifting, western culture placed a lot of shame around women's bodies, menstruation, and sexuality, making these subjects hard to talk about openly and keeping conversations behind closed doors. Furthermore, there were very limited studies done on women's bodies, leaving women with limited information to begin with.”
When Young Girls Are Given Incomplete Information
I can't even imagine. Growing up in the 80s and 90s during the AIDS crisis, I got decent sex-ed from my public grade school. Religious schools just suck.
I Don’t Know If It Fits Here But I Found It Really Funny
Do Not Know If This Has Been Posted Before
"Now what do I do?" I'd say don't breed but I guess that's too late..
According to the Mental Health Foundation’s survey, around 85% of women feel uncomfortable in their bodies, which prevents them from talking about them or seeking out medical professionals' help when health issues arise.
Push And Splat
Clits Don’t Exist Apparently?
Apparently Girls Don't Have Actual Vaginas
YTA, obviously. How DARE you suggest that your daughter has a vagina at such a young age??? /s
Even those who gather the courage to talk to a medical professional about their concerns might not receive fair treatment, as before 1993 females weren’t included in clinical trials, and to this day the medical field is still not sure how many drugs and devices work for women.
I Don’t Even Know Anymor
OMG! Seriously! This person deserves to be celibate for life. Massive incel vibes.
I mean, is this like the ear piercing thing in the 80's? If the right or left ear was pierced determined your sexuality? Is this why I part my pubes to the left???
Load More Replies...So... With a careful balance of hetero- and homosexual practices you can keep it in the middle and fool everyone into thinking you're a virgin? Neat.
I'm also wondering if it's my right or the idiot's right.
Load More Replies...TIL I can change my sexuality by parting my hair differently. Be right back folks, time for an experiment!
You've been gone for three hours: how's the experiment coming on?
Load More Replies...So if you change your hairstyle/part throughout the week, what is that called?
Um, I don't have a part in my hair (because it's very short). What does THAT mean?!
Considering OP is basing sexuality on hair parts - maybe lack of a hair part means a lack of sexuality, according to them? Who even knows 😂 it’s so goofy
Load More Replies...My hair has been parted in the middle my whole life. It's the way it naturally is and I am far from pure.
*refers to OP's chart*. Sorry, all that debauchery didn't count. It says here that you're pure.
Load More Replies...Sometimes I really feel the world need a Darwin Award hidden assassins team... "make it look like a stupid accident, boys!"
I have what is called a cow lick (in the UK.) which forces my hair to part on the left. This is from birth. How does OP work that one out???
It means you need to stop licking cows, you monster 🤣🤣🤣
Load More Replies...Soooo... What is someone who is shaved completely? Does it change a woman anyway or is she cheating then?
Weird. I'm a total s**t and have zero public hair part... it's just one big mess.
don't tell him, he will have a seizure! (is that the right word??)
Load More Replies...I had to read through the comments to realize that maybe this idiot wasn't referring to a part in pubic hair.
What hairline? How do you "run through" a woman? A BABY's head can be pushed through the v*gina and it still bounces back to almost the same form. A much smaller p*nis won't change the v*gina (or the hairline) in any way, shape or form.
My part has been dead center my whole life and I have two kids. I haven’t been “pure” in 20 years
This has got to be the stupidest take on hairstyles I have ever encountered.
damn...my hair parts on the left--so i'm 'run through' but not gay, right? idk what i'd have done if i found out i was gay after all these years!
Forget women's physiology: this dude doesn't even know how a f*****g hair brush works.
Well that explains why my hair was parted on the side when I was in my 20s, and now, in my 70s, it is parted in the middle. Who'da thunk it?
I must be super pure then ... My hair has always parted in the middle no matter what I try ...
The rest is bad enough but the guy doesn't even know how to use "vice versa" properly.
At the mo,my hair is slightly middle,a bit to the side,and on the right. What the hell im i
I'm going to take care of this dipshits theory right now. I'm 63 was married for 21 years when my husband died, we had 2 kids. My mid shoulder length hair has ALWAYS been parted in the middle!
My hair runs down the middle. I'm almost 50 and haven't been a virgin for more than 30 years.
Reminds me of the lady who couldn't conceive that you can comeover a part differently tha your natural part.
You can comeover any part you wish, so long as you have consent.
Load More Replies...... run through? Like, a marathon? Where do I start? Do I use an opening already there by nature, or am I allowed to cut an entrance? Where's the finish line? How do I even fit in her, completely, so that I can run through her? I don't have to come out of her butt, do I? And ... how's working with the hair again?
Women Are Uncapable Of Climaxing Because I Can't Make Them Do So
This Was A Comment Under The Carrie Period Scene
Wait... I'm just getting to work now... time to switch the "OFF" button
Most clinical testing and research has been done on men, as testing on women included too many unstable variables, like fluctuating hormones, and required greater funds to cover both gender studies. However, this is slowly but surely changing by focusing more on health conditions that everybody has but that might be experienced differently by men and women.
“Oh Honey, I Love You.” *vacuum Noises*
I Don’t Think You’re Going To Last Long On That Island Buddy
MacKinnon emphasizes that it’s important to understand the female body better. “Women spend an average of 7 years of their lives menstruating and are affected by their hormones throughout their cycles. Something that affects women's energy, fertility, moods, sleep, sexuality, and so much more is worthy of understanding. Women are roughly half of the population, why wouldn't it be important for women to understand their own bodies, and for women and men to understand each other's?”
Oof, Really No Clue About Amatomy
That’s Not How Pregnancy Works
Woman Above +25 Are Old Hags
The reason is, that self proclaimed "alphas" can't impress anyone above 30 anymore.
One way to understand the female body better is to talk about it more with men and women. This will help to normalize these conversations and help educate ourselves and others, says MacKinnon. “Men run on an average 24-hour hormonal cycle, while women run on an average 28-day hormonal cycle. The more women can understand how they're affected by the 4 phases of their cycles, the more they're able to thrive throughout the month and be less negatively impacted by menstruation,” she further explains.
Fun Fact
Guys On Dating Apps Answering A Simple Question: Where Does The Pee Come Out?
Who’s Gonna Tell Them The Real Reason Why Breasts Exist?
It’s especially important that men get educated on the female body, as they significantly outnumber women in state legislatures, who make decisions that affect women. When male politicians who govern people are uneducated, they may make choices that restrict the liberty of women.
How Dare She Want To Enjoy Sex?!?
Guys Response When I Told Him I Sometimes Pee For Over A Minute After Holding It A While
Apparently, You Can Pee After Sex As A Method Of Birth Control
Just like Donald Trump, who, in one of his recent interviews, blurted out that he plans to make birth control much harder to get, particularly for people living in less fortunate conditions. Even though he later denied this, there’s no way to ensure that he won’t commit to it if he gets the presidential chair.
Imagine A Young Girl Seeing This And Thinking Something Is Wrong With Her Body?
So every woman who is NOT pregnant after EVERY ovulation is a mass murderer. I've heard this one before. Southern Baptists are sick MFs.
Meanwhile, learning about the female body can make women more comfortable in their own skin. In addition, familiarizing yourself with your own physiology can help make more informed decisions about health. And when women can make autonomous decisions about their bodies, it unburdens half of the population and benefits everyone.
This Is Just Vile
Thesis: Ben knows exactly one girl who happens to be white. And he calls her a s**t because her boyfriend isn't him.
How Bad Can Pregnancy Really Be?
First of all: Google it! The fact you don't know about any proove doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Second: We can't describe it in detail to you because you little man-baby would cry your eyes out.
Found One In The Wild
It’s An Absolute Treat When I See A Man Who Thinks He Knows More About A Woman’s Body Than A Woman
Perfectly Logical!
Oh s**t, did I have a secret child age 12 when I had a growth spurt?
When Will This Myth Die?!
Tampons Do What Now??
There are two that I have seen and heard quite often that aren't in this gallery. The first one crops up regularly amongst the anti-abortion crowd and is often cited as a reason to not have a rape-exclusion clause in legislation banning abortions. These people believe, or claim to believe, that a woman's reproductive system shuts down during an assault so they cannot get pregnant from rape. The other is a claim that the larger a woman's labia, the more men she's had sex with, as if the labia function as a slutometer! I have asked men who believe this how they think it works, and why it would affect a woman who might have sex once a week but with a different man each time, but not one who has sex every night with the same man. The typical response? "It's just true..look it up".
Never obey when being told to just believe. Never! Obey in regard to action if need be - emergencies or so - but, we always have the time to sincerely gather knowledge, and to prove it. Science works because it's systematic, a scheme to approximate our shared model of reality further to actual reality, so to say.
Load More Replies...I think there's a serious lack of good education which translates into men having no clue but think they have one and then go on mansplaining to women on the basis of, at best, anecdotal evidence and, at worst, things they picked up from those misogynistic you tube videos and the Internet in general.
And... these are the men making laws about what women can or can't do with our bodies.
Do you want a rather sweet story about a misconception because of naivety rather than wilful ignorance? Here goes. About 40 years ago a couple of good friends of mine were expecting their first child. Now, they had both had strict Catholic upbringings, including schooling, and as a result their sex education was rudimentary at best. We were talking one day when she was at around 5-6 months gone; they were both really excited about the pregnancy except for one thing - they missed not being able to make love. I asked what was stopping them (we were close friends and had many candid conversations so I wasn't being inappropriate) and they said that they couldn't have sex 'because of the baby'. I told them that there was no need to worry because it wouldn't cause any harm, and that's when he said "I know I won't hurt the baby, but my w***y will be touching it and that's just wrong!" They were so happy when I explained why that wouldn't happen.
Many of these stories are very good reasons why male politicians should NEVER be involved in any kind of female abortion/health issues.
I'm glad these are here. So other, uneducated people, can read about it and get curious. And teach themselves the correct answer.
I'm a guy and I honestly can't believe I'm sharing the planet with all these knuckledraggers!
LOL makes me wonder what they're teaching in biology now... and how many folks really pay attention any more... I remember in 5th grade, all the little boys got to go outside and play while us ladies had to sit and watch a film, and listen to some very uncomfortable lady teachers explain menstruation to us. :-D
You know what's weird? Everyone assumes that proper sex ed is teaching about female reproductive organs. I'm a man, and I know more about ovaries and vaginas than about prostates.
Proper sex ed should definitely be about teaching all...
Load More Replies...Men, including male doctors, are incredibly ignorant about the female body. I highly recommend that every male read: Eve by Cat Bohannon. She describes the evolutionary history of the female body with precision and humor. Some very amazing facts about the incredible workings of the female body. For example, there are pores around the nipple that sample the drool of a suckling baby, analyze its needs and the breast milk formula is adjusted to provide specifically what the baby's body requires. Simply amazing.
Everything a young man learns about the female anatomy either comes from the locker room or from his parents who have no clue why he has sixteen siblings.
Who the hell types this stuff?? My Mom was an OB-GYN and from a decent age we were taught how things worked. Dad was pretty cool on teh stuff too. I see people like this and I just want to bite someone! Not to get politics involved here but I'd guarantee most of these dumbasses vote red. Faith is OK, religion... well...
I... I'm trying not to be ashamed. Like, I can't claim these guys, and it's not on *all men* to fix these men. But wow. That's... I need to take a shower.
I need to go back into time and erase these things from my mind. These were atrocious.
Science. We NEED science back in schools. Anatomy charts for male and female bodies posted on the walls in elementary school. Yes, elementary so people can view human structures without sexualizing them. Children can learn anatomy in a clinical manner and accept that its just the way we're built.
Things like this show me that we should NEVER let men have control over our bodies
Why do so many men think that we pee through the vagina? We have a urethra like every other mammal!
I can answer that; it isn't that they don't think women have a urethra, it's the positioning that they aren't aware of. Because men have just the one external hole for both semen and urine with the internal 'plumbing' feeding into the same outlet, they assume that women have the same basic layout, with the urethra opening out onto the wall of the vaginal canal.
Load More Replies...wow..I'm embarrassed to be associated with these fools..not sure if they really are that stupid or they just don't care enough to listen and take the time to learn
Did anyone read all the drivel in the middle? Can't we just have a funny thread? Does it have to be politicized?
There are two that I have seen and heard quite often that aren't in this gallery. The first one crops up regularly amongst the anti-abortion crowd and is often cited as a reason to not have a rape-exclusion clause in legislation banning abortions. These people believe, or claim to believe, that a woman's reproductive system shuts down during an assault so they cannot get pregnant from rape. The other is a claim that the larger a woman's labia, the more men she's had sex with, as if the labia function as a slutometer! I have asked men who believe this how they think it works, and why it would affect a woman who might have sex once a week but with a different man each time, but not one who has sex every night with the same man. The typical response? "It's just true..look it up".
Never obey when being told to just believe. Never! Obey in regard to action if need be - emergencies or so - but, we always have the time to sincerely gather knowledge, and to prove it. Science works because it's systematic, a scheme to approximate our shared model of reality further to actual reality, so to say.
Load More Replies...I think there's a serious lack of good education which translates into men having no clue but think they have one and then go on mansplaining to women on the basis of, at best, anecdotal evidence and, at worst, things they picked up from those misogynistic you tube videos and the Internet in general.
And... these are the men making laws about what women can or can't do with our bodies.
Do you want a rather sweet story about a misconception because of naivety rather than wilful ignorance? Here goes. About 40 years ago a couple of good friends of mine were expecting their first child. Now, they had both had strict Catholic upbringings, including schooling, and as a result their sex education was rudimentary at best. We were talking one day when she was at around 5-6 months gone; they were both really excited about the pregnancy except for one thing - they missed not being able to make love. I asked what was stopping them (we were close friends and had many candid conversations so I wasn't being inappropriate) and they said that they couldn't have sex 'because of the baby'. I told them that there was no need to worry because it wouldn't cause any harm, and that's when he said "I know I won't hurt the baby, but my w***y will be touching it and that's just wrong!" They were so happy when I explained why that wouldn't happen.
Many of these stories are very good reasons why male politicians should NEVER be involved in any kind of female abortion/health issues.
I'm glad these are here. So other, uneducated people, can read about it and get curious. And teach themselves the correct answer.
I'm a guy and I honestly can't believe I'm sharing the planet with all these knuckledraggers!
LOL makes me wonder what they're teaching in biology now... and how many folks really pay attention any more... I remember in 5th grade, all the little boys got to go outside and play while us ladies had to sit and watch a film, and listen to some very uncomfortable lady teachers explain menstruation to us. :-D
You know what's weird? Everyone assumes that proper sex ed is teaching about female reproductive organs. I'm a man, and I know more about ovaries and vaginas than about prostates.
Proper sex ed should definitely be about teaching all...
Load More Replies...Men, including male doctors, are incredibly ignorant about the female body. I highly recommend that every male read: Eve by Cat Bohannon. She describes the evolutionary history of the female body with precision and humor. Some very amazing facts about the incredible workings of the female body. For example, there are pores around the nipple that sample the drool of a suckling baby, analyze its needs and the breast milk formula is adjusted to provide specifically what the baby's body requires. Simply amazing.
Everything a young man learns about the female anatomy either comes from the locker room or from his parents who have no clue why he has sixteen siblings.
Who the hell types this stuff?? My Mom was an OB-GYN and from a decent age we were taught how things worked. Dad was pretty cool on teh stuff too. I see people like this and I just want to bite someone! Not to get politics involved here but I'd guarantee most of these dumbasses vote red. Faith is OK, religion... well...
I... I'm trying not to be ashamed. Like, I can't claim these guys, and it's not on *all men* to fix these men. But wow. That's... I need to take a shower.
I need to go back into time and erase these things from my mind. These were atrocious.
Science. We NEED science back in schools. Anatomy charts for male and female bodies posted on the walls in elementary school. Yes, elementary so people can view human structures without sexualizing them. Children can learn anatomy in a clinical manner and accept that its just the way we're built.
Things like this show me that we should NEVER let men have control over our bodies
Why do so many men think that we pee through the vagina? We have a urethra like every other mammal!
I can answer that; it isn't that they don't think women have a urethra, it's the positioning that they aren't aware of. Because men have just the one external hole for both semen and urine with the internal 'plumbing' feeding into the same outlet, they assume that women have the same basic layout, with the urethra opening out onto the wall of the vaginal canal.
Load More Replies...wow..I'm embarrassed to be associated with these fools..not sure if they really are that stupid or they just don't care enough to listen and take the time to learn
Did anyone read all the drivel in the middle? Can't we just have a funny thread? Does it have to be politicized?