The back-to-school season is back, which means moms and dads are running around to get their kids all the supplies, clothes, and other things the little ones will need when they return to classes.
Long shopping lists and little time mean this period can get quite hectic, so many turn to humor to get through it without losing their mind.
Interested in how they're doing, we at Bored Panda put together a list of the honest back-to-school tweets that parents shared on the internet. So continue scrolling and check out the good, the bad, and the hilariously frustrating moments they describe!
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Ohhhh I feel that. When I first went to middle school I was distraught. I still miss going down the slide... :(
Unfortunately for parents, inflation is still in full swing. A 2022 survey conducted by Deloitte found that 57% of back-to-school shoppers are concerned about an increase in spending. It's a daunting task navigating the shopping landscape to get the prices on the best tools for our little students. But if you're on the lookout for deals while shopping Amazon, then a browser extension can make your life a lot easier.
CamelCamelCamel or the Camelizer, for instance, is a helpful price tracker that helps you find deals to find deals. It monitors millions of products across Amazon to determine when they're on sale. The site also tracks the price of a product across several months and years, allowing you to decide for yourself whether a particular price is a deal or not.
My wife took our toddler to her brother's house for a weekend. It was my first weekend alone in 2 1/2 years. Within 45 minutes of them leaving I locked myself out of the apartment and had to wait 3 hours before the landlord came and let me in. I've never been left alone since.
On the other hand, if you're shopping in person, there are a few options when looking for school supplies.
If you’re prepping for the entire school year or purchasing for multiple kids, buying in bulk at a wholesale chain such as Costco or Sam’s Club can save you money. And if you don't need specialized items, then budget stores such as Dollar Tree will meet all your school supply needs without costing you a ton.
Wherever you shop, remember to talk to your student beforehand so you don't buy something they don't really need.
Conversation after Day 2 of Pre-K: Me: Did you play with any friends? 4: ALL OF THEM. Our little extrovert is IN HIS ELEMENT.
So get used to hating your obligations for the rest of your life. HAVE A GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL THOUGH!
According to Monica Vermani, a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of trauma, stress, mood and anxiety disorders, September is a mixed bag of challenges and emotions.
"For young people leaving their homes for the first time to continue their education, for parents dealing with empty nest syndrome, and for school-age children coping with entering a new school or dealing with anxiety upon returning to school, there are a lot of challenges that come with the sudden arrival of September," she wrote.
110 unread school emails if some of it was sent to the child's email. (and 100+ unread texts) Aka; im that child with 110+ unread emails
I make an itemized list and then dig through last year's leftover supplies. Anything I can't find, I buy at Target. Three pages? Sheesh.
"For young children—especially children starting school for the first time, kids who are going to a new school due to a family move, and children with a learning difference—that first day of school can be overwhelming," Vermani noted.
"Young children may struggle with separation anxiety. Your child, at any age, even if they are not normally anxious, can struggle with back-to-school anxiety. They may worry about feeling disliked, standing out for wearing the wrong clothes, and being unable to perform academically."
Teens entering middle school and high school also feel uneasy during this time.
"Your middle school student may feel anxious about new settings, dealing with heavier workloads, and the practical aspects of a larger school, along with the increasing social pressures of becoming a teen. Your high schooler, along with mounting pressures on academic performance and increasing expectations, may be experiencing social anxiety—an aftereffect of the global pandemic."
The psychologist said it's up to the parents to model calmness, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
"We should provide our children with the basics—lunches, comfortable clothing, and the tools they need for school—and assure them that they are capable of thriving."
"Begin to instill in them the belief in themselves and their ability to cope with life’s challenges. Explain that if they are worried about their ability to handle schoolwork, their worries are completely normal, and you are there to help and support them, as are the teachers and staff at their school," Vermani continued.
Those are worse than the back to school dreams. You know, the ones that have you waking up in a cold sweat because you've forgotten your locker combination?
I thought my daughter (6) did this out of spite but I now see it is a conspiracy.
This is why you prep them ahead of time. My daughter has been getting up on her own for the last 2 weeks. Then she sits quietly in her room playing minecraft or playing with her toys, until I get up. Then its time to start the day.
Parents should listen to their kids' concerns and encourage them to examine their fears.
"How likely is it that their teachers and family will abandon them if they are struggling and not help them with their schoolwork? How likely is it that everyone will dislike them? By teaching them to challenge their fears, you are empowering them with the ability to think critically and logically about the likelihood of their imagined worst-case scenarios actually happening—a valuable lesson that will last a lifetime!"
On the bright side, nobody is there to make comments during the waddle of doom.
Aaand my go next: they forgot it at home. They didn’t even bring it in the first place.
Yeah, you don’t want your kid to have bad chips. (I’m Scottish and it felt strange saying chips instead of crisps, why is English so odd?)
Lol I still wake up in the middle of the night after a weird school dream, in my head I'm like o c**p I have that test tomorrow....3 second later my brain: you are grown, take your butt back to bed lol
Week 3. Already have covid. Managed all summer to not get it. Kids go back to school....covid hits. Thank God we are vaccinated.
Its posts like these that make me so glad that I don't want to have kids.
My ex sent me a picture of my son on his first day of school waiting on the bus. He looked so dejected and just such a look on his face as if "What in the blue hell am I doing with my life?". I told her "I have that same look on my face/feeling whenever I have to drive into the office" He also forgot his lunch!! 🤷 He had a rough first day back to school.
Week 3. Already have covid. Managed all summer to not get it. Kids go back to school....covid hits. Thank God we are vaccinated.
Its posts like these that make me so glad that I don't want to have kids.
My ex sent me a picture of my son on his first day of school waiting on the bus. He looked so dejected and just such a look on his face as if "What in the blue hell am I doing with my life?". I told her "I have that same look on my face/feeling whenever I have to drive into the office" He also forgot his lunch!! 🤷 He had a rough first day back to school.